Laura said:
suumcuique said:
Are you trying to say that someone mentally disturbed is not a psychopath?
Psychopaths are quite definitely NOT mentally disturbed. You clearly have not a single clue what Lobaczewski - and other psychopathy experts - are talking about. The psychopath is so mentally normal that he makes normal people feel inadequate.
Take some time out and read: "The Mask of Sanity", "Without Conscience", "The Sociopath Next Door," "Snakes in Suits" and then "Political Ponerology." If all of that doesn't make things clear to you, then there's no point in discussing further on this forum.
I made it crystal clear
I'm only quoting from Lobaczewski's website (as well from his blog), since I could not be bothered to order a book whose premisses are to a large extent a rehash, only far more subtle, of the Semitic postulates of XXth centutry Jewish criminologists and psychiatrists, such as Adorno
Actually, I have just read again, which, admittedly, contains in nuce 'Ponerology'. How well written (or, at least, translated). How brilliant. he's got some points, some excellent points :
for example, a strong belief that all humans are born equal and created in God's image can lead to an "egalitarian" acceptance of pathological individuals and their distorted world view. Similar dynamics occur with strong beliefs in freedom of speech, freedom to pursue happiness, the "goodness" of humankind, etc.
, a typically modern dynamics that took shape in the XIXth century and that the historical European right-wing in the XIXth, followed by National Socialism, Fascism, and all other contemporary European far-right forces, fought, in the name of a qualitative, hierarchical, and differentiated traditional society. This didn't prevent the author from putting a photo of A. Hitler on the cover of his book (true, commercially speaking, A. Hitler's photo is more effective), and from giving a link to an article called 'The Danger of American Fascism' (, where Fascism is described as "a worldwide disease", and whose only excuse is to have been written in 1944, 65 years before the rise of O'Bamania.
The following statement is also very true :
The group's stated goals are often at variance with its true nature. Colorful literature and humanitarian values often mask its true motivations. Take, for example, the disparity between the CIA's stated goals, such as "Creating special, multidisciplinary centers to address such high-priority issues such as nonproliferation, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, environment, and arms control intelligence", and its widespread use of terrorism, torture, overthrowing democratically elected governments, installing foreign dictators, drug trafficking, arms smuggling, etc. Also, compare the public humanitarian front of the Anti-Defamation League with its sordid history of illegal domestic surveillance, character assassination, and collaboration with foreign spy organizations
On the other hand, National-Socialism's stated main goals were always in line with the true nature of the leadership : the racial, political, economical, and social policy of the Third Reich, for most of it, was clearly and openly stated by its leaders, and known by all German citizens.
It's not just that lie and deceit are at the heart of the pathocracy's thougts, words, and actions. It's also that it portrays itself as the only bearer of Truth while portraying its objective adversary as a compulsive liar. For instance, everyone knows, almost by heart, the motto "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed ", and is convinced that it was devised by A. Hitler, or perhaps by Goebbels. Countless books and web sites have assured them that it can be found in 'Mein Kampf', or perhaps in one of Goebbels' speeches. The truth is that neither Hitler, nor Goebbels said such a thing. What Goebbels said is this : "One
should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness.
The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous." In other words, he merely described an English's principle - not his.
I clearly said that Charles VI of France is a borderline case, which, however, was found worth studying by a psychiatrist. In passing, one may wonder why he was always totally lucid when the young woman whom Isabeau had entrusted with the task of entertaining him, so that he ended up 'climaxing himself to death', was with him.
The author keeps referring to what he calls "normal people". If those people are so "normal", how come they accept the social and political goal set up by the psychopaths in power? In occupied Europe, it's been 65 years that "normal people" have been accepting the social and political goals of the various henchmen, whether of the liberal or of the leftist brand, which have been pitchforked by the occupying forces into presidential jobs all across Europe. No matter how clearly, for example, the Brittish National Party expresses its will to give jobs to Brittish people only and to send back home immigrants who take their jobs, millions of unemployed Brittish nationals are still not willing to vote for them and will keep voting for anti-national parties, no matter what, until they, and Great Britain with them, die.
Does 'Ponerology' deal also with masochism?