Passing through the Realm Border Wave

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The topic of Realm Border Wave is so mysterious but same time so fascinating too.
I/we have learned that right now we are in the midst of Grand Cycle of the Wave. And thanks to Laura and Cs information, so I/we can prepared. I am sure most people knows this subject and I like to know what you're insightful thoughts too. I would like to know everything about it, because so many things going on, so I want to keep track and read over and over, so I would not miss anything.
And right now I am sure about,
We are in midst of Realm Border Wave,
DNA is changing due to Cosmic Change,
Other parts of us, started to merging with us.

Laura said:
November 26, 1994

Q: (L) You have told us .....that there is a cluster of comets connected in some interactive way with our solar system, and that this cluster of comets comes into the plane of the ecliptic every 3600 years. Is this correct?

A: Yes. But, this time it is riding realm border wave to 4th level, where all realities are different.

Q: (L) Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar system, (Jan or us), may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating factor?

A: Will be mitigated.

Q: (L) Does any of this mean that the earth changes that have been predicted, may not, in fact, occur in physical reality as we understand it?

A: You betcha.

Q: (L) Now, .... and if a lot of these things are symbolic, I am assuming they are symbolic of movement or changes in energy.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, if these changes in energy occur does this mean that the population of the planet are, perhaps, in groups or special masses of groups, are they defined as the energies that are changing in these descriptions of events and happenings of great cataclysm. Is it like a cataclysm of the soul on an individual and or collective basis?

A: Close.

Q: (T) .....we are looking at the fact that what's coming this time is a wave that's going to allow the human race to move to 4th density?

A: And the planet and your entire sector of space/time.

Q: (T) Is that what this whole plan is about, then, if I may be so bold as to include all of us here in this. We, of the beings of light who have come here into human form, to anchor the frequency, is this what we are anchoring it for, for this wave, so that when it comes enough of us will be ready, the frequency will be set, so that the change in the planet can take place as it has been planned?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are we anchoring frequency to create a split?

A: One developing conduit.

Q: (L) We are developing a conduit?

A: Yes. One.

Q: (T) What is the conduit for?

A: You and those who will follow you.

Q: (J) So, at this point we are developing a conduit?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) There are other groups on this planet developing their own conduits?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) These are conduits for us to move to 4th density in?

A: Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.

Q: (T) I am working on the assumption that all of us here are part of the family of light, is this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And we have been drawn together in order to develop this conduit from where we are?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is the conduit kind of like an escape hatch for us?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Let me get this straight. When we move through this conduit, are the other...

A: You will be on the 4th level earth as opposed to 3rd level earth.

Q: (L)... Does this mean that a 4th density earth and a 3rd density earth will coexist side by side...

A: Not side by side, totally different realms.

Q: (L) Do these realms interpenetrate one another but in different dimensions...

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, in other words, while all of this cataclysmic activity is happening on the 3rd dimensional earth, we will be just on our 4th dimensional earth and this sort of thing won't be there, and we won't see the 3rd dimensional people and they won't see us because we will be in different densities which are not "en rapport", so to speak?

A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.

So, I understand that some members DNA changed and it is on going in progress to other members, due to Cosmic Changes.

Laura said:
Session 9 April 2011

Q: (L) Well,.....The first one is; why have we all been feeling so inflamed/low on energy/depressed/irritable for the last two weeks?

A: Cosmic changes in process. Each person experiences this differently according to genetics and environment. Recall previous sufferings preparatory to DNA boosts? All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.

(Atriedes) It’s slightly personal. I’ve been having hallucinations. Like, I was drawing and I saw things in my drawing that were moving sometimes – and I keep hearing people say things that they’re not actually saying.

A: Cosmic changes!! DNA changes!

Q: (Atriedes) So, I’m not going insane?

A: No.

Q: (Galatea) Is that the same that is happening to me? I have been seeing things as well.

A: Yes. When you remember yourselves five or ten years ago, do you recognize the changes thus far?

Q: Everyone: “yes!”

A: Do you not suspect that these changes are also matched or mirrored in your most basic structure?

Q: (L) Hadn’t really thought about it.

A: This is how work on the self works! It prepares you for even more dramatic and rapid changes! And this is ”receivership capacity”.

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.

(Galatea) I knew it! I’ve been reading reports about animals doing unusual things. The animals are getting smarter!

So, when time come, there are other parts of us in all realms/alternate realities that all sorts of different beings will merge with us.
Well, this concept is kinder creepy to think about, but I guess I needed to prepared now, so when time come, I could accept without qualm.

Laura said:
December 9, 1994

Q: (L) Now, tell me the name of the beings D__ M__ experienced as preying Mantises in her hypnosis session?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) Is there a difference between essence beings and incarnate beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we have a distinct difference. Okay, who were the ant/fly beings she described?

A: Her essence too.

