Paralyzed in Dream

No need to be sorry, I was just curiuos. I see your point. As it happens, I agree with your take on perfume and cologne - I've always found both to be rather repellant. Chocolate on the other hand....

mmmmmmmmmmmm - chocolate........

chocolate in dreams is very tasteful, and one can eats a lot!!
I have been paralysed in my dreams since childhood. but I was always dreaming that I was sleeping in my bed, it never occured while walking or doing something as described. Sometimes before falling asleep I knew that I was going to get paralysed but I don't know how I knew. Often there was an unknown woman (and other persons besides her) around my bed while paralysed but I didn't see her. I have noticed that often before being paralysed there was a sensation of being observed, whith a brief electric-like sensation, as if a bee crossed my brain (the only image I can find to describe the sensation). Appart that, it is possible in my humble opinion that we have more awareness of these states of paralysis when we are nervous so that our sleep is not too profound.
manitoban said:
Data said:
Chocolate, parfum, cologne are really unhealthy products. What about paralysis from toxins?
Interesting thought, there may be something to this - I'm in the process now of trying to eat more organic food and avoiding when I can toxins in other products, so that may be related.
Just wanted to add my thoughts. Maybe it is related only to my own dream interpretation, but I've learned that cloth and perfumes usually represent external masks that we put on ourselves in order to conceal what is underneath. It maybe a protection or a wishful thinking to appear as something else.
This woman was wearing a business "faceless"/blank suit while eating something sweet (desire for something sweet/exciting in life?) and being surrounded by appealing/”not blank” perfumes. Maybe this woman was a representation of someone narcissistic (a narcissistic aspect of inner self?) who feels as gray and blank and wishes to use external things to add taste and smell to life?

About paralysis...I have those from time to time. Especially if I take a nap or awaken suddenly by something. Maybe it is somehow connected to the specific stages of a sleep cycle among other things that were mentioned. Or maybe it was an attempt to get your attention or...anything is possible. When I am paralyzed I always feel a sense of danger and don't wait to find out if it is so (tried to calm myself several times during the paralysis in order to wait and see what happens. But I always have this fear that if I won’t fight I'll get stuck in "there"). I start to struggle, and eventually wake up.
Keit said:
Just wanted to add my thoughts. Maybe it is related only to my own dream interpretation, but I've learned that cloth and perfumes usually represent external masks that we put on ourselves in order to conceal what is underneath. It maybe a protection or a wishful thinking to appear as something else.
This woman was wearing a business "faceless"/blank suit while eating something sweet (desire for something sweet/exciting in life?) and being surrounded by appealing/”not blank” perfumes. Maybe this woman was a representation of someone narcissistic (a narcissistic aspect of inner self?) who feels as gray and blank and wishes to use external things to add taste and smell to life?

About paralysis...I have those from time to time. Especially if I take a nap or awaken suddenly by something. Maybe it is somehow connected to the specific stages of a sleep cycle among other things that were mentioned. Or maybe it was an attempt to get your attention or...anything is possible. When I am paralyzed I always feel a sense of danger and don't wait to find out if it is so (tried to calm myself several times during the paralysis in order to wait and see what happens. But I always have this fear that if I won’t fight I'll get stuck in "there"). I start to struggle, and eventually wake up.
Thanks Keit, that is a very interesting point - it could be that the narcissistic part of myself is what I was fighting against in the dream. Even though the dream was pretty simple in terms of what happened, it seems there are a lot of different angles to examine it from. Lots to contemplate.
To say I have experience with these symptoms is putting it lightly. Sleep paralysis happens to many people for many different reasons, but sleep paralysis and the hallucinations is a different matter entirely. The paralysis and dreaming can be normal, but if your awake and paralyzed and you hear and or see things that aren't there you might want to get it checked out.

