Ponerology in Action: Claiming Political Ponerology is Anti-Semitic


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi All,

While looking under Political Ponerology - I found a pro-semite forum
der=asc&start=0) discussing PP/Laura/Sott and claiming PP is anti-semetic.

It is an old thread from April of 2008 with the last post being Jan. 1, 2010.

It really is amazing how everything can be twisted into being anti-semitic.

Oy Vey
Re: Ponerology in Action: Claiming Political Ponerology is Anti-Semetic

heh shouldn't be too surprised. It seems the whole anti-semitic slur has been used against anything that points out how psychopaths infect and twist jewish groups. I mean the distinction between Zionist and Jew has been purposefully blurred so that any crime the zionists commit can be hidden behind their ideology. It's so classic ponerology in action.

I mean, lets forget that the Jews believe they came from Israel 2k yrs ago, lets forget that the population of Israel is largely jewish and what do we have left? A state of psychotic murdering occupiers ethnically cleansing the brown people out of their back yard. When you strip the ideology away and look at their actions coldy and analytically, they're naked and unattractive - to say the least.

The irony of holocaust victims using their holocaust to justify another perpetuated on a different group is also ironic, to say the least. Then again, there's a lot of evidence that zionists helped hitler and even gave him the idea to start slaughtering european jews... the threads here are just so amazingly loose it boggles the mind how they haven't been pulled on in the mainstream. No doubt they've had some help though.
Rhiannon said:
Hi All,

While looking under Political Ponerology - I found a pro-semite forum
der=asc&start=0) discussing PP/Laura/Sott and claiming PP is anti-semetic.

It is an old thread from April of 2008 with the last post being Jan. 1, 2010.

It really is amazing how everything can be twisted into being anti-semitic.

Oy Vey


Check this quote from one of ProsemiticUndercover forum members, "Andy Lewis" (emphasis mine):

1) I remembered seeing Knight-Jadczyk's writings in some obscure antisemitic
site, and that motivated me to probe a little deeper.

2) I also encountered links to and approval of Ponerology from Stormfront and
Vanguard. Something about this philosophy attracted these unwholesome followers.
I wanted to know what that something was.

An intermission here to say that I fount out that StormFront is a "Discussion board for pro-White activists and anyone else interested in White survival" _http://www.stormfront.org, but i don't know what Vanguard is. Anyone?

As to why I wrote the above lengthy piece: I've known this open secret about Ponerology for about two months, and have been looking for a "name" prosemitic researcher like say, Jared Israel, Francisco Gil-White, Hurry Up Harry, Ted Belman or Charles Johnson, to show any sign of awareness. Evidently this counterfeit science cult has flown under the radar. So I had to write this myself.

And there's so much more.

1) SOTT also links to The Controversy of Zion, a rehash/justification of the

2) DU has a poster attacking Knight-Jadczyk as a cult leader and a swindler.
SOTT has in turn, a post attacking the attacker as, you guesssed it, a

It seems like a harmless cult, but there's been so much gushing and oohing and
ahhing over this on unaware sites like DU and Amazon that exposure might be
urgently called for

Please join in and help run this to ground.

It seems that PP will soon have free advertisement... :cool2:

Puck said:
I mean, lets forget that the Jews believe they came from Israel 2k yrs ago, lets forget that the population of Israel is largely jewish and what do we have left? A state of psychotic murdering occupiers ethnically cleansing the brown people out of their back yard. When you strip the ideology away and look at their actions coldy and analytically, they're naked and unattractive - to say the least.

I think this is true not only about how the rest of the world sees them, but most importantly how they view themselves - at least the ones with conscience. Who are they if not the Zionist ideology of their parents that they inherited? Who are they without the holocaust myth that they so proudly carry in their backs all these years? Who are they if they are not the persecuted and the victims of history? And i am not talking about all Jews here, i am talking about the ones who are brainwashed by the Zionist paramoralisms.
Then there is Ben Stein on "Larry King Live" calling Ron Paul's argument of our occupation of foreign countries that are the root of the terrorist activities as anti-Semitic.


