Silveryblue said:
It is not an argument. It is a fact. People do wait decades. Patiently & with a fighting heart. And I don't think the PTB purposefully drag the chain. IMHO if it doesn't affect the lawmakers and there is no noise about it, they simply can't be assed.
I think you're missing the point here, Silveryblue, and you're dreaming that your 'fact' is actually so--it's not.
What TPTB typically do these days is create distractions (many call them "debating the issues") while pillaging and destroying the world. That the average american voter (nevermind how asleep one has to be to waste time voting) cares the most about gay marriage and abortion--while the USA wages endless wars, destroys the planet, assassinates US citizens and minors, etc, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum--goes to show exactly how asleep they are. So I wouldn't say that the PTB do or don't "purposefully drag the chain"--they create an imaginary chain and move it one way or another to distract people while committing perhaps some of the worst atrocities this planet has yet seen.
If we're talking about America,
Silveryblue said:
See above--voting is a charade. Women might have taken more effective actions before when they weren't allowed to vote. Now they can just vote for the mass murder Obama--the "candidate for women".
Silveryblue said:
Decent wages and conditions for workers.
Doesn't exist.
Silveryblue said:
Civil treatment for prisoners of war.
See Gitmo, Enemy Combatant, etc--doesn't exist.
Silveryblue said:
Neither citizens nor immigrants have genuine rights in america. Anyone can be assassinated or indefinitely detained by the government at any time for any reason.
Silveryblue said:
The entire planet is enslaved. Slavery didn't end, it just became a little more covert.
Silveryblue said:
None of these things were spontaneous and all were amended within decades AFAIK. But nothing changed until there was a mass movement/idealogical war/civil war and protests to force change.
The mistake you're making is believing that things have changed positively--they haven't. The entire political theater is just that--a show to distract the masses from what's actually going on. What's actually going on is mass theft, global slavery, mass murder, ruling psychopaths, and earth changes. If the masses were to actually grasp these things as the reality that they are, there wouldn't be debates about abortion or gay marriage or whatever emotionally-charged hypnotic issue is being talked about on the 24/7
news propaganda stations because there would simply be more important things to do and talk about. There's not even a real debate on gay marriage--there's having a functional conscience, or not.
Silveryblue said:
You could take the easy route & ask your senator/congressman to take this up for you. I could say that your elected representatives must represent you and your wishes etc but why bother when we know they don't. Laws don't get passed until there is a widespread pressure on the lawmakers to change things. Often with the threat that if they don't they will lose their votes & cushy jobs.
Any representative that even comes close to genuinely representing the people gets ousted very quickly and shunned in the government. Cynthia McKinney comes to mind (if you haven't seen the film American Blackout, it goes into detail of how she was ousted by republicans and democrats: _
And even if they're genuinely representing the people, they're so asleep to the reality of the situation that they won't be able to actually get anything done.
The only real thing that's getting done is the slow creep of global overt totalitarianism/fascism as a world ruled by psychopaths serving their 4D STS puppet masters.