Powerful Symbolism

luke wilson

The Living Force
I dont know if this is the right thing to do, posting this dream here because I dont really know how to take it after the fact that it already happened.

Last night I had one of the most powerful dreams I have ever had, I think it was symbolic.

I was walking with this girl to an exam. We were friend's but 'not really' friends friend.. Our personalities are kind of different as in she was abit the opposite of how I am. So she was serious, more intense, 'more prone to worry' type of person whilst I was more 'go lucky' 'less intense' abit of an easy goer type of person. Anyways during this walk, I decided, dont know why, can't remember, to tickle her stomach maybe to lighten the mood up. Anyways, she got really really annoyed and said 'what are you doing?' and then proceeded to open her mouth and like either shout or vomit something out. I can only describe it as a 'siren' those mythological creatures. It felt like a fluid was washing over my face and penetrating through my ears into my mind and completely disabling me. I have to emphasis how real this felt. Infact it is the 'most real' thing I have ever experienced in a dream.

I immediately fell to the floor, think someone who has been knocked out by a professional boxer, I tried to regain composure, get back on my feet but I couldnt. I couldnt even construct a thought in my mind, my hands felt flimsy like a rubber band, my legs couldnt support my weight, I couldnt say a word. I saw we were on the side of a busy road and there were cars on the road and I was expecting someone to come to help me, atleast a worried passer by or driver but nuthing happened.

What I experienced is the most 'real' even more real than any real feeling of disorientation I have ever experienced in my whole life. It was absolutely devastating or more accurately 'disorienting.'

Anyways, I got up eventually and walked to the exam. The setting was the same as my real life, I was at university. For all intent and purpose I thought this was my real life. No thought came into my mind that this was a dream or anything like that. To me it was real.

Anyways so I get into the exam hall, sit down open up my paper and am staring at this set of 'economic' questions am meant to answer. At this point a feeling of frustration sets in, like why do I have to do this? Why do I have to do anything? Why do I have to put up with everything? It was so intense, this feeling that, you know, I just want to get up, to wake up. Next thing I open my eyes and I am in my bed, not sweating as you do after a nightmare or anything, everything is calm and I realise 'it was a dream.' But then I also realise that wow, I actually got up, I didnt have to do anything. Anyways so I lie in bed thinking that is definately new to me, I never get up from dreams so what should I do, maybe write it down? Maybe think about it? I spend some time thinking about it but I decide just to fall back to sleep.

Anyways, for me I want to understand the symbolism of this dream. I dont know what it means, I think the most important part was the 'opening of my eyes' from my dream. I dont know... I dont understand.

I dont want to fall into the most obvious interpretation of 'waking up.'
Dreams like this should always be written down IMO, it can help you to reflect on it later when you need to.

The women part could be a warning maybe? like you will maybe get insulted which paralyzes your ego ? or you should watch out for a particular girl that could paralyze your mind? and the awakening feeling you felt could maybe mean a lesson you learned from or are going to learn from a lesson?

Like you were paralyzed first then you woke up and realized ''something''

I don't know, its speculation, but you should write it down and reflect upon it , or look back at it weeks or months later. Interesting dream though
Hi luke,

Some thoughts:

If the dream images represent parts of you, then it could mean that when the time comes to be truthful and active (test) there are two perspectives present. One indulges in an easy going, less intense attitude, while the other has strong feelings and wants to be taken seriously. Whereas you may normally think of yourself as homogenous (friends) you have parts that are antagonistic and fearful of each other.

This may cause subconscious feelings of being powerless to stand, think, or speak clearly for yourself.

Or - it just might’ve been something you ate before going to bed.
Hi luke wilson

Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

And, from a Fourth Way perspective,
Approaching Infinity said:
… Basically, in the deepest (i.e. normal) sleep, there are no dreams. Most dreams are left over energy from one or several of the centers, and the dream content reflects this. Vaysse lists three normal kinds of dreams: associative (reactive/mechanical), compensatory (emotional), and symbolic (higher emotional). (Also telepathic, prophetic, etc.)

