"Pathocracy: Disease" Flash from the creators of "Pentagon Strike"

I really like it, except for one thing - some of the text is hard to read because its not shown for long enough :(
I suppose that did encourage me to watch it a few times though :)
It's really well done. The text bit is accurate, but im sure peeps will watch and rewatch.

Its a good length too. Not too long, i dig the song.



Spread it!
Great work! - though I would have liked it to have been a bit longer and possibly with more information about the events between the founding of isreal and current events, maybe a few more lines from political ponerology ... *waits* for the next flash installment ;)
Great work Darren. Showed it to my family and friends at work and the only comments that they made was that some parts where there was text to read could have been slowed down a tad but otherwise excellent work.

Great video, I still have to pickup my copy of POLITICAL PONEROLOGY...
Is there any way to download it and save it as a whole thing? It is, afterall, it is a collectors item, but I don't know much about how these things work.

Send a copy to George Galloway too. He's coming under increasing fire at the moment, or so it seems.
ok, here are my 2 cents...

first off - the flash is really, really well made -- graphics, music and animation are first rate. (i should know - i'm a graphics designer ;) )
i do agree with what was posted here, that the text goes by a bit too fast (i thought the same about the pentagon strike - maybe i'm just slow? ;) )

but content-wise i was somewhat disappointed because i was expecting something else.

i had hoped for an introduction and explanation of the concept of psychopathy that would be accessible and understandable by the 'average' person.

i find the case for psychopathy as presented on this site to be extremely interesting and plausible - an easily understandable concept, that could be explained to people that would never in a million years venture on alternative newssites. it gives the perfect and well-documented answer to the question of why we as a species, after thousands of years of wars and atrocities, don't seem to have learned one tiny lesson from it.

this is a question many people are struggling with, IMHO.

a big advantage is that in order to believe the psychopathy argument people don't need to believe in 'conspiracy theories', something that throws up a mental block in many.

i believe such a flash/video could reach many many people that are otherwise completely inaccessible to 'us'.
once the idea of psychopaths is planted in their conciousness, they will be able to see it for themselves every day on the mainstream news, in politics and business.

anyway, that my opinion on this.
sorry for the criticism darren, i know how much work a video like this is!!

PS: how about a video-version of this (.avi, .wmv) that could be posted on sites like youtube - that would take a big load off your server and make sharing easier. (unless you don't want to post it on 3rd party sites, which is understandable. maybe they would even delete it once it got posted?)
Ico, I too would like to see such a flash as you propose... how about writing a script for it and we'll see what we can do?
Iconoclast said:
PS: how about a video-version of this (.avi, .wmv) that could be posted on sites like youtube - that would take a big load off your server and make sharing easier. (unless you don't want to post it on 3rd party sites, which is understandable. maybe they would even delete it once it got posted?)
Come to think of it, is this do-able?
Laura said:
Ico, I too would like to see such a flash as you propose... how about writing a script for it and we'll see what we can do?
well, i'll see what i can do!
i hope to get around to it in the next couple of weeks.
Good job... Concisely informative about why the occupation of Palestine is indeed an occupation... Having said that, the text is too fast for me to read. Thanks!
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