Preppers under suspicion in Germany


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
I just came across this article concerning the prepper scene in Germany:


Last week the interior secretaries of the federal states in Germany have passed a resolution that preppers in Germany are to be put under stronger surveillance.

They came to the conclusion that so far no information on the prepper scene in Germany exists, following a search warrant in two houses in the Northeast of Germany. The persons searched are suspected of preparing subversive crimes as a reaction to the German immigration policies. One of them is working as a policeman and they are accused of plotting to prepare for attacks and even killing specific people in case of a national crisis. The police said that both men were active members in certain prepper forums.

Just last year the Federal Government in Germany published its recent plans for civil protection, encouraging for example stockpiling food and drinking water for emergencies. But it seems that there is a thin line you should not cross in your attempts to care for you and your family during a crisis.

Following the search warrants in August the concluded fear is now that many German preppers are linked to radical groups as the decision to start prepping might be an expression of the belief that the constitutional democratic system in Germany is moving towards a collapse. This mistrust in the holy system seems to be highly suspicious from the point of view of official institutions. It is now planned to gather more information on people in the prepper scene who have an affinity for weapons or who show extremist tendencies.

And although there`s no denying that there are some pretty strange characters out there living the prepper life my worry with regard to such developments is, that they cross a first line towards stronger regulations. As always, the question remains, where will they draw the line between reasonable prepping and potential extremist? And will we notice when the next step has been done or will we by then have become too accustomed to keeping ourselves out of suspicion? Sometimes, really only sometimes, I have the creepy feeling like that there is already someone out there ticking off the boxes on the list: she doesn`t believe that gender is social construction, she reads conspicuous books that contradict mainstream opinion, her husband does the same, she is a rifle owning hunter and doesn`t believe in vaccines. No worry, I am really not paranoid it is just this uncomfortable feeling that very personal choices, I am making for my life are suddenly put in a very unpopular corner of our oh so open, inclusive society.

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