So … it's important to know if the dream is actually symbolic and not either of the former options. And even then, your higher self will speak in symbols specific for you, ...

To help you in your dream interpretation – of what is subjective, unique to you, and whether you recognize the images or not (and they are in you and pertain to you; they are aspects arising in your-self) - here are some questions to ask your-self. They may help, or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is ‘girl’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know girl), what is ‘girl’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘girl’ mean to you? What kind of person might you consider ‘girl’ to be like?

What is ‘girl’ like in your dream? What is ‘girl’ doing in your dream?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘girl’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘girl’?

Ask similar questions about ‘siren’.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

What does the ‘set of economic questions’ mean to you? How do they ‘work’? What is it for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

Does ‘set of economic questions’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

Rooms suggest areas of concern – living = daily living; bed = private, tranquillity, sex, refreshment, etc; basement/attic = concerns or values, unconscious, forgotten, rejected

Exam hall represents?

Cars represent the physical body or ways of getting around in life – personality, drive, ambition, etc.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.
Thanks for the replies.

I have been sitting on this all day long but couldnt ignore how 'real' it was.

Why would that feeling of disorientation be so powerful? I can literally feel that 'fluid' washing over my head. It felt like someone had turned on a hose pipe and aimed it straight at the side of my head except it wasnt like water but something inbetween a fluid and really dense air. Also that feeling of lying there on the ground trying to regain composure was so intense, the disorientation was something beyond anything I have ever experienced. It was so real.

I dont understand why such 'powerful' experiences in a dream world which sets it apart from other dreams.

Then the waking up part. Again it was something like a transformation literally waking up from another world. One minute I am in this 'dream world' where everything to me seems real, basically this is real and through these 'feelings' or 'moments' of realisation I wake up into another world, my bed. I wouldnt even call it 'realisation,' I didnt realise anything, all I can describe it as is reaching this 'critical point.' To actually feel that is something, to like move through a tunnel and emerge on the other end, my bed. I dont know what drove this 'emergence' all I know is that, I just had got to a 'critical point.'

I am just perplexed by how 'powerful' it all was. So much 'power' it's frightening. I mean, recently about a month ago I had a really 'horrific dream' and now a really 'powerful' one but this had a climax, a waking up! I dont know, maybe diet? If anything I have been trying to improve my diet but last night I suppose I commited a sin and had 'pasta' which is something I havent had for a while.

Thanks for the replies, all definately seem plausible but there is a huge 'level' of frustration because 'dreams' are always out of reach. It is like a thief in the night, a shadow in the night, you can see what it's doing but you can never really 'catch' it. Like you want to get a hold of the damn thing and tell it to 'stop' messing around with you, atleast to tell you what it is it wants, what it is all about, how can we work together? ETC! That kind of thing.
lw said:
I dont know if this is the right thing to do, posting this dream here because I dont really know how to take it after the fact that it already happened.

Last night I had one of the most powerful dreams I have ever had, I think it was symbolic.

I think it's very symbolic, too. Here's a few thoughts on your dream, but as always, caveat lector.

lw said:
I was walking with this girl to an exam. We were friend's but 'not really' friends friend.. Our personalities are kind of different as in she was abit the opposite of how I am. So she was serious, more intense, 'more prone to worry' type of person whilst I was more 'go lucky' 'less intense' abit of an easy goer type of person.

This suggests to me that the woman was a representation of your 'inner feminine', or anima. It also suggests that you don't really know her yet.

lw said:
Anyways during this walk, I decided, dont know why, can't remember, to tickle her stomach maybe to lighten the mood up.

She is opposite to you, as you describe above, but you cannot accept her for how she is – your opposite. You want to make her more like you.

lw said:
Anyways, she got really really annoyed and said 'what are you doing?'