Ron Paul said later he would love to debate Ben Stein on the subject.

edit: wrong youtube link
Alana said:
It seems that PP will soon have free advertisement... :cool2:

It seems that hasbara has gotten wind of it? The psychopaths are now aware of PP and it would seem that the hysteria factor is going to go up a few more notches for STS. It would seem that PP is rubbing them the wrong way.

Alana said:
Puck said:
I mean, lets forget that the Jews believe they came from Israel 2k yrs ago, lets forget that the population of Israel is largely jewish and what do we have left? A state of psychotic murdering occupiers ethnically cleansing the brown people out of their back yard. When you strip the ideology away and look at their actions coldy and analytically, they're naked and unattractive - to say the least.

I think this is true not only about how the rest of the world sees them, but most importantly how they view themselves - at least the ones with conscience. Who are they if not the Zionist ideology of their parents that they inherited? Who are they without the holocaust myth that they so proudly carry in their backs all these years? Who are they if they are not the persecuted and the victims of history? And i am not talking about all Jews here, i am talking about the ones who are brainwashed by the Zionist paramoralisms.

I think that the interesting thing here is that nowhere in this book does it put down the Jews. The Nazis, yes, but the Jews, no. It is about psychopaths. Now think about it. This guy that Alana found is saying that what was said in PP is anti-semitic. So what this guy is saying is that Jewish people must be psychopaths. He is calling his own people psychopaths. Did he even read the book?

It makes no sense to me at all how they come up with this stuff.

Alana said:
And there's so much more.

1) SOTT also links to The Controversy of Zion, a rehash/justification of the

2) DU has a poster attacking Knight-Jadczyk as a cult leader and a swindler.
SOTT has in turn, a post attacking the attacker as, you guesssed it, a

It seems like a harmless cult, but there's been so much gushing and oohing and
ahhing over this
on unaware sites like DU and Amazon that exposure might be
urgently called for

Please join in and help run this to ground.

they talk like a self appointed police ( or some body is funding them?) of Israeli interests on the internet ?.

their rationality is laughable. - " so much gushing and oohing and ahhing over this" makes it qualifies for exposure.
Exposure of What ?. exposure is smoke screen for attack.
Also their discussion on PP ended 1.5 year back. May be we have to assume they have done their Exposure.
I found the last post of this thread priceless :

prosemitismundercover said:

In a Kevin MacDonald discussion thread appearing on Nathaniel Kapner's Real Zionist News, a commenter asks whether there are any books classifying Jews as psychopaths.


Further down the thread,
another commenter wrote:
Massi, there is such a book. Though it is not by Kevin McDonald.

It is called Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski. The book is about psychopaths but if instead of the word ‘psychopaths’ you substitute the word ‘Jews’ it’s real meaning is clear.

Clear indeed. The cat is out of the bag and Ponerology is confirmed as the latest example of antisemitic junk science.

Well, that sounds like a very desperate attempt to prove that PP is an antisemitic book.

Since you can't find one single antisemitic sentence in the whole book, obviously the realzionistnews had to create the proof.

That's a very easy task, you just have to change the content of the book!

Replace one "negative" word by "Jew" and you finally get the antisemitic book you desperately were looking for.

Remember the three little pigs tale? After much scientific research I managed to prove irrefutably that it is a fierce antisemitic document. Do you want to know the proof?

Just replace the word "wolf" with "Jew" and then you'll see the naked truth.

Talk about shaping your own reality?
but i don't know what Vanguard is. Anyone?

Vanguard News Network seems to be the same type of group as Storm Front. If you do a search on google, you'll see it. I didn't want to post the link.

edit: clarification
Belibaste said:
I found the last post of this thread priceless :

prosemitismundercover said:
Agreed! It is ridiculous Belibaste. The forum poster actually thinks someones opinion on a book's content is confirmation enough to warrant the title 'busted'.

Remember the three little pigs tale? After much scientific research I managed to prove irrefutably that it is a fierce antisemitic document. Do you want to know the proof?

Just replace the word "wolf" with "Jew" and then you'll see the naked truth.

I actually read three little pigs on new years eve to my son and had no idea of it's deeper anti-Semitic undertones. :P

Talk about shaping your own reality?
Rhiannon said:
Hi All,

While looking under Political Ponerology - I found a pro-semite forum
der=asc&start=0) discussing PP/Laura/Sott and claiming PP is anti-semetic.

