Path Discovery


Padawan Learner
I believe I may have discovered my path. Several months ago I had a spiritual reading and was told my purpose in this lifetime is to help people and that my spirit-guide was a native American shaman. At the time I thought it was odd and didn't make much sense of the reading. Since then, I have done much reading and studying. I started meditating and thought I haven't been getting results or reaching the level of conciseness needed to gain insight. Perhaps I was wrong because as of late I have been having dreams and visions of sitting around campfires at night. The visions don't seem to be from this point in time. I don't know if I am dreaming of the past or the future. I think something is being reveled to me. I think my spirit guide wants me to learn more so that I can go to the native peoples of my country (America) to set them back on track. As you may not be aware, a lot of Native American's have opened casinos, thus have strayed away from Mother Earth. They too have become trapped by modern man. They will perish in the days ahead if they do not go back to the ways of the ancestors. I am being flooded by emotions just writing this. Perhaps this is why I have started out my adult life working in casinos. So I can relate to them and show them the mirror of reality they have created for themselves as well as myself. If this is my true path in life, I have much work to do to and very little time to prepare myself. I feel a bit overwhelmed and am not sure If I'm up to the task? I'm not even sure if this is my path. If this is my path, it does seem like an exciting adventure. As you can see, I have mixed emotions and to be honest am a bit confused right now. I don't think I have yet learned enough to even begin this task but am being very drawn to it.
Michael said:
I believe I may have discovered my path. Several months ago I had a spiritual reading and was told my purpose in this lifetime is to help people and that my spirit-guide was a native American shaman.

What do you mean by a 'spiritual reading' - by whom?  Why would you believe what someone else tells you about you your 'purpose in this lifetime'?

michael said:
At the time I thought it was odd and didn't make much sense of the reading.

And now you've 'decided' it is your path?

Michael said:
Since then, I have done much reading and studying. I started meditating and thought I haven't been getting results or reaching the level of conciseness needed to gain insight. Perhaps I was wrong because as of late I have been having dreams and visions of sitting around campfires at night. The visions don't seem to be from this point in time. I don't know if I am dreaming of the past or the future.

Why are you looking to your dreams in order to awaken???  How many times has this been covered on this forum?  Are you at all aware of the work of G.I. Gudjieff, upon which this forum is based?

m said:
I think something is being reveled to me.

By whom?  Or what?

M said:
I think my spirit guide

What is a spirit guide and why do you think you have one?  Oh, yes, because you had a 'reading' and then had some dreams?  Are you at all interested in actually waking up so you can 'Do' anything at all?

m said:
wants me to learn more so that I can go to the native peoples of my country (America) to set them back on track.

Learn more about what?  Set them 'back on track'?  According to whom?  What about Free Will?  What about their own learning?  Who are you to set anyone back on track about anything?

M said:
As you may not be aware, a lot of Native American's have opened casinos, thus have strayed away from Mother Earth.

Sez who?  What do casinos have to do with "mother earth" in any way at all, positive or negative?

M said:
They too have become trapped by modern man.

They too ARE modern man.

m said:
They will perish in the days ahead if they do not go back to the ways of the ancestors.

They will likely perish in the days ahead anyway - just like the majority of humanity.  Wake up, Michael.

m said:
I am being flooded by emotions just writing this. 

Yes, dreams can seem very real.

M said:
 Perhaps this is why I have started out my adult life working in casinos. So I can relate to them and show them the mirror of reality they have created for themselves as well as myself.

???  Apologies, but this makes little sense.  Not only does it completely disregard Free Will, it speaks of enormous arrogance for you to think it is your place to set anyone straight - or that your determination of whether they are on the right track or not is relevant at all.  You might be much better off if you turned that mirror on yourself before heading out to set others straight.

m said:
If this is my true path in life, I have much work to do to and very little time to prepare myself.

