"Pizzagate" Explodes

meta-agnostic said:
The response of members of the crowd in that video sure did look creepy, and Seaman does seem to have some problems in the way he conducts himself based on my very recent and limited knowledge of him, but calling out who is and is not a valid researcher seems like an entire mine-filled topic in itself. The way this forum has "COINTELPRO" and "New Age COINTELPRO" sub-boards, seems like "Pizzagate COINTELPRO" could be at least a thread of its own if this forum were to attract a bunch of Pizzagaters. I just started to become aware of this infighting while trying to follow the protest yesterday and it is messy to say the least, and of course not unexpected. No doubt there is some level of Pizzagate COINTELPRO and it runs deep. Maybe the best thing to do for now is focus on the merits of the data that the individual researchers present, while not so much attacking them personally but still making a note of such things if a 'file' on them ever does need to be opened. Sort of like we do here with Alex Jones, or Noam Chomsky for that matter.


I think there may be something a bit off about Seaman too. I forced myself to watch a David Wilcock video to kind of see what he's been up to and was surprised that he mentioned the Ra material's Law of One book. Then in part 2 he talks about Seaman who he says he tried to bring up to speed with the alien agenda. There is a technical presentation glitch just after Wilcock mentions pedophile arrests are coming and before he talks about Seaman. It sounds fishy to me that he would talk to David Wilcock.

Here's a clip of the video where he talks about David Seaman:

JGeropoulas said:
meta-agnostic said:
Just an observation after today that "Russiagate" and pizza/pedogate seem inextricably linked. One has a whole mass of sheeple believing it and waiting any day for the other shoe to drop, but it seems to have little or no basis in reality. The other has mounting evidence being collected by grassroots researchers everywhere and seems to be picking up steam in the more 'awake' portion of the populace, while the same asleep ones who believe in Russiagate have dismissed it as fake news. These two diametrically opposed narratives don't seem like they can continue simultaneously for much longer, and the momentum is inevitably going to have to swing towards one or the other...
It seems like humanity's arrived at another critical fork in the road (branching of the universe?) like the one that followed 9/11. One group was/is determined to accept the "official" narrative despite 250 pieces of evidence that refute it. (It's encouraging that recent polls found this group has shrunk today to just 37% of the world population.) And the other group was/is determined to know the truth.

This pattern always reminds me of these comments in the New Testament:
The Anarchist’s [interesting word used instead of the traditional "Antichrist"] coming is all Satan’s work. All his power and signs and miracles are fake, evil sleight of hand that plays to the gallery of those who hate the truth that could save them. And since they’re so obsessed with evil, God...gives them what they want. Since they refuse... truth, they’re banished to their chosen world of lies and illusions. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 in The Message paraphrased translation)


Laura has been showing the origins for the creation of the texts of many of the worlds religions in many books and is even now working on another one. I know I still think of various verses learned through the years but now I see them in a slightly different light. I was just reading something that the Cs said in an earlier session that made me think of your comment. I am not saying you are not aware of the possible confusion factor the religious texts can have but here is what they said about religious beliefs becoming "diversions and disinformation":

Session 11 January 1995
Q: (Barry) Are the Lizards behind any of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world?
A: Yes. All of them.
Q: (Barry) What is the purpose behind this?
A: Diversions and disinformation so that knowledge will be dispersed, therefore more will be open to

Q: (L) If you think about it, propagating belief in the "old time religions" which include belief in hell or
purgatory tend to put a person in a very vulnerable position because then they are open to thoughts of
guilt, sin, and are therefore susceptible to thought control and terror.
A: Yes.

Also there is this idea about the "Anitchrist" that you may have read:

Session 7 March 1995
Q: (L) We have some questions tonight. We were discussing earlier this evening the 'abomination of
desolation' as written about by the prophet Daniel and also spoken of by Jesus. What is this?
A: Disinformation.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the abomination of desolation IS disinformation, or that the writing about it
is disinformation?
A: Both.