Not surprising really as you are denying a part of yourself, and that part does not want to be denied. It wants to be accepted for its own nature.

lw said:
and then proceeded to open her mouth and like either shout or vomit something out. I can only describe it as a 'siren' those mythological creatures. It felt like a fluid was washing over my face and penetrating through my ears into my mind and completely disabling me.

This, IMHO, is a warning or demonstration, of the effects on you of denying this part of yourself.

lw said:
I have to emphasis how real this felt. Infact it is the 'most real' thing I have ever experienced in a dream.

I immediately fell to the floor, think someone who has been knocked out by a professional boxer, I tried to regain composure, get back on my feet but I couldnt. I couldnt even construct a thought in my mind, my hands felt flimsy like a rubber band, my legs couldnt support my weight, I couldnt say a word. I saw we were on the side of a busy road and there were cars on the road and I was expecting someone to come to help me, atleast a worried passer by or driver but nuthing happened.

Further demonstration of the debilitating effects of denying the nature of your anima. You and she were going to a test together – my impression is that she was going to help you in some way with this test, but you could not accept her as she is – opposite to you in personality – and so in trying to make her more like you, you missed the entire point of the dream-lesson.

lw said:
What I experienced is the most 'real' even more real than any real feeling of disorientation I have ever experienced in my whole life. It was absolutely devastating or more accurately 'disorienting.'

Anyways, I got up eventually and walked to the exam. The setting was the same as my real life, I was at university. For all intent and purpose I thought this was my real life. No thought came into my mind that this was a dream or anything like that. To me it was real.

Anyways so I get into the exam hall, sit down open up my paper and am staring at this set of 'economic' questions am meant to answer. At this point a feeling of frustration sets in, like why do I have to do this? Why do I have to do anything? Why do I have to put up with everything?

I would say that had you been able to accept your anima as she was, you may have been able to do what was before you to do – the exam or test. Instead, being unable to accept her, you were prey to old programmes of frustration and resentment.

lw said:
It was so intense, this feeling that, you know, I just want to get up, to wake up. Next thing I open my eyes and I am in my bed, not sweating as you do after a nightmare or anything, everything is calm and I realise 'it was a dream.' But then I also realise that wow, I actually got up, I didnt have to do anything. Anyways so I lie in bed thinking that is definately new to me, I never get up from dreams so what should I do, maybe write it down? Maybe think about it? I spend some time thinking about it but I decide just to fall back to sleep.

Falling back to sleep is actually rather symbolic, IMHO. Symbolic of a missed opportunity (in your dream at least), followed by the self-calming of sleep.

lw said:
Anyways, for me I want to understand the symbolism of this dream. I dont know what it means, I think the most important part was the 'opening of my eyes' from my dream. I dont know... I dont understand.

I dont want to fall into the most obvious interpretation of 'waking up.'

Yeah, that is an obvious interpretation, and I'm not sure that 'waking up' was the point of this dream, although I think one does have to wake up at least a little in order to begin to meet one's anima. Also, I think it's most interesting that this dream should occur while you are fighting your addiction as recounted in this thread. You have spoken in that thread of facing tests of your willpower and here in your dream is your anima wanting to help you face a test. FWIW, I think you could start to think about ways in which you could meet and perhaps express your anima. I would recommend a read of Women Who Run With the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. This book is not just for women! It's really helpful for men to read.

There's a very interesting website called The Inner Beloved which deals with a man learning about his anima, which you may find interesting.

I may of course be way off with this interpretation of your dream, but hopefully at least some parts will be of help to you.
Trevrizent said:
When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

Yes, essentially 'frustration.'

T said:
What is ‘girl’ like in your dream? What is ‘girl’ doing in your dream?

