Orange Lights above Glasgow

Solidstone said:
Hi all,

Thank you for you replies to my question. However, it is clear that no one truly has an answer although the event itself has increased my curiosity to watch the skies at night more often.
Regarding this site, for those who asked what brought me to this particular one, I had Googled the topic question re 'orange lights in the Glasgow sky' and a large number of entries were evident amongst the listings. I subsequently clicked on one, possibly the first or second actually listed and the guy on that particular listing talked about the lights and appeared to be a member of this site as well. So here I am. I had to register to ask the question and not being one to give up the ghost so to speak, I put the question out there.

I am very much the type of person who is convinced by witnessing more extraordinary events with my own eyes. Doesn't mean I don't believe in something though! I have seen many things with my own eyes that many a true sceptic would say is not possible. I dare say that comment in itself contradicts my initial use of the word 'sceptic' on my opening question.

Hi Solidstone,

I do not have an answer for you, but if you go to and type in, with the quotation marks, "orange lights" in the search engine in the top right hand corner, you will find a whole lot of sightings very similar to yours. You can also look at Our Haunted Planet for other types of sightings as well.

Hope this helps.
Solidstone, I'll tell you the story of my first UFO encounter. Its cute.

It was in the mid to late 50s. I was a young child. I was in the grounds of a kindergarten. The place was Marrickville, Sydney, Australia. I was sitting on a bench seat having lunch, sandwiches I think. There was a little boy to my right sitting next to me on the seat. I was sitting there eating my sandwich, and I looked up into the sky.
I saw two round objects, silvery, shining bright. The sky was patchy with fluffy white clouds. The objects where moving very slowly keeping their distance from each other the same. I was amazed. I thought it was God looking down on me. I turned to the boy and said "Look up there. Its God's eyes." He looked up and said "Yes." He could see them too. In a short time they moved behind clouds and were gone. I told my mum when I got home that I'd seen God. I doubt she believed me. I quickly forgot about the whole thing.

Years later, in the 1980s, I came across a UFO report which exactly described the incident, same time and place. Same description. I laughed at the idea of how a child framed an experience that he could not fit into his schema. :)
Haven't looked into this one but the norse spiral effect just happened to be near a haarp installation. Just happened to be....
There's plasma, anti grav, haarp, incoming etc... then, maybe some ufo's.

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