Old Fat Naked Women for Peace

That was awesome! :lol:

I think I might learn that song on acoustic! Thanks for posting.
abstract said:
Suprisingly, I really enjoyed that! :)

Well, the title is a tad misleading :lol:

Can you imagine... 100's of Nigerian women peacefully taking over a oil refinery by threatening to undress? They took male workers "hostage" by saying, "if you try to leave, we"ll take our cloths off" ...which is very taboo in their culture. The media came from all over the world, cameras everywhere, waiting for the women to disrobe ...and they never did.

Cheveron gave into all their demands to get them to leave...which may well have saved the lives of some of their children.

Now that's an "Option C' :D
abstract said:
I was talking about the song, it was very funny!

Ohhh :)
I adore the "Righteous Mothers" They are FUNNY...and have done some incredible serious work too.. "Py, " "Common Woman"

'I am a common woman, as common as bread, and I will rise"
I guess the Emporers don't want to see Old Fat Naked Women. It reminds them (the Emporers) that they are always naked
I was feeling a bit low after reading the new C's session.

Old Fat Naked women against the Psychopaths and PTB made me smile :flowers:

Thanks for that.
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