The dream was interesting and some of the points made are excellent, and I saw in some of the posts things I would check out with a sleep doctor, or better yet a neurologist specializing in sleep disorders. Maybe I heave read too many accounts of people being misdiagnosed for years and years, but if you’re in one of those countries that you can get cheap preventative care and tests do it! I may recommend an MSLT. If you’re tired, and have sleep paralysis and Hallucinations, not dreams, I strongly implore you to check it out with a sleep doc :)
I have had the same sort of experience a number of times and had the paralysis experience again just a few weeks ago. Frequently with me it involves nightmares. The first time I remember it happening was in my house where I grew up in, when I returned home for a weekend from college. I was paralyzed and couldn't move or breathe. I thought my little brother was pulling the covers down tight over me. A dark cloud appeared over me and I felt that if I gave in to it, the power would take my spirit. I finally I broke free and turned to my right and there was a green gremlin looking figure, sitting on the twin bed next to me, grinning maniacally at me, who then just vanished. I told my little brother the story and he subsequently told a friend of his my story. My brother's friend told my little brother that he had stayed in my room and seen the same figure. Turns out my family was a bit dysfunctional and didn't communicate well, but when my brother and I started asking, everyone in my family indicated that they, too had "odd" experiences in the house, that can only be described as ghosts or paranormal in nature.

Since that time, I have noticed when I get paralyzed in sleep, it tends to be just nightmares. I usually have my partner try to wake me up when they can feel me struggling to to to break out of the paralysis. My partner is good about doing so, because sometimes I will "sleep walk" but for me "sleep walk" means just thrashing about the bed, so it can be a truly disturbing way to be awakened if you are my partner. Typically, I realize I am in a nightmare, and try to wake up, but I am paralyzed and I try to move and break free and talk, which would seem to be very much like the REM paralysis described above. As I said, a few weeks ago the paralysis happened and I had sort of a UFO abduction scenario dream, but instead of aliens it was law enforcement, perhaps because of my strong anti-war sentiment. That would tend to support Laura Knight-Jadczyk's opinions posted on site about such things...
MKRNHR said:
chocolate in dreams is very tasteful, and one can eats a lot!!
Can you eat food in your dreams? I've never eaten anything in my dreams and I was just wondering if others have the same experience. Its funny, but my dreams never seem to have anything as 'normal' as food in them.

MKRNHR said:
I have been paralysed in my dreams since childhood. but I was always dreaming that I was sleeping in my bed, it never occured while walking or doing something as described. Sometimes before falling asleep I knew that I was going to get paralysed but I don't know how I knew. Often there was an unknown woman (and other persons besides her) around my bed while paralysed but I didn't see her. I have noticed that often before being paralysed there was a sensation of being observed, whith a brief electric-like sensation, as if a bee crossed my brain (the only image I can find to describe the sensation). Appart that, it is possible in my humble opinion that we have more awareness of these states of paralysis when we are nervous so that our sleep is not too profound.
You are probably being abducted. I would suggest fighting them (mentally). I suppose you could try mental visualisation and dump a whole lot of melted chocolate on them! I've no doubt that 4D STS uses paralysis to abduct people, but you're more likely to be aware of something that's being imposed on you that is unatural. If you fight it, it has less chance of succeeding.

Natural paralysis during sleep happens to everyone and most likely all animals too. This is to stop injury from physically acting out our dreams.

Becoming aware of it does seem to suggest some level of interferance in what should be a person's natural protection from harm during sleep.
Ruth said:
You are probably being abducted.
Just wondering how you come to such a conclusion, and then say this:

ruth said:
Natural paralysis during sleep happens to everyone and most likely all animals too. This is to stop injury from physically acting out our dreams.
It seems a bit contradictory - you state the sleep paralysis is normal, which it is, and say that 'you're probably being abducted'. That's quite a statement to make to someone without any proof. Also, when you say,

ruth said:
I would suggest fighting them (mentally). If you fight it, it has less chance of succeeding.
What exactly do you mean? Have you had personal success with 'fighting them' and how did you 'fight them'. I'm just rather curious because you make these statements so casually, as if you aren't speaking of someone's life.
anart said:
It seems a bit contradictory - you state the sleep paralysis is normal, which it is, and say that 'you're probably being abducted'. That's quite a statement to make to someone without any proof. Also, when you say,
So, you are saying that these two states cannot exist independently? I think they can. It would be quite within posibility for 4D STS to use something naturally occuring and 'hijack' it for their own purposes, wouldn't it? These two 'states' are not a contradiction, in my opinion.

anart said:
ruth said:
I would suggest fighting them (mentally). If you fight it, it has less chance of succeeding.
What exactly do you mean? Have you had personal success with 'fighting them' and how did you 'fight them'.
No, I got the idea from the Cs transcripts, even though the number of times they say Laura had been abducted is 'out' by 5. I don't know if I've had any personal experience in 'fighting them', but it seemed to work well for Laura by making it harder for 4D STS.

