Par Lagerkvist


The Force is Strong With This One

Par Lagerkvist wrote some of my favourite books. He is from Swedland got the nobel price in 1951.
His writing is simple, and even translated, has huge power.

He is very worried about suffering and evil in our world, interested in religion and unable to be a follower of any.

In my view his greatest book is the Sybillan. It is about a peasant girl forced into being a Sybillan by priests and her life there, her contact with the gods and the goodness and evil of human condition.
This book is about loneliness and suffering, but also about the tiny hope there always is.

Another book, more political, is the "dwarf". It is about the evil of rulers. I offered this book to my father who told me after: "Wolfovitz is the dwarf" .

The third one I would recommand is "Barabass". He gives an account of the life of this criminal, freed so that Jesus could be crucified in his stead.
I saw it as a critic of organised religion but of course there is much more in it.

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