
I know that I read a transcript a while back, when the C's discussed future plans of the Orion STS to reveal themselves probably through their cybergenetic helpers(aka, The Grays), in a coming to Jesus moment with extraterrestials. They will reveal themselves, show us their might and technology, and then make the ignorant human race bow down and worship them like Gods. Ancient writings and megalithic buildings substantiate that this happened before in our history. But this will all just be a pseudo invasion?

I have researched many supposed New Age prophets and mediums, and some of them predict a fake invasion. Now I know that sometimes these voices will tell some truth, but most of it is just disinformation, I.E. David Icke, Stuart Swerdlow. I want to weed through all the word-salad. Does anyone have any information on these predictions?

Keep retaing that protective knowledge everyone! :D
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
They will reveal themselves, show us their might and technology, and then make the ignorant human race bow down and worship them like Gods.
I have researched many supposed New Age prophets and mediums, and some of them predict a fake invasion.

To my understanding, they are already here, walking amongst us. No need for external alien threaths.
Did you read about psychopathy ? There are many threads about it on the forum.
To my understanding, they are already here, walking amongst us. No need for external alien threaths.
Did you read about psychopathy ? There are many threads about it on the forum.

Surely we understand that the invasion of psychopaths has already occured, but does this necessarily preclude alien invasion as well? After all the C's have mentioned the Nephilim are physically on their way here, riding the wave, together with a number of other alien races. They've also mentioned Nordics walking among us. I don't recall them saying that there only has to one invasion.

I don't want to jump to conclusions either way but I'm leaning more towards the idea that aliens will still make their presence felt. I also don't think it will be fake in any sense of the word.
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
They will reveal themselves, show us their might and technology, and then make the ignorant human race bow down and worship them like Gods.

Is it not already happening? There are already people who worship UFOs, and ''space brothers'' who show their might and technology.

Richard said:
Surely we understand that the invasion of psychopaths has already occured, but does this necessarily preclude alien invasion as well? After all the C's have mentioned the Nephilim are physically on their way here, riding the wave, together with a number of other alien races. They've also mentioned Nordics walking among us. I don't recall them saying that there only has to one invasion.

I don't want to jump to conclusions either way but I'm leaning more towards the idea that aliens will still make their presence felt. I also don't think it will be fake in any sense of the word.

Yeah, psychopaths are supposed to be the advanced party that gets everything ready to final conquest, then those guys traveling in ships would be a new reinforcement of psychopaths? Or maybe they are viruses traveling in comets?

One of the curious thing about what the Cs said regarding Nephilim, is that they gave the number 36 millions [of them ''coming'' here]. If we add one zero, we have 360 millions, which is the 6% of 6 billion, percentage of psychopaths and the number of humans on earth at the time of those sessions.

Richard said:
Surely we understand that the invasion of psychopaths has already occured, but does this necessarily preclude alien invasion as well?

Yes, maybe an actual invasion will take place but who really knows ?
The way I see it is that while your attention is focused on a possible Alien invasion it shifts the focus away from interspecies predator, which is imho, one of the present and clear danger we are all facing but that's just me.
Re: ai

Tigersoap said:
The way I see it is that while your attention is focused on a possible Alien invasion it shifts the focus away from interspecies predator, which is imho, one of the present and clear danger we are all facing but that's just me.

I agree with what you say. Fortunately Sott and other sites keep our focus on the predators. It is difficult to believe so many people ignore sites like this but they simply refuse to see what's clearly in front of them. By the same token, how many people really are fixated on alien and Wilcock type sites? I don't think very many out of the global population. One thing that does somewhat encourage me is the report that in the space of a year CNN lost half its viewership due to the disconnect between what is reported and the facts that are becoming plainly obvious. If these people are turning to the alternative news sources so much the better. (If they're turning to Fox we're deeper in the doo doo than I thought possible.)
Re: ai

Richard said:
Tigersoap said:
The way I see it is that while your attention is focused on a possible Alien invasion it shifts the focus away from interspecies predator, which is imho, one of the present and clear danger we are all facing but that's just me.

I agree with what you say. Fortunately Sott and other sites keep our focus on the predators. It is difficult to believe so many people ignore sites like this but they simply refuse to see what's clearly in front of them. By the same token, how many people really are fixated on alien and Wilcock type sites? I don't think very many out of the global population. One thing that does somewhat encourage me is the report that in the space of a year CNN lost half its viewership due to the disconnect between what is reported and the facts that are becoming plainly obvious. If these people are turning to the alternative news sources so much the better. (If they're turning to Fox we're deeper in the doo doo than I thought possible.)

Invasion or not invasion what is clear is that we are surrounded by very very mad people, politicians, judges, generals, etc, that are devilish, and for me these people are extra-terrestrials. They are not humans, they hate humanity, they hate people, they love to make us suffer. I was blind to this reality till I came, thank god my dear, here in this site. My eyes in that sense are opening and it hurts but this is this world.

I really don't think also there will be a "fake invasion". This is news for people who believe to be saved while this planet is becoming more and more an inferno. People like to make movies scenarios in their heads because they have seen so many movies about invasions.... I think it is another distraction.
Graalsword said:
Yeah, psychopaths are supposed to be the advanced party that gets everything ready to final conquest, then those guys traveling in ships would be a new reinforcement of psychopaths?

Currently it looks like psychopaths don't need any reinforcements since they already have all available resources in their hands and mostly unnoticed by the masses at that.
Re: ai

Tigersoap said:
The way I see it is that while your attention is focused on a possible Alien invasion it shifts the focus away from interspecies predator, which is imho, one of the present and clear danger we are all facing but that's just me.

I agree. Right now, we have enough on our plate dealing with the psychopaths in plain view who are running this world for the most part and are indeed the clear and very present danger. In other words focusing on an invasion of some sort that may or may not happen could distract our attention from focusing on the dangerous predators that are right in front of us.
'Tis good to be aware of possibilities but not good to dwell on speculation. If a flying saucer lands on the White House lawn and the "spaceman" has a book titled "To Serve Man", then I'll raise an eyebrow and say: That Figures...
Data said:
Graalsword said:
Yeah, psychopaths are supposed to be the advanced party that gets everything ready to final conquest, then those guys traveling in ships would be a new reinforcement of psychopaths?

Currently it looks like psychopaths don't need any reinforcements since they already have all available resources in their hands and mostly unnoticed by the masses at that.

Yes, I think you are right. They have all the resources to do what they want to do, at least in 3D.
Funny you should bring this up. I just saw this pic today comparing psychopathic corporations to aliens:

Mr. Premise said:
Funny you should bring this up. I just saw this pic today comparing psychopathic corporations to aliens:


:lol: love it! To bad you can't as easily shift the narrative to psychopaths (instead of corporations) in the poster.
whitecoast said:
Mr. Premise said:
Funny you should bring this up. I just saw this pic today comparing psychopathic corporations to aliens:


:lol: love it! To bad you can't as easily shift the narrative to psychopaths (instead of corporations) in the poster.

That's really a great poster. And also makes the point that the invasion happened a long time ago, and now the results are plain.
SeekinTruth said:
whitecoast said:
Mr. Premise said:
Funny you should bring this up. I just saw this pic today comparing psychopathic corporations to aliens:


:lol: love it! To bad you can't as easily shift the narrative to psychopaths (instead of corporations) in the poster.

That's really a great poster. And also makes the point that the invasion happened a long time ago, and now the results are plain.

Very good poster! Practically resumes in a few words what was being discussed here. And yes, they are already here, already declared persons :-/

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