I think there is a lot of fear and dread that is being used against us but that is just my opinion FWIW.
Just been dipping my toe in a little bit trying to get a handle on David Seaman et al and who might be COINTELPRO or disinfo. It's extremely confusing and headache-inducing. Seaman has his flaws and does seem to keep repeating the same phrases over and over ("Pizzagate is real! Podesta is an evil pedo!" oh, really? That was getting to be news 4 months ago. How about coming out with new stuff when you have it instead of just regurgitating the same generic talking points?) but a lot of the people criticizing him seem to be doing the same sorts of things he is doing and acting bizarrely. Multi-leveled conscious disinfo agents acting out a drama or perhaps some sort of MKULTRA, Greenbaum or whatever type treatment getting done on whoever reaches a certain level of prominence? And what did happen to Ben Swann? They seem like they are getting desperate, and surely they are not just going to roll over on this without continuing to fight even if things start to look completely ridiculous (again, the "Russiagate" mirror).
Cointel is probably always a default op running around, at least it should be, for their sake, especially on the net where most of this info is coming out. I prefer to think of most of these egotist stage performers as imperfect messengers, as it's interesting to see how much they are allowed to 'leak' or 'disclose'.. how much they are 'handled'. Some of them have to be part of the program, others like Wilcox seem to stumble over their own ego issues most of the time, and he's always been that way, perhaps moreso as the years go by and the crap congeals until it clogs up their system, and didn't the C's say pretty much the same about the Dracos? How long can they go before that clog has to be flushed? Like attracts like... I don't watch them but it's hard not to see snippets from time to time, and it is interesting to see how they age on stage... but they haven't changed any, at least IMO, same crap in the pipe. Most of them seem content, happy where they are, doing what they're doing.... and an ego isn't to be wasted, right? Stepping stones.

Once started and a little 'fame' is achieved, it seems the ego just won't let go... if some aren't being paid, they should be.. but then they wouldn't be as 'useful' as the other idiots.... most of them don't seem 'awake'... so it's easier to see them on the roadside stage doing their thing as you pass by... until you get tired of their show... As for the pedo reports, doesn't it really depend on how well connected they are to any sources of information? and if they can't get more content, then the ego might come into play if they got nothing else going on... so they have to 'milk' it as long as they can... most of those that are aware, have more going on, and this issue is but one among many.... so they aren't tied to it... and can pick it back up when new data gets released, as none of them are part of the program themselves and are subject to what leaks out... depending upon what the puppet masters want to do with their prey... and when, as it does seem like most issues... remember the whole Obama birth certificate game? The Agency could have supplied him with a much better fake if they wanted to... so why didn't they? were they playing with him like a young cat with a mouse? Predators playing with their prey, their puppets to keep them aware of who holds the strings? This whole issue seems to be ready to explode when they want it to... so controlled... so far... there was a bit of silence and shock when the DC predator pizza parlor data first broke public, but once the vacuum got filled, the distraction/threat show started and other issues took its place... yet to really break out it seems to me.... one of many black swans out there that seem like all those volcanoes warming up and ready to go.... perhaps the script is to get the whole flock to jump up into flight simultaneously? Overwhelm the audience? Meahwhile, it seems the pedo data is backfilling around the globe.

PS..just watched that bit on Seaman Exposed.... too easy to check him out wasn't it? Damn, that seemed way too easy... either he's an idiot, or they set him up to incriminate him... Youtube/Google/Twitter et al all all busy doing just that these days, so it's hard to tell from this setup... most people/sites are easy to setup and destroy as they don't think about defense, security... all that's needed there was to disallow comments as other sites do.... so? walk on by...until new data comes out.
You might remember that back in 2012, Putin banned American's from adopting Russian orphans. Apparently his ban was due to his concern about rampant pedophilia in the U.S.

Putin Bans U.S. Adoption Of Russian Orphans Due To Pedophile Epidemic
by Baxter Dmitry
March 24th, 2017


The elite pedophile ring operating out of Washington D.C. has made children living in the nation’s capital the most “at risk” in the country, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data, with an astonishing 23.4 per 1,000 children suffering abuse. The next closest is New York, another known elite pedophile hub, with 17.4 cases per 1,000 children.

Despite the disturbing statistics, Putin’s [2012] ban on adoption to the United States has been seen as controversial in some quarters. The President tried to explain himself in front of a hall full of Russian and foreign journalists, many of whom were surprised by the adoption bill.

The first question asked why Putin had made “the most destitute and helpless children into instruments of political battle.” The second was even more blunt, calling the bill “cannibalistic.”

Live on Russian television, Putin mounted a strong defense: How could the journalists stand idly by while U.S. elites “abuse Russian children. You think that’s normal?” Putin demanded.

“What’s normal about being abused? You like that? What are you, a sadomasochist? The country will not be responsible.”
This is not the first time Putin has called out the West over pedophilia.

Last year Putin used his annual Christmas press conference to accuse Western liberal elites of abandoning the traditional values that made their countries great.

“In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized. There, politics treats a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership (juridically).

“The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia.
Rhythmik said:
That's a pattern with our government. Remember this?
The Child Porn-Pentagon-NSA-CIA Link ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know

In 2006, an undercover Internet child pornography investigation, called Operation Flicker, was conducted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a federal investigative agency. ICE revealed a list of 5,200 Pentagon employees (with high-level security clearances) suspected of subscribing to child pornography website…

“About 80 pages of internal CIA documents pertaining to more than a dozen OIG investigations show that CIA employees escaped charges after the cases were referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which declined to prosecute the alleged offenses.

