I gather that English is not your native language, suumcuique, since your argument is so poorly phrased.
suumcuique said:
Rhiannon said:
It really is amazing how everything can be twisted into being anti-semitic.
Oy Vey
Indeed, especially since Lobaczewski makes no secret that he sees National-Socialist leaders as psychopaths.
Actually, that is not exactly the case. It is not all black and white (black and white thinking being a sign of intellectual immaturity). There are many shades of gray in his descriptions of pathology.
suumcuique said:
See, for example : "In conjunction with part of the elite, a group of psychopathic individuals hiding behind the scenes steers the leader, the way Borman and his clique steered (?) Hitler (http://www.ponerology.com/evil_2b.html -
Yes, notice that Borman and his clique were not precisely the leaders... as Lobaczewski describes it, they were "behind the scenes."
suumcuique said:
I'm only quoting from Lobaczewski's website, since I could not be bothered to order a book whose premisses are to a large extent a rehash, only far more subtle, of the Semitic postulates of XXth centutry Jewish criminologists and psychiatrists, such as Adorno : everything held as positive and normative from a non Jewish standpoint is held as negative and abnormal and psychopathic from a Jewish perspective). Jews always want more, and it can only be assumed that Lobaczewski's work did not meet their criteria, was not pro-Jewish enough.
Now THAT is definitely anti-Semitic.
suumcuique said:
On a related note, it is interesting that one of the favourite watchwords of Christian, Marxist, and left-wing conspirationists - the so-called "Bush Reich" - is used on http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.htm/
Your sentence is very unclear. As I said, either English is not your native language or... You are conflating Christians, Marxists and "left-wing conspirationists". In actual fact, the Christians in the U.S. are RIGHT wing, the "left-wing conspirationists" are anti-Marxist, and the Marxists are a confused bunch in various flavors of pro or anti Trotsky or pro or anti Lenin. Lots of shades of gray in there. But you are just seeing black or white and to you black is white and white is black. Very confusing.
suumcuique said:
Leaving aside the fact that Lenin's dream to turn a whole society into a "racial gutter" came true in the USA, a dream which was not precisely National-Socialist Germany's goal, it can legitimately be wondered whether those who are - to put it mildly - naive enough to compare an administration such as Bush's (as you know, it's only an administration - not a governement ; it's only business, not res publica) with the Third Reich are mentally sane.
So, we go from black and white to legalistic nit-picking over the use of popular terminology? Hmmm... where have I seen that dynamic in play before?? Oh, yes... it's the hallmark of the Paranoid Personality disorder. Selection and substitution of data, suggestive paramoralisms, etc.
suumcuique said:
Still on a related note, it is clear that O'Bama's election, from a psychiatric standpoint, has had one positive effect on millions and millions of people who, under Bush, would go to the streets in the USA, in Europe and in Arab countries, brandishing hysterically posters showing a photo of Bush and a photo of A. Hitler side by side. No matter how pathological their behaviour, the masses must now feel that there would be something slightly awkward in comparing O'Bama with A. Hitler.
"Psychiatric"? Again, I notice your lack of mastery of English which is either evidence that it is not your native language (in which case you ought not to try to argue rhetorical points in a language you have not mastered), or it is evidence of something else.
Nevertheless, I get the drift: you are a Right Wing pro-Nazi, anti-Semite. Yes? If that's not the case, you better give up trying to argue in English.