Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests


A Disturbance in the Force

The following message, will be the first I have posted on this site.

I have read the site agreement, and it seems quite reasonable.

I will try to comply with the terms and conditions thereof, however, I can foresee one significant problem, to wit:

There is a warning against posting information regarding "Illegal pastimes and habits".

In these increasingly troubled times, it is conceivable that the posting of messages such as the one I have posted below, might be construed as an illegal act in and of itself,.....in fact, it would be defined under the so-called "USA Patriot Act", as "An act which is intended to influence public opinion", hence, an act of "terrorism" according to the Orwellian provisions of said Act, and therefore, the posting of such messages, may be considered, at least as so far as the Fascistic Few are concerned, as an "Illegal Pastime", and/or, Illegal Habit".

Notwithstanding the foregoing concern, I hereby declare that I shall attempt to engage in the communication of my thoughts and ideas on this site, while simultaneously observing the rules for civil discourse set forth in the site agreement.



Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

It would seem that those "Dangerous Vegetarians", "Un-American Protesters / Activists", "Politically Aware People", and "Evil Street Medics", were the targets of much Police Terrorism, in and around the city of St. Paul, a.k.a., the site of the so-called 2008 "Republican" National Convention.

During the 2004 RNC in NYC, I, ( SnowFunMan ), was falsely arrested for merely being on the city sidewalks. ( 34th Street & 6th Ave.)

I was detained - first at the Highly Toxic Pier 57 Make-Shift Detainment Facility, and at 100 Centre Street - for approximately 40 hours.

I became the subject of an Intentionally False Criminal Complaint which contained none but fraudulent representations of fact / fraudulent concealment/s of fact, and which falsely alleged that I had committed various crimes against the public tranquility.

The "case" against me was dismissed, after I had been subjected to several superfluous court dates which the CRIMINAL court had no lawful authority to conduct, and/or, schedule in the first instance. The federal lawsuit stemming from the above-referenced abomination, is still pending. ( Justice Delayed )

It appears that a large number of folks in the St. Paul area who had planned to participate in Constitutionally Protected Activity, a.k.a., "political demonstrations", and even some folks who did not plan to participate in demonstrations, were unable to so much as reach the city streets!

It seems that State and Federal "Officers", ( See: Constitutional Treasonists / Service Animals of the New World Order, etc., ), acting under the presumed authority of various invalid warrants, and/or, warrants issued by treasonous judges absent reasonable articulable suspicion of criminality, and/or, warrants issued under false / fraudulent pretense, and/or, acting without any warrant whatsoever, proceeded, by virtue of these invalid warrants, to enter and "search" people's homes in the St. Paul area.

The State and Federal Trespassers / Terrorists involved in these unlawful "searches", unlawfully seized and handcuffed the occupants of the raided homes, and terrorized, and/or, brutalized the occupants, as well as any journalists, and/or, legal representatives and/or, observers / witnesses present at the scene of the above-referenced atrocities. Also, there seems to have been a focus on targeting individual's who were creating a photographic record of the police terrorism.

These Militarized, Riot Geared "Police", and Military Personnel, ( the vast majority of which did not display police badges, and/or, identifying numbers, in order that they might carry out their various acts of treason undetected, and with impunity ), appear to have been armed with sophisticated military weapons, and an assortment of so-called "Less-Lethal Weapons", and an abundant supply of Chemical Irritants which they deployed liberally, and completely without provocation. These Hired Thugs and Pinkertons, seemed to be employing tactics similar to those routinely employed against foreign victims, in the boondoggle "war" zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition, these "American" State and Federal Terrorists were committing various unlawful confiscations of even the Non-Contraband Property against our fellow American Citizens, as well as committing myriad other verbal and physical abuses / trespasses, against the Rights of The American People.

"American" Police, and/or, Military Personnel, ( a.k.a., The REAL Domestic Terrorists ), in a manner reminiscent of Hitler's Brown-Shirts, were observed with great frequency, gleefully rejoicing, and squealing with child-like gaiety, as they inflict humiliation, pain and suffering upon their innocent American civilian victims.

