pedophile scandal in Lithuania

Hopefully, soon Britain will bring back the death penalty.

This was a comment made by the forum poster, not the article.

Jason said:
Looking at that guy's face, he just really does not look like a raping/murdering/body-slicing barber. I know looks can be deceiving - and that this is just my opinion - but the expression on his face looks more like he has simply accepted that this is how it is going to be and nothing can be done to change it now.

The article also implies that perhaps all was not right with this particular case:

Consider that the article was published by the Daily Mail, a British newspaper. It's written from a position of disgust at what they are reporting, as in, "Look what those savages do, we would never do that, we live in the civilized West." It's understandable that the journalist and his readership would look at the image of a condemned man and feel pity for him, then doubt whether people 'other there' receive fair trials. For all we know, this particular man did receive a fair trial and was convicted based on solid evidence. But the journalist casts aspersions on Yemen's justice system while 'forgetting' that his own country is responsible for the torture and incarceration of hundreds if not thousands of people just that like Yemeni since 9/11 forever.

Now consider what the civilized West does to its pedophiles. It promotes them to high office, protects them and colonises those other savage nations. Then it pretends to withdraw, leaves in place its puppet-regimes and bombs the savage nations when they step out of line (for reference, see Britain's sordid history in Yemen).
Kniall said:
Consider that the article was published by the Daily Mail, a British newspaper. It's written from a position of disgust at what they are reporting, as in, "Look what those savages do, we would never do that, we live in the civilized West." It's understandable that the journalist and his readership would look at the image of a condemned man and feel pity for him, then doubt whether people 'other there' receive fair trials. For all we know, this particular man did receive a fair trial and was convicted based on solid evidence. But the journalist casts aspersions on Yemen's justice system while 'forgetting' that his own country is responsible for the torture and incarceration of hundreds if not thousands of people just that like Yemeni since 9/11 forever.

Now consider what the civilized West does to its pedophiles. It promotes them to high office, protects them and colonises those other savage nations. Then it pretends to withdraw, leaves in place its puppet-regimes and bombs the savage nations when they step out of line (for reference, see Britain's sordid history in Yemen).

Good points, now it makes a little more sense why it was written in that style. From that perspective, it almost adds a little credibility to the story.

I did a quick search, and discovered two things. 1 - It is definitely real (there is video out there, thankfully blurred at the appropriate moment, but culturally interesting to watch) and 2 - The only *actual* source of this story seems to be a press release from Yemen, which seems to be pretty straightforward (Arrested December, confessed at trial in January according to most accounts).

This makes the spin in the above-linked story more apparent - it is all just conjecture, and indeed, manipulative propaganda.

Thanks for the input.
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