The Living Force
Police Shoot Suicidal Dad 11 Times… While He Lay in Bed Crying
We’ve reported before on how calling the police for help these days in the modern American police state usually ends in less help and more death, pets included.
This time the woman was actually calling for an ambulance and not the cops, but since all first response tech is now integrated, the cops were sent anyway.
The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports:
Donna Spry called her husband’s doctor, crying. Curly Spry was refusing to go to his appointment. He was suicidal, off his medication and had a gun, his wife said.
Call 911, the doctor’s staff instructed her.
Less than an hour later, Curly Spry was dead. He had been shot 11 times by troopers with the West Virginia State Police, according to a lawsuit filed by Donna Spry last month in Kanawha County Circuit Court.
The family is suing for $11 million—their attorney told the Gazette-Mail that the agency’s insurance covers $1 million per incident.
Suicidal Curly Spry was delusional and crying and laying in bed. His wife and 17-year-old daughter were reportedly standing by his bedside when state police shot him 11 times.
The Sprys allege the troopers came into their house without permission. They wore full tactical gear and had weapons in hand when they entered, according to the complaint.
Spry’s wife claims she was on the phone with 911 when they killed her husband, and a trooper made her hang up afterwards. Of course, the police said the man pointed a gun at them (while he was laying in bed crying and they were wearing full tactical gear including bullet proof body armor)… so they just had to shoot a weeping suicidal man 11 times while he was lying in bed.
Guess Mr. Spry doesn’t have to worry about being suicidal anymore.
Police Officer Indicted on First Degree Murder Charge for Killing a Couple’s 2-year-old Son
Rock Springs, WY- Jacob Rollen Anglesey has now been indicted by a grand jury for first-degree murder in the 2009 death of a two-year-old child — and new information revealed he’s a cop.
On March 9, 2009, emergency services were summoned to help with the boy, Konnor Allen, whom Anglesey had become unresponsive after suffering a fall.
Konnor, who had been in Anglesey’s care, succumbed to the head trauma and died the following day. Konnor was the son of Phylicia Rasdall and Robert Corry Allen.
No charges were filed at the time of the incident.
According to the Rocket-Miner,
At the time, Green River Police Department (GRPD) placed Anglesey on paid administrative leave and contacted the Sweetwater County Attorney’s Office to request an independent investigation. That investigation was conducted by the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation. Former Sweetwater County Attorney Brett Johnson requested a special prosecutor, which was approved by the Sweetwater County Commission on March 12, 2009.
After a review of the DCI investigation, the special prosecutor declined to initiate charges at that time. The case remained open with Wyoming DCI.
Then in 2015, agents with the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation presented evidence to the Sweetwater County Attorney’s Office, which reportedly evidenced inconsistencies with Anglesey’s account of events, and included “medical reports stating the injuries were caused by non-accidental trauma,” according to the Associated Press.
K2 Radio News correspondent Tracie Perkins then “discovered information not released in the indictment,” but with serious implications, “namely, that Anglesey is an officer in the Green River Police Department.”
Why that information has not been previously released, whether or not the grand jury was privy to it at the time of indictment, and whether or not the Green River Police Department was aware of the investigation — while allowing Anglesey to remain on the job for its duration — remain unclear.
According to the Rock Springs, Wyoming, Rocket-Miner, Anglesey is being held on a $1 million bond. The State of Wyoming retains a death penalty option in cases of murder.
We’ve reported before on how calling the police for help these days in the modern American police state usually ends in less help and more death, pets included.
This time the woman was actually calling for an ambulance and not the cops, but since all first response tech is now integrated, the cops were sent anyway.
The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports:
Donna Spry called her husband’s doctor, crying. Curly Spry was refusing to go to his appointment. He was suicidal, off his medication and had a gun, his wife said.
Call 911, the doctor’s staff instructed her.
Less than an hour later, Curly Spry was dead. He had been shot 11 times by troopers with the West Virginia State Police, according to a lawsuit filed by Donna Spry last month in Kanawha County Circuit Court.
The family is suing for $11 million—their attorney told the Gazette-Mail that the agency’s insurance covers $1 million per incident.
Suicidal Curly Spry was delusional and crying and laying in bed. His wife and 17-year-old daughter were reportedly standing by his bedside when state police shot him 11 times.
The Sprys allege the troopers came into their house without permission. They wore full tactical gear and had weapons in hand when they entered, according to the complaint.
Spry’s wife claims she was on the phone with 911 when they killed her husband, and a trooper made her hang up afterwards. Of course, the police said the man pointed a gun at them (while he was laying in bed crying and they were wearing full tactical gear including bullet proof body armor)… so they just had to shoot a weeping suicidal man 11 times while he was lying in bed.
Guess Mr. Spry doesn’t have to worry about being suicidal anymore.
Police Officer Indicted on First Degree Murder Charge for Killing a Couple’s 2-year-old Son
Rock Springs, WY- Jacob Rollen Anglesey has now been indicted by a grand jury for first-degree murder in the 2009 death of a two-year-old child — and new information revealed he’s a cop.
On March 9, 2009, emergency services were summoned to help with the boy, Konnor Allen, whom Anglesey had become unresponsive after suffering a fall.
Konnor, who had been in Anglesey’s care, succumbed to the head trauma and died the following day. Konnor was the son of Phylicia Rasdall and Robert Corry Allen.
No charges were filed at the time of the incident.
According to the Rocket-Miner,
At the time, Green River Police Department (GRPD) placed Anglesey on paid administrative leave and contacted the Sweetwater County Attorney’s Office to request an independent investigation. That investigation was conducted by the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation. Former Sweetwater County Attorney Brett Johnson requested a special prosecutor, which was approved by the Sweetwater County Commission on March 12, 2009.
After a review of the DCI investigation, the special prosecutor declined to initiate charges at that time. The case remained open with Wyoming DCI.
Then in 2015, agents with the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation presented evidence to the Sweetwater County Attorney’s Office, which reportedly evidenced inconsistencies with Anglesey’s account of events, and included “medical reports stating the injuries were caused by non-accidental trauma,” according to the Associated Press.
K2 Radio News correspondent Tracie Perkins then “discovered information not released in the indictment,” but with serious implications, “namely, that Anglesey is an officer in the Green River Police Department.”
Why that information has not been previously released, whether or not the grand jury was privy to it at the time of indictment, and whether or not the Green River Police Department was aware of the investigation — while allowing Anglesey to remain on the job for its duration — remain unclear.
According to the Rock Springs, Wyoming, Rocket-Miner, Anglesey is being held on a $1 million bond. The State of Wyoming retains a death penalty option in cases of murder.