I would imagine so.  How does one go about violating the Free Will and lessons of an entire race?

m said:
I feel a bit overwhelmed and am not sure If I'm up to the task? I'm not even sure if this is my path. If this is my path, it does seem like an exciting adventure. As you can see, I have mixed emotions and to be honest am a bit confused right now. I don't think I have yet learned enough to even begin this task but am being very drawn to it.

Such an 'exciting adventure' - certainly more shiny and exciting than actually facing yourself and doing the Work necessary to become real.  Michael, I realize you may take this response as being rather harsh, but from what you have written here, all indications are that you are dreaming - and in that dream, you have found yourself an exciting adventure in which you play savior to others while not having to actually Work on yourself.  To encourage you in such dreaming is to not serve you well at all.  If you are not yet familiar with the work of G.I. Gurdjieff, please take the time to become familiar with it since it is the basis of what we do here.
Michael said:
I believe I may have discovered my path. Several months ago I had a spiritual reading and was told my purpose in this lifetime is to help people.... to show them the mirror of reality they have created for themselves....

We are ALL here to choose between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others. But one cannot be of service to others without working on Self-Knowledge first. In other words, it is necessary to help YOURSELF before you try to help others. It is only through knowledge of YOURSELF and and all your little "I"s that you can really see your own motivation. Is it truly a desire to be of service, or just another manifestation of Self-Importance, a desire to be seen as a "Teacher", to be an arbiter of what others need and/or should know?

In what form do you see yourself "helping" others? Telling them "The Truth" as you see it? That would be a violation of Free Will, for as the C's constantly remind us, "it is not STO to determine the needs of another". They also advise that "STO gives to all who ask". But do you have the discernment to know the difference between true "asking" and manipulation? Do you know enough about External Consideration to adapt yourself to another's level of being and knowledge? Do you have the self-discipline to refrain from "helping" when it is neither asked for nor of true benefit? Do you have the ability to let others choose their own paths and learn their own lessons, no matter how "wrong" you might believe them to be?

Please read the following quote from Gurdjieff very carefully. It is probably one of the most important paragraphs you will read in your life:

Gurdjieff said:
It was said, for instance, that somebody wanted to help people. In order to be able to help people one must first learn to help oneself. A great number of people become absorbed in thoughts and feelings about helping others simply out of laziness. They are too lazy to work on themselves; and at the same time it is very pleasant for them to think that they are able to help others. This is being false and insincere with oneself. If a man looks at himself as he really is, he will not begin to think of helping other people: he will be ashamed to think about it.
Also, there are OP's and psychopaths to take into account. They seem to be pretty widely spread among people of all nationalities and beliefs; native Americans would not be exempt from their share.

Proceeding along this path you have chosen would certainly bring you into contact with them sooner or later. Would you know how to deal with them, without reading all the relevant threads on this forum?

It seems to me you are preparing to jump into a lake full of sharks with your eyes closed, and where there is money to be made (as from running casinos) there will always be sharks, osit.

Are you prepared to face what could very well turn into a highly dangerous and possibly fatal (for you) mission? It's your choice.
Michael said:
I believe I may have discovered my path. Several months ago I had a spiritual reading and was told my purpose in this lifetime is to help people and that my spirit-guide was a native American shaman. At the time I thought it was odd and didn't make much sense of the reading.

Hi Michael. Telling someone they have "a Native American Shaman" as a "spirit-guide" is the oldest New Age wheeze out there. The oddness of it on first hearing is a red flag. A BIG red flag.

Since then, I have done much reading and studying. I started meditating and thought I haven't been getting results or reaching the level of conciseness needed to gain insight. Perhaps I was wrong because as of late I have been having dreams and visions of sitting around campfires at night. The visions don't seem to be from this point in time. I don't know if I am dreaming of the past or the future. I think something is being reveled to me. I think my spirit guide wants me to learn more so that I can go to the native peoples of my country (America) to set them back on track. As you may not be aware, a lot of Native American's have opened casinos, thus have strayed away from Mother Earth. They too have become trapped by modern man. They will perish in the days ahead if they do not go back to the ways of the ancestors.

