Our companion Max has moved on

crystalicdream said:
Max definitely trusted us. When he was younger, he would pull the us through the snow, and swim us to the shore and run besides the bike, but when his legs failed him, he got his blue passenger seat and could trust that that we would carry him wherever he needed to go. I am glad we did that, most other people admitted to us they would have just out their pets down simply for them not being able to walk properly any more.

That just shows that you weren't afraid of a little discomfort and were willing to make an effort for your friend. Various hardships are an opportunity for growth, both for humans and animals. Today one can easily make wheels or some other device for a dog that lost his legs or ability to walk. Sure it's uncomfortable, especially when it requires training, not to mention dealing with pressure sores and the dog not being able to relieve himself properly. All kind of excuses crop up, but they are indeed no more than excuses. After all, this kind of adaptation is also a lesson for the dog, and by not abandoning him, one gives him an opportunity to grow more. So who knows, thanks to you, Max may reach the 3d level sooner!
I am sorry about your loss. Max was such a beautiful dog. I also do not understand why people take down pets just because they are not perfect anymore. I think as long as you have got the impression that your family member still has got quality of life and the will to live on you just let him/her. More than three years ago I had to let go my cat. So I know how this feels - it is just like a hole in your life were before your companion were and you mourn for your 2D companion the same way as for other family members. Max will always be with you in your memory. Take care of yourself and your family.
Yes, 17 years is a long time, crystalicdream. Max did well coming to that age and sounds like he was much loved by the family - it's never easy to say goodby to the gift of these little ones. :hug:
Thank you for posting this crystalicdream, as I need to be reminded of what we go through. As I write this I have to assist my 18 yr. old Lacey to the other side today. I need all the strength I can get and you have helped with your love of Max. This so hard knowing the right time, but I think we know. My Lacey is having seizures now, incontinent, cataracts that are reddening and was just in an accident where I lost my other dog and almost my life. Lacey was in it too.

They assist us and we must know when to let go and allow their dignity and quality of life. As I look into her eyes I asked to give a sign and she put one paw up. That's it for me. Max and all the other doggie friends will be there to meet I imagine and I am doing he only honorable and humane thing. Again, thank you for sharing because it is you and others that are assisting me now. We don't and can't do the work alone. Love and thanks again to you and blessed Max, a loved and beautiful boy.
I am so sorry for both of you supriyanoel and crystalicdream. Your beloved friends are in 5th healing and preparing for the next incarnation. A new life awaits them and I'm sure at some level they will never forget your love for them. All the best to you both.
I am sorry about you have to let your Lacey go, supriyanoel. Lacey must have really liked to be with you and you have taken very good care of her all 18 years.

I think it is one of the hardest decisions when you know you have to let go a beloved companion. When I went to the vet with my Minnie I knew it is the right decision but I just cried and cried and cried. But I knew she wanted to go when she did not eat and drink anymore and just wanted to hide herself. It is never easy to do this. Take care of yourself supriyanoel and crystalicdream. :hug2:
My condolences for you, supriyanoel. It is so hard to let them go, yet at the same time, it is also reassuring to know that they will be able to heal in 5D and prepare for the next adventure.
You are doing the right thing by letting Lacey go - it is just such a hard thing to do, letting go. I remember crying so much when we made this decision, and still crying from the loss... but I know that they are still here and may be watching us.
Max#s body is buried under roses, giving them new life, and his soul is now in the wind and the world around us -and I will keep the memories of being with him in my heart.
Feel free to post if you need more support, supriyanoel. Everyone on here is so nice and helpful. :)
My condolences, too, supriyanoel. You helped Lacey to move on after sharing 18 years together; it still hurts, it is never easy - may you remember with great joy the time that you shared together. :hug2:
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