FWIW, but I have got a book Improve your Eyesight - A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses by Jonathan Barnes here. So far I have only read a few pages, but this bit about how emotional disturbance affects the eyes certainly caught my attention:
I have been experiencing improvement in my eyesight. This is what I have experienced. It may not apply to anyone else, and above all, what I am posting is Research for Entertainment Purposes Only.
I have no authority nor license to give any medical, psychological, or life skills advice, I just have information to share, for entertainment purposes only.
Finding the “key” to unlock the reason why eyesight decreased to begin with, is an interesting adventure.
When I was 14 years old, I became near sighted, developed myopia and I have worn corrective glasses for 56 years.
My eyesight has gradually worsened over the years, with slight increases in lens strength.
Then, six months ago, mid-December, 2018, I had a breakthrough while working on a different problem I was dealing with.
I finally found “the feeling”!
What I was dealing with is a health condition that is considered “Genetic” and has killed or disabled many of my family members. The medical establishment calls it several names, but membranous nephropathy or Chronic Kidney Failure are the most common "diagnosis".
In the
new paradigm of medicine /biological system that I have studied, the condition is connected with “abandonment” and the deep sense of “being cast adrift”, “left without my Tribe”, and is a survival response, meant to help one survive until the harsh conditions are solved.
Unless it does not get resolved, or there is "Medical intervention" then, things get pretty unhealthy, from what I have seen and experienced.
When I “got” to the core of it, this past December, the physical health improvements and healing that I experienced were immediate, AND resulted in my eyesight improving!
I didn’t know my eyes had improved though, I didn’t put two and two together.
Because I wore my glasses all the time, I always put them on as soon as I woke, and took them off when I went to bed.
During the following days, I noticed that stuff was blurry, I wasn’t able to read traffic signs well, and so I finally broke down and made an appointment with the Optometrist.
…but it was because my glasses were too STRONG now!!
When I saw the Optometrist in May, he said that my one eye had improved by 50 points, the other by 25 points.
He checked me over twice, looking for glaucoma, which can cause an “Improvement” but only temporary, dilation, scopes and lights, and then, gee, all the floaters were gone too! Lots of improvement, and I look forward to getting my eyes checked again in a few months.
My main point is, what I was dealing with, was NOT what is usually classified as “emotional”.
It was Deeper, far more visceral.
Using this group’s parlance, rather than System 2, the snappy, sparkly, impulsive, emotional conscious mind, this kidney thing and the vision thing, and probably most genetic health issues, are generated from System 1, the deeply Instinctive, soulful and innocently trusting primitive mind. The “mind” that Darwinians say makes us "Savages"...
Darwin was wrong about that, too. Or, so I think.