out of control driving dreams

I just yesterday got a copy of The prayer of the soul and started to read it and try to memorize it so I guess I was on the right track. Thanks Ana I will put that into my daily regiment. As well I re-added melatonin to my nightly regime (a light dose 1.5 mg) to help me stay asleep once I get there. I had been having problems staying asleep the last 6 months of last year. My coffee intake has been reduced from a pot or so a day to 1 or 2 cups in the morning. Coffee is one of my weaknesses but I am slowly eliminating it and choosing green and white teas.
Ana said:
meta-agnostic said:
Thinking about it later, it almost certainly had to be related to my parents driving me back and forth to see my grandparents in the town where they grew up, which happened frequently enough. It wasn't that far away by adult standards but for a kid trapped in a car on a long stretch of interstate highway, it was not nothing. This may be an overly literal interpretation, but those dreams definitely left an impression and I'm sure it signifies some kind of loss of control. Maybe the programming of grandparents always wanting to see the grandkids and the parents acquiescing to their terms factors in.

I don't quite understand if you felt trapped by the fact of needing to go in a car or by what you felt as an obligation to go to see your grandparents.
I'm not sure it was anything specifically to do with the grandparents. There may have been something else going on there, but that was just the most frequent trip. There were other, longer trips that were much more infrequent and I don't think would have been as likely to induce such a recurring dream. In conjunction with what parallel is saying, I think it might be about being transported to parents' destinations beyond my control. This was just the most frequent one that involved highway travel. The dream didn't seem like it was about local traffic.

Ana said:
meta-agnostic said:
I still don't like being in situations or places where driving is the only option and I might find myself unable to drive.

I see, do you feel you have less control by the fact of going in a car?
I don't think it's so much about going in a car specifically, it's about being dependent on the car. If someone else is driving and I don't know the way, or they may leave at a different time. Either I or the car could become incapacitated, or some other possible event. I prefer if there is the option to either walk or take public transportation, although if driving is much more convenient I don't mind it. It's not a debilitating phobia or anything, more of a pet peeve.
meta-agnostic said:
Ana said:
meta-agnostic said:
Thinking about it later, it almost certainly had to be related to my parents driving me back and forth to see my grandparents in the town where they grew up, which happened frequently enough. It wasn't that far away by adult standards but for a kid trapped in a car on a long stretch of interstate highway, it was not nothing. This may be an overly literal interpretation, but those dreams definitely left an impression and I'm sure it signifies some kind of loss of control. Maybe the programming of grandparents always wanting to see the grandkids and the parents acquiescing to their terms factors in.

I don't quite understand if you felt trapped by the fact of needing to go in a car or by what you felt as an obligation to go to see your grandparents.
I'm not sure it was anything specifically to do with the grandparents. There may have been something else going on there, but that was just the most frequent trip. There were other, longer trips that were much more infrequent and I don't think would have been as likely to induce such a recurring dream. In conjunction with what parallel is saying, I think it might be about being transported to parents' destinations beyond my control. This was just the most frequent one that involved highway travel. The dream didn't seem like it was about local traffic.
Ok, I found interesting that you said " trapped in the car", I remember the travels in car with my parents and I used to enjoy it, hence the question.

meta-agnostic said:
Ana said:
meta-agnostic said:
I still don't like being in situations or places where driving is the only option and I might find myself unable to drive.

I see, do you feel you have less control by the fact of going in a car?
I don't think it's so much about going in a car specifically, it's about being dependent on the car. If someone else is driving and I don't know the way, or they may leave at a different time. Either I or the car could become incapacitated, or some other possible event. I prefer if there is the option to either walk or take public transportation, although if driving is much more convenient I don't mind it. It's not a debilitating phobia or anything, more of a pet peeve.
Ah! Good to know then :)
Mr Meowgi said:
I just yesterday got a copy of The prayer of the soul and started to read it and try to memorize it so I guess I was on the right track. Thanks Ana I will put that into my daily regiment. As well I re-added melatonin to my nightly regime (a light dose 1.5 mg) to help me stay asleep once I get there. I had been having problems staying asleep the last 6 months of last year. My coffee intake has been reduced from a pot or so a day to 1 or 2 cups in the morning. Coffee is one of my weaknesses but I am slowly eliminating it and choosing green and white teas.

