Pigs as US enemy No 1


The Living Force
I red today a story about Bakers Green Acres from Michigan who raised some nice pigs (russian and magnalitza half-bread) and some DNR agency is after them - Mr Baker is ordered to kill his pretty fatty piggies (DNR spooks marked them as invasive) and additionally fined 700k $ for 70 magnalitza pigs who were "allowed" to live :huh:

Link to his blog:_http://bakersgreenacres.com/?p=2332

& _http://www.westonaprice.org/2013-action-alerts/bakers-green-acres-fined-by-mi-dnr

I think this case was brought up in the wooly pig thread, and I recently came across them again too. Looks like their in the midst of their court battle.

I think it's not necessarily just the pigs that the US is going after so vehemently, but small family farms in general. It's horrific to see some of the stories over the past years about the abuses of power that come down on them. If anyone gets the chance to watch the documentary Farmageddon I'd highly recommend it (it streams on Netflix). It shows how the USDA and the FDA are raiding these small farms with assault rifles and creating campaigns of fear and retribution with propaganda and lies. All because people want a food choice other than what comes from factory farms.
Is US antagonism towards hogs getting global?


Is US antagonism towards*insert noun* getting global?

Answer: yes

Note to the NSA: This is all hypothetical, unlike your drones.
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