Q: (L) And what were those snakey, slug-like beings that she saw?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Are you saying that all of this stuff is who she is? All of these horrible creatures and these..

A: In some of the alternate realities.

Q: (L) Do I have creatures like that that are my essence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) My essence is something that horrible and dark and icky?

A: Subjective.

Q: (L) Well, weren't those horrible icky beings eating little children? Weren't those real human children?

A: How do you think you are viewed by deer, for example?

Q: (L) Well, what do we do about these essence parts of ourselves? I mean, I don't like it that there may be something of the predator in me. I would like to not have it, or get rid or it, or transform it, or whatever.

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Well, am I going to have to remember myself doing things like that in order to come to terms with it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that going to happen to me, that I am going to have memories like that surfacing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I can't even cope with it in someone else, how am I going to deal with it in myself?

A: You will.

Q: (L) Is this something we are all going to have to do?

A: All eligible.

Q: (L) And who is eligible?

A: 4th density candidates.

Q: (L) How does one know that one is a 4D candidate?

A: You gradually "awaken".

Laura said:
December 10, 1994

Q: (L) I want to ask again for the benefit of Terry and Jan, what or who were the beings seen by DM in her hypnotic regression the other night?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) This happened in a so-called alternate reality?

A: Is still.

Q: (L) So, in some alternate reality, DM is a preying mantis being eating little children?

A: And so are you. And all others.

Q: (L) This is an essence of what?

A: Her being.

Q: (L) Are these aspects of our being coming to earth as part of the realm border crossing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are all of us going to have to face these aspects of ourselves as other beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this moment?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q: (L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast.

Wonderful to know that Galate's higher being from another reality was melded with her already, probably more of herself joining with her as time goes by, and I am pretty sure that similar things happened to some of other members too.

Laura said:
Session Date: July 16th 2016
(Galatea) Several nights ago, I had this semi-awake dream that there was an entity in my room and my palms started burning really hot. What was that?

(Galatea) Was there something in my room?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Okay, then why were my palms burning?

A: Bleedthrough of alternate reality.

Q: (Galatea) But why did it cause my palms to become hot?

A: Higher energy other-self melding.

Q: (Galatea) So I melded with myself from another reality. Is that what happened?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Was that a good thing?

A: Yes
While we still have time, we need to raise our frequency, but some may think that maybe knowledge and faith is enough us to safely pass through the realm border.
But I like to keep working until last second, it does not matter, if I make it or not, all I can do is trying, and happy that knowing about this extraordinary information that gives me hope to live for, and I know that some will make through!

According to Cs, the chakras are an energy field that merges density one, two, three or four, what this mean? But it seems that we need to develop the chakra Point that corespondent to the 4th density. Or have to develop all the chakra/energy center

Laura said:
session June 3, 1995

Q: (T) You have indicated that there is some kind of a correlation between the location and the energy in the planet. The energy in the planet is all the way around the planet and is affected by the planet and everything that goes on around the planet, in the planet, on top of the planet and all over the place. We are one location. As this energy ebbs and flows along it influences the work we are doing here. Am I on track here?

A: Close.

Q: (L) ...In an aura system in the physical body, it can sometimes reflect both the spiritual and physical state of the person. Is this location similar to a chakra?

A: If you prefer or other.

Q: (L) Similar to a chakra?

A: These are all merely labels.

Q: (L) Okay, so it is like an energy vortex?

A: Okay...

Q: (L) An energy vortex in the body, a chakra in the body, is a place where the body energy interfaces with the universe. (SV) There are the seven major chakras,..... (T) What do they do? (L) An interface point? (SV) Yes. (L) Is this what we are talking about here? An interface between this density and other densities?

A: First of all, "chakras" are a little understood and non-proven phenomenon. Now, it just so happens they do exist, but in different form than reported by many in the so called "psychic" community. So you see, you have opened yet another "can of worms."

Q: (L) Well, Worms Are Us! I knew that question would last all night! Why did I ask it? (SV) Well, let's go for it! (L) ...what, exactly, is a chakra?

A: An energy field that merges density one, two, three or four with five.

Q: (T) A focus point that merges densities to fifth density contemplation level?

A: Close.

Q: (T) What purpose do we merge to the contemplation level through the chakras?

A: You are all connected with level five on a short wave cycle, reference text.

Q: (L) Does each chakra relate to a color as we have been told?

A: In a sense, but not primary issue.

Q: (L) What is the primary issue?

A: The connection with physical imprint locator.
A: On a physical body, density levels one through four.

Q: (L) Susan wants to know if there are seven major chakras related to the physical body as has been taught by many sources?

A: It varies according to individuals.

Q: (L) What happens when you have organs, the glands related to the chakras, taken out. Women have hysterectomies all the time...

A: Good question!

Q: (SV) But the energy's still there even though the body parts are gone! That's what I have been taught.

A: Who says?

