Pastor: Trap Gays, Lesbians Inside Electric Fence

Guardian said:
I think that if certain GLBT leaders would capitulate on this one word, the entire issue would be settled with little fanfare....but for some reason, they won't. They insist that GLBT people should be able to get "married" just like hetrosexual couples do. WHY? What would be the difference between getting a "Marriage License" or a "Commitment License" IF both conferred the same rights and privileges?
More than likely because the LGBT community, as with all other groups that started out with good intentions, have been infiltrated by psychopaths seeking to muddy the waters.

I agree that the label itself means little. When I was in a domestic partnership, it was done mainly to get health insurance yet didn't want to get married.
truth seeker said:
Silveryblue said:
I am not saying that some should have privileges that others don't. I just made the point that it takes a while for the PTB to catch up and in the meantime you can arrange your own affairs using existing laws.
It's not that the ptb take a while to 'catch up', but rather that the ptb purposely drags it feet in order to keep the masses distracted and infighting with issues that could quite easily and quickly be rectified. Believe me, when they want a law passed, it gets passed.

People of color in this country experienced similar tactics and still do albeit to a lesser extent. Unfortunately many who have certain privileges because they happen to fit in the correct box, so to speak, are often led to believe what you've written above. I've never really understood that particular argument - that some should patiently wait their turn, even if it takes decades or centuries, while others get to enjoy certain freedoms in the present. For what it's worth.

It is not an argument. It is a fact. People do wait decades. Patiently & with a fighting heart. And I don't think the PTB purposefully drag the chain. IMHO if it doesn't affect the lawmakers and there is no noise about it, they simply can't be assed.
Eg Votes for women. Decent wages and conditions for workers. Civil treatment for prisoners of war. Rights for immigrants. An end to slavery. None of these things were spontaneous and all were amended within decades AFAIK. But nothing changed until there was a mass movement/idealogical war/civil war and protests to force change.

You could take the easy route & ask your senator/congressman to take this up for you. I could say that your elected representatives must represent you and your wishes etc but why bother when we know they don't. Laws don't get passed until there is a widespread pressure on the lawmakers to change things. Often with the threat that if they don't they will lose their votes & cushy jobs.

Until then you are well advised to do what you can to safeguard yourself and your loved ones however you may. That is not a complacent attitude. That is survival.
I prefer to keep my powder dry for the things that don't have a ready solution.

Hoping for a better 4D if I get there.
Chin up.
Guardian said:
I think that if certain GLBT leaders would capitulate on this one word, the entire issue would be settled with little fanfare....but for some reason, they won't. They insist that GLBT people should be able to get "married" just like heterosexual couples do. WHY? What would be the difference between getting a "Marriage License" or a "Commitment License" IF both conferred the same rights and privileges?
Excellent point.
:huh: If it is not solvable without the word "married" in there, then someone please explain why.
Silveryblue said:
It is not an argument. It is a fact. People do wait decades. Patiently & with a fighting heart. And I don't think the PTB purposefully drag the chain. IMHO if it doesn't affect the lawmakers and there is no noise about it, they simply can't be assed.

I think you're missing the point here, Silveryblue, and you're dreaming that your 'fact' is actually so--it's not.

What TPTB typically do these days is create distractions (many call them "debating the issues") while pillaging and destroying the world. That the average american voter (nevermind how asleep one has to be to waste time voting) cares the most about gay marriage and abortion--while the USA wages endless wars, destroys the planet, assassinates US citizens and minors, etc, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum--goes to show exactly how asleep they are. So I wouldn't say that the PTB do or don't "purposefully drag the chain"--they create an imaginary chain and move it one way or another to distract people while committing perhaps some of the worst atrocities this planet has yet seen.

If we're talking about America,

Silveryblue said:
Eg Votes for women.

See above--voting is a charade. Women might have taken more effective actions before when they weren't allowed to vote. Now they can just vote for the mass murder Obama--the "candidate for women".

Silveryblue said:
Decent wages and conditions for workers.

Doesn't exist.

Silveryblue said:
Civil treatment for prisoners of war.

See Gitmo, Enemy Combatant, etc--doesn't exist.

Silveryblue said:
Rights for immigrants.

Neither citizens nor immigrants have genuine rights in america. Anyone can be assassinated or indefinitely detained by the government at any time for any reason.

Silveryblue said:
An end to slavery.

The entire planet is enslaved. Slavery didn't end, it just became a little more covert.

Silveryblue said:
None of these things were spontaneous and all were amended within decades AFAIK. But nothing changed until there was a mass movement/idealogical war/civil war and protests to force change.

