Pandora's Box


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
First Post for me here.

Has there been any discussion of Alex Christopher's latest single volume release of Pandora's Box? If so can somone point me to it? If not - I'll start things off with a good recommendation.
Can you summarize the book for us? I looked on amazon and it was not available and there was no summary, and no reviews.
A short summary is difficult - book is massive. I got notice of it's existence from Valerian. You can only get the book directly from Alex via instructions posted on Valerian's site.

She opens with her own hyperdimensional experiences as motivation for her research. There are many sidelines but the basic story is as follows. King Louis and Marie Antoinette fall to French Rev and their two sons end up in the Tower. They carry the Mero bloodline. First Dauphin dies, the second escapes with help and is hidden variously and trained by a general during Napoleon's escapades. Eventually he goes to America under the name Payseur (to begin a new empire in a new land - an extension so to speak). The Payseur family begins rise/ownership through the construction of the railroads with massive (and documented) help from Congress and the Judicial. It is shown that the railroads own the country (checkerboard land/mineral rights) through legal lease set up by Congress (to foster their rapid growth). The network is also known as the Military Railroad System [this gave new meaning to me of the term "getting railroaded"]. The Payseur family secret was known by numerous Presidents. Along with the railroads, the family got in on the ground floor of Banking in the US. The financial/corporate drama is fascinating as it passes through the civil war - she has much to say about Lincoln and his death at the hands of his wife (in a setup)! Alex goes on to show railroad ownership of much of the Fortune 500 and more. Rockefeller/Morgan/Carnegies are just front men, hired to hide true ownership, and attempts are made to steal the assets outright from under the secret. "Legal" ownership, however remains with the Payseur heirs. Family trees are presented with some attempts to hide the some of the latest. Alex claims that all of this is part of a long range plan to bring the world to sole/soul ownership (NWO). The legal framework (including corporate America) will be used when the country goes Martial/Fascist to reclaim ownership through the US Gov't. But ownership actually passes back to the Holy Roman Empire through DC and the Virginia Company. She ties in the UN. (Apparently, according to Alex, Lincoln's [illegal] imposition of martial law has never been lifted! - thus all the EO's since then)

There is much more to this book including courthouse records, Congressional Record, and their disappearances. Various sidelines are fascinating and do explain in some ways how we got here (in the US). I'll go into more detail if desired by others.

The book is littered with obvious intentional misspellings, grammatical errors, and sentence construction errors. This is a bit irritating but does not detract from content. I suspect that this is done to make the lifting of exact quotes rather hazardous. Stealing the material by scanning/OCR would also be difficult and identifiable. I can also imagine that if the book were to end up in court, the judge would throw the case out.

Update on Pandora's Box:

A friend of mine and local fellow reader of PB (Carl) made an interesting find over the weekend. Apparently (my copy is on loan) Alex made a statement early in the book with respect to a rather nasty oath taken in the inner sanctums of the Jesuits and Knights of Columbus organizations (with reference to the Congressional Record). Carl did some checking on the net and found other sources for this oath referencing the CR. He checked the CR and found that indeed the oath is referenced and quoted in the CR - BUT the context of the quote is ignored (in references to it). The context is the following: A seated member of the House submitted to the CR a statement that blamed his loss in the election on the spread of malicious material consisting of the oath and his own connections to the noted organizations. Apparently in the CR statement, the seated member notes that his opponent in the election race denied any involvement with the material. So the context of the CR statement has nothing to do with the validity of the oath. Carl tracked down some other "hazy" references to the oath in a couple of books published in the mid to late 1800's.

So this makes one wonder - if Alex is such a good researcher, how could this not be caught or explained? - particularly in view of the complete court and CR documents presented in the book to support her case. COINTELPRO? Much more peering "under the hood" needs to go on here. It might be good to find out a little bit more about Alex.

Alex Christopher is the lady who gave the most well-known interview on the internet about the Denver Airport. It's extensive and...if u haven't read it, google her name + Denver Airport for some very interesting reading.
Alex Christopher was mentioned in one of the transcripts when the subject was on the Denver airport and the pictures there.

Q: It will be in phases. (T) Is Alex Christopher's general idea of the meanings of these
paintings correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Is my take on what she said close?
A: Yes.

Pandora’s Box was mentioned in an earlier session here:

Q: Okay, I got an e-mail from Val Valerian. He was interested in the Diana thing and
how that relates to the Pandora's Box business and the Denver Airport, so he wrote
something, but I found that this was basically something that someone else had posted
on the web. Anyway, he claimed to be a descendant of Anne Boleyn, is this correct?
A: Open.

Here’s a link to an interview with her by Dave Alan where she talks extensively about the building of the airport, underground tunnels and levels and strange goings on there.

LQB said:
Update on Pandora's Box:

A friend of mine and local fellow reader of PB (Carl) made an interesting find over the weekend. Apparently (my copy is on loan) Alex made a statement early in the book with respect to a rather nasty oath taken in the inner sanctums of the Jesuits and Knights of Columbus organizations (with reference to the Congressional Record). Carl did some checking on the net and found other sources for this oath referencing the CR. He checked the CR and found that indeed the oath is referenced and quoted in the CR - BUT the context of the quote is ignored (in references to it). The context is the following: A seated member of the House submitted to the CR a statement that blamed his loss in the election on the spread of malicious material consisting of the oath and his own connections to the noted organizations. Apparently in the CR statement, the seated member notes that his opponent in the election race denied any involvement with the material. So the context of the CR statement has nothing to do with the validity of the oath. Carl tracked down some other "hazy" references to the oath in a couple of books published in the mid to late 1800's.

So this makes one wonder - if Alex is such a good researcher, how could this not be caught or explained? - particularly in view of the complete court and CR documents presented in the book to support her case. COINTELPRO? Much more peering "under the hood" needs to go on here. It might be good to find out a little bit more about Alex.

I updated the original Pandora's Box Summary with the above.
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