Q: (SV) Do you want to know the names of my instructors?

A: All we are trying to point out to you, is that you are delving into an area where purported fact is not proven, and the entire subject is only slightly understood at your level. It is better to get facts before proclaiming knowledge, lest you make serious mistakes!

Q: (SV) But what about what Barbara Marciniak said about the chakras? She talked about 12 chakras, seven internal and five external. Was Barbara on to something?

A: Vague.

Q: (L) Was the information Barbara was given as far as the chakras, correct as far as it went?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, there's a clue.....(T) They have been saying that the chakras as they have been taught may not be entirely accurate. The information about these energy points is that they do not exist as they have been laid out by others, but that they exist in different people in different places because of the way the energy flows in each individual. They don't always exist in the same place just as the energy vortexes on the planet fluctuate and change. So, within the person the energy changes and fluctuates... (J) Do the chakras move around?

A: They may.

Q: (T) Do different people have different numbers of chakras?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Will Reiki allow you to find the chakras as they move about?

A: Maybe.

Q: (SV) I guess maybe I had better find out. (L) Does this house have something to do with connecting up chakras in our bodies?

A: You are drifting again.

Q: (T) Is it that this energy will move just like the energy in a body will move. We are working at this point because, at this time, this is where the localized energy is in this area, but that this is going to be moving?

A: Again, you have touched upon a group of subjects that require massive study to accurately explain.

Q: (J) Does this mean that we have to study and learn more before we can even discuss this with you?

A: Close.

Thus, we need to develop conduit/passage/road to 4th density realm. Logically, the 4th density's environment frequency is higher than our 3rd density. So, need to raise up our frequency that matches to realm border wave.

According to the Bringers of the Dawn, the light-encoded filaments are a tool of light that exist as millions of fine threadlike fibers inside our body cells. But have to activate, and when DNA begin to form new strains, the body cells also begin activates too. Then begin to access more informations.

"Bringers of the Dawn- Chapter Six

You will be going through many things because you are climbing a ladder of identity made up of your chakra system. The chakras are energy information centers that are keyed into lifetimes in which you activated or expressed yourself in one area or another. It is imperative for you to discover your identity in these next few years.

The light-encoded filaments are a tool of light, a part of light, and an expression of light. These light-encoded filaments exist as millions of fine, threadlike fibers inside your cells, while counterpart light-encoded filaments exist outside of your body. The light-encoded filaments carry the Language of Light geometry, which carries the stories of who you are. These lightencoded filaments were not previously able to come onto the planet because there was a pollution created by the dark team that kept them out.

The light-encoded filaments are like rays of light that hold a geometric form of language. They come to you from a cosmic database and hold information. This is what will be coming during the next number of years.

Some of the people on this planet, particularly those working with crystals, will learn to fill and activate other bodies with these filaments. Individuals seeking this experience will have the filaments activated in their bodies to give them instant information and instant knowing. This is what education is evolving into. There will be beings who will assist you with all of this. You are going to have to be able to recognize these beings and to recognize other realities as they exist around you.

The information in the filaments was left inside of you, yet there was no logical way to make sense of it. So, in the present time, how do you find the information? The information is going to reveal itself to you. That is the process. You don't have to go looking for it because this revelation is your heritage and who you are.

As the DNA begins to form new strands, these new strands will travel along a nervous system in the body that is being developed at this time, and memories will come flooding into your consciousness. You must work to develop this nervous system, to pull light into your body, to oxygenate your system, to learn how to move through energy accelerations, and to call more ideas and experiences into your body. As this process begins to grow and nurture itself in your body, simply observe it, for you will want to know how to access it.

DNA holds the code. It holds the blueprint of identity, the plan for existence, the history of the universe, and the history of life in this particular locale. And, it is stored within the cells of humans.

Now, as we have indicated, the Family of Light has come onto the planet to receive energy from the Original Planners. This energy will create a genetic alteration and reactivate and rebundle the light-encoded filaments. This will make human beings very valuable because they will then be ready to be used to access the data that is stored in Earth."

So we have been doing EE exercise to developing our nervous system. And when Laura says "pay attention to all the sensations in the body" , maybe that sensing make stimulated cells in the body? Well, I like to do all the EE exercise by lay down on bed or floor, it seems I got more strong sensations, because I can relax in that position, and after done with exercise, I stayed on felt the vibration in the body long times. Perhaps if doing Pipe-Breath and Prayer of the Soul everyday will accelerate faster?

And when we start to work with crystals connection, probably our DNA adds new strands faster too.
Thank you Kay Kim for your post. I am also following the L/L research, they speak a lot about this, and some time it is fun to see from following their facebook daily posts how synchronicity tuning in.
Hello solarmind,

I would like very much to read articles about synchronicity phenomena in person's life, but I can't access Face book.
Because I don't like to join any other place except here, it is too much for me to think about managing some other place that I don't really care for, and I don't wanna spend too much energy and time, because my lack of English in writing.

