
It is interesting to note how many articles have come out about this in the past 2 to 3 days.
A quick google search shows a lot of talk about it since 2021, with a scant few articles going back to 2018 and 2011.
This has apparently been known as a rare visual disorder since 1953, with 73 cases on historical record and 8 new ones as of June 2021.
So why the sudden attention storm?
One can venture a guess 🧐
Anyone seen this condition called, "Prosopometamorphopsia" on social media? A condition where peoples faces look weird and demon like. I've seen it a few times on Twitter. Twitter can be quite far out there in terms of whacky theories but this one is a bit creepy.

Without getting into the topic of social networks, the image of the video that you see before opening it is important. That person's eyes are or can be a clue.

What they say about the eyes being the mirror of the soul may be for a reason.
well as you've prob seen on social media everyone thinks its a form preconditioning and prediagnosis for something demonic in the future. Just thought it interesting enough to post since what we've heard about the C's and Ukraine.
I can’t rule out the possibility that, as the wave intensifies, people may already be experiencing this. And also that this is expected. Maybe this is a way to provide a scientific explanation as a means of minimizing or otherwise explaining away the experience.

But preconditioning is close enough.
It should be stressed that it is not the faces that have devilish features, but that some people suffering from this syndrome see deformed faces, so they have hallucinations. It's a brain problem where people see the devil in other people's faces. A very good definition of this syndrome here:

Prosopometamorphopsia is considered a face hallucination and is included under the umbrella of complex visual hallucinations.[6] Unlike other forms of hallucinations such as peduncular hallucinosis or Charles Bonnet syndrome, prosopometamorphopsia does not predominate at a particular time of day; it is a constant experience.[6] However, patients with Charles Bonnet syndrome have noted descriptions of prosopometamorphopsia.[4] This form of perceptual distortion along with others such as macropsia and micropsia (alteration of perceived object size) and palinopia (spatial and temporal varieties and polyopia) are classified under the category termed metamorphopsia.[7] These facial distortions can occur to either hallucinated perceptions or true (non-hallucinated) perceptions.[4] It is attributed to structural brain changes or functional disorders like epilepsy, migraine or eye diseases.[8]

It should be stressed that it is not the faces that have devilish features, but that some people suffering from this syndrome see deformed faces, so they have hallucinations. It's a brain problem where people see the devil in other people's faces. A very good definition of this syndrome here:
It's interesting, I remember the C's once said that we have schizophrenics in our age while in olden times, with better diets, they had shamans.

I wonder if this might be related to that condition, essentially a poor diet truncates your abilities to see the unseen and it turns them into a disease instead of an ability.
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