out of control driving dreams


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A recurring dream of mine is driving and losing control of the car. At times I am the passenger but most times I believe I am the driver. One not too long ago it was as if I was drunk at the wheel and was trying to maintain control but was having a difficult time at it.

The dream I had a few nights ago, I was driving but the brakes were out so I could not stop or slow down the car. I was then swerving the car and trying to find out what would cause the least damage if I was to run into it. I have got out of the habit of writing down my dreams after I wake up so I don't remember the details as well.

Anyone else have dreams of this sort where you have lost control of the car you are driving and any insight? It does make me question what it is I've lost control of or am not taking control of in my life.
Hi Parallel,

The dreams do certainly have that feel like something else is running the show. l haphazardly try to steer it but it's as if I'm under it's influence and it has its grips on me. Thank you for the links. I've read a bit so far of the study and discussion of the moving center and it may very well be related to an unbalanced emotional or moving center. I can also see how it would relate to the parable of the coach. Now to get to reading!
I saw you mentioned in an earlier thread that you have a posting block could this also be related? In the sense of perhaps shyness or having a bossy negative introject commentary track running the show.

It's, as you may know, unfortunately more of the rule than exception that we are not in control of our lives, and diet seems like the most basic thing to get in to order so that we can gain some overall observational stability. In case you haven't caugth the important research on diet - Life without bread.

Edit: to clarify what I meant with posting block relatedness
Yes, the influence of the negative introject could definitely be why I have difficulty posting and have such out of control dreams . It's influence may also be why I have this overwhelming feeling at times that I won't be able to confront whatever it is that is holding me back and will continue to be distracted.

Like you said, diet is a good starting point to gain some stability and I will look more into the life without bread link. I appreciate your input.
I too have had many dreams about driving off a cliff or out of control of my car. Never the same car BTW...
Anyhow just had one the other night, but this time it was was very vivid! And i didn't remember it until i was watching a tv show last night that apparently triggered it. I immediately wrote it all down in my journal! These dreams have been very disturbing over the years... and i never thought about them representing something in my life thats out of control. Over the weekend my dad has hospitalized because his CO2 level is too high, again. this happened last summer as well. He has had a neurological disorder for nearly 15 years & the Urgent care doctor said that we should think strongly about hospice care. anyhow, I have felt out of control about my dad and this disease for yrs... too much to write here. but this makes since why i have these dreams now.

thanks for sharing.
I have had these dreams in some occasions, for example, when there was over-reliance on others instead of trying to decide for myself I dreamed that someone else was driving the car and I was sitting next to him.

If I was insecure and lost, I dreamed that I was never able to reach destination.

Then if I was feeling everything was out of control and was unable to take the reins of my life I dreamed of driving a car out of control.

So I would say they usually represent how are we driving ourselves forward in life.
I used to have a repeatedly recurring dream before I got my license, mainly when I was in single digits. I would be in a car going down a highway, usually in the back seat and usually by myself with seemingly no one driving the car. I didn't know how to drive, there was nothing I could do and it was kind of scary. But eventually I got used to it and eventually I stopped having the dream.

Thinking about it later, it almost certainly had to be related to my parents driving me back and forth to see my grandparents in the town where they grew up, which happened frequently enough. It wasn't that far away by adult standards but for a kid trapped in a car on a long stretch of interstate highway, it was not nothing. This may be an overly literal interpretation, but those dreams definitely left an impression and I'm sure it signifies some kind of loss of control. Maybe the programming of grandparents always wanting to see the grandkids and the parents acquiescing to their terms factors in.

I still don't like being in situations or places where driving is the only option and I might find myself unable to drive.
meta-agnostic said:
Thinking about it later, it almost certainly had to be related to my parents driving me back and forth to see my grandparents in the town where they grew up, which happened frequently enough. It wasn't that far away by adult standards but for a kid trapped in a car on a long stretch of interstate highway, it was not nothing. This may be an overly literal interpretation, but those dreams definitely left an impression and I'm sure it signifies some kind of loss of control. Maybe the programming of grandparents always wanting to see the grandkids and the parents acquiescing to their terms factors in.

I don't quite understand if you felt trapped by the fact of needing to go in a car or by what you felt as an obligation to go to see your grandparents.

meta-agnostic said:
I still don't like being in situations or places where driving is the only option and I might find myself unable to drive.