This author is aware of reports that Police Terrorists went so far as to threaten American Citizens with Summary Execution, and myriad other acts exclusively intended to intimidate, and trouble the mind and feelings of their innocent American victims.


A large segment of the U.S. Population is already painfully well aware that it has become "Standard Operating Procedure", for the very same State, and/or, Federal "Officers" who have sworn a solemn oath to protect and secure the Constitutional Rights which We The People are supposed to enjoy as American Citizens, to act instead, in a manner which is in stark contradistinction to those Rights which are enumerated, implied, and/or referenced in the various State and the Federal Constitution/s, hence, in a manner which completely eliminated the citizens ability to exercise said Rights.

Simultaneously, the remainder of the U.S. Population, ( due primarily to various Media Black-Outs, orchestrated as an expression of the devout servility of the so-called U.S. Major Media, to its Global Power Structure Masters / Owners ), is largely oblivious to the fact that dissent in the U.S. has been effectively Outlawed,.....even equated with "Terrorism", as evidenced by the fact that 8 protesters in St. Paul were charged under a State of Minnesota "Anti-Terrorism Statute". ( A "State" Version of the "USA Patriot Act", apparently )


Scant little remains of the mere Illusion of an American nation under The Rule of Law,..... and in its place, the stark reality of a nation under The Rule of Willful Men is being revealed to The Great Unwashed Masses.

Make no mistake, the POLICE STATE is upon us!

In the minds of the Fascistic Few, ( to include the majority of members of American Police Agency Creations, and Military Constructs ), The People who inhabit this land, exist NOT as a matter of Right,.....but rather, as a matter of privilege,....a privilege which can be revoked, rescinded, canceled, at the whim and caprice of the Fascistic Few, and with absolute immunity, and/or, impunity.

Notwithstanding any delusions to the contrary, The American People are currently nothing more than "Human Resources" to be exploited or exhausted, and/or, simply "Objects to be Done To",.....simultaneously, The People's Tormentors, operate Above The Rule of Law, hence, under a Double Standard of Law.

Make no mistake, we are witnessing The Third-Worlditization / The Nazification of the United States.


As Naomi Wolf has set forth in her 2007 book, "The End of America": ( See: Page 100 ), "In Germany, by 1933, arbitrary arrest and release, was common,......In a survey of German citizens who had lived through that era, 36 percent reported having been arrested, questioned, and released,......As the 1930's progressed, hundreds of thousands of German citizens were arbitrarily detained and released,.....General Pinochet ( Chile ), used this tactic too,.....Every so often the military would enter a slum,....arrest people in random sweeps,.....keep them behind bars briefly,....and then let them go. The only real reason for this, was to Intimidate the Population."


This is just one of a multiplicity of striking similarities existing between modern day U.S., and every other nation which was ever transformed from a nation which at least appeared to be a somewhat "Free Society", into a totalitarian state.

The intended message behind these types of practices is clear,....it is this:

If you protest against the policies and actions of the Ruling Establishment and their Myrmidons, you will be, ( at least, as it stands currently ), arrested and falsely charged with criminal offenses.

This practice will likely be sufficient to stifle most protest activity throughout this country.

Those who are not so easily put off from protest activity, will likely achieve a species of "Enhanced Favorite Target Status", and will likely be fired upon and/or, killed, and/or, transported to Death / Work Camps, as punishment for organizing, and/or, participating in any of sort of activity classified as, "protest activity".

The TRANCE-FORMATION of this delusional "Free Society", into a Nazified Totalitarian State, will be unwittingly initiated by our fellow "American" citizen members of America's Police Agency Creations, and/or, America's Military Constructs.

These State, and/or, Federal Terrorists must somehow be bought to their senses, and vigorously encouraged to refuse treasonous orders, and to turn their weapons upon those who would issue such orders.

For instance, the issuance of orders to:

(1) Conduct, ( under the direction of
U.N. Forces ), unlawful house to house searches of American Homes, and to confiscate even the legal weapons belonging to American Citizens, and/or,...