The girl I know, the girl in the dream was a girl I know in real life and I suppose 'frustration' lies there. It was surprising how her character in the dream is pretty much like her character in real life, minus the getting 'really really' annoyed part. Rather, intense, prone to worry' and sometimes can get very 'serious.' I would say she is a very 'strong' person, definately doesnt like people who just 'dont care.'

T said:
What does the ‘set of economic questions’ mean to you?

How am I going to lie my way through this. More frustration.

T said:
How do they ‘work’?

Basically you get asked something and then you have to pretend to care and you have to be really convincing.

T said:
What is it for?

Survival. No pass equals no job equals death.

T said:
Exam hall represents?

Frustration! Torture chamber(?) but dressed to look nice. I always get the feeling of walking into a 'morgue' as I enter an exam hall.

T said:
The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

That I want to wake up..
You might be right Endymion.

It was a test and I failed. Does the universe usually reflect our inner being to us interms of what we experience?

If so, I think you have cracked this dream, atleast a huge chunk of it. Correct in pointing out the programmes of frustration and resentment.

If the girl in my dream is my feminine side and the girl that represented her in my dream represents my relationship to my feminine side, then I am in deep trouble.

I dont know why I just didnt walk with her without acting like a clown, I suppose I wanted to make her smile. In all honesty, I think I wanted to make her more like me. Come over to my side, it's more fun here. Same thing I have tried to do over and over again with the person who this dream used.

I can see the level of frustration and anger that can arise due to not accepting 'her' as she is.

If this dream was a warning then I must be treading on thin ice because it was a dangerously powerful warning.

I will definately try and work on your recommendations.
lw said:
You might be right Endymion.

It was a test and I failed.

Actually, it was only a dream, albeit a highly charged and symbolic 'teaching' dream. Don't beat yourself up for having 'failed'.

lw said:
Does the universe usually reflect our inner being to us interms of what we experience?

I think the dreaming mind uses whatever it needs to use to get its point across.

lw said:
If so, I think you have cracked this dream, atleast a huge chunk of it. Correct in pointing out the programmes of frustration and resentment.

If the girl in my dream is my feminine side and the girl that represented her in my dream represents my relationship to my feminine side, then I am in deep trouble.

Perhaps your dreaming mind used this particular girl because you would recognise her and thus the emotional content of the dream-lesson would be more profound.

lw said:
I dont know why I just didnt walk with her without acting like a clown,

Because it was a dream, and it was showing you things about your life – bringing this issue to your conscious awareness. If you had not had the dream, perhaps you would not have become aware of this dynamic, or perhaps you would have shown it to yourself in a more 'aggressive' way in your day to day life.

lw said:
I suppose I wanted to make her smile. In all honesty, I think I wanted to make her more like me. Come over to my side, it's more fun here. Same thing I have tried to do over and over again with the person who this dream used.

That's very interesting, and reinforces my point about the dreaming mind using symbols drawn from everyday life, especially those that have a strong emotional charge.

lw said:
I can see the level of frustration and anger that can arise due to not accepting 'her' as she is.

If this dream was a warning then I must be treading on thin ice because it was a dangerously powerful warning.

I will definately try and work on your recommendations.

Don't beat yourself up. Keep on working, and with ongoing work on yourself, I think you will have more dream-meetings with your anima. You might want to keep a dream journal so you can track the changes in your dreams.
Dear luke,
my couple cents
Through Jung:
Everything and Everyone in your dreams is you.
The girl -the complete opposite of what you think you are, the debilitating power of your unaccepted opposite. Even if we strive, evolving above duality we are still dipped in it.
The test, is not to show your inabilities, the test is to show you unpreparedness.
There are several wonderful techniques of Lucid Dreaming. I am certain you can find them easily on the internet.
It will help you know you are in dream state.
Look at your dreams as an instructional manual of your psyche and not as a doomsday device.
That's all I have to say
kryon said:
Dear luke,
my couple cents
Through Jung:
Everything and Everyone in your dreams is you.
The girl -the complete opposite of what you think you are, the debilitating power of your unaccepted opposite. Even if we strive, evolving above duality we are still dipped in it.
The test, is not to show your inabilities, the test is to show you unpreparedness.
There are several wonderful techniques of Lucid Dreaming. I am certain you can find them easily on the internet.
It will help you know you are in dream state.
Look at your dreams as an instructional manual of your psyche and not as a doomsday device.
That's all I have to say

