Pi (1998) full movie


Jedi Council Member
great movie !

Taking inventive cinema to another level-
Aronofsky's first feature and this movie checks every box to be deemed as a masterpiece.
From the sound, to the editing, everything is top notch, and one can't forget that the budget for this movie was mere 60k USD.

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When I saw this movie in 2000, it was nice low budget science-fiction movie.

Nowadays I think this movie is about targeted individual who is using antenna. He is a genius in one area, but his social skills are not very good developed. He was so obsessed with one idea that he loose his
great find. But he at the end, regains his mind. By surrender. Surrender of his analytical, discursive, quantitative mind for a 360´approach, balncing with the magic right part of his mind. This is why, at the end he is content to say I don§t know.

as the old kaballist in the movie puts it when he asked for an advice: it is not about the numbers it is about the space in between the numbers

or as in the transcripts on mathematics: algebra takes you there, geometry sets you free
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