If someone starts that subject in this forum, It will be great and that would be inspired to other!
I have been thinking about the Cs answer that chakras/energy fields are,

"A: An energy field that merges density one, two, three or four wth five.
A: The connection with physical imprint locator.
A: On a physical body, density levels one through four."

I think that means,... because we live by physical body in this density, so, we need to develop chakras in the physical body locations to meet and balance that appropriate levels of vibrations.
Thus logically, first needed to balance one through three chakras.

Then have to work Emotional heart chakra to be awaken.
Because in 4th density's vibration level is corresponding to emotional 4th heart chakra.
The Law of One category Energy Center
The center of heart or green ray, is the center from which third- density beings may springboard, shall we say, towards infinite intelligence.

Once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual.

Content of „Bringers of the Dawn“, pg. 149 - 157, Chapter Fourteen.

Emotion allows certain energies to coalesce, fuse, bond, and come together in realization of themselves. Without emotion, that bond could not be.

The spiritual body is, of course, the body that exists beyond physical limitation. You need emotions to comprehend the nonphysical, which is why emotions have been so controlled upon this planet.

When you are not afraid of feeling, and you move past judgment and allow yourself to feel all the ways you feel, you will have a tremendous breakthrough because you will be able to ride feeling into other realities.

Look at the boundaries you have set up and, instead of swearing at them, simply observe them and see if you can discover how they came about. See what purpose they served.
Feeling is what connects you to your humanity; feeling is what connects you to your emotions. Emotions connect you in this realm of existence to your spiritual body. What we are saying is that emotions, or feelings, are the key to being alive in this reality.

Content of „Bringers of the Dawn“, pg. 199 - 209, Chapter Nineteen.

Remember, feeling is emotion. Emotion is the key to getting off this planet; it is the key to figuring out the multidimensional self, healing it, and becoming one.

Once heart chakra activated then the 5th chakra would also activates. But what about 6th and 7th chakras?

According to Cs information from session 13, July 2002,
"A: Higher emotional- heart chakra
Higher intellectual- crown chakra.
Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers."
So, once heart chakra activated, then other chakra will activates when time come.

But heart chakra must, have to activate before the Grand Cycle end.
All fourth density STO candidates have to learn how to control emotions to beneficial way.
Because the heart chakra vibration will make/help us to merge into 4th density realm safely.
And then, if we have enough time, then the third eye chakra would eventually open up.
Kay Kim said:
I have been thinking about the Cs answer that chakras/energy fields are,

"A: An energy field that merges density one, two, three or four wth five.
A: The connection with physical imprint locator.
A: On a physical body, density levels one through four."

I think that means,... because we live by physical body in this density, so, we need to develop chakras in the physical body locations to meet and balance that appropriate levels of vibrations.
Thus logically, first needed to balance one through three chakras.

Then have to work Emotional heart chakra to be awaken.
Because in 4th density's vibration level is corresponding to emotional 4th heart chakra.
The Law of One category Energy Center
The center of heart or green ray, is the center from which third- density beings may springboard, shall we say, towards infinite intelligence.

Once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual.

Content of „Bringers of the Dawn“, pg. 149 - 157, Chapter Fourteen.

Emotion allows certain energies to coalesce, fuse, bond, and come together in realization of themselves. Without emotion, that bond could not be.

The spiritual body is, of course, the body that exists beyond physical limitation. You need emotions to comprehend the nonphysical, which is why emotions have been so controlled upon this planet.

When you are not afraid of feeling, and you move past judgment and allow yourself to feel all the ways you feel, you will have a tremendous breakthrough because you will be able to ride feeling into other realities.

Look at the boundaries you have set up and, instead of swearing at them, simply observe them and see if you can discover how they came about. See what purpose they served.
Feeling is what connects you to your humanity; feeling is what connects you to your emotions. Emotions connect you in this realm of existence to your spiritual body. What we are saying is that emotions, or feelings, are the key to being alive in this reality.

Content of „Bringers of the Dawn“, pg. 199 - 209, Chapter Nineteen.

Remember, feeling is emotion. Emotion is the key to getting off this planet; it is the key to figuring out the multidimensional self, healing it, and becoming one.

Once heart chakra activated then the 5th chakra would also activates. But what about 6th and 7th chakras?

According to Cs information from session 13, July 2002,
"A: Higher emotional- heart chakra
Higher intellectual- crown chakra.
Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers."
So, once heart chakra activated, then other chakra will activates when time come.

But heart chakra must, have to activate before the Grand Cycle end.
All fourth density STO candidates have to learn how to control emotions to beneficial way.
Because the heart chakra vibration will make/help us to merge into 4th density realm safely.
And then, if we have enough time, then the third eye chakra would eventually open up.