You might be interested in searching the forum for threads on lucid dreaming - here is one to start: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8116.msg57976#msg57976
luke wilson said:
I dont know if this is the right thing to do, posting this dream here because I dont really know how to take it after the fact that it already happened.

Last night I had one of the most powerful dreams I have ever had, I think it was symbolic.

I was walking with this girl to an exam. We were friend's but 'not really' friends friend.. Our personalities are kind of different as in she was abit the opposite of how I am. So she was serious, more intense, 'more prone to worry' type of person whilst I was more 'go lucky' 'less intense' abit of an easy goer type of person. Anyways during this walk, I decided, dont know why, can't remember, to tickle her stomach maybe to lighten the mood up. Anyways, she got really really annoyed and said 'what are you doing?' and then proceeded to open her mouth and like either shout or vomit something out. I can only describe it as a 'siren' those mythological creatures. It felt like a fluid was washing over my face and penetrating through my ears into my mind and completely disabling me. I have to emphasis how real this felt. Infact it is the 'most real' thing I have ever experienced in a dream.

I immediately fell to the floor, think someone who has been knocked out by a professional boxer, I tried to regain composure, get back on my feet but I couldnt. I couldnt even construct a thought in my mind, my hands felt flimsy like a rubber band, my legs couldnt support my weight, I couldnt say a word. I saw we were on the side of a busy road and there were cars on the road and I was expecting someone to come to help me, atleast a worried passer by or driver but nuthing happened.

What I experienced is the most 'real' even more real than any real feeling of disorientation I have ever experienced in my whole life. It was absolutely devastating or more accurately 'disorienting.'

Anyways, I got up eventually and walked to the exam. The setting was the same as my real life, I was at university. For all intent and purpose I thought this was my real life. No thought came into my mind that this was a dream or anything like that. To me it was real.

Anyways so I get into the exam hall, sit down open up my paper and am staring at this set of 'economic' questions am meant to answer. At this point a feeling of frustration sets in, like why do I have to do this? Why do I have to do anything? Why do I have to put up with everything? It was so intense, this feeling that, you know, I just want to get up, to wake up. Next thing I open my eyes and I am in my bed, not sweating as you do after a nightmare or anything, everything is calm and I realise 'it was a dream.' But then I also realise that wow, I actually got up, I didnt have to do anything. Anyways so I lie in bed thinking that is definately new to me, I never get up from dreams so what should I do, maybe write it down? Maybe think about it? I spend some time thinking about it but I decide just to fall back to sleep.

Anyways, for me I want to understand the symbolism of this dream. I dont know what it means, I think the most important part was the 'opening of my eyes' from my dream. I dont know... I dont understand.

I dont want to fall into the most obvious interpretation of 'waking up.'

Hi Like.

I can only look at your dream as if it was mine as I obviously cannot know you as intimately as you know yourself. The part you would suppress, ie the part more prone to the aspects diametrically opposite to your normal persona.

So from that perspective I would say that she is a part of your perssonality or a part of yourself that useualy sits at the back of your life. To my mind the siren is a literal siren. Part of your persona trying to snap you into a state of alertness. The vomit may be (don't know you well enough) ideas that you have in the past thought were rubbish, trash, vomit (maybe what you would have in the past maybe related to 'sick' thinking) but a deeper part is trying to wake you to aknowledgeing some ideas you have been thinking about but trying to push away from habitual thinking.