You can get the EE video and cd's or use the online free version here:
Ana said:
Ok, I found interesting that you said " trapped in the car", I remember the travels in car with my parents and I used to enjoy it, hence the question.

Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot of the time, too, and I don't think it was anything in particular against my grandparents. I think it was more about being young and wanting to run around and explore or whatever but I was stuck in this vehicle which I had no idea how to operate and no control over. There may have been other stuff I wanted to be doing some of the time, or maybe there were times when my parents left me there and I obviously couldn't go anywhere else like I had some leeway to do back at home. I just remember the dream happening a lot, and it got less scary as I got closer to the age and concept of driving. I don't think it was so much about traveling, more about being stuck. I guess that's sort of the opposite of the concept of traveling in general.
Thank you Ana. There is sooooooo much information here that it is like a flood sometimes. Any help with direction is a great help!I recently joined the fellowship of the cosmic mind and in amongst my other reading I have that reading to do. I downloaded the PDF of the hand book. I really need to take a speed reading coarse!!!! I am hoping to have everything read and make the changes by the end of the month. I added a good quality multivitamin and omega 3-6-9 in a liquid form to my diet. The diet is a work in progress as we have so much food in the house that we can not afford to waste that to a certain extent the diet change is on hold. Getting away from coffee is a start. I am not a soda and chips person so that helps and I have drank my coffee black for years now. Thank you again Ana you have a gold star from me :)
Mr Meowgi said:
Thank you Ana. There is sooooooo much information here that it is like a flood sometimes. Any help with direction is a great help!I recently joined the fellowship of the cosmic mind and in amongst my other reading I have that reading to do. I downloaded the PDF of the hand book. I really need to take a speed reading coarse!!!! I am hoping to have everything read and make the changes by the end of the month. I added a good quality multivitamin and omega 3-6-9 in a liquid form to my diet. The diet is a work in progress as we have so much food in the house that we can not afford to waste that to a certain extent the diet change is on hold. Getting away from coffee is a start. I am not a soda and chips person so that helps and I have drank my coffee black for years now. Thank you again Ana you have a gold star from me :)

I know there's a lot of information but please do read the health section of the forum before doing changes in diet, and take it step by step, you may need only Omega 3 since this is the one we usually lack.

I bought a bottle of the liquid Omega 3-6-9 and it is only about a 20 day supply. We do have a wonderful health food store in the area. The staff is very helpful and knowledgeable. I will put the health section in my bookmarks for reading next week. Again thank you Ana. I know about slow and steady vs. going all out. With some of my other health issues that I am currently dealing with slow is the only way I can go. Again Thank you Ana. Change is difficult for me but I am committed to it with my entire being at this point in my life.
Cleo said:
A recurring dream of mine is driving and losing control of the car. At times I am the passenger but most times I believe I am the driver. One not too long ago it was as if I was drunk at the wheel and was trying to maintain control but was having a difficult time at it.

The dream I had a few nights ago, I was driving but the brakes were out so I could not stop or slow down the car. I was then swerving the car and trying to find out what would cause the least damage if I was to run into it. I have got out of the habit of writing down my dreams after I wake up so I don't remember the details as well.

Anyone else have dreams of this sort where you have lost control of the car you are driving and any insight? It does make me question what it is I've lost control of or am not taking control of in my life.
I had a dream like this last night that really disturbed me! In my dream I was driving at night through an intersection and I tried to slam on the brakes when an ambulance with flashing lights whizzed by. The brakes were out and I crashed into two cars instead, but nobody was injured. Later in the night I dreamed I witnessed two motorcycles crashing together on the freeway, but both drivers were okay. Then even later in the night I dreamed that my friend was flying a plane that crashed and he died. I think something is out of control and is maybe related to this cold I have had for about a week that seems to have made my brain toxic. I have been congested and not practicing EE, but appreciate Ana noting it in this thread. Perhaps it's time for a modified session.
I had the exact same dream not long ago, in my dream which was pretty long i went into the car which was moving, and took the wheel and it just kept on speeding. the dream was long and involved different people and very emotional in terms of its vividness.
the car was white and simply had no brakes i had to avoid the other cars because not only i ended up in a highway but also in the opposite direction of the cars...
i have no idea how to drive a car i always see my brother when he does it. i had to manuver to remember how he did it, which was offcurse distressing, i knew then that i was dreaming. but i was determined to drive it and get control over the vehicle no matter what,,

I looked it up on the internet, on a couple of websites, it said something like the car represents yourself your life, and the color white in my case was something like growth. and the lack of brakes and the speedy car was the how you are dealing with the ongoing situation in your life. or something like that.
i dont remember really what the explanations were. but anyway..