Kay Kim,

I seems you have put much thought and effort into the relationship between the realm border crossing and how chakras relate. I don't want to rush through these thoughts so I will just comment on a couple of points for now. There are so many aspects of this that I don't want to miss anything if the conversation develops into other aspects.

I am not sure how "Because the heart chakra vibration will make/help us to merge into 4th density realm safely." will finally work for us but I also hope we can be prepared enough for some degree of "safety".

In your previous quote from Session 10 December 1994:

Q: (L) And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q: (L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast. Message follows: See pattern. Orion, Pleiades, Arcturas, Cassiopaea; check distances from earth; progress locator for wave combined with earth references of space time. For you to figure out. Cross reference channelled messages, printing dates and location. We are where we are.

As you can see the idea of the realm border crossing happening "involuntarily" and "like a thermonuclear blast" doesn't sound very reassuring.

This idea was also discussed in The Wave Chapter 25: A Walk In Nature Among The Names of God Where We Have An Interview With the Vampire And Discover a Cosmic Egg.

Here is an excerpt (the whole chapter gives more context):

Q: (A) You say knowledge protects. It protects against what?
A: Many things. One example: post transformational trauma and confusion.
Q: (L) So, knowledge is going to protect us against post transformational trauma and confusion. You are implying that this transition to fourth density is going to be traumatic and confusing. Do you mean transformation from third to fourth density, or third to fifth density, i.e., death?
A: Both.
Q: (L) So, if one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, you said “both”. That implies that persons can transition directly from third to fourth density without dying. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How does that feel? How is that experience…
A: Alice through the looking glass.

Q: (A) Okay, you say that knowledge is supposed to protect from trauma and confusion. On the other hand, all is lessons, so trauma is a lesson. Why are we supposed to work to avoid a lesson?
A: You are correct, it is a lesson, but if you have foreknowledge, you are learning that lesson early, and in a different way.
Q: (L) So, if you learn the lesson in a different way, does that mitigate the need or the way or the process of the way of learning at the time of transition?
A: Yes. Smoother.

The above remarks makes me think that "safety" may not be the issue so much as "knowledge" to make the transition "smoother".

I am not trying to ignore your ideas about chakras and how they relate but I just thought I would mention this for now.
Hello goyacobol,

You misunderstood. Please read agin carefully session 10, December 1994. Because Laura and other was talking about that essence/ourselves in other realities.

And C was answered from Laura's questions.

"Q (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this time?

A: Yes.

Q (L) And how this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q:(L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with, these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like thermonuclear blast. Message follows:......
And after that Cs start to give other message.
Kay Kim said:
Hello goyacobol,

You misunderstood. Please read agin carefully session 10, December 1994. Because Laura and other was talking about that essence/ourselves in other realities.

And C was answered from Laura's questions.

"Q (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this time?

A: Yes.

Q (L) And how this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q:(L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with, these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like thermonuclear blast. Message follows:......
And after that Cs start to give other message.

Kay Kim,

If you don't think merging other parts of us in all realms is not going to be quite an experience then maybe you "misunderstood" the reason for them using the term "thermonuclear blast" to describe the experience.

Or in the Wave Chapter 25 where Laura asks:

Q: (L) How does that feel? How is that experience…
A: Alice through the looking glass.

I am not trying to be negative but I do think being aware of the descriptions may help us to experience the change in a "smoother" way. Merging our essences is something I think deserves more thought on our part as you say:
While we still have time, we need to raise our frequency, but some may think that maybe knowledge and faith is enough us to safely pass through the realm border.
goyacobol said:
I am not trying to be negative but I do think being aware of the descriptions may help us to experience the change in a "smoother" way. Merging our essences is something I think deserves more thought on our part as you say:
While we still have time, we need to raise our frequency, but some may think that maybe knowledge and faith is enough us to safely pass through the realm border.

So how might this apply in practical terms?

We don't know for sure what will happen. It is theoretical at this point. The best we can do with our limited awareness and knowledge is try to form a picture of what may happen, based on what the Cs say. And, to accept it as a possibility, something that might very well happen. To think in unlimited terms.

Basically, that means being prepared for anything. We know what happens when people with rigid belief systems, and no awareness of the far-out possibilities the world can sling at humans, encounter those types of things. They can be enough to drive a person insane. A person who is convinced there's no such thing as the paranormal will be freaked out by a "ghost" or something similar. For someone who accepts that such things are possible, the experience would not be as shocking. So there's an element of gaining as much data about what the world has to offer. It's hard to be caught off guard when you've considered all possibilities.

Then there's an emotional component. Imagine feeling everything there is to feel in a single moment. Gurdjieff described that as "conscience" and said it's enough to seriously discombobulate a person. That might suggest it's a good idea to experience as much as possible. To "titrate" emotions. Imagine never crying for 40 years and then getting hit with the grief and sorrow of billions of people. I'm guessing that would destroy a person. Which suggests it's probably a good thing to get in touch with repressed emotions, be able to feel them without letting them control us.

