Pedophilia is just simple physics???

Ohhhh,,,now I have a moral dilemma. I have a VERY funny (and rude) Filk about Alan Miller (aka Chris Hyatt) called "Alan the Toxic Magician" (to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon") but he's dead.... so I really shouldn't rag on him any more ....but I want to ....really bad....'cause it's FUNNY. :P
Laura said:
I didn't know Hyatt was dead or that his name was Alan Miller!

I did not make the connection at first either. He started getting called "Anal Alan" around the Pagan Community way while ago when he made some interesting statements regarding anal intercourse.

Apparently, his lifestyle was not conducive to extended age.
Apparently :)
Laura said:
Just for the record, I thought I would dig out Vincent Bridges email where he made that particular claim about Puharich. There might be clues in there that I have missed. I'm going to highlight with bolding a few things that stand out to me:

I really hate reading what he writes - it's like listening to an 8 year old boy who has never gotten enough attention from anybody - thus the grandiose tails get spun.

The tails don't even make any sense. It's ridiculous that these 'magick people' on the boat, after telling him what he had to do, would not assume he went straight back to NC and follow him, or get in touch with him, in days. He says it took them 8 or 9 months to find him? I thought they were 'magick!' - and he was from NC, of course he went back there - it's just so dumb.

It's my personal impression that he really, really, really wants to be an 'operator' so he keeps trying and keeps following orders and keeps jumping through idiotic hoops, doing all sorts of nonsense black magick stuff, but the 'cool kids' at the top of the local triangle will never really let him play because he's an 8 year old boy who was never given enough attention and kind of a dufus - though he does seem to be naturally gifted when it comes to lying, which they do like to employ on occasion.

Reading him, though - sheesh - what a chore...
::::::SIGH:::::: Looks like the gang's all here. :(



In the most of the world, psychopaths have gotten a bad rap. That, of course, is quite understandable since almost all of the world's religious and social philosophies have little use for the individual except as a tool to be placed in service to their notion of something else: 'God,' or the 'collective,' or the 'higher good' or some other equally undefinable term. Only rarely, such as in Zen; in Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism; in some aspects of Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism; and in some schools of Existentialism, is the individual considered primal. Here, finally, is a group which celebrates, encourages and educates the best part of ourselves: The Psychopath."

Tharcher was Alan Miller's partner, business and magical. After Miller croaked, ther was a big fight over ownership of Falcon Press...and Miller's son Mike won.

It looks like Tharcher and some of the others are cranking up again with their new "Home of the “realized” psychopath project" :cry:
Oh, geeze! And I thought that just dealing with Vincent Bridges and his side-kick script kiddie, Storm Bear Williams was a can of worms!
Laura said:
Oh, geeze! And I thought that just dealing with Vincent Bridges and his side-kick script kiddie, Storm Bear Williams was a can of worms!

The can of worms kinda morphed into a bucket of snakes. I just hate it when that happens. :(
Guardian said:
The can of worms kinda morphed into a bucket of snakes. I just hate it when that happens. :(

Well, they have nothing to worry about from me at this point. (Actually, they never would have if they had just gone away quietly.) My idea is to just leave them alone except when they are in my face, and focus my energy on helping those who are asking for it. Yeah, sometimes you have to do something confrontational, but unless they plotz on my porch, I prefer to leave them alone. I don't even want to know what they are doing.

I realize that if you see a child fall into a river, you jump in and save it, and sometimes that is what you have to do in respect of these pervs. But, the bigger picture suggests that there's only one real and lasting solution: sincere and decent people have to unite under one aegis where Truth is the goal. That is why we created FOTCM.

I would like to see everyone doing our EE program and waking up and teaching it and getting together and pow wowing about some good activities that relate back to the original shamanism that is at the root of all the various Pagan lines. United we stand, divided we fall.

My work is all about following these lines of Pagan/shamanistic ideas/teachings back to the Ice Ages, the cave painters, the Northern European origins, to find the most original, fundamental, common foundation of all of them. That's what FOTCM is based on. Paganism was the original Christianity and that is why people are always saying that Christianity has pagan roots. Well yeah.... more than anybody suspects.

So, like I said, if there was a real desire to get ourselves out of this mess in time, to be able to truly exclude the psychopaths and other pathological types from amongst our congregations, and if it was truly realized what we are up against, we could all iron out the differences, share the research that shows that our roots are the same, and RETURN TO THEM! After all, the religion of the Ice Age was so satisfying to all the peoples of the Earth that it was stable for over 25,000 YEARS!!! That's what I want to restore! It was only as a result of the destruction of cataclysmic events that destroyed that unity and introduced genetic mutations into the population that slowly, but surely, poisoned the blood of normal humans.

I know we have no other way of dealing with them than exposing them to all who are normal and depriving them of their prey.

To me, results are what counts and we desperately need those results or humanity WILL perish.

If the Creative Force of the Universe is with you, who can stand against you?
Laura said:
I realize that if you see a child fall into a river, you jump in and save it, and sometimes that is what you have to do in respect of these pervs. But, the bigger picture suggests that there's only one real and lasting solution: sincere and decent people have to unite under one aegis where Truth is the goal. That is why we created FOTCM.

