Prince 'Dirty' Harry to see some 'action'


The Cosmic Force
I came across this on UK MSN news today and added some comments.

Original here

Iraq tour for 'over the moon' Harry

Over the moon? What is he so excited about? The chance to rape and butcher some more innocent Iraqi people perhaps. He can get the Americans to show him how its done.

Prince Harry is going to Iraq, the MoD has confirmed

Prince Harry is to serve on the front line in Iraq after becoming the first royal in 25 years to be deployed to a war zone.

The 22-year-old third in line to the throne was "over the moon" after winning his battle to see action alongside his fellow soldiers.

Don't make me laugh. As if he will face any real danger. It's a propaganda stunt for the sleeping British sheeple. If our young, handsome Royal PRINCE is so eager to serve in a war zone, you should be too. See, folks, it's quite safe, really...we even send our third-in-line-to-the-throne royal prince out there.

His deployment with the Blues and Royals is part of the next rotation of troops for Operation Telic.

He could head out to Iraq in April, in as early as eight weeks' time, for a six-month tour of duty.

The Prince reportedly threatened to quit the Army if he were not allowed to serve in a conflict zone.

The Army would have been a lot better off without him - at least there would have been one less soldier in Iraq.

Clarence House and the Ministry of Defence confirmed he will take on a "normal troop commander's role" in Iraq, rather than a desk job.

He will lead 12 men from 'A Squadron' of the Household Cavalry Regiment in four Scimitar armoured reconnaissance vehicles, each with a crew of three.

His uncle, the Duke of York, was the last royal to serve in a conflict zone when he flew helicopters on dangerous decoy missions for the Navy during the Falklands War a quarter of a century ago.

The Royal Household was consulted as the military held high level talks on whether to send the senior royal to the front line. Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Richard Dannatt gave the final go-ahead.

We hereby give our most gracious permission for Prince 'Dirty' Harry to see action in Iraq, as long as said Prince remains at a very safe distance away from any insurgents, terrorists, armed Americans and, erm, action. Very bad show to have one of our royals shot at. He can have a nice cup of tea while he is 'seeing some action'.

However, there are fears that having such a high-profile target as a member of the Royal Family in the country could spur on insurgents to attack the Army and concern for both the Prince's safety and those serving alongside him.

Fears? What fears? We've all got much better things to think about than Prince 'Dirty' Harry.
* * * * * * *

The PTB might find it useful to have Harry in Iraq; they can always have him killed and blame it on the Iraqis/Iranians/Syrians/Jordanians... thus fomenting more anti Arab sentiment in the West. Perhaps the normal people in the UK just aren't getting the idea that they're supposed to be hating these Muslims, Arabs...anyone with a brown skin, since black Africans, Caribbeans and so on have been quite well assimilated and corporatised. I don't think though that Harry has the same kind of place in the public heart that Princess Diana had.

We are seeing the widespread demonisation of Muslims in the UK at present with two well publicised anti-terror raids carried out against Muslim people in the past year, various court cases challenging Muslim womens' right to wear the veil and so on. Young idealistic Harry probably has no idea what a useful pawn he is for the PTB.
Well great they do want to make all those evil terrists to come out of hiding right? What better way than to use the prince as bait lol.

Seriously thought I heard it on the radio this morning and they said that they will keep him away from any situation where he might endanger the army. I think that just means, out of combat.
One way to get the Brits behind the Iraq war would be to sacrifice him to the "insurgents".

was it him or his brother few years ago dressed as nazi at some fancy party

wait...found it :)

On January 17, 2005 Prince Harry of the British Royal Family attended a costume party where the theme was "colonial and native." The Prince dressed as Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, wearing a German army desert uniform, complete with Wehrmacht medal, and Swastika armband. His female date dressed as Adolf Hitler.

Prince Harry's defence was the same as Eric Cartman's in South Park when he dressed up as Hitler for Halloween. At first, he said he didn't understand why so many people were so upset. Finally, he apologized and said the costume was a poor choice. Four days of remembrance will be completed Thursday at a ceremony outside Auschwitz near Krakow, Poland.

I think it should be titled "Iraq tour for 'food for the moon' Harry.

Maybe he will be just wounded instead of 'sacrificed' to create a massive drain of empathy towards the future King of England.
there is something particularly staged, inevitable and ominous about it. He may just be a recruitment tool and come back with a medal?
Deckard said:
On January 17, 2005 Prince Harry of the British Royal Family attended a costume party where the theme was "colonial and native." The Prince dressed as Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, wearing a German army desert uniform, complete with Wehrmacht medal, and Swastika armband. His female date dressed as Adolf Hitler.
January 17, what a particular day to dress up like a nazi. I won't list the occurences of this date in the esoteric material. It's almost everywhere. Laura mentioned this date a couple of times in the transcript :