It is an old thread from April of 2008 with the last post being Jan. 1, 2010.

It really is amazing how everything can be twisted into being anti-semitic.

Oy Vey
Indeed, especially since Lobaczewski makes no secret that he sees National-Socialist leaders as psychopaths. See, for example : "In conjunction with part of the elite, a group of psychopathic individuals hiding behind the scenes steers the leader, the way Borman and his clique steered (?) Hitler (http://www.ponerology.com/evil_2b.html - I'm only quoting from Lobaczewski's website, since I could not be bothered to order a book whose premisses are to a large extent a rehash, only far more subtle, of the Semitic postulates of XXth centutry Jewish criminologists and psychiatrists, such as Adorno : everything held as positive and normative from a non Jewish standpoint is held as negative and abnormal and psychopathic from a Jewish perspective). Jews always want more, and it can only be assumed that Lobaczewski's work did not meet their criteria, was not pro-Jewish enough.

On a related note, it is interesting that one of the favourite watchwords of Christian, Marxist, and left-wing conspirationists - the so-called "Bush Reich" - is used on http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.htm/ Leaving aside the fact that Lenin's dream to turn a whole society into a "racial gutter" came true in the USA, a dream which was not precisely National-Socialist Germany's goal, it can legitimately be wondered whether those who are - to put it mildly - naive enough to compare an administration such as Bush's (as you know, it's only an administration - not a governement ; it's only business, not res publica) with the Third Reich are mentally sane.

Still on a related note, it is clear that O'Bama's election, from a psychiatric standpoint, has had one positive effect on millions and millions of people who, under Bush, would go to the streets in the USA, in Europe and in Arab countries, brandishing hysterically posters showing a photo of Bush and a photo of A. Hitler side by side. No matter how pathological their behaviour, the masses must now feel that there would be something slightly awkward in comparing O'Bama with A. Hitler.
Re: Ponerology in Action: Claiming Political Ponerology is Anti-Semetic

Puck said:
The irony of holocaust victims using their holocaust to justify another perpetuated on a different group is also ironic, to say the least. Then again, there's a lot of evidence that zionists helped hitler and even gave him the idea to start slaughtering european jews...

Please show you 'evidence'.
suumcuique said:
Puck said:
The irony of holocaust victims using their holocaust to justify another perpetuated on a different group is also ironic, to say the least. Then again, there's a lot of evidence that zionists helped hitler and even gave him the idea to start slaughtering european jews...

Please show you 'evidence'.

Hi suumcuique,

Please visit Revisiting the Horrors of the Holocaust and carefully read the thread and all the links.
It will provide evidence that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis in implementing the Holocaust.

Please read Lenni Brenner's work Zionism in the Age of Dictators. and 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis.

These sources should answer all your questions about the role of Zionism as a fence to corral Jews in a divide and conquer strategy by a cliche of pathologicals
and how the Holocaust fitted into their deviant dreams of world domination.
I gather that English is not your native language, suumcuique, since your argument is so poorly phrased.

suumcuique said:
Rhiannon said:

It really is amazing how everything can be twisted into being anti-semitic.

Oy Vey
Indeed, especially since Lobaczewski makes no secret that he sees National-Socialist leaders as psychopaths.

Actually, that is not exactly the case. It is not all black and white (black and white thinking being a sign of intellectual immaturity). There are many shades of gray in his descriptions of pathology.

suumcuique said:
See, for example : "In conjunction with part of the elite, a group of psychopathic individuals hiding behind the scenes steers the leader, the way Borman and his clique steered (?) Hitler (http://www.ponerology.com/evil_2b.html -

Yes, notice that Borman and his clique were not precisely the leaders... as Lobaczewski describes it, they were "behind the scenes."

suumcuique said:
I'm only quoting from Lobaczewski's website, since I could not be bothered to order a book whose premisses are to a large extent a rehash, only far more subtle, of the Semitic postulates of XXth centutry Jewish criminologists and psychiatrists, such as Adorno : everything held as positive and normative from a non Jewish standpoint is held as negative and abnormal and psychopathic from a Jewish perspective). Jews always want more, and it can only be assumed that Lobaczewski's work did not meet their criteria, was not pro-Jewish enough.