The mistake you're making is believing that things have changed positively--they haven't. The entire political theater is just that--a show to distract the masses from what's actually going on. What's actually going on is mass theft, global slavery, mass murder, ruling psychopaths, and earth changes. If the masses were to actually grasp these things as the reality that they are, there wouldn't be debates about abortion or gay marriage or whatever emotionally-charged hypnotic issue is being talked about on the 24/7 news propaganda stations because there would simply be more important things to do and talk about. There's not even a real debate on gay marriage--there's having a functional conscience, or not.

Silveryblue said:
You could take the easy route & ask your senator/congressman to take this up for you. I could say that your elected representatives must represent you and your wishes etc but why bother when we know they don't. Laws don't get passed until there is a widespread pressure on the lawmakers to change things. Often with the threat that if they don't they will lose their votes & cushy jobs.

Any representative that even comes close to genuinely representing the people gets ousted very quickly and shunned in the government. Cynthia McKinney comes to mind (if you haven't seen the film American Blackout, it goes into detail of how she was ousted by republicans and democrats: _

And even if they're genuinely representing the people, they're so asleep to the reality of the situation that they won't be able to actually get anything done.

The only real thing that's getting done is the slow creep of global overt totalitarianism/fascism as a world ruled by psychopaths serving their 4D STS puppet masters.
truth seeker said:
More than likely because the LGBT community, as with all other groups that started out with good intentions, have been infiltrated by psychopaths seeking to muddy the waters.

Yup, that's exactly what happened...and I saw it up close and personal. I worked security for the GLBT Marches on Washington in the 80's and 90's, and at one point there was a showdown between members of the Steering Committee regarding whether or not a spokesman for NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) would be allowed to speak on-stage. The women on the committee said "No!" but there were a couple of men on the committee who insisted we should be "fair" and give equal time to the baby rapers. :mad:

The DC Police were called, they said they couldn't get involved "unless there was violence" and it came down to me physically blocking the stairs up to the stage so the boylovers couldn't get to the podium. If they had managed to get past me (which I did not intend to allow) the woman who ran the stage and delay towers was going to shut it all down. It was a mess.

A lot of activists (me included) also dropped out of the movement after we won Lawrence v Texas, which struck down all the anti sodomy laws that targeted consensual sex between (adult) same sex partners. Decriminalizing gay relationships was a prime goal of the original activists, and it was achieved.

I've seen it time and time again, GLBT, NOW, Pagan, Environmental, etc. groups co-oped by 'paths for their own purposes, and almost no one wants to listen while it's happening. Ordinary people want to give the psychopaths a "fair chance" ...which usually spells doom for the org.
Foxx said:
If we're talking about America

I am in & from New Zealand. We don't actually get to hear much about America apart from movies & TV & alternative internet sites. Most people don't dig into it, and just take the news/movies at face value. You have to get well out of mainstream NZ to discover what is really going on and how ominous it is for you guys in USA & other countries.

The above presents only my personal observations of life in NZ and how we get things done. But we only have 4.5 million people all up so maybe I can't even imagine what you are up against with the diversity in USA.

Here, the above IS fact. We do fight and we persevere even when the odds seem pretty chancy. We are stubborn admittedly. We fight & debate amongst ourselves for sure. And sometimes we get it absolutely, positively correct :-)
NZ was the first country to grant women the vote in 1893. US women got universal right to vote as a war measure in 1918/19 AFAIK. Perseverance pays.
We were on the USA shit list for years for our 1984 anti nuke stance. The 2012 "insult" to our navy on manoeuvres around Hawaii was tolerable because, well, we haven't changed the position on that one either.
In NZ we have recognised homosexual property rights under the de facto umbrella. Only relatively recently it's true, but at least we got there. Gay marriage is still up for debate here.

I have seen 2 staff go through gender changes at work in the last 3 years. That is more than I have ever encountered before in 30 working years & I am actually impressed with the support offered by the company. That in itself represents how far NZ has come as a nation to me. I don't know if we are behind the times in this respect or what % of Kiwis may be gay.

Patience & Perseverance are key to bringing about change. Even in the best & most honest of political climates we can can continue to fight for years. It seems to be the only way a small nation can get things done.

In the worst and least honest of political landscapes I would be protecting my rights & wishes with every weapon at my disposal. Don't bemoan the lack of off the hanger rights at this moment.
Protect what you can while you fight.

Silveryblue said:
Hoping for a better 4D if I get there.
Chin up.