...According to the heavily edited Pentagon’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service documents (DCIS) obtained by The Boston Globe, the Pentagon only cross-checked 3,500 out of 5,200 pedophiles (many provided military zip codes in their addresses when purchasing child pornography online); identified only 302 defense personnel and intelligence employees as connected to the child pornography scandal; investigated only 70 cases; prosecuted a handful and dropped many perverts due to a lack of evidence.

,,,It is a matter of grave concern that child pornography investigations within the U.S. intelligence agencies are either dropped or kept under wraps and away from the eyes of the public due to pressure from within the system.

But who benefits from the uninvestigated and unprosecuted child pornography cases? And who is threatened if those involved are investigated and prosecuted? Are internal probes an eyewash? Should independent agencies investigate child pornography?

Interestingly yesterday, one of my colleague who NEVER talked about any subject of so called conspiracy mentioned that pizzagate is fake news. I wondered why he talked about it.

It looks Alex jones changed his mind about pizzagate and apologized to comet pizza owner. It's all over the media.


Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Apologizes For Promoting 'Pizzagate'

seek10 said:
Interestingly yesterday, one of my colleague who NEVER talked about any subject of so called conspiracy mentioned that pizzagate is fake news. I wondered why he talked about it.

It looks Alex jones changed his mind about pizzagate and apologized to comet pizza owner. It's all over the media.


Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Apologizes For Promoting 'Pizzagate'



I suppose Alex Jones had to cover himself for legal reasons. And I think that the Pizzagate story may be an easier one for MSM to discredit. For it to be a thoroughly planned distraction the Wikeleaks emails that contained John Podesta's strange comments would also need to be by design. I don't know if it is that controlled or not. Maybe we will never know. Sounds like the "fake news" label is working great so far. Jones' explanation video says he is not giving up on other even more developed pedophile investigations.

Thanks for the update.
It's amusing how many people who consider Alex Jones crazy also take his retraction as proof that the pizzagate story is fake.
If this article is true, then this should provide Attorney General Sessions plenty of leverage for getting Podesta to expose the DC pedophile ring. Podesta plus Anthony Weiner's equally-leveraged cooperation would provide an iron-clad case, but I still have little hope of seeing justice served because the system is so riddled with fellow pedophiles, or those subject to blackmail by intelligence agencies.

John Podesta is facing jail time after it was revealed the former Clinton campaign manager broke federal law by covering up the fact he owned tens of thousands of shares in a Russian bank.

By not declaring the 75,000 Kremlin-backed stock shares before joining Obama’s White House as a special counsellor, Podesta broke federal law.

His fate now lies in the hands of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Title 5 of the U.S. Code stipulates the Attorney General can file a civil action “against any individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies or who knowingly and willfully fails to file or report any information that such individual is required to report.”
JGeropoulas said:
If this article is true, then this should provide Attorney General Sessions plenty of leverage for getting Podesta to expose the DC pedophile ring. Podesta plus Anthony Weiner's equally-leveraged cooperation would provide an iron-clad case, but I still have little hope of seeing justice served because the system is so riddled with fellow pedophiles, or those subject to blackmail by intelligence agencies.

John Podesta is facing jail time after it was revealed the former Clinton campaign manager broke federal law by covering up the fact he owned tens of thousands of shares in a Russian bank.

By not declaring the 75,000 Kremlin-backed stock shares before joining Obama’s White House as a special counsellor, Podesta broke federal law.

His fate now lies in the hands of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Title 5 of the U.S. Code stipulates the Attorney General can file a civil action “against any individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies or who knowingly and willfully fails to file or report any information that such individual is required to report.”

Maybe that would work. Podesta might prefer a civil action suit to a pedophile conviction. He could use it as a plea bargain to not face pedophile charges. Crazy isn't it? :nuts:
Rhythmik said:
It's amusing how many people who consider Alex Jones crazy also take his retraction as proof that the pizzagate story is fake.

Amusing wouldn't be my first choice of words about much of the public's awareness or lack thereof these days. Admittedly Alex's over the top style lends itself well to reinforce public opinion about "fake news" and hoaxes.
goyacobol said:
Rhythmik said:
It's amusing how many people who consider Alex Jones crazy also take his retraction as proof that the pizzagate story is fake.

Amusing wouldn't be my first choice of words about much of the public's awareness or lack thereof these days. Admittedly Alex's over the top style lends itself well to reinforce public opinion about "fake news" and hoaxes.

Alex Jones can't 'go there' because there is a bigger pedophile problem with Republicans over Democrats and he has to support not only Republicans, but also Israelis. It's a long term credibility problem. Besides, he knows very well that if he goes public on the pedophile problem, he's going to have a very short life.

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