Pathocracy in Haaretz

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
I don't think SOTT ran this article when it was published, but Francois de Bernard uses the word 'pathocracy' in his editorial, The New Hero, available at

Here's what he says:
The reality that we are trying to keep at a distance is that the United States has become a theocracy and a pathocracy. It has become a theocracy because nearly all the important decisions of President George W. Bush's administration are taken "in the name of God" - an angry and vengeful God, not a God of love and compassion - and because this system is not encountering any serious opposition on the part of the legislative and legal institutions, not to mention the media....

But the United States has also become a pathocracy, that is, a regime that is neurotic in essence, the leaders of which are, quite simply, psychopaths. I offer the hypothesis that the American president is personally suffering from a paranoid psychosis and that the quartet he has formed with Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld constitutes a government that is both theocratic and pathocratic.

Therefore we must not slip into the ordinary plaint that claims: "He's crazy, they're all crazy." It is necessary to understand the extent to which the new Emperor, his principal advisers and those who carry out his directives have brought the most disturbing pathology into the heart of the world empire....
And it is even more strange this apeared on a pro-israeli site, such as haaretz. What do you make of that, Harrison? I think de Bernard is to be called into line, for the very least.

Also here:

Ulrich posted declarations by the leader of the german opposition Left Party, Oskar Lafontaine.

I was to post there, but I do it here, Lafontaine's speach do rings echoes of SOTT, don't you agree? -I wonder what source of news the leader of the left party in Germany reads?

Also here:

Anyway, the word is spreading... and should be a motive of satisfaction for SOTT team.
Art said:
And it is even more strange this apeared on a pro-israeli site, such as haaretz. What do you make of that, Harrison? I think de Bernard is to be called into line, for the very least.
It's "tries" to be less pro-israel then others (they publish editorials by Gideon Levi). Unfortunately, this is the most "less pro-israel" you can get in mainstream media.

Great article, Harrison. It's an "old" one, though. From 31/03/2003.
But maybe it means that there are people in Haaretz who are willing to listen and learn more. Or maybe they already know ;)
Or maybe the concept has to be recuperated, destorted then refuted. wait and see...
Don't remember where I read it, but I was at the office so I couldn't post. I assumed they were casually introducing the term "pathocracy" so they could start a disinformation campaign on the term.

I received this delightful email from them. Apparently they (or rather 'The Israel Project' who were its originators) are not happy with 'media bias' - i.e. making Israel look bad. I think their main concern consists of pictures (which they claim are fake) related to the destruction in Lebanon by the IDF. They even rolled out that fake smoke picture as 'proof'. What a surprise. Apparently the 'Israel Project' is about 'Freedom, Security and Peace'. They want people to sign up for a free newsletter. Its probably just a recruiting campaign for our cloak and dagger friends... It would be so like them, you know.

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Al-Manar, Hezbollah's Iran-sponsored TV station spends $15 million a year to spread hate and lies worldwide. Both Hezbollah and Hamas have slick PR experts working to manipulate reporters from around the world. In Lebanon, Hezbollah spun fake photos and staged media opportunities that were covered in major international media.

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Zionist Shill said:
Everyday we see terrorist propaganda masquerading as unbiased news on TV, radio, in print and on the Internet.
Well, at least she's not lying. LOLOLOL ~ahem~ Now, had she inserted the word 'Zionist' or 'Neo-con' before the word 'terrorist', she would have been more accurate, but, she's not lying.

there is a HUGE counterintelligence manouver taking momentum since the last 2 weeks or so.... it is EVERYWERE, changing people....
Have anyone noticed this too, or it is just me and my subjectivity/paranoia coctail?
Comments please? it is totallyok if you say it is only me.... I need parameters.
I have been continuing my readings (wave, ponerology, secret history), as ususal, but since this last week, because of this I am commenting, I have been feeling the need to do my readings but with much more attention, paying closer and closer attention to the texts every time, because of this I have been witnessing. My realizations have been alarming, particulary when i look away from the books to see at the real life around me. Maybe my comment is an effect of the readings i have been doing? I dont think so, because I have been reading Laura since long time ago and had never senced all this in such a strong way.
As if "it" were on a "seasson", almost.
So, what do you think, is it only me?
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