941009 said:
Q: (L) Is this the same reason they have abducted F** so many times?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How many times have I been abducted?
A: 17 (This is five more than previously stated)
Q: (L) How many times have they abducted F**?
A: 53
Q: (L) Why have they abducted F** more than me?
A: You fight it.
anart said:
I'm just rather curious because you make these statements so casually, as if you aren't speaking of someone's life.
That's just the way I communicate. Perhaps think that communication should change in relation to the subject under discussion... but that is pretty subjective, isn't it? How does one 'speak' not-casual? Assuming there's a way? 8|
Ruth said:
So, you are saying that these two states cannot exist independently?
Nope, never said that - just looking for a reason why you stated this so certainly when you simply cannot know such a thing - that's all - no grand design behind it.

ruth said:
No, I got the idea from the Cs transcripts, even though the number of times they say Laura had been abducted is 'out' by 5. I don't know if I've had any personal experience in 'fighting them', but it seemed to work well for Laura by making it harder for 4D STS.
Ok, that makes sense - what do you think 'fighting them' means, since you made the suggestion in this case?

ruth said:
That's just the way I communicate.
Perhaps you misunderstood me, because I've seen you communicate quite differently on any number of occasions. My point was that it's a rather cavalier way to so confidently state such a thing of which you cannot have any objective knowledge - as if your saying such a thing would have no effect on the person hearing it. It's almost as if you are unaware of the effect your words might have on others.

ruth said:
Perhaps think that communication should change in relation to the subject under discussion...
Absolutely - would there be no difference in your communication style if I told you my father just died compared to my telling you that I just got a new job? Communication should be contextual - unless one is speaking just to hear one's own voice.

ruth said:
but that is pretty subjective, isn't it? How does one 'speak' not-casual? Assuming there's a way? 8|
Again, perhaps you are misunderstanding me - there is indeed a way to communicate appropriately in any situation. Since you're a nurse, I find it amazing that you aren't aware of such a thing, but perhaps I'm missing something.
anart said:
Ok, that makes sense - what do you think 'fighting them' means, since you made the suggestion in this case?
Resistance. That was its context it was in, I believe...

anart said:
ruth said:
That's just the way I communicate.
Perhaps you misunderstood me, because I've seen you communicate quite differently on any number of occasions. My point was that it's a rather cavalier way to so confidently state such a thing of which you cannot have any objective knowledge - as if your saying such a thing would have no effect on the person hearing it. It's almost as if you are unaware of the effect your words might have on others.
Your previous post brought to mind this movie quote from Star Wars on being casual. Which I thought was an amusing way of dealing with something within the context of unknown and danger.

SW said:
Luke: Vader's on that ship.
Han Solo: Now don't get jittery, Luke. There are a lot of command ships. Keep your distance, though, Chewie, but don't look like you're trying to keeping your distance.
Chewbacca: [barks something]
Han Solo: I don't know. Fly casual.
As to what effect my words have on people. Who knows? Perhaps I can help, perhaps not. This is the thing one never really knows. But its better than staying silent. And, sometimes its better to make light of a situation, especially when the odds are stacked against you.

anart said:
Absolutely - would there be no difference in your communication style if I told you my father just died compared to my telling you that I just got a new job? Communication should be contextual - unless one is speaking just to hear one's own voice.
There's also a difference in communication style depending on who's listening and what sort of message you want to communicate. "Context" or "appropriate" needs to be adjusted to the person you are trying communicate with and you shouldn't assume that everybody's the same here.

anart said:
Again, perhaps you are misunderstanding me - there is indeed a way to communicate appropriately in any situation. Since you're a nurse, I find it amazing that you aren't aware of such a thing, but perhaps I'm missing something.
Yes, I think you may have. You missed out the bit where I wasn't appropriate (since you are labouring the point) - or perhaps you didn't, and it related to being too 'casual'? But then, others may not find that inappropriate.