The fluid covering your body getting in your eyes etc, could be the fact that you are starting to awaken and therefore these represent your senses, and that you maybe need to open up to the fact that the world is far different from what you may have percieved. ie new information trying to penetrate, but somehow you are finding it difficult to accept but nontheless are starting to grasp. The disabling is the shock of realisation that the world maybe does not conform to your old worldview. Knockout aye! realisation can floor you can it not.

You were by a busy road and nobody assisted you. This again is the realisation that on the path to knowledge and lifting the veil, one is literally on their own. By accepting the path, one is accepting that it may be a lonely one. It is disorienting and for a time can be devastating. I went through my upheavels/awakening when I was in my early twenties, (55 now) there was no internet, and no support in those days, nobody to share with, no access to information without cash.

The rest is just realisation.

What you do with that knowledge of realisation then is up to you. The exam part at the uni is you taking controll, or at the least realising you CAN.

That is my interpretation.

I hope if nothing else it gives you food for thought.

Thanks Endymion for that link about the beloved - AMAZING. A new way to look at what goes on in our heads especially during those times when we dont have conscious control like during dreaming.

I havent yet finished the story but I was thinking what if my interpretation of the girl in my dream was totally off...

If she was my beloved and according to the website, loved me.

Then tickling her stomach shouldnt make her that angry as to unleash fury unto me.. Surely I must have done worse considering that alot of people arent united with there feminine side but instead reject it.

What about 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' is more of a concern?

What about if what I did would have naturally unleashed the barrage that I suffered and she knew it or we both knew it and I did it anyway? And then in concern she was annoyed and shouted 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?'

Given this new scenario, what might the dream mean?

In new light about the 'beloved' I have had 2 dreams about sexual abuse. 1 last night and the other acouple of weeks ago, I wasnt involved but rather one was a beautiful girl that I was friends with and our relationship wasnt physical but rather 'emotional' and the other was a cousin of mine. In both a dangerously charming guy, a guy with power and overwhelming masculinity, 2 different guys in the 2 dreams but same qualities comes over and talks to the girls and they have no power but to kiss or submit to him. In the 1st the girl is taken away by the guy leaving me sitting by myself but I manage to catch a glimpse of her face and she is crying and spitting out as in 'spitting out his kiss.' In the 2nd, the one involving my cousin, our relationship was was just that related to relatives, nothing sexual or anything like that, but we were outside a door waiting to walk in. I was with another girl aswell, so there was 3 of us and these guys came over and we chatted for abit. Anyways, the door opened and we went in but we left our cousin talking to one of the guys. When we got into the house, I sat down somewhere and looked out through the window and saw the guy, employ his power and essentially 'seduce' my cousin into kissing him and then she came into the house. The other girl didnt see, but she asked him to tell her what they were doing and she looked like she wanted to say but she didnt say anything and laid in a fetal position on the couch. She looked sad. I had this dream last night. A whole host of females are invading my dreams. For the 1st time in a very very long time, my mother was in my dreams, in person. We were on a train. This was the same night as I had 'this symbolic dream.' But after I had gone back to sleep. Oh man, this whole female thing is invading my dreams.
It sounds like the females in your dreams have no power of their own. They succumb to men, they get taken, they look sad - no power there, no acting on their own part - except in the dream that started this thread, where the power was to lash out at you for treating her disrespectfully. Might be worth thinking about why this is.
anart said:
It sounds like the females in your dreams have no power of their own. They succumb to men, they get taken, they look sad - no power there, no acting on their own part - except in the dream that started this thread, where the power was to lash out at you for treating her disrespectfully. Might be worth thinking about why this is.

Thanks for your input anart.

This is not the only dream where a female has lashed out. There was another one I wrote about http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=21300.0 like a month ago.

Even though I dont expect to get to the root of the dynamics going on in my dreams, I know afew things.