I see, do you feel you have less control by the fact of going in a car?
About 8 years ago or so, give or take a bit I had similar dreams. I was driving with our little dog Vonza with me. Something would take control and the car would start speeding up and out of control. In a few of the dreams which were all very similar I would regain control of the car and then police sirens would go off and I would speed away then wake up, out of breath and feeling like I was being chased. I think the police sirens were in there to try and regain control. I have not thought about these dreams in quite sometime so thank you for bringing them up :D. My dreams of late have been dark in nature. I am in the process of changing my diet and this disruption may be causing this. I do know this that when you try to make changes for the better the dogs of war come out like banshees to try to put you back to sleep.
Mr Meowgi said:
My dreams of late have been dark in nature. I am in the process of changing my diet and this disruption may be causing this. I do know this that when you try to make changes for the better the dogs of war come out like banshees to try to put you back to sleep.
What do you mean by dark in nature?
I can also relate to these dreams in much the same way - during the time period from about 7-13 years ago I had a recurring dream about out of control driving.

Every few months, sometimes longer, I would dream I was driving the same old car in my home city, regardless of where I was living. While the dream was slightly different each time, it was always at night, and I would end up driving over this large bridge. Without fail, I would lose control of the car, veering sharply to the right, and careening into the deep river below. Sometimes with passengers, most of the time alone.

The dream would always happen at such random times, and I never could get a clear read on what it meant. I haven't thought about it in quite some time, since they just stopped happening for whatever reason long ago.

I think at the time I just subjectively assumed it was indicating imminent danger of some sort, even if I wasn't capable of understanding exactly how.

Perhaps it is the subconscious signalling an alert about a present danger not being consciously perceived in a way that sort of shouts the message out loudly? Losing control of a car is generally an event that ends in catastrophe. Not sure how that relates to dream symbology though. Just a thought - it probably couldn't hurt to exercise extra caution after having such a dream if unsure of the exact meaning.
Hrrrrrrm. Dark as in stormy, I am not remembering much of them as of late. Dark as in fighting, Arguing? Just not all too pleasant. It happens more when I fall asleep in front of the TV. A bad habit of mine that I am working on. My actual bedroom is devoid of as many electrical devices as possible, outside of an electric (old style with hands) alarm clock. Thank you for asking Ana.
Mr Meowgi said:
Hrrrrrrm. Dark as in stormy, I am not remembering much of them as of late. Dark as in fighting, Arguing? Just not all too pleasant. It happens more when I fall asleep in front of the TV. A bad habit of mine that I am working on. My actual bedroom is devoid of as many electrical devices as possible, outside of an electric (old style with hands) alarm clock. Thank you for asking Ana.

Have you tried doing POTS in bed before going to sleep? :)

Éiriú Eolas
Prayer of the Soul Meditation: This is the centerpiece of the program and should be utilized every night before going to sleep. Employing an initial period of Pipe Breathing that rapidly induces a deep state of meditative relaxation, the Prayer consists of affirmations that enter deeply into the subconscious and trigger deep body and soul level healing and rejuvenation. The effects are cumulative and results and benefits can be experienced after only a short period of practice, often after just a single session!
When I was a kid my family used to go to the south of Europe for summer vacations, which is a 2k kilometer drive, very hot and potentially boring because reading makes sick. Talking/ playing with my sister wasn't cool because of my driving parents' nerves. I think these drives are part of an image that I'm being transported to my parents destinations, better enjoy it-complaining won't help.

This christmas I drove in the backseat with my parents in a rented car to some family dinner, I was offered the front seat but insisted on the backseat (conscious mind said it wanted to re-explore that cramped feeling of transportation from childhood/ adaptive mind probably locked on to the pattern). Three times on this trip I was locked in by a childrens-safe lock mechanism and my mother had to go outside and open the door for me. This was a slight shock to experience as the symbolism was talking of my adaptive-patterning, being locked inside their transport, still.

My life has transported me many places my parents would never have dreamt of yet some part of me is still locked to an energetic dependance (moneywise, approval, etc). The redirect writing exercise has released some understanding and independance towards taking back the steering wheel in these regards, amazingly so. This isn't a dream ( well in a sense it is) but meta-agnostic's post reminded me that this sense of being driven by something other than oneself in most cases is early imprinting which needs to be set free.

Redirect:The surprising new science of psychological change
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