(2) Murder innocent unarmed civilians predicated upon the false justification of "Crowd Control", and/or, "Curfew Restrictions", and/or, "Martial Law".

I fear that we are currently standing on the precipice of unprecedented National, and Global, humanitarian catastrophe.

I have heard this rising tide of tyranny, appropriately referred to as "The End-Game".


Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Do you have a reason for making your font size this big?  :huh:

[moderator note - font size has been adjusted for visual comfort]
SnowFunMan said:
There is a warning against posting information regarding "Illegal pastimes and habits".

In these increasingly troubled times, it is conceivable that the posting of messages such as the one I have posted below, might be construed as an illegal act in and of itself,.....in fact, it would be defined under the so-called "USA Patriot Act", as "An act which is intended to influence public opinion", hence, an act of "terrorism" according to the Orwellian provisions of said Act, and therefore, the posting of such messages, may be considered, at least as so far as the Fascistic Few are concerned, as an "Illegal Pastime", and/or, Illegal Habit".

Considering the content of this site, this is a bit of a dramatic stretch, to say the least.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Snowfunman: said:
"During the 2004 RNC in NYC, I, ( SnowFunMan ), was falsely arrested for merely being on the city sidewalks. ( 34th Street & 6th Ave.)

I was detained - first at the Highly Toxic Pier 57 Make-Shift Detainment Facility, and at 100 Centre Street - for approximately 40 hours.

I became the subject of an Intentionally False Criminal Complaint which contained none but fraudulent representations of fact / fraudulent concealment/s of fact, and which falsely alleged that I had committed various crimes against the public tranquility.

The "case" against me was dismissed, after I had been subjected to several superfluous court dates which the CRIMINAL court had no lawful authority to conduct, and/or, schedule in the first instance. The federal lawsuit stemming from the above-referenced abomination, is still pending. ( Justice Delayed )"

It sounds like it was a 'shock' to your system. Have you looked around at any of the articles here? Specifically in the Work section? It might help you sort through all the rocky emotions.

To anart: Thanks on the font size!

Moderator note: I put the first part of your message in quote, it is easier to read.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Gimpy said:

It sounds like it was a 'shock' to your system. Have you looked around at any of the articles here? Specifically in the Work section? It might help you sort through all the rocky emotions.

My description of the ordeal to which I was subjected during the 2004 RNC, was as dispassionate an account as I could possibly compose, but as anyone who has ever been falsely arrested, falsely imprisoned, and falsely charged, etc., knows, it is a rather "Hair-Raising Ordeal"!

Given the scope of my personal experiences dealing with the abuses of the emerging Police State, in combination with the nature of my deeply informed orientation to our current circumstances, I suspect that it would take an event considerably shocking to the conscience to actually "shock me", at this late date, so in that sense, I suppose I was perhaps a little bit better prepared for the experience than were most others similarly situated.

Actually, after being lifted from a sitting position off of the sidewalk by THE AMERICAN GESTAPO, and loaded onto a "NYPD Bus", I couldn't help but wonder if I would be taken to THE CAMPS!

I am also well familiar with the theraputic effects of physical work, especially intricate work involving rather demanding use of the hands, upon individuals who are experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment,.....thank you.

However, despite the fact that several rather nagging, pre-existing physical conditions were greatly exacerbated as a direct result of having my wrists intensionally fastened together with excessive tightness for several continuous hours, with Flexi-Cuffs, ( Plastic Hand-Cuffs designed for short durations of time ), and as a result of being caused to remain for several continuous hours in the functional equivalent of a Stress Position, ( specifically, because I am rather wide at the shoulder, and because the Flexi-Cuffs were applied so tightly, my surgically reconstructed shoulder was significantly, stressed, and negatively impacted as a direct result of being caused to suffer the above-referenced Stress Position, for several continuous hours ), I do not feel as though I was particularly "shocked" by the ordeal.