Unless you are Native American, this is not a good idea. If you are Native American, the last place you're going to find reliable information is in a book. If possible, and if you are Native American, it would be better to talk to your elders before running out with the idea of "saving" anybody. You may find yourself up to your eyebrows in a lot of anger, toward you and toward those who try to "save" a people that don't want or need "saving". This anger won't just affect you personally. It can ripple outward and touch everyone in your life. Think real hard...what would happen to a Native American man if he suddenly decided that his Path was saving the white man from the Bible? Exactly how long do you think it would be before he came to a tragic end? Or worse?

I am being flooded by emotions just writing this. Perhaps this is why I have started out my adult life working in casinos. So I can relate to them and show them the mirror of reality they have created for themselves as well as myself. If this is my true path in life, I have much work to do to and very little time to prepare myself. I feel a bit overwhelmed and am not sure If I'm up to the task? I'm not even sure if this is my path. If this is my path, it does seem like an exciting adventure. As you can see, I have mixed emotions and to be honest am a bit confused right now. I don't think I have yet learned enough to even begin this task but am being very drawn to it.

Lots of people, from all nationalities, get tricked with this illusion. Its prime food for STS, because the moment you show up to "save ethnic group of choice" said people are going to slap you silly, if you're lucky. If you have any doubts at all, leave it alone.

Mods? I can't get the quote thingy right.

Moderator: They were nearly ok but you have to put a "/" before the word "quote" which ends the quotation.
Gimpy said:
Mods? I can't get the quote thingy right.

Moderator: They were nearly ok but you have to put a "/" before the word "quote" which ends the quotation.

You can also use the "insert quote" button :

1/ paste the text you want to quote
2/ highlight it
3/ click on the "quote" button (just above the "scared" emoticon)
Something before was mentioned about violation of free will.

Well I am going to set before me a couple of scenarios.

1. You want to help people without violating free will (which is what this is about). Somebody wants your help. Does it matter what KIND of help they want? Like if they asked you to kill someone, and they told you that someone was hurting them.
Because you help people, what decision could you make? There is no way you would want to kill a fellow human. But someone is asking for help in doing this. If you said no, would that make you selfish in believing it is wrong to take a life? It is your free will to make the choice on whether to help or not help, as it is their free will to think like that and ask you to do it, right?

2. There's a psychopath running around killing people right in front of your eyes. Causing pain and fear to their families and those nearby. Should you just stand there and let this happen, because it is their free will to do this? Or should you stop this person because of the amount of chaos it is causing to the people around it? Again, it is your choice and your free will to do or not to do.

I know I probably sound like a serial killer talking about murdering people and stuff, but while coming to understand the law of free will, and how being of S T O orientation means that you must protect freewill, but I thought of these two scenarios and was stumped on them.

It would be interesting to see other people's views on this.
Jelly49, I think the main thing to remember when you are trying to understand free will is that you shouldn't attempt to apply a black-and-white understanding to any situation. Every scenario will have a different context to it, thereby making each decision different depending upon the available data. Remember the Law of Three: Their is right, and their is wrong, and their is the specific situation that determines which is which.

You are extremely unlikely to ever find yourself in either of the extreme hypothetical situations you describe. Such "mental exercises", unconnected to how the issues of free will and STO-orientation actually apply to YOU and your interactions with others, are simply a distraction.

It would be more useful for you to consider everyday situations in your own life and immediate experience that may involve these issues, as it is more likely to lead to a true understanding of them, as well as personal insight, awareness, and growth.
PepperFritz said:

You are extremely unlikely to ever find yourself in either of the extreme hypothetical situations you describe.

And, if despite probabilities you find yourself in such a situation, you might find see the context is more rich and complex than what we could quickly describe as "a psychopath is running around and killling".

This being said, there are plenty of "normal" events of life where we have opportunities to exercise discernment, external consideration, respect of free will...

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