Excellent replies guys. Thank you for all the great incite.
I realize that that the Lizzie's, the Grays, and even the Nordics are already here. I guess I was just wondering if there would be that true Hollywood-like invasion, but only as a tool for the 4d STS to be worshipped like propthets or Gods. Some sources have mentioned a fake invasion to further complete the agenda of the NWO.But I definitely understand what you all are saying. Things are already happening in stages. Psychopaths have already invaded and they do enough damage to society on their own. I was really just curious how much of this was just disinformation. The main thing I am trying to focus on is separating the predator from my mind , as I have already started my unveiling process. It's really difficult to see the world as it really is. The insidiousness of things, pretty much since the first real documented UFO sightings and beyond, makes everything seem like its all just gonna explode in our faces, very very soon. Also,
I realize that that the Lizzie's, the Grays, and even the Nordics are already here. I guess I was just wondering if there would be that true Hollywood-like invasion, but only as a tool for the 4d STS to be worshipped like propthets or Gods. Some sources have mentioned a fake invasion to further complete the agenda of the NWO.But I definitely understand what you all are saying. Things are already happening in stages. Psychopaths have already invaded and they do enough damage to society on their own. I was really just curious how much of this was just disinformation. The main thing I am trying to focus on is separating the predator from my mind , as I have already started my unveiling process. It's really difficult to see the world as it really is. The insidiousness of things, pretty much since the first real documented UFO sightings and beyond, makes everything seem like its all just gonna explode in our faces, very very soon. Also,
I do not look forward to the day of when the Nephalim and Orion STS reinforcements arrive here from the wave. But I guess it really does not matter, if you are a 4th density candidate, right??loreta said:Richard said:Tigersoap said:The way I see it is that while your attention is focused on a possible Alien invasion it shifts the focus away from interspecies predator, which is imho, one of the present and clear danger we are all facing but that's just me.
I agree with what you say. Fortunately Sott and other sites keep our focus on the predators. It is difficult to believe so many people ignore sites like this but they simply refuse to see what's clearly in front of them. By the same token, how many people really are fixated on alien and Wilcock type sites? I don't think very many out of the global population. One thing that does somewhat encourage me is the report that in the space of a year CNN lost half its viewership due to the disconnect between what is reported and the facts that are becoming plainly obvious. If these people are turning to the alternative news sources so much the better. (If they're turning to Fox we're deeper in the doo doo than I thought possible.)
Invasion or not invasion what is clear is that we are surrounded by very very mad people, politicians, judges, generals, etc, that are devilish, and for me these people are extra-terrestrials. They are not humans, they hate humanity, they hate people, they love to make us suffer. I was blind to this reality till I came, thank god my dear, here in this site. My eyes in that sense are opening and it hurts but this is this world.
I really don't think also there will be a "fake invasion". This is news for people who believe to be saved while this planet is becoming more and more an inferno. People like to make movies scenarios in their heads because they have seen so many movies about invasions.... I think it is another distraction.