Psychedelics being pushed today from multiple vectors.

found it!- it was on Free Will and it totally relates to this issue at hand - MAJOR Kudos to Laura for this excellent bit of work:

"This brings us to Kant's definition of Free Will. Kant defined Free Will as the ability to initiate a new causal series of events. For Kant, freedom is independence of the influence of motivations, character, and external causes. It is more than just the power to choose. Freedom is the power to exercise will as reason directs, to be a first cause of events, regardless of physical constraints.

This means the ability to choose FREELY between at least TWO alternatives that MUST NOT BE WEIGHTED to one side or another in intrinsic terms. That is, there must be NOTHING that compels the chooser to choose one over the other. In fact, it seems to be that the choice is more potent if it is made as an act of deep and pure faith, in opposition to all that is evident in material or even rational terms. If rationality says that you MUST do X, is that an act of free will?

Freedom means we can SEE with our reason all or most of the influences that are