Pipe Smokers!

Galaxia2002 said:
anybody know if Drum tobacco for cigarettes could be considered additive free?? I didn't found a reliable information about this brand but some people says that is not artificial flavored and additive free. :huh:

you can compare these two tobaccos (unfortunately it is only in German, nonetheless you will see the differences. It's from the German ministry of consumer protection):

drum tobacco


yuma tobacco

You can further read on also in this topic: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=18820.30
Stones said:
What kind(s) of pipes do you smoke?
A curved-stem, briarwood Chacom I bought in France when I decided to resume smoking.

Stones said:
What filters (if any) do you use? Are you aware of any natural, chemical free pipe filters?
It has a filter to prevent inhaling bits of tobacco, but I removed it. Instead, I insert a stainless steel mesh filter in the bottom of the bowl. That way, I can pack the bowl a little more tightly (i.e. more smoke per bowl) without blocking the flow of air necessary to keep the tobacco burning.

Stones said:
Do you enjoy aromatic pipe tobacco or simply loose "cigarette" tobacco?
I started with AS cigarette tobacco in the pouch. Then I tried to flavor it with various extracts and liquors, as directed by a link in the main smoking thread, but it didn't seem to enhance the flavor, and sometimes made it harsher. I then found a site online that offered "Kentucky Select" organic pipe tobacco. Still, I would like to know an effective way to flavor tobacco.

I smoked menthol cigarettes for years, so I put a couple small drops of peppermint extract (sometimes mixed with raspberry extract) on the top of the mouthpiece. (I prefer wintergreen breath mints over peppermint, but as an extract, wintergreen is harsh and peppermint is refreshing IMO)

If you put drops into the stem, you can only put 1-2 or it will get absorbed by the tobacco in the bottom of the bowl (unless you use the wire bowl filter I described above) and cause it to burn hotter and harsher when you smoke down to it. And this technique doesn't really flavor it much either since it's not burning or heating up to release an aroma, so I just put a drop on the outside of the mouthpiece. (I salvaged a 2" plastic, non-toxic glue bottle which had a very small tip and I keep this in my pouch of tobacco.)

Stones said:
Are you a puffer? Inhaler?

Inhaler. I really get every drop of nicotine because I reflexively hold it in for 3 counts before exhaling (like I'm doing the pipe breathing in EE (no pun intended, how funny is that!)

Stones said:
Do you strive to smoke the most natural tobacco you can find? If so, which brands do you prefer?
That's the only kind I'll smoke. Even the chlorine-free paper on AS organic/non-additive cigarettes gives me a headache like regular cigarettes used to do. That "Kentucky Select" I mentioned is a blend of "Certified Organic tobacco leaf supplied by Organic Smoke, Inc." which is flavored with 3 extracts that are "Certified Organic by NCCIA" (agave cactus, prune, and vanilla). I got 12 ounces for under $30.00 including shipping. It's spongy, burns well, and is much smoother than AS rolling tobacco. _http://www.rollyourown.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=90_212&products_id=736

I wasn't a smoker until I decided to try based on information on this forum -- just to see how my body would react.
Didn't want to get hooked on cigarette paper, so I went to the source: raw rolling/pipe tobacco and cigars.
So far, it is turning out to be a pleasurable experiment :cool2:.
I tend to light up a little on the way back from work and find it calms me down a bit and allows me to refocus from "work" to "family" mode.

[quote author=Stones]
What kind(s) of pipes do you smoke?
Smoke-shop special- $30 (can't remember the brand), but made sure the tobacco "chamber" was wooden, not plastic.

[quote author=Stones]
What filters (if any) do you use? Are you aware of any natural, chemical free pipe filters?
No filters. ;D

[quote author=Stones]
Do you enjoy aromatic pipe tobacco or simply loose "cigarette" tobacco?
No-additive, loose tobacco. I really enjoy the smell of burning, raw tobacco.

[quote author=Stones]
Are you a puffer? Inhaler?
Puffer (both pipes and cigars). I don't like the taste of it.

[quote author=Stones]
Do you strive to smoke the most natural tobacco you can find? If so, which brands do you prefer?
Yes. Currently smoking American Spirit Organic, but find it to be a bit dry (so I'm only doing small amounts).

Just got some mild cigars to try, so I'll be switching to those for a bit. :cool2:

Best wishes to all!
I'm smoking pipe for allready a year. Using Dr. Perl Junior, active carbon non bleached paper filters in one pipe and wooden or stainless steel mesh filter in other pipe. I have two identical straight neck medium bowl hickory pipes - relatively cheep but long lasting bowls.

Inhaling smoke and usually it takes 30-35 minute to smoke 1/3 filled pipe. Using only gas lighters because when using matches can feel sulphur and when using zippo can feel petrol.

Using couple variates of tobacco; Mac Baren's Original Choice, Mullingar's Golden Virginia ( most of the time buying pipe tobacco but when I can't find it, I buy regular rolly tobacco of these producers) and organic half wild Dalmatian tobacco called "škija" when dried for 5-11 years it have mild apple - nutty flavor. Making rollies for my hubby of the same tobacco and he is happy with the aroma.

