Jedi Master
Yeah. Kind of "controlled demolition"...I'm sure you can all see what's going on here.
The Commission for Air Quality Management in India’s National Capital Region (NCR) and adjoining areas has ordered a slew of measures to deal with the air quality emergency, The Times of India reported.
These include shutting down all except five thermal power plants within a 300km radius of Delhi until November 30 and stopping entry of trucks in Delhi except for those carrying essential commodities.
Diesel and petrol vehicles more than 10 and 15 years old, respectively, will be kept off NCR roads, while construction and demolition activities are banned until November 21, except for some government and infrastructure projects.
Yesterday the German govt. "temporarily suspended" the certification of Russia's NordStream2 pipeline(s) carrying Russian gas to Germany and Europe. NS2 runs alongside the existing NS1 that has been in operation for 10 years. Throughout the process of building NS2, the US and some Euro allies attempted to stop its development for "geopolitical" reasons, i.e. increasing German and Euro dependence on Russian gas would make Europe even more vulnerable to "evil" Russian influence. What that really meant was that the US was scared of losing some of its control over Europe. But the German govt. insisted it was not a problem.
Seems like the climate lockdowns are coming. The green new deal as an excuse to make our lives miserable.
My 4D or 5D wishes are getting stronger, it looks like we will have to dig ourselves a hole soon to avoid the corrupted systems to interfere with our lives.
I already can't get out of Canada without a jab as it is, I'm just more of slave nothing new I guess. It's becoming ridiculous, not that it wasn't already .
The C's said that these are trying times for souls, but we all here have each other to stay strong and not yield to the pressures that are all around us. This is the moment to step up your game, get to work with an unwavering faith in the benevolence of the Universe.Thank you Alejo and everyone for these thoughtful posts! Just to expand a bit on the spiritual aspect of all this, here is a little pep talk...
Don't go through life angsting about the latest news, fearing the next decision by your government, the next tightening of the screws. Don't wish for a lifting of any mandates as a solution to your troubles; don't wish for others to "come around" just so you can find your peace.
You are giving away your power that way. It's exactly where they want you to be: emotionally dependent on their psychopathic nonsense. Dependent on outside powers and outside events.
Trust that everything will be alright, that you will be alright. It is in your power how you go through life and what you allow to happen and be done to you. Remember that you came here for a reason, to learn something. Ask yourself what the situation you find yourself in might teach you? Maybe you need to learn to calm down and be more independent emotionally. Maybe you need to learn to let go of fear - for some, that might mean learning to fight this nonsense head-on. For others, this might mean to stop fighting windmills and angsting about stuff you can do little about. It depends.
Don't be fearful. Take a step back and look at your situation calmly and rationally, trusting that if you go about it in the right spirit, you will take the right decisions and there will be guidance from above. In your prayers, ask for this guidance. And when in doubt, network about it. At the end of the day though, it's your decision what is in you to do, what you choose to experience. Take a decision and don't look back.
So, if you are faced with a vax mandate, look at your options. Calm down. Ask for guidance and wisdom. Network when in doubt. Then take a decision with confidence and trust. Should you decide that taking the jab is the best course of action for you and those around you, smile, mentally show "them" the middle finger and do it, be done with it, and get on. Should you decide to fight it, or to change your situation to avoid it, because you know it's the best decision for you and those around you, do it. Give it all you can and don't look back.
Same thing with all these other difficult situations we might find ourselves in because of all this BS. Just remember that whatever you do, you don't need to give away your power; you don't need to react to all the crap being thrown at you and panic about it. Their game is to create fear, mayhem, suffering and "small thinking". Counter it by being centered, calm, comfortable with yourself, looking ahead and thinking big and deep. Realize that by giving in to fear and mayhem, not only do you allow darkness to take away your rightful sense of wellbeing and connectedness, you also allow it to suck out your potential to shine your light, to help others.
Remember that the real battle is a battle for our spiritual evolution, for our growth, until we reach a place where "they" can't get to us, because we are vibing on a frequency that is completely incompatible with their stupid games. This place is a spiritual place, a metaphor - but it might end up being a literal place as well. Trust the process, trust that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. And if this light ain't here yet, there might be a good reason for it.
One of the reasons could very well be that we still need to learn a few things, realize a few things, recognize a few things in order to outgrow the darkness. Every step you take forward, every growth you can manifest for yourself in this moment, will help all of us get to that end of that tunnel. So please, whatever it is that is bothering you, that you don't like in yourself and in your life, heal it, change it, change how you think, explore your true feelings and your true self, learn to trust, and grow so that we can all grow.
Be done with having your peace of mind depend on whatever our leaders decide or say today or tomorrow; stop your "now" from being small and full of fear and dark and instead make it big, all-encompassing, centered, intelligent, full of subtle perception and of trust.
A lot of people where I live (one of the biggest cities in Poland) use gas-powered stoves. Gas delivery interruptions will increase electricity consumption, but there are expected problems in the electricity sector in Poland already:Then today, in a supposed 'coincidence', Belarus announced the "temporary closure" of the main Russian oil pipeline to Europe. It needed "maintenance", all of a sudden.
I'm sure you can all see what's going on here.
In my mind; Shutting gas down + stopping old trucks from circulating= Tesla electric A.I. trucks to the rescue.
I already can't get out of Canada without a jab as it is
I'm just wondering how it'll look like... Will the electricity shortages be permanent, transient, or maybe in the form of "lockdowns"? I guess that critical infrastructure like hospitals will be powered on, residential districts, and municipal heating at night not so much.
I was aware of religious exemption wich could be hard to get depending of situation, also medical but I thought those were for really rare cases do you have a link ? Is there something else I am not aware of ?There's a medical treatment exemption, right?
I was aware of religious exemption wich could be hard to get depending of situation, also medical but I thought those were for really rare cases do you have a link ? Is there something else I am not aware of ?