I guess in a nutshell, for me that all boils down to this: learn to think, gain as much knowledge as possible, come to know ourselves, learn to feel our emotions, develop self-control. And the best way to do all that is: together.
Approaching Infinity said:
goyacobol said:
I am not trying to be negative but I do think being aware of the descriptions may help us to experience the change in a "smoother" way. Merging our essences is something I think deserves more thought on our part as you say:
While we still have time, we need to raise our frequency, but some may think that maybe knowledge and faith is enough us to safely pass through the realm border.

So how might this apply in practical terms?

We don't know for sure what will happen. It is theoretical at this point. The best we can do with our limited awareness and knowledge is try to form a picture of what may happen, based on what the Cs say. And, to accept it as a possibility, something that might very well happen. To think in unlimited terms.

Basically, that means being prepared for anything. We know what happens when people with rigid belief systems, and no awareness of the far-out possibilities the world can sling at humans, encounter those types of things. They can be enough to drive a person insane. A person who is convinced there's no such thing as the paranormal will be freaked out by a "ghost" or something similar. For someone who accepts that such things are possible, the experience would not be as shocking. So there's an element of gaining as much data about what the world has to offer. It's hard to be caught off guard when you've considered all possibilities.

Then there's an emotional component. Imagine feeling everything there is to feel in a single moment. Gurdjieff described that as "conscience" and said it's enough to seriously discombobulate a person. That might suggest it's a good idea to experience as much as possible. To "titrate" emotions. Imagine never crying for 40 years and then getting hit with the grief and sorrow of billions of people. I'm guessing that would destroy a person. Which suggests it's probably a good thing to get in touch with repressed emotions, be able to feel them without letting them control us.

I guess in a nutshell, for me that all boils down to this: learn to think, gain as much knowledge as possible, come to know ourselves, learn to feel our emotions, develop self-control. And the best way to do all that is: together.

Approaching Infinity,

That was very well said. It's like trying to imagine what approaching infinity means by thinking about what that would be like. It might be like "Alice through the looking glass". I am just realizing that whatever the realm border crossing is and whatever changing to the next density would be like is barely imaginable to us in 3D.

I am hoping we all at least think about these concepts together and benefit from getting closer to the same mindset or in a sense connect chakras by uniting our emotional centers in harmony. Of course deciding what that means is not easy to do by posting on a forum. And expressing emotions in print is a difficult way to communicate as well. :( :) :huh:
Hello goyacobol,

It seems my own misunderstanding not yours and thanks for further explanation!
And you said that your not sure this part "Because the heart chakra vibration will make/help us to merge into 4th density realm safely."

My understanding about heart chakra is when person develop and controls the hearts emotional energy then the heart energy vibration would able to help connects to the higher chakras.

Laura said:
January 14, 1995

Q: (T) Now, when those who move into 4th density make the move, will they experience a completeness or merge with all other densities of their being, at that point, even if it is for a short time?

A: For one immeasurably small instant, this is what is meant by "illumination"!

Q: (T) But, for that small instant, because there really is no time, maybe an instant or an aeon, depending on how any individual might measure it, we might experience oneness with ourselves?

A: It may seem to last "forever."

Q: (L) Is this what is known as the "rapture?"

A: Some have attempted to explain instinctive thought patterns this way.


Q: (L) Is a person's soul pattern determined by the cumulative experiences of that individual?

A: Part of the equation.

Q: (L) Does a person carry within their soul pattern memories of every single incident, event or happening that has ever occurred to them throughout all realms of their experience?

A: Memories are imprint of "Past, Present and Future."

Q: (L) So, if the imprint is there... (J) "We are you in the future!" (L) Right, so if the imprint is there, and no outside force including Lizzies or Orions can...

A: You can remember us.

Q: (L) The point I am trying to get at here is that, at some level, anything that happens to us can be accessed, correct?

A: Yes.

And other things, when Realm Border crossing, some people might not be afraid of thermonuclear blasts, might even enjoy something like that as "rapture" I don't wanted miss that, good or shock, it will be unique opportunity to experience such rare event in maybe soul's life time? Haha I am looking forward to, and probably trying to consciously feels that energy.
Kay Kim said:
Hello goyacobol,

It seems my own misunderstanding not yours and thanks for further explanation!
And you said that your not sure this part "Because the heart chakra vibration will make/help us to merge into 4th density realm safely."

My understanding about heart chakra is when person develop and controls the hearts emotional energy then the heart energy vibration would able to help connects to the higher chakras.

Laura said:
January 14, 1995

Q: (T) Now, when those who move into 4th density make the move, will they experience a completeness or merge with all other densities of their being, at that point, even if it is for a short time?

A: For one immeasurably small instant, this is what is meant by "illumination"!