Tried Drum, blue and yellow (produced in Holland) had problems after couple days (heavy lungs and coughing in the morning, itchy throat and dry mouth even when practicing EE on regular basis) so that was pretty allarming, enough not to use it any more.

Cleaning my pipes after every use, using regular pipe cleaning set. Washing plastic necks of the pipes in sodium bicarbonate dilution (actually I leave them overnight soaked in sb) after that I rinse the necks and dry them and that should be all for the time being.

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Smoking Pipes

I was sent an article here http://www.pipesmokingguide.com/how-to-smoke-a-pipe.html about how to smoke tobacco from a pipe and it says not to inhale.

Remember to take slow, gentle and steady puffs - sip at the pipe rather than gulp at it. Do not inhale the smoke; draw it in, savor the tobacco’s flavor and then gently blow it out of your mouth.

I was always under the impression it's only cigars that you don't inhale from, and was thinking smoking a pipe was the same thing as smoking rolled tobacco without a filter attached. You inhale!

I'm sure there are a few pipe smoker's on the forum. I was wondering do you inhale the smoke or not?
Re: Smoking Pipes

Hi Turgon, there is a pipe topic here:



And to your question: I'm inhaling the smoke of a pipe, cause of the nicotine!
Re: Smoking Pipes

Gawan said:
Hi Turgon, there is a pipe topic here:



And to your question: I'm inhaling the smoke of a pipe, cause of the nicotine!

Search function! Of course... :)

Thanks for the link. I've been inhaling too, think I'll keep doing that. :cool2:
Hi guys, as a first time smoker, I'm trying to find some good pipe tobacco to smoke though I can't seem to find much on the internet when it comes to the UK. It's probably just me but whenever I type in organic pipe tobacco the only products I get are from the US. Does anyone know where can I find it for the UK?
Mac Baren Original Choice is a great no additive pipe tobacco blend -- blend of Virginia tobacco from North Carolina, Burley from Tennessee, and Mac Baren Cavendish. Excellent aroma and taste. I buy 40 gram pouches. It's the best pipe tobacco I've tried so far.

You can try a local smoke shop, Eboard10, and see if they have it. Or search online to see if you can get it delivered to you.

As for the questions in the original post, I have two wood pipes (not sure what kind of wood) -- one with a straight neck and one curved, same brand. I inhale, use Dr. Perl Junior 9 mm filters in both pipes.
Pete said:
Maybe we'll get a pipe smoking emo con out of it one day! :lol:
I vote for a Sherlock Holmes emote! Magnifying glass, mustache, hat, and a smoking pipe. It would fit the work done around here. ;)
HowToBe said:
Pete said:
Maybe we'll get a pipe smoking emo con out of it one day! :lol:
I vote for a Sherlock Holmes emote! Magnifying glass, mustache, hat, and a smoking pipe. It would fit the work done around here. ;)
Couldn't resist...
clerck de bonk said:
HowToBe said:
Pete said:
Maybe we'll get a pipe smoking emo con out of it one day! :lol:
I vote for a Sherlock Holmes emote! Magnifying glass, mustache, hat, and a smoking pipe. It would fit the work done around here. ;)
Couldn't resist...
Hehe, cool.
Galaxia2002 said:
Anybody has tried water pipe??

I don't know about all the hookahs and such, but I have a small water pipe that I've been using to smoke rolling tobacco and sometimes cut off bits of cigars. I find it to be a pleasant way of starting the day in the morning.

In the U.S. in most cities or college towns, you can usually find tobacco supply shops with exotic varieties of pipes. These are colloquially known as "head shops". They will usually have a selection of small-to-large non-hookah water pipes, sometimes colloquially referred to as "bongs". ;)
SeekinTruth said:
Mac Baren Original Choice is a great no additive pipe tobacco blend -- blend of Virginia tobacco from North Carolina, Burley from Tennessee, and Mac Baren Cavendish. Excellent aroma and taste. I buy 40 gram pouches. It's the best pipe tobacco I've tried so far.

I found this online, but there's no mention of it being "additive free" or "organic" so I'm curious how you determined that this tobacco is "safe" to smoke. I hope it is because Kentucky Select is unavailable until the next season apparently.
JGeropoulas said:
SeekinTruth said:
Mac Baren Original Choice is a great no additive pipe tobacco blend -- blend of Virginia tobacco from North Carolina, Burley from Tennessee, and Mac Baren Cavendish. Excellent aroma and taste. I buy 40 gram pouches. It's the best pipe tobacco I've tried so far.

I found this online, but there's no mention of it being "additive free" or "organic" so I'm curious how you determined that this tobacco is "safe" to smoke. I hope it is because Kentucky Select is unavailable until the next season apparently.

It's not organic (as far as I know). It's supposed to be pure tobacco with no additives / flavorings / added aroma, etc. This is what the tobacco shop I buy from has told me. So as far as I know, as I've said in the Smoking is Good? thread, it's probably grown using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. So if you are sensitive or just want to avoid these, probably best to look for an organic and additive-free brand. I also smoke cigarettes that are not organic and have no problem / reaction. So it's an individual thing.
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