It made sense to a certain extend but i didnt take it too literal, because offcourse, its the dreamer's dream, its not always the same meaning for everyone, but certanly the emotions assosiated with or people in the dream and given situations are the subconcious trying to tell you something.
Thanks everyone for sharing their dreams. I had meant to send this reply sooner.

The out of control nature of the dream and the feelings that are invoked such as helplessness remind me of addiction and I've been thinking about how addiction or dependency may be operating in my life. This could range from a dependency on stimulants, to habits, even to people. Regarding stimulants, I've been off coffee and most gluten for around four weeks now. With coffee what I notice is I usually end up drinking it daily until I get burnout, then eliminate it for awhile until I start drinking it again. I notice that the longer I am off of it the less craving I seem to have and its effect is more apparent.

What you brought up parallel about energetic dependence is interesting and reminds me of what I'm referring to. I think the re-direct writing exercise could be beneficial and I look forward to reading more up on it.

Thanks Ana for bringing up EE as well. I moved just last week and it has been a stressful time. I have stopped practicing the bit of EE that I've tried and I mean to start practicing it again.
Cleo said:
With coffee what I notice is I usually end up drinking it daily until I get burnout, then eliminate it for awhile until I start drinking it again. I notice that the longer I am off of it the less craving I seem to have and its effect is more apparent.

Fwiw, Cleo, have you considered switching to black or green tea to get off coffee? After a long time of having it had eliminated, I also had a coffee relapse recently, and drinking the black tea has really helped. It also has anti-inflammatory effects and is especially enjoyable if you add fat like butter to it, as recently discussed in the Life Without Bread thread.
Hi Enaid,

Yes, drinking green tea and black tea has helped me stay off coffee this last month. I usually drink one or two cups of green tea a day, and some days I'll have black tea. I'm going to visit my parents tomorrow for a couple days and they really like their coffee so it may be a bit challenging but I'll have my tea on hand. Adding butter to black tea sounds interesting-what type of butter do you usually use? Reminds me to keep up with the Life Without Bread thread.
I personally use ghee, as I don't tolerate butter. It really first of all depends on what you tolerate, in case you know from having tested stuff already, and then, on what of those you most like. So, you can add butter, ghee or coconut oil. You can also add xylitol to sweeten it, and cinnamon; and/or himalayan salt to replenish losses from going low carb/high fat. In short, this type of tea makes it really easy to have an even better alternative to coffee.
Giving it a try is highly recommended! ;)

And here's to you resisting the coffee at your parent's house! :)
I had a dream a couple weeks ago in which my mom was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I think it was in the morning, half-light. It was in our local neighborhood, on the way toward town. As we were moving along, a couple people came into view on the road ahead, a man holding hands with a young boy (maybe five years old?). For some reason my mom did not see them, was not able to brake soon enough, and hit the boy (the man jumped out of the way). I was horrified, and also worried about what would happen to my mom. I remember getting out of the car (which was stopped), rushing over to the boy (who had bruises on his face, chest, and arm), and finding that he was unconscious, but breathing weakly. The boy was alive, but it was hardly clear to me whether he would survive or not. By this time several people had gathered from the nearby houses (and I think an ambulance had been called), and that's where it ends.

Currently I am reliant on my mom and dad for food and board, but it's my mom that makes the decisions since my dad works away from home. So I guess maybe I'm afraid that she will make a bad decision that will hurt all of us because she can't see something? But I know I can't make her decisions for her, so maybe it means I need to be more alert as long as I am a "passenger" of the family? Or maybe I need to to "take over the wheel" in some way?

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