President Kennedy's secret UFO messages revealed in new TV show


The Force is Strong With This One
The three-hour show to be aired 23rd April in 3 AM (EST) from the site Jon Kelly is a world-renowned analyst who finds hidden messages speeches of famous people.

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Ah the UFO meme. as i have said in the SOTT.NET article its interesting but there are spelling mistakes the very front line of disinfo. I wouldnt dispute an articulate and astute president asking questions as im sure he did but lets face it his asking about UFO's isnt even suprising he needed to know his own airspace was clear and that the Russians didnt suspect the US of foul play. He NEEDED that! it was a simple memo reguarding his airspace. He cared more for his people and those around the world and thats what we need right now! He was dead 10 days later and that needed ALOT of planning. JFK was a great man and im pretty sure he wasnt focused on UFO's but rather his people and those that came after that. More Disinfo BS!
Well I don't know is true or not, but it's surely worth listening that stream on 23rd. But as I can see the Disclosure project is on the good way to reveille things.
Here is info about that show broadcast on 23rd.
Funny it says that Kennedy has sex with alien :lol:


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