Piers Corbyn


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Piers Corbyn (mentioned by Laura here: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=106.msg219535#msg219535) has more to say about the near-term weather and the AGW hoax. His predictions are based primarily on the sun/moon effects on the electric of the upper atmosphere (a la McCanney)

From: http://www.weatheraction.com/displayarticle.asp?a=299&c=5

Delta House, 175-177 Borough High Street. London SE1 1HR +44(0)207939 9946 From Piers Corbyn +44(0)7958713320 http://twitter.com/Piers_Corbyn piers@weatheraction.com www.weatheraction.com

"The Claim 2010 is '2nd warmest year on record' - is delusional, irrelevant & disingenuous – the last gasp of the failed global warming cult”

· The ideologically driven global warmist joke must be swept aside. The time has come for useful science-based forecasts to reduce misery & save lives.

· More end Jan extreme warnings for USA, Australia + UK/Europe.

· The most exciting weather year for a century has begun.

"The latest claims about World average temperatures by Government Weather organizations around the World such as UK MetOffice*, apart from being contrary to the actual experience of the majority of the world population – notably USA, Europe, IndoChina and South America, raise four points. (* http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2011/2010-global-temperature )

1. "The originators of this data are the same people and organizations who were caught fiddling data in the ‘ClimateGate’ affair,” said Piers. "The various whitewash enquiries arranged to cover-up their vandalisation of the scientific method cannot dodge the question:

· WHY is there a statistically highly significant systematic inverse relationship between the number of stations they selected for ‘official’ use and the average temperatures resulting? What average temperature would result from the 62% of stations they removed since around the 1960s - which had the coldest temperature averages and the highest number of stations - up to the present decade - which is officially the warmest and has the least number of stations? Anyone with a brain can see that this systematic connection means that either temperature is magically determined by the number of stations or there has been systematic selecting of data which is best described as data fraud”, said Piers. "This question requires an international inquiry which is independent of any of the organizations involved in this data creation. ( See See slide 9 in presentation http://www.weatheraction.com/displayarticle.asp?a=222&c=1 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPMmCruPAWU )

2. "The experience of EXTREME cold for prolonged periods this year in a number of parts of the world – such as Britain, West Europe, most of the USA and much of South America (to name just a few) and the inane ‘cold is warm’ incantations, show the world average supposed extra warmth (which only exceeds the coldest year of the decade under their figures by 0.12 degree C - less than one quarter of a degree F) - is of no consequence or forecasting value whatsoever to man or beast. A one quarter of a degree F increase in world average temperatures whether real or fraudulent has no bearing on whether or not a blizzard will hit Connecticut; any more than a world population rise CAUSES more babies to be born in Birmingham” said Piers.

3. "The innuendo that this supposed ‘warmest year’ is somehow the driver of extreme events is baseless anti-science. It is no accident that the Met Office, BBC and New York Times / Guardian / Independent etc put forward various descriptions of circulation patterns such as La Nina as a cause of the things these phenomena describe and then pop-in that 2010 was the warmest year as if there were a connection. Why not tell us there is a Royal wedding this year, that would be more interesting. The only connection is their desperation to save their failed cult ideology.

ALL the global warmist predictions since 2000 have failed and the OPPOSITE types of extremes (floods, supercold and blizzards) to their predictions (droughts, warm winters and the end-of-snow) have occurred, so their warmist (or warm is cold) explanations for extreme events are as useless as saying "Wet days cause rain”.

If weather were just entertainment this would not matter but their refusal to accept their total failure forces up energy and food prices through low carbon cult measures and holds back real science which directly prevents governments and authorities from applying useful forecasts which can reduce suffering and save lives. People have died on UK and Europe’s roads through lack of winter salting due to Met Office failed warmist winter forecasts and Australian floods are worse because the Govt cut dam projects under Green ‘expect droughts’ advice - http://climaterealists.com/7038 . The Global warming cult ideology is reducing living standards and causing needless suffering and death, and must be stopped.”