I was however, deeply affected by the ordeal, for instance, in terms of a significant increase in the level of my distrust for those cut-rate mercenaries who masquerade as "The People's Police Force" in this society, as well as a significant increase in the level of my disgust for those Lazy, Know-Nothing, Imposters, Prevaricator's, Cash-Extraction Experts and Prison Industry Profiteers who currently masquerade as the nations so-called, "Legal Professionals, and/or, Public Prosecutors, and/or, Judicial Officers,..... as well as a number of other adverse affects which I will not expound upon here and now.

Fortunately, unlike many other victims of "Police" misconduct, at least is it possible / conceivable, ( albeit, unlikely ), that I will be properly compensated for what I was caused to suffer.

"For every person who is wronged, there must be a remedy under the law."

"Remedy is the life of Rights."

"To take away the Remedy, is the equivalent of removing the Right."

If only Bart Ross had been dealt with in the courts, with fundamental fairness.
anart said:
SnowFunMan said:
There is a warning against posting information regarding "Illegal pastimes and habits".

In these increasingly troubled times, it is conceivable that the posting of messages such as the one I have posted below, might be construed as an illegal act in and of itself,.....in fact, it would be defined under the so-called "USA Patriot Act", as "An act which is intended to influence public opinion", hence, an act of "terrorism" according to the Orwellian provisions of said Act, and therefore, the posting of such messages, may be considered, at least as so far as the Fascistic Few are concerned, as an "Illegal Pastime", and/or, Illegal Habit".

Considering the content of this site, this is a bit of a dramatic stretch, to say the least.

Not to get off on the wrong foot with the honorable moderator, however, the moderator, by his promulgation of the above-listed statement, seems to be Unconsciously Projecting.

That is, he seems to present his statement as though it is a Universal Truth, and/or, an All-Ness Statement, and/or, An Absolute, to be of all men confessed as true and correct, rather than presenting his statement as an evaluation, and/or, an assumption that is peculiar to him alone, and/or, a statement which might be subject to subsequent revision.

It occurs to me, that had someone told Jose Padilla, prior to his arrest on "Terrorism Charges" ( Dirty Bomb Plot ), that he would be held as "An Enemy Combatant", and subjected to torture, extended periods of time in solitary confinement, and other prison conditions which would ultimately result in his being driven completely insane, thereby rendering him incapable of assiting in his own legal defense, AND, that he would be eventually CONVICTED of charges completely UNRELATED to the original charges that were made against him in a Kangaroo Court Proceeding!,......he might have announced the position that the informer was engaged in hyperbole, and/or, working a dramatization of the highest order.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Snowfunman: "I am also well familiar with the theraputic effects of physical work, especially intricate work involving rather demanding use of the hands, upon individuals who are experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment,.....thank you."


This is the text from the Work section: " Ancient Shamanism, Esoteric Chrisitianity, Catharism, Alchemy, The Holy Grail, Fulcanelli, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky,
Castenada, the Cassiopeans. For thousands of years Shamans and oracles have been consulted for their visionery powers & wisdom. What is true spirituality? Is it
our birthright, or is it something we must quest for?"

Snowfunman: "Given the scope of my personal experiences dealing with the abuses of the emerging Police State, in combination with the nature of my deeply informed orientation to our current circumstances, I suspect that it would take an event considerably shocking to the conscience to actually "shock me", at this late date, so in that sense, I suppose I was perhaps a little bit better prepared for the experience than were most others similarly situated."

Are you an 'authority' then?
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Gimpy said:
Snowfunman: "I am also well familiar with the theraputic effects of physical work, especially intricate work involving rather demanding use of the hands, upon individuals who are experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment,.....thank you."


This is the text from the Work section: " Ancient Shamanism, Esoteric Chrisitianity, Catharism, Alchemy, The Holy Grail, Fulcanelli, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky,
Castenada, the Cassiopeans. For thousands of years Shamans and oracles have been consulted for their visionery powers & wisdom. What is true spirituality? Is it
our birthright, or is it something we must quest for?"

