Paramilitary police in Miami force passengers to leave plane at gunpoint


The Living Force
So far, I'm only getting one report of this incident and nothing more to back it up?

Paramilitary police in Miami force passengers to leave plane at gunpoint

11 November 2015

On Monday evening, an American Airlines flight from Miami, Florida to Barbados was boarded by a paramilitary police unit wielding assault rifles, who demanded that passengers put their hands on their heads as they were forced off the flight.

Large sectors of the airport were effectively placed under lockdown during the operation. The gates of terminal cafes and restaurants were closed, leaving patrons locked inside by iron bars as police SWAT teams decked out in body armor and toting assault rifles swept through the terminal.

Photos and videos posted to social media documented the egregious violation of passengers’ constitutional right to be free of unwarranted searches and seizures. “There were very large machine guns, body armor, all of that,” one passenger told a local CNN affiliate. “Very, very frightening.”

Some 70 flights were delayed and nine were diverted as a result of the lockdown, which shut down two concourses for almost three hours.

Officials claimed the cause of the lockdown was a breach in procedure by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which allowed a passenger who had been flagged as having a suspicious carry-on bag to board the plane. A TSA spokesman added that “in the process of transitioning other passengers to an adjacent screening lane, standard procedures were not adhered to and the passenger was allowed to depart the checkpoint and proceed into the terminal.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation later admitted that the passenger was a dentist, and that the “suspicious” bag he had been carrying contained nothing more than fillings and other dental supplies.

TSA spokesman Mike England said that the lockdown was conducted “out of an abundance of caution” as federal officials “worked with airport operators to direct gate operations to cease while the passenger was located.”

He added that once the dentist was apprehended, “a manual inspection was conducted and law enforcement officers determined conclusively that neither the passenger nor his carry-on bag posed a threat.”

The incident took place amid the conspicuously growing incursion of militarized police, and even the military, into daily life in American cities. Even as the lockdown in Miami was occurring, flights at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) were being diverted over populated sections of Los Angeles to accommodate secret military exercises taking place near the city.
angelburst29 said:
So far, I'm only getting one report of this incident and nothing more to back it up?

Paramilitary police in Miami force passengers to leave plane at gunpoint

Global Research picked up on it ....

The original source of this article is World Socialist Web Site

Copyright © Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site, 2015
angelburst29 said:
TSA spokesman Mike England said that the lockdown was conducted “out of an abundance of caution” as federal officials “worked with airport operators to direct gate operations to cease while the passenger was located.”

Wow, note the use of language there in "an abundance of caution". Abundance being a soft, friendly, warm sounding word – for what was a three hour gun point lock down. TSA spokesman Mike England has had that scripted for him, I'd bet my hat on it.
What a nightmare! Just ridiculous. If the TSA had been doing their jobs properly, they'd have known a dentist was carrying dental supplies in his carry on. Instead, they prefer to inconvenience 100's of people and terrify them. Hysteria is the new "normal".
Someone had made an intent news flash on this situation, with an iPhone picture capture, showing all the passengers in hold as stated. As reported all passengers were ordered too hold there position, showing everyone with there hand's clasped behind there head.

This theme is becoming more of the norm now.

Took a look for any photos of this event (on google images) but to no avail.

There were some indication's that there were some images on FB or twtter. But any visual documentation has all but vanished.

Oh well just as the session's have said, how America would become the next USSA, or should i say Gaza.


Alada said:
angelburst29 said:
TSA spokesman Mike England said that the lockdown was conducted “out of an abundance of caution” as federal officials “worked with airport operators to direct gate operations to cease while the passenger was located.”

Wow, note the use of language there in "an abundance of caution". Abundance being a soft, friendly, warm sounding word – for what was a three hour gun point lock down. TSA spokesman Mike England has had that scripted for him, I'd bet my hat on it.

Being a newbee I'm going through the treads a little bit. I hadn't seen this story obviously.

This supports the contention that the security, the cameras, all this identification stuff is a front for something else. Catherine Austin Fitts and Joseph P. Farrell agree with each other that the Powers that be are actually trying to find and identify non-humans of some kind.

A prepared statement, limited coverage, scrubbed net postings, all of those would seem to validate the idea that these massed stormings of a parked airliner might be more common than we might imagine. I seriously doubt that this has anything to do with so called terrorist threats. It is logical that if you were trying to capture some kind of clever aliens that you would first identify them and then find a way to trap them, and obviously a security screening process which enables the identification but allows the passage of the
prey on to an aircraft would then effectively serve as almost a perfect trap, what with the ability to marshal armed minions whom are ignorant to what they might really be dealing with.

I'm reminded of Fahrenheit 451 as the mind controllers only have to issue orders to come out of your houses and look for Montage.
Montage now being a terrorist obviously, or perhaps a child abductor and his license is posted on the reader boards over the freeways.

I don't fly anymore for any reason myself, but I find it interesting that neither does Jesse Ventura.
Being a former Navy Seal it's for certain that he knows professionals in praetorian service. What's
he know that we don't?
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