session 980221 said:
Q: (A) Okay, on January 17 the session ended when you said
that there was probing of me, or interference. What kind of
probing do I have to avoid and how?
A: By STS fourth density.
session 980620 said:
the January 17th
issue. It is like some sort of hugely important day. What I
want to know is, is there some repeating relation between
these dates and certain energy exchanges between densities?
Are these dates indicative of some cycle of exchange between
densities, or dates when the cycles create a situation wherein
doorways are more easily opened?
A: Dates provide marker only.
Q: Are they a marker for the signaling to other people of their
A: If you did not have "dates," would you remember
Q: Well, I guess not. Okay, what are we supposed to
remember from January 17th? Obviously this is some deep
memory of an extremely significant event.
A: Consult Maya.
Q: (C) They had the 52 year cycles. Wonder what January
17th was. (L) Anything else about January 17th?
A: Also 365 day cycles.
Q: Yeah, they had several cycles. (C) Was that a beginning of
a cycle?
A: Measurement of what happened and when.
Q: What happened on January 17th?
A: Consult Maya.
Q: But January 17th recurs repeatedly in the alchemical
A: And you may see the connection. Why do you suppose
alchemists knew of the secrets brought "to the table" by the
I saw a small interview on the BBC with him yesterday and he seemed genuinely foolish. He will command a unit of four tanks.He said he wanted to be on the frontline,not out the way.He said that he would have to follow the orders of his commanding officer regarding what he can and cant do but not without an argument.
the rabbit said:
I saw a small interview on the BBC with him yesterday and he seemed genuinely foolish. He will command a unit of four tanks.He said he wanted to be on the frontline,not out the way.He said that he would have to follow the orders of his commanding officer regarding what he can and cant do but not without an argument.
Not without an argument ??!!

They're going to stage some fights for him with some drugged up enemy combatants or unsuspecting civilians so he will quench his lust for blood in all security.
No special favours as prince gets his Iraq orders from today's UK Guardian:

UK Guardian said:
Prince Harry will be deployed to Iraq in the summer as a "normal troop commander" of a Household Cavalry reconnaissance unit without any special treatment[...]

Defence officials dismissed reports that Prince Harry will get protection from the SAS during his expected six-month tour - that would make no difference when he is in an armoured vehicle, they said. The officials added that there will be no special protection for him at his base, but it is possible an experienced soldier will have the discreet task of keeping an eye on him.
Looks like the PTB might well be setting him up for something out in the desert.

And there's this:

UK Guardian said:
The 22-year-old prince, third in line to the throne and known in the army as Cornet Wales[...]
Cornet has many different meanings in English, but given the context (army, killing, blood lust, etc) this one seems to fit: A farrier's instrument for blood-letting.

A farrier is one who shoes and cares for horses; also an official who has care of the horses in a cavalry regiment.

Wale has several meanings. Again, taking context into account this meaning seems appropriate: To mark (the flesh) with wales or weals.

Wale also means the action or an act of choosing; choice.

Is Harry the horse controlled by his superiors for some violent propagandistic purpose in the Middle East?

The name 'Cornet Wales' was probably chosen for far more mundane reasons. A cornet (apart from being an ice cream cone - melting in the Iraqi heat?) is the standard of a troop of cavalry, or the fifth commissioned officer in a troop of cavalry, who carried the colours. A wale is that which is chosen or selcted as the best; the choicest individual kind. Not forgetting it's also the name of a province in the UK. And as 'Prince Harry will lead a troop from A Squadron of the Household Cavalry Regiment' the name can be easily explained away.

Word definitions from the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1987 edition.

Eubank bailed after anti-war demo from the BBC News site.

BBC News said:
Ex-world champion boxer Chris Eubank has been bailed after his arrest for an alleged breach of the peace while protesting in his truck in Whitehall.

He had been driving his truck bearing a banner stating: "Blair, don't send our young prince to your catastrophic illegal war to make it look plausible."
The only serving Harry will be doing in Iraq will be serving dinner to his mates, unless of course my last hypothesis is correct

Axel_Dunor said:
January 17, what a particular day to dress up like a nazi. I won't list the occurences of this date in the esoteric material. It's almost everywhere. Laura mentioned this date a couple of times in the transcript :
Thanks for posting this, I completely missed this part of the transcripts.

It is also interesting that in South Slavic Orthodox tradition two weeks after the Christmas which falls on 7th January are considered as very sensitive time, i.e. the time when evil is on the loose and when those practicing black magic are most succesful
Deckard said:
It is also interesting that in South Slavic Orthodox tradition two weeks after the Christmas which falls on 7th January are considered as very sensitive time, i.e. the time when evil is on the loose and when those practicing black magic are most succesful
From December 25th to January 6th (13 days), like you say Deckard, little devils named kalikantzaroi, get on the loose on the surface of the earth (are thought to live inside the earth) and mess up with people, trying to make them crazy, injure them, scare them, etc. During this time we bake sweets and throw them on the roofs so that the devils eat them and go back home. On the 6th of january (the day is called Lights) something happens and these devils have to leave the surface of the earth. January 17th is not included in this period though. But it might have been before the calendars changed. Greek Orthodox church is following the new calendar and has Xmas along with the rest of the west, but they used to follow the old calendar.
Irini said:
Deckard said:
It is also interesting that in South Slavic Orthodox tradition two weeks after the Christmas which falls on 7th January are considered as very sensitive time, i.e. the time when evil is on the loose and when those practicing black magic are most succesful
From December 25th to January 6th (13 days), like you say Deckard, little devils named kalikantzaroi, get on the loose on the surface of the earth (are thought to live inside the earth) and mess up with people, trying to make them crazy, injure them, scare them, etc. During this time we bake sweets and throw them on the roofs so that the devils eat them and go back home. On the 6th of january (the day is called Lights) something happens and these devils have to leave the surface of the earth. January 17th is not included in this period though. But it might have been before the calendars changed. Greek Orthodox church is following the new calendar and has Xmas along with the rest of the west, but they used to follow the old calendar.
Yes, in Julian calendar it falls exactly on January 17th

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