I would like to see everyone doing our EE program and waking up and teaching it and getting together and pow wowing about some good activities that relate back to the original shamanism that is at the root of all the various Pagan lines. United we stand, divided we fall.

My work is all about following these lines of Pagan/shamanistic ideas/teachings back to the Ice Ages, the cave painters, the Northern European origins, to find the most original, fundamental, common foundation of all of them. That's what FOTCM is based on. Paganism was the original Christianity and that is why people are always saying that Christianity has pagan roots. Well yeah.... more than anybody suspects.

So, like I said, if there was a real desire to get ourselves out of this mess in time, to be able to truly exclude the psychopaths and other pathological types from amongst our congregations, and if it was truly realized what we are up against, we could all iron out the differences, share the research that shows that our roots are the same, and RETURN TO THEM! After all, the religion of the Ice Age was so satisfying to all the peoples of the Earth that it was stable for over 25,000 YEARS!!! That's what I want to restore! It was only as a result of the destruction of cataclysmic events that destroyed that unity and introduced genetic mutations into the population that slowly, but surely, poisoned the blood of normal humans.

I know we have no other way of dealing with them than exposing them to all who are normal and depriving them of their prey.

To me, results are what counts and we desperately need those results or humanity WILL perish.

If the Creative Force of the Universe is with you, who can stand against you?

That right there is perfectly and well-stated, and would go very well along with EE and FOTCM as in summary and clarity.

For the record, I haven't joined FOTCM because I wanted to get my feet thoroughly wet here at the forum, keep practicing EE and continue the detox (diet as well as 'cleaning the machine"). However, since reading this, I am ready.
Guardian said:
Laura said:
If the Creative Force of the Universe is with you, who can stand against you?
The Destructive Force of the Universe? :(

That is the 3D logical conclusion. But you can use logic to also make some observations about destructive forces and then take them to quite interesting 4 D (and higher) conclusions.

It seems that "the destructive force" of the Universe is actually entropy. The more powerful the negative entity, the less likely they are to use it - except those still within 3 D who act as agents on behalf of those at 4D. That's because the entropic nature is also contractile, tending to stillness. And that is because they must get their energy from creative beings by theft, so they become energy misers. The 3 D agents of 4 D negatives still have access to creative/positive energy. They do not realize that by choosing their negative path and advancing within it, that they will ultimately be required to "cut off their nose to spite their face." Then, they will have to find a slew of undecided 3 D peeps and deceive them into thinking they are doing good so as to milk them for as much energy as possible for as long as possible.

3 D positive/creative types, however, have the advantage of unlimited stores of energy from higher sources that is freely given to them instead of sucked out of them.

That's the short version. I go into it in more details in Secret History.
Laura said:
3 D positive/creative types, however, have the advantage of unlimited stores of energy from higher sources that is freely given to them instead of sucked out of them.

Yes, after all, creativity comes in its purest form from seventh density penetrating all densities trough us, that means we are in contact with everything, and everything has no measure it is unlimited.

It is the forever expanding force.

941116 said:
A: 7th is core of existence.

020713 said:
Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves

Furthermore when a choice is made every here and now, and if that choice is to channel and direct the creative force, then as Laura said there is nothing to fear, primarily because there is no self concern, otherwise how could creativity (true life) act trough us?
Laura said:
That's what FOTCM is based on.

Ok, I'm just having one of those days. I've been trying to find the "Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind"

I found a couple of references to it :.
And finally today, i have been reading the Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind

You are arriving at a very exciting time. You might want to check out these threads to see why if you haven't already.

Session 24 October 2009

Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind

but I got an error message on both links. .

An Error Has Occurred!
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

The way this day has been going...I suspect there is a large button with "Statement of Principles" in 18pt font somewhere that I am staring right at and totally missing?

Would someone PLEASE be so kind as to point? :-[
It can be found at the official FOTCM website here:
Ask_a_debtor said:
It can be found at the official FOTCM website here:

THANK YOU! "paleochristianity" is not a keyword I would have thought of...or been able to spell
You're welcome. I think the word itself was suggested by the C's in this session here:

May 30 said:
Q: (L) What's next?

A: How about "Paleochristianity"?

Q: (laughter) (L) Well since you brought it up... (J) You should respond with, "Now that's an interesting question!" (laughter) (L) What do you mean by Paleochristianity? (laughter) (L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?

A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".

Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we know it?

A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.

Q: (L) Okay. Were the Bogomils and the Cathars - as I have surmised - close to understanding this original reality?

A: They had some very close approximations, but they were still influenced by many of the distorted religious ideas of the time.

Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?

A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.

Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?

A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.

Q: (L) So in other words, some of the thoughts and discussions that we've had over the past week or two {about the global situation} are pretty much on the money?

A: Yes. More or less. There has also been some nudging from this side. Time is getting "short" even though there really is no time. Remember what we said about being wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

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