Snowfunman: "Given the scope of my personal experiences dealing with the abuses of the emerging Police State, in combination with the nature of my deeply informed orientation to our current circumstances, I suspect that it would take an event considerably shocking to the conscience to actually "shock me", at this late date, so in that sense, I suppose I was perhaps a little bit better prepared for the experience than were most others similarly situated."

Are you an 'authority' then?

Hi Gimpy,

To facilitate the members of this forum to read your post, you could use the quote icon when you want to quote someone.

Here' how to do it:

Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Gimpy said:
Have you looked around at any of the articles here? Specifically in the Work section?

SnowFunMan said:
I am also well familiar with the theraputic effects of physical work, especially intricate work involving rather demanding use of the hands, upon individuals who are experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment,.....thank you.

The section of the forum titled "The Work" is actually a reference to Gurdjieff's 4th Way teaching and is about spiritual/psychological development, not "physical work". You would have realized that if you had bothered to look at it, instead of jumping to the paranoid conclusion that Gimpy was implying you are "experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment".

anart said:
Considering the content of this site, this is a bit of a dramatic stretch, to say the least.

You really should take some time to look around the forum and get a better sense of what it is about, the role of the moderators, and how members are expected to conduct themselves, before posting further. If you had done so before posting you might not have jumped to an paranoid conclusion about Anart's comment either -- which referred to your interpretation of how the moderators might apply the "illegal activity" rule in relation to your post, and not to how the Government might interpret your activities.

snowfunman said:
Not to get off on the wrong foot with the honorable moderator....

Using a sarcastic, contrary tone and attitude towards the moderators is considered unacceptable behaviour on this forum. If you disagree with something that the moderator (or anyone else on the forum) has posted, please address it in a polite and externally considerate manner.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

SnowFunMan said:
anart said:
Considering the content of this site, this is a bit of a dramatic stretch, to say the least.

Not to get off on the wrong foot with the honorable moderator, however, the moderator, by his promulgation of the above-listed statement, seems to be Unconsciously Projecting.

I think anart's point is that this site obviously contains a lot of discussions of a controversial political nature - in fact that is a core part of the forum. Your story is one of many (and as far as I can see is not advocating any illegal activities), and so it makes no sense to interpret it as falling under the 'illegal pastimes' category, and kinda misses the point of that rule - which is a standard and sensible precaution to protect the forum and its members from unwarranted attack, and to keep the discussions onto appropriate subject matter.

You have an unusual use of language so it is difficult to tell, but it seems to me that your self importance did not like anart's comment, and so you were unable to accept it.
SnowFunMan said:
Not to get off on the wrong foot with the honorable moderator, however, the moderator, by his promulgation of the above-listed statement, seems to be Unconsciously Projecting.


snow said:
That is, he seems to present his statement as though it is a Universal Truth, and/or, an All-Ness Statement, and/or, An Absolute, to be of all men confessed as true and correct, rather than presenting his statement as an evaluation, and/or, an assumption that is peculiar to him alone, and/or, a statement which might be subject to subsequent revision.

Nope.  I made the statement to point out that you were being overly dramatic, and rather self-important, an impression which is reinforced by your responses.

snow said:
It occurs to me, that had someone told Jose Padilla, prior to his arrest on "Terrorism Charges" ( Dirty Bomb Plot ), that he would be held as "An Enemy Combatant", and subjected to torture, extended periods of time in solitary confinement, and other prison conditions which would ultimately result in his being driven completely insane, thereby rendering him incapable of assiting in his own legal defense, AND, that he would be eventually CONVICTED of charges completely UNRELATED to the original charges that were made against him in a Kangaroo Court Proceeding!,......he might have announced the position that the informer was engaged in hyperbole, and/or, working a dramatization of the highest order.