I certainly don't communicate with my patients the same way I communicate with others. Neither do I communicate with people in the community the same way I communicate here.
Ruth said:
Can you eat food in your dreams?
Happened once, and it was chocolate :)
Ruth said:
You are probably being abducted.
:( I had a little guess about this possiblity, even if it is easier to think that it is just imagination.
Ruth said:
I suppose you could try mental visualisation and dump a whole lot of melted chocolate on them!
anart said:
Ok, that makes sense - what do you think 'fighting them' means, since you made the suggestion in this case?
All I know is that the "in the name of god" stuff just make "them" (4D STS or whatever) laugh.
Ruth said:
As to what effect my words have on people. Who knows? Perhaps I can help, perhaps not. This is the thing one never really knows. But its better than staying silent. And, sometimes its better to make light of a situation
It is like making some knowledge at the disposal of whom asking it and then the person will absorb it according to him/her preparness. is it?
Ruth said:
anart said:
Ok, that makes sense - what do you think 'fighting them' means, since you made the suggestion in this case?
Resistance. That was its context it was in, I believe...
I believe it was clear through Cass that resistance equals knowledge, not mental visualizations of throwing anything...
At least it's what I've read in the transcripts and on this forum, over and over again.

ruth said:
As to what effect my words have on people. Who knows? Perhaps I can help, perhaps not. This is the thing one never really knows. But its better than staying silent. And, sometimes its better to make light of a situation, especially when the odds are stacked against you.
Sorry but the way you respond here to Anart's remarks, which were completely logical questions to bring, not some personal attack on you, yet the way you react/reply reminds me of responses I got from kids I was taking care of yesterday, the way which is avoiding to understand the point made and continuing to explain something away from the context and adding the confusion in the whole matter, and increasing the conflict level...

ruth said:
anart said:
Absolutely - would there be no difference in your communication style if I told you my father just died compared to my telling you that I just got a new job? Communication should be contextual - unless one is speaking just to hear one's own voice.
There's also a difference in communication style depending on who's listening and what sort of message you want to communicate. "Context" or "appropriate" needs to be adjusted to the person you are trying communicate with and you shouldn't assume that everybody's the same here.
Well, what you said here would make sense to me if you said earlier something like:

'One of the possibilities is that you could have been abducted.'

I believe that would be a better way of saying it and that was what bothered Anart and started this whole matter...
But instead you said:

Ruth said:
You are probably being abducted.
Can you see the difference here? I certainly can. And then you continued with:

ruth said:
I would suggest fighting them (mentally). I suppose you could try mental visualisation and dump a whole lot of melted chocolate on them!
Can you please give me some links or quotes from Cass or Laura suggesting such things, I would appreciate it, cause I didn't find them yet.

ruth said:
anart said:
Again, perhaps you are misunderstanding me - there is indeed a way to communicate appropriately in any situation. Since you're a nurse, I find it amazing that you aren't aware of such a thing, but perhaps I'm missing something.
Yes, I think you may have. You missed out the bit where I wasn't appropriate (since you are labouring the point) - or perhaps you didn't, and it related to being too 'casual'? But then, others may not find that inappropriate.
This is why I write this, to take the spot out of Anart and this whole thing as being her 'thing' .
I agree with her remarks, I had similar questions raised while reading your reply to MKRNH's post, BEFORE I've read hers.
Wonder what others think about it...

ruth said:
I certainly don't communicate with my patients the same way I communicate with others. Neither do I communicate with people in the community the same way I communicate here.
I don't think that's the point. It was not about how you communicate with different groups of people,
it was about how you express yourself within your personal thoughts and views,
like making wild guesses of what could of happened to somebody else, but presenting it in a way
which suggests you have a huge knowledge on the matter and feel free to say what to do about it.
Again, I am not saying you don't have the right to your views and solutions on the matter,
but the WAY you presenting it bothers me too. And it's really strange that you said to Anart she shouldn't 'assume',
cause I find a lot of 'assuming' within your own thoughts/words.
Color said:
I believe it was clear through Cass that resistance equals knowledge, not mental visualizations of throwing anything... At least it's what I've read in the transcripts and on this forum, over and over again.
As I have understood from the transcripts and from reading the Wave and High Strangeness, knowledge will lessen the damage of such attaks but will unlikely avoid them.

Color said:
Well, what you said here would make sense to me if you said earlier something like:
'One of the possibilities is that you could have been abducted.'
My english isn't very good but that's exactly what I had understood from Ruth's answer when she said "probably" and the chocolate affaire is a joke :)
The point of discussion then is just about visualisation? so let discuss visualisation!

We're still in the babel tower's syndrome world, so it could be helpful if we try not to jump to conclusions about everyone's sayings and try to understand that we're all here from different backgrounds and ways of talking. I'm still trying to understand the meaning of "causual" :d (poor of me yeah?).
My favorite christian teaching "dont pass judgement on others or you might be judged yourself" from The Life of Brian :)
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