no solid UFO evidence, much more important message to raise awareness
Hunt for the Skinwalker 2018
Hunt For The Skinwalker is a documentary about the most intensive scientific study of a UFO and paranormal hotspot in human history.
Director: Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Anyone, who only wants solid UFO evidence, skip this one. This movie is about raising awareness
about the phenomenon. Needs: reading behind the lines. Reaching 80-90% of the movie I had a corroboration of my own theory, empirical, was experienced on my own skin, literally. Its my solid belief - just as the people interviewed in this movie have a solid belief based on
what encountered them.
I noticed that this movie introduces the same phenomenon I experienced and I think a lot of people experienced here, only it is a
lot more ronounced
What follows is strictly my speculation:
- - - - s p e c u l a t i o n - - - -
Terms used below:
MO = mode of operation, how this phenomenon works.
Modus operandi definition is - a method of procedure; especially : a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime.
IT = The Matrix. Maintained and operated by Lizzie Corp. to protect their 'crop fields'. (see below)
I think the skinwalker ranch phenomenon is the very same that John Keel described in his books. Has also the very same MO introduced and displayed in the movies The Matrix and its sequels. This latest skinwalker movie has
this exact, single, most important message** elaborated especially in the last part of the movie. Same thing that Gurdjieff talks about: the Moon as a worse place, with twice the number of laws than exist on Earth. When somebody sinks so low that they begin to fall under the Law of the Moon in their life, I call that the Deep Matrix = more serious accidents, life kicks the person a lot harder. Living under the Law of the Earth is just leading a regular life asleep in the Matrix = usual, everyday, not too serious accidents happen, nothing is overtly dramatical.
I think I can call it a goal, to become more aware of this exact phenomenon and MO and get out of the number of laws that govern Earth and get to live under lesser Laws. I call it "hacking the Matrix."
I note that everybody seeks power on this planet, the less conscious brawl & beat to get more power, the more conscious / maybe more aware do: Biohacking, money hacking, tax hacking, income hacking, lifestyle hacking, Big Pharma hacking(homeopathy), Big Oil hacking (water powered cars, motorcycles), etc.. Everybody, who is aware to some or a greater extent, appears to want to get out of "under more Laws" to live "under lesser Laws", to ease to burden of living.
The message is simple:
It notices that you have noticed IT. IT follows people. The people being followed this way say, "It lasts for a while.." I think G. would say here: it last for a while because after the trauma people gradually get back to sleep. Then IT notices they are not a threat anymore and leaves them alone. Refer to that witness report in this movie, when the big guy talks about seeing something that eerily resembles the saucer part (("main command section")) of the starship Enterprise and listen carefully what IT says to him at that moment. (And how he was scared immediately.)
I think the most important conclusion is this, thanks to this movie giving me a final puzzle piece:
IT is afraid of being noticed. IT doesn't want attention. I think IT is horrified of the possibility of
Mass Attention - people noticing IT En Masse - I think - that would change the taste and composition of the massive "Creative Energy Crop Fields" that the 'Big Food Lizzie Corporation' is so carefully tending on this planet to maintain a steady supply flowing to 4thD STS. In case of catastrophic
Mass AttentionT from humans on the surface ((humans asleep = Living Crop for Big Food Lizzie Co.)) the Lizzies would starve. It appears that the Lizzies are operating IT left it on auto - the "Living Matrix", which I think is "just" an advanced AI at the tech-level of the Lizzies. IT thinks, IT conjures hindrances in your way during your life, IT injures you physically - using various Cattle-Prod methods to usher you back to sleep ==> as long as IT measures your awareness/alertness level as "Red Hot Big-No-No Awakened!! Alert!! Alert!!" and affirms that
you are working against IT. That's it.
If You endanger the livelihood of the dying Lizard race on this planet, if you start to behave like "Bad-baaad Cattle!!", if you disturb the operations of "Big Oil Lizzie" - mining whatever the heck they are mining deep under - refer reports in this movie about big machinery operating deep under the Earth - then you get the Big Stick!!
At first I think IT recognizes you as a "Saveable Cattle" so IT tries to Cattle-Prod you back to sleep. If that fails, then IT relegates you as "Danger!!" to "Big Food Lizzie" corporation operating/cultivating the "Living Human Crop" fields on this planet, then you get to made dead. Presto! Problem solved for IT and life goes on!