This is a bit off topic, but since I see this sort of thinking a lot, I thought that I'd ask, what is the point of hoping for a better 4D when who we are and what we see is what will define that? There is no magic potion or higher dimension that 'fixes' everything - that's up to each of us, and us collectively, and always has been. I think there is a strong tendency for people to think about 4D like it's heaven. Think of it this way - if 2D animals progress to 3D and we know what 3D is like, the struggle involved, the difficult lessons, the higher degree of freedom matched with a higher degree of responsibility and struggle, why would we think that our progression to 4D would be any different? Wouldn't it follow logically that 4D will be what we are as well - so - as always and in everything - it comes back to us and what we understand. A 'better 4D' isn't just going to happen, that part is up to us - and that all depends on our knowledge and understanding, which if you think about the current state of humanity is a fairly daunting proposition. fwiw.
anart said:
Silveryblue said:
Hoping for a better 4D if I get there.
Chin up.

This is a bit off topic, but since I see this sort of thinking a lot, I thought that I'd ask, what is the point of hoping for a better 4D when who we are and what we see is what will define that? There is no magic potion or higher dimension that 'fixes' everything - that's up to each of us, and us collectively, and always has been. I think there is a strong tendency for people to think about 4D like it's heaven. Think of it this way - if 2D animals progress to 3D and we know what 3D is like, the struggle involved, the difficult lessons, the higher degree of freedom matched with a higher degree of responsibility and struggle, why would we think that our progression to 4D would be any different? Wouldn't it follow logically that 4D will be what we are as well - so - as always and in everything - it comes back to us and what we understand. A 'better 4D' isn't just going to happen, that part is up to us - and that all depends on our knowledge and understanding, which if you think about the current state of humanity is a fairly daunting proposition. fwiw.

Well I'm glad you point it out. Seems like indeed, some wish they will go there because they think all problems will vanish and that they will perhaps bathe in light & love. I think that, on the contrary, we could be faced with just as many issues, only on a diffrent level.
JayMark said:
anart said:
Silveryblue said:
Hoping for a better 4D if I get there.
Chin up.

This is a bit off topic, but since I see this sort of thinking a lot, I thought that I'd ask, what is the point of hoping for a better 4D when who we are and what we see is what will define that? There is no magic potion or higher dimension that 'fixes' everything - that's up to each of us, and us collectively, and always has been. I think there is a strong tendency for people to think about 4D like it's heaven. Think of it this way - if 2D animals progress to 3D and we know what 3D is like, the struggle involved, the difficult lessons, the higher degree of freedom matched with a higher degree of responsibility and struggle, why would we think that our progression to 4D would be any different? Wouldn't it follow logically that 4D will be what we are as well - so - as always and in everything - it comes back to us and what we understand. A 'better 4D' isn't just going to happen, that part is up to us - and that all depends on our knowledge and understanding, which if you think about the current state of humanity is a fairly daunting proposition. fwiw.

Well I'm glad you point it out. Seems like indeed, some wish they will go there because they think all problems will vanish and that they will perhaps bathe in light & love. I think that, on the contrary, we could be faced with just as many issues, only on a diffrent level.
Isn't That the point of the work everyone is doing now - to prepare? If your eyes are opened & you begin to look about you, question & analyze what you are really seeing rather than accepting what you are told you are seeing, doesn't that discernment go with you when the wave comes & moves you? Fwiw It seems to me that development of discernment may be a vital preparation - a tool that is going to help you cope with whatever we could face in 4D. I may be waay off here with my understanding as I am still reading & re reading the wave.

I am fairly excited about the arrival of the wave. It may be terrifying and disorienting even if you know it's on the way thanks to Laura & the Cs. It's also natural and universal, so I am trying to orient myself to meet it in the best possible state of mind. I don't expect to be lifted into 4D paradise where all is perfect. I hope to keep my wits about me & be useful by having prepared as much as I can.
Yes. I am hopeful :)
Guardian said:
anart said:
I think there is a strong tendency for people to think about 4D like it's heaven.

The grass is always greener.....


But what about the cup? Half-full or half-empty?

Wait... I know the anwser; there is no cup... :scared:
JayMark said:
Guardian said:
anart said:
I think there is a strong tendency for people to think about 4D like it's heaven.

The grass is always greener.....


But what about the cup? Half-full or half-empty?

Wait... I know the anwser; there is no cup... :scared:

JayMark, this comment isn't really at all relevant to the conversation. Could you try to keep the noise to a minimum?
The C's mentioned that after transition to 4D, "the playing field will be leveled" - in the sense that those who transition to 4D would be metaphorically face-to-face with the denizens of 4D including the lizard beings. Just like today in 3D we have a level playing field with psychopaths; the Native Americans had a level playing field with colonialists etc. It may seem to us that the playing field is/was not really level in these situations but from a higher perspective of awareness, we are all 3D - hence it is at the same level. If we continue to be prey for psychopaths on 3D, the situation in 4D would not be very different even if we make it there. This should give some idea of what awaits those who transition to 4D - at least that is how I currently see it.
I understood the level playing field remark to mean that in 4D there would no longer be higher density manipulation which occurs here in 3D.

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