There is a myriad of female and male characters who take on different roles. Some of these characters appear in different dreams but with the same role. 1 consistent character I can pinpoint is my 'father' who always appears as a 'fatherly' figure. Another one I can pinpoint is the girl involved in this dream, she appears much more sporadically and her basic character is the same essentially, our relationship is characterised by an underlying 'tension.' There are also other ones who take on faces I have never seen in real life. Both male and females. Also recently there has been an introduction of 'animals' and 'patterns' or displays of 'patterns' which have happened more than once. As of me, the dreamer, sometimes I am the main character in the dream, sometimes I am just an observer in the dream, not a physical entity at all. Also about 3 times now, I have been an animal which is a completely different dynamic. Usually a predator or maybe a horse(?) or antelope in one of them.

Interms of 'dream' location, my dreams sometime take on locations that I have been to in real life, sometimes only places I have 'heard' about, sometimes it is a completely new place I have never heard about or been. Some of these locations I always return to, eventhough they are completely made up and I have a recollection of having a 'familiarity' with the place. Interms of the 'physics' of the location, I would say it is more akin to what has been described as what one would expect of 4D places, where you would enter a house and inside would look so very different and the back door would open up to a different place. Sometimes you can look out a window on the back or in the house and see the front or outside. Sometimes you can get on a train lets say in 'london' and get off somewhere in 'africa' etc. I dont really understand how that works but it is there as part of the 'fabric' of the dream world.

In terms of 'lucid' dreaming or rather having conscious control in the 'dreaming world' I dont. I am aware of myself or the dream but I am not aware I am dreaming. This has led me to believe that dreams are maybe a sort of healing, or a different way of learning or a way of just settling an outstanding account, where forces greater than the conscious mind or 'ego' have control. Recently I have been thinking, maybe dreams are a way of 'transducing' energy where energy gets 'processed.' I am 'african' by birth and I have read the Cs saying something about different 'groups,' (think barack obama and maybe you can pinpoint the country I am from) in like africa acting as 'transducing' stations, eventhough I have never really 'associated' myself to any group or as part of any group, I suppose by blood I am part of a group and I hope for the LOVE OF GOD that I am not somekind of TRANSDUCING STATION!!! THAT WOULD 100% SUCK!!! I am hoping more of the 'natural' transducing of energy from the recharging sexual center during sleep which in normal for adamic people(I know, an assumption that I am one) and not anything 'unusual' due to genetics...

Interms of the females, I wouldnt say the females are underneath the rule of men. There are some women who seem to be powerless against some men, 2 so far that I have picked out but that is it. The other dynamic seems to be different but I do think there is an underlying male-female thing going on maybe throughout the whole spectrum of my dreaming.

Maybe it could relate to some sort of 'interaction' between the conscious(being represented by males) and unconscious(being represented by females) mind. Maybe the left and right parts of the brain?

Interms of 'groups' recently but I havent dreamt of them for awhile, there has been an introduction of a 'certain' group in my dreams, faces not resembling anybody I know in real life. My interaction with them started with an 'introduction.' I remember 2 different 'meals' and one sit down all in different dreams. It has evolved in that I have somehow become 'part' of them in that in some 'dreams' eventhough I feel like I am on a 'student' level in that I sometimes have someone always explaining stuff to me, we are acting like a 'pack?.' I use that 'word' because in one dream, we are 'animals' running together in a forest, actually 'being chased.' There are 'also' different 'racial groups' that I have noticed but this is 'my own projection' I think dealing with my own 'subconscious' in how I perceive plus my expectations based on what I see. An ongoing lesson if you may...

Also a different group that involves essentially my 'immediate family' and 'extended family.' Finally just 'friends' or people who I have met during my whole life.

Certain 'anomalies' in my dreams, I sometimes dream of music, where music literally is playing and sometime there is a display of patterns, once by birds and another by cars, beautiful patterns, mesmorizing, involving movement and light, amazing what the mind can come up with.

That's the whole spectrum of 'lukes' dreaming world.

Am writing this more for myself....

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