How is this paragraph even vaguely related to what I wrote??    :nuts:  Nomad clearly explains my point:

Nomad said:
I think anart's point is that this site obviously contains a lot of discussions of a controversial political nature - in fact that is a core part of the forum. Your story is one of many (and as far as I can see is not advocating any illegal activities), and so it makes no sense to interpret it as falling under the 'illegal pastimes' category, and kinda misses the point of that rule - which is a standard and sensible precaution to protect the forum and its members from unwarranted attack, and to keep the discussions onto appropriate subject matter.

However, it is blatantly obvious from your responses that you have no idea what this forum is about.  That is fine and easily cured by time spent reading and learning.  If, however, you are only here to wave your martyr flag and bask in your own self-importance then you will likely be happier on another forum.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

Gimpy said:
Snowfunman: "Given the scope of my personal experiences dealing with the abuses of the emerging Police State, in combination with the nature of my deeply informed orientation to our current circumstances, I suspect that it would take an event considerably shocking to the conscience to actually "shock me", at this late date, so in that sense, I suppose I was perhaps a little bit better prepared for the experience than were most others similarly situated."


Are you an 'authority' then?

SnowFunMan Writes:

I believe that each indivdual is "an authority", and in fact, the only authority / expert, but only relative to their particular personal experience, and their individual interpretations, inferrences, evaluations, assumptions, etc., derived from their personal experience/s, experimentation/s etc., and/or, derived from the entire body of information which that individual has processed.

Hence, SnowFunMan, may rightly claim to be "an authority", on SnowFunMan.

The above-listed question is unnecessaryily vague and ambiguous.

However, if the questioner is seeking to know whether or not I consider myself to be "an authority", on my particular understanding / knowledge / belief/s of the dynamics of what I perceive to be, the emerging Police / Totalitarian State in the U.S and elsewhere, the answer is obviously, Yes,....of course.

Who else, other than I, would possibly qualify as "an authority"?
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

SnowFunMan said:
I believe that each indivdual is "an authority", and in fact, the only authority / expert, but only relative to their particular personal experience, and their individual interpretations, inferrences, evaluations, assumptions, etc., derived from their personal experience/s, experimentation/s etc., and/or, derived from the entire body of information which that individual has processed.

That is nice for you, however, this forum works very hard to not focus on 'beliefs'.  No offense intended at all, but, you see, the problem here is that you are completely unaware of where you are in regards to this forum - for this reason, everything you are writing is coming across as rather lacking in insight and a larger understanding.  As I stated previously, this can be remedied if you are willing to 'read more and post less' - in other words, if you are willing to learn and are not just here out of your own sense of self-importance - ego, if you will.

Thus far that seems to not be the case.  Please understand that continued rude behavior in your posts will result in loss of your posting privileges.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

PepperFritz said:
Gimpy said:
Have you looked around at any of the articles here? Specifically in the Work section?

SnowFunMan said:
I am also well familiar with the theraputic effects of physical work, especially intricate work involving rather demanding use of the hands, upon individuals who are experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment,.....thank you.

The section of the forum titled "The Work" is actually a reference to Gurdjieff's 4th Way teaching and is about spiritual/psychological development, not "physical work". You would have realized that if you had bothered to look at it, instead of jumping to the paranoid conclusion that Gimpy was implying you are "experiencing the affects of various personal maladjustment".

SnowFunMan Writes:

Perhaps I should have insisted that the above-named questioner define and distinguish well the terms of his question, before offering an answer,....instead, I merely provided an answer to the question based upon what I believed to be the commonly understood linguistic interpretations of the term "Work".

In this instance, the term "Work", was used to refer to a rather unusual, hence, rather unorthdox subject-matter, specifically, "Spiritual / Psychological Development".

The term "paranoid conclusion" seems to be a misapplication of the term, since I had merely intended to thank the respondent for what I believed to be, legitimate concern for my well-being, and did not perceive the respondent's commentary as an accusation, and/or, a personal attack, or similar.

anart said:
Considering the content of this site, this is a bit of a dramatic stretch, to say the least.