Now THAT is definitely anti-Semitic.

suumcuique said:
On a related note, it is interesting that one of the favourite watchwords of Christian, Marxist, and left-wing conspirationists - the so-called "Bush Reich" - is used on http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.htm/

Your sentence is very unclear. As I said, either English is not your native language or... You are conflating Christians, Marxists and "left-wing conspirationists". In actual fact, the Christians in the U.S. are RIGHT wing, the "left-wing conspirationists" are anti-Marxist, and the Marxists are a confused bunch in various flavors of pro or anti Trotsky or pro or anti Lenin. Lots of shades of gray in there. But you are just seeing black or white and to you black is white and white is black. Very confusing.

suumcuique said:
Leaving aside the fact that Lenin's dream to turn a whole society into a "racial gutter" came true in the USA, a dream which was not precisely National-Socialist Germany's goal, it can legitimately be wondered whether those who are - to put it mildly - naive enough to compare an administration such as Bush's (as you know, it's only an administration - not a governement ; it's only business, not res publica) with the Third Reich are mentally sane.

So, we go from black and white to legalistic nit-picking over the use of popular terminology? Hmmm... where have I seen that dynamic in play before?? Oh, yes... it's the hallmark of the Paranoid Personality disorder. Selection and substitution of data, suggestive paramoralisms, etc.

suumcuique said:
Still on a related note, it is clear that O'Bama's election, from a psychiatric standpoint, has had one positive effect on millions and millions of people who, under Bush, would go to the streets in the USA, in Europe and in Arab countries, brandishing hysterically posters showing a photo of Bush and a photo of A. Hitler side by side. No matter how pathological their behaviour, the masses must now feel that there would be something slightly awkward in comparing O'Bama with A. Hitler.

"Psychiatric"? Again, I notice your lack of mastery of English which is either evidence that it is not your native language (in which case you ought not to try to argue rhetorical points in a language you have not mastered), or it is evidence of something else.

Nevertheless, I get the drift: you are a Right Wing pro-Nazi, anti-Semite. Yes? If that's not the case, you better give up trying to argue in English.
[quote author=Puck]The irony of holocaust victims using their holocaust to justify another perpetuated on a different group is also ironic, to say the least. Then again, there's a lot of evidence that zionists helped hitler and even gave him the idea to start slaughtering european jews... the threads here are just so amazingly loose it boggles the mind how they haven't been pulled on in the mainstream.[/quote]
Laura's discussion, in her article "Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce of and the return of the Mongols", of the aryan origin of Ashkenazim Jews group, to which it seems, most of the Zionist leaders and creators of the modern Israel, can really make you ask yourself: what really went on during the Holocaust? And what is really going on now in the Near-East? Can these pysochopaths have an even more hidden special goal, in addition of profit (business as usual :evil:) in setting up Israel and creating conflicts all over the world? Future will surely tells.
go2 said:
suumcuique said:
Puck said:
The irony of holocaust victims using their holocaust to justify another perpetuated on a different group is also ironic, to say the least. Then again, there's a lot of evidence that zionists helped hitler and even gave him the idea to start slaughtering european jews...

Please show you 'evidence'.

Hi suumcuique,

Please visit Revisiting the Horrors of the Holocaust and carefully read the thread and all the links.
It will provide evidence that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis in implementing the Holocaust.

Please read Lenni Brenner's work Zionism in the Age of Dictators. and 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis.

These sources should answer all your questions about the role of Zionism as a fence to corral Jews in a divide and conquer strategy by a cliche of pathologicals
and how the Holocaust fitted into their deviant dreams of world domination.

That there were pro-Zionist elements within the NSDAP, there is no doubt about that : it's called infiltration.

None of these works you quote mention A. Hitler's letters to Zionist mogols, in which he categorically refused to even discuss the matter with them or even to meet them. Neverthess, as time went by, he had to compromise, in order to find a way to settle down the Jewish question for good. Only conspirationists, who do not have a clue as to what politics means in concrete terms, can delude themselves in believing that someone who wants to get rid of undesirable elements is necessarily in cahoots with those whom he assumes can help him get rid of them. True, Jews, by their very nature, are hard, not to say impossible, to instrumentalise. However, who said one cannot try?
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