Q: (T) But, for that small instant, because there really is no time, maybe an instant or an aeon, depending on how any individual might measure it, we might experience oneness with ourselves?

A: It may seem to last "forever."

Q: (L) Is this what is known as the "rapture?"

A: Some have attempted to explain instinctive thought patterns this way.


Q: (L) Is a person's soul pattern determined by the cumulative experiences of that individual?

A: Part of the equation.

Q: (L) Does a person carry within their soul pattern memories of every single incident, event or happening that has ever occurred to them throughout all realms of their experience?

A: Memories are imprint of "Past, Present and Future."

Q: (L) So, if the imprint is there... (J) "We are you in the future!" (L) Right, so if the imprint is there, and no outside force including Lizzies or Orions can...

A: You can remember us.

Q: (L) The point I am trying to get at here is that, at some level, anything that happens to us can be accessed, correct?

A: Yes.

And other things, when Realm Border crossing, some people might not be afraid of thermonuclear blasts, might even enjoy something like that as "rapture" I don't wanted miss that, good or shock, it will be unique opportunity to experience such rare event in maybe soul's life time? Haha I am looking forward to, and probably trying to consciously feels that energy.

Kay Kim,

I have been "feeling" very much the same way. It is something that I do not consider a negative phase or event but the natural progression for those who are ready to move on.

I think they were trying to compare this to "illumination":

A: For one immeasurably small instant, this is what is meant by "illumination"!

In that sense we can not know much about it until it happens but at least we have a foreknowledge that is a wondrous event and almost indescribable for words to express.
I like to go over again, the reason why we see this unusual tumultuous things going on this world, in the session 16, July 2016.

" Q: (Data) What is imminent now when they refer to global events?
A: Open your eyes and compare to sessions!
Q: (L) I guess pretty much most of the stuff they were predicting then is happening now. And you've already said that we're in the middle of the arrival of the Wave, and it's having all these weird effects on everything and everybody."

Well, I can happily endure anything because I have hope/faith, and thanks for the knowledge that guides me to deals with earthly matters.
Anyway, why waste time worrying about things that I can't control.
Maybe this is good opportunity to fortify my endurance, haha.

But, good thing is I still have time to work on myself to be better person, same time trying to raise vibration frequency to match the Grand Cycle of Realm Border Wave.

And thanks for the all the Forum members insightful information that help me to understand better.
So, we are here, learning to be STO!
I am glad, I'm here working with you all!

Session 11, October 2014,
Q: (L) so, we can each be working on ourselves individually with diet, cold therapy, with our networking, with getting rid of our emotional baggage, learning how to get along, etc. But all of that is really just of like preparatory for a phase transition?
A: Yes.

I found out from my own experience that reading Laura's books and Cassiopaean Session Transcripts is fastest ways to gain "Light Energy" . Maybe because they contained "Truth" knowledge?
Anyway, when I started to read Laura's books and session transcripts few years ago, weirdest things happen to me like, tingling sensation, energy vibration, heats up chest areas or belly. It happened when I understood some meaning or realized something. I didn't know at that time but now it make sense that a "Truth" knowledge can do person!

And also found out from below quotes informations that the light energy would do for all kind wonderful things to the body and mind.

"Content of „Bringers of the Dawn“, pg. 139 - 148, Chapter Thirteen.

Information is light; light is information. The more you become informed, the more you alter your frequency. You are electromagnetic creatures, and everything that you are, you broadcast to everyone else.

When light is brought into your body, it fires your light-encoded filaments and helps rebundle the DNA, creating a frequency change.
Frequency is what you know. Frequency is your identity."

Laura said:
October, 22 1994

A: ......Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation?
Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form.

Q: (L) Does this include knowledge learned from books?

A: This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word. Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning?

We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen.
Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself.

Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness.

Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its possession or its acceptance?

A: Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.

Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?

A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable.
And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence.
And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything.

So, have to read every days, every time when I read over, I found new meaning!
Thanks Kay Kim for putting together a lot of sessions.

The essence ones interest me a lot. It seems scary, but it is not- it is evolution and growth.

One has to learn the lessons of 3d before they can move to 4d. The C's called them "Simple and karmic lessons".

When I think about that, I'm reminded of the parable of the talents. The son that left was able to sow his wild oats and even though he ended up poor, eating from the pig sty, he was welcomed back by his father the King. It isn't until we go through these lessons we learn what free will could be.

A recent sott article from Gabor Mate about addiction which lead to a bit of discussion in the comments about how most of what we do is due to addiction. Life is this way, and I would say the only real way to learn free will is by seeing what we THOUGHT was free will. Then, maybe we can one day have more free will as we discern what is a real choice, and what was this "chemical" or "psychological" choice.