You really should take some time to look around the forum and get a better sense of what it is about, the role of the moderators, and how members are expected to conduct themselves, before posting further. If you had done so before posting you might not have jumped to an paranoid conclusion about Anart's comment either -- which referred to your interpretation of how the moderators might apply the "illegal activity" rule in relation to your post, and not to how the Government might interpret your activities.

snowfunman said:
Not to get off on the wrong foot with the honorable moderator....

Using a sarcastic, contrary tone and attitude towards the moderators is considered unacceptable behaviour on this forum. If you disagree with something that the moderator (or anyone else on the forum) has posted, please address it in a polite and externally considerate manner.


SnowFunMan Writes:

My above-referenced use of term "Honorable", was certainly not intended to be either "sarsastic" or "contrary", rather, it was merely an expression of my assumption that the moderator/s of this site are to some extent, deserving of honor.

I have used the term "Honorable", and/or, "Your Honor", many times in "American Courts of Justice", and I have never been so admonished by any "Judge of the Court", predicated upon my use of this term.

In addition to the foregoing, I should hope that the injection of certain terms and/or phrases considered objectionable, and/or, inappropriate, and/or, relatively inapplicable, into the areas of discussion on this message board, by any person, to include even a moderator, is not beyond a polite, and well-reasoned challenge, hence, that the commentary of any author is not completely beyond reproach.

In the above-referenced instance, I was merely challenging the moderators use of the term "Dramatic Stretch", and not, - by any stretch - intending to personally attack, or trouble the mind and/or, feelings of said moderator.
Re: Police Terrorists Effectuate Treasonous Raids / Provocations / False Arrests

SnowFunMan said:
Perhaps I should have insisted that the above-named questioner define and distinguish well the terms of his question, before offering an answer,....instead, I merely provided an answer to the question based upon what I believed to be the commonly understood linguistic interpretations of the term "Work".

Yes, such assumptions are easy to make when one is not familiar with the purpose of this forum. May I ask what brought you to this forum?

s said:
In this instance, the term "Work", was used to refer to a rather unusual, hence, rather unorthdox subject-matter, specifically, "Spiritual / Psychological Development".

Again, familiarity with this forum before posting here would have prevented your misunderstanding. Do you often walk into people's living room, with no knowledge of the conversation they are having, and begin to talk?

s said:
The term "paranoid conclusion" seems to be a misapplication of the term, since I had merely intended to thank the respondent for what I believed to be, legitimate concern for my well-being, and did not perceive the respondent's commentary as an accusation, and/or, a personal attack, or similar.

How very odd, because from the tone of what you wrote, it certainly seemed as if there was a bit of venom in your words - and there certainly was no sense of 'thanking' in any way. Perhaps you have an unusual way of using words?

s said:
My above-referenced use of term "Honorable", was certainly not intended to be either "sarsastic" or "contrary", rather, it was merely an expression of my assumption that the moderator/s of this site are to some extent, deserving of honor.

Apologies, but, that doesn't quite ring true. Honor is not really something 'we do' here and your phrasing was dripping with sarcasm.

s said:
I have used the term "Honorable", and/or, "Your Honor", many times in "American Courts of Justice", and I have never been so admonished by any "Judge of the Court", predicated upon my use of this term.

Are you a lawyer? Perhaps it would help you to understand that this is not a court of law - no judges here, no 'your honors'.

s said:
In addition to the foregoing, I should hope that the injection of certain terms and/or phrases considered objectionable, and/or, inappropriate, and/or, relatively inapplicable, into the areas of discussion on this message board, by any person, to include even a moderator, is not beyond a polite, and well-reasoned challenge, hence, that the commentary of any author is not completely beyond reproach.

Are you familiar with the term 'legalistic nit-picking' - it might be worth your while to search the forum for the phrase.

s said:
In the above-referenced instance, I was merely challenging the moderators use of the term "Dramatic Stretch", and not, - by any stretch - intending to personally attack, or trouble the mind and/or, feelings of said moderator.

Hmmm, again, perhaps you simply have an odd way of using words, because it seems that the effect you intend from the words you use is almost directly opposite from the result you obtain. Might be worth looking into.
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