4. The very extreme weather events around the world last year and this year are caused by solar-lunar DRIVEN ‘sticking’ of the normal motions of the jet streams in the North and South hemisphere and of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).

(i) Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction warned in June 2010 that such sticking and consequent SEVERE EXTREMES would be consequent to PREDICTABLE solar-lunar effects in periods to follow which we now expect will be years and he specifically correctly predicted:

(ii) The West Russian heatwave and when it would end to the day (along with the ending of the associated superfloods in Pakistan) driven by events on the sun – See link of the double sunspot solar explosion (video) and subsequent thunderstorms in St Petersburg Aug 15th 2010 - http://www.weatheraction.com/docs/WANews10No31.pdf

Will the warmists tell us that solar flares are caused by CO2 on Earth?!

(iii) That Britain (Central England) would have the coldest December for 100 years. NB The UK Met Office had said on their web in October that winter would be mild and then when it was cold claimed they had actually said it would be cold while there web still carried the chart published in October which stated it would be mild http://climaterealists.com/index.php?id=6990 Yet THESE same people expect us to believe their world temperature data is worth a dime!

(iv) The monster thunderblizzards and snow deluges which hit N / NE parts of USA 26/27 Dec and again Jan 12th (especially Connecticut) and again on 22nd Jan – (5-10 inches in parts of NE and very cold blasts http://www.courant.com/news/weather/ctn-weather-forecast-connecticut-fox-ct,0,4543231.story – and there is more to come – see below!

This very specific stuck jet stream situation in USA bringing this long series of thundersnow – blizzards was specifically spelt out in WeatherAction’s USA forecast via link World Extreme events (except Eur) forecast via via http://www.weatheraction.com/member.asp or http://www.weatheraction.com/docs/WANews11No2.pdf . The New York Times ignores these forecasts rather than admit to its readers than their warmist ideology has failed.

(v) The Brazil floods are caused by ITCZ sticking (as was graphically shown on CNN) and the Queensland / Australia floods are caused by the Southern Jet stream (S Australia) & ITCZ (N Australia) sticking which follow from a combination of La Nina which is solar driven and specific lunar eclipse phase modulation - http://www.weatheraction.com/docs/WANews11No1.pdf

Does CO2 cause eclipses of the Moon?!


Piers Corbyn said, 21 Jan, "Our long range TOP RED WARNINGS of very extreme events world-wide in the last week of January stand; Specifically:

· More USA deluges of very heavy thundersnow and very cold blasts South & East of the Great Lakes and notably in NE /E USA (see link Extreme Events Word Exc Europe via http://www.weatheraction.com/member.asp for more detail as issued Jan 7th) around 25th Jan and again around 28th-30th Jan. NB since this is the end of that forecast media are free to publish it.

· Further Significant Australian deluges and Floods in most probably SW Queensland area – in forecast issued by link above on Jan 9th (Note North New South Wales can be included)

· Further blasts and snow in Britain (espec East) and NorthWest Europe in the last few days of January into February. Note a troublesome High has been holding cold air further East than expected (reasons now partly understood) but eventually cold blasts will take over.

· Further VERY extreme thunder-rain / snow deluges are likely in many parts of the world 25– 31st Jan.

· The year will continue with ongoing jet stream / ITCZ stickings and extreme events many of which we will predict, in detail months ahead by our Solar-Lunar Action Technique, information permitting. This will probably be the most exciting weather year around the world for a century.

It’s an open question as to whether the Warmist cult will switch to a total doublethink ‘cold is warm’ incantation or erase / re-choose / re-homogenize and re-brand most of their ‘data’ stations. They’ve been talking a lot about merging and rationalizing data sets – which as we all know when governments talk such talk normally means something else.
Regarding further deluges in Australia, specifically SW Queensland and northern New South Wales, I can't see any of that happening over the next week. We are now into the last week of January. While I recognise that Corbyn is uncannily accurate much of the time, it must also be recognised that he still gets it wrong sometimes, though it must be said, much less than mainstream forecasters do.

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