This is why the essences interested me. These aspects of ourselves bad or good need to be faced and acknowledged. Then we learn a little bit how we fooled ourself about free will. If you think about it, STS exercises their free will by manipulating others who give them their free will. How could we distinguish between that free will and STO free will--- by experiencing that restricted form of free will in our own physical daily lives.

So perhaps the wave comes and in some form or another, we test ourselves (or the wave does- if it's sentient?) whether we learned what free will and fake free will is, so that we can properly choose STO or STS. I suppose that the people who are still dreaming that they have free will here would end up recycling, as they still "fit" in this reality.
Speaking of fit, I just had an image of a child's small play house. For the child, they fit and are free to roam in the play house. As the child grows they lose the freedom to move in the small play house. So they realize the house is too small and move into a bigger space. Even though it is a physical analogy, perhaps in space-time, by us seeing that this reality is "too constrictive" we end up moving into a bigger "space(time)". Maybe that's why 4d is the next step, without the forced choice we face daily due to causality (linear time), we can learn new lessons.
Hello Divide By Zero,

Thanks for your post. I had to think over last few days. And I am agreeing with you that the essence/otherselves are "evolution and growth" for oneself when passing through into next higher density.
It makes sense, it seems the Divine Cosmic Mind is kindly proving a scheme to boost energy and knowledge to whom prepared and choose to jump into next level.

Maybe, because, no matter how hard we work ourself to raise higher vibration frequency to meet the Realm Border Wave, but maybe that is not enough for some of us to pass through the line.

Maybe, we could able to raise just high enough frequency to make to the Realm Border Line, then at that moment, all the essence from 3rd density rushing up to joint.

Imagine! That would raise up so highly tremendous energy and knowledge to one's Mind and Body. That will enhanced completely altering oneself, and suddenly knows what to do, thus with confidence, will crossing the Realm Border safely.

That might happened to the some people in the Earth's history. And some may just went as far as to merging essence to felt illumination, but didn't made to other side.

But we don't need to worry about that, because we work as "Group" and connected by Cs crystals, that surly fortified and protect each other.

So, it seems, when we first reached and living in the 4th density, we are still physical beings until when we becomes completely STO being. So, even in the 4th density, we need to work hard as group.
And matter of fact, I think any densities being who working hard for self, would eventually make to the next density.

Laura said:
January 7, 1995

A: ....Transition is the "Millennium." A thousand years is the 3rd level interpretation.

Q: (L) So, for a thousand years we will be living as physical beings in 4th density... so to speak... making this transition during this period... and, by the time it is over we will have done away with our physical appetites?

A: Close. Some will be there at the beginning, others will need more "time."

Q: (T) So, when we are on the 4th density, we are still in the physical, and we will still be consuming, will we then be consuming that energy from 3rd density, the orgasmic energy, or something like that?

A: Some.

Q: (D) Even if we are STO?

A: Not if completely STO.

Nowadays I don't crave anything in this worldly stuff, because I have given opportunity to participate exciting adventurous future. So nothing is more important to me than STO path.

If some members think they can make to next density without effort to work on self, that will be illusion.

Laura said:
Session Date: April 4th 2015

Q: (L) There are cosmic processes that must take place, and we as humanity are really small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.

A: Yes indeed!

Q: (L) Well, that kinda leads into some of the questions that are on my mind because of various interactions on the forum. A lot of people talk about wanting to wait for the Wave. In fact, I think there was one person who said that if he had a date for the Wave, he would work on himself, but since there's no date, he doesn't see any point in doing that.

A: The "Wave" is in process. Remember your principle of scale.

Q: (L) You mean the one that I wrote when I was doing Noah?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, that principle of scale was basically that when a quantum wave collapse occurs at the atomic scale, it's like nearly instantaneous because of the smallness of the system.

(Pierre) Macro scale takes more time.

(L) Yes. A wave or a phase transition at the macrocosmic scale would take place over a period of time. So, that reminds me of the session back I think it was in 1995, because I just recently re-read it, and it was about the dying off of the frogs. We were talking about frogs dying off because somebody had reported that frogs were disappearing. We asked about this, and the answer was along the lines that that was a precursor or an effect of the Wave. In other words, what we're seeing from our perspective are incremental events that, in a larger perspective, would be more or less instantaneous.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that the principle of scale we're talking about here?

A: Yes. And those who do not realize this will "go under".

Q: (L) So somebody's who's waiting for a specific date for some kind of big flash to happen and suddenly they're gonna go from one world into another, they're simply not grasping the cosmic scale of thing?

A: Exactly! We once said that it was a grand example of cosmic "Pomp and Circumstance". You simply do not have the full perspective!

Q: (L) .......A couple of times, you've given messages to the group. Is there anything you'd like to say to the group?

A: Those of you who are waiting for "The Wave" to save or change you should be aware that you are really like the frog being gradually cooked.

Q: (Galatea) So, you're saying people should act as much as possible as if the Wave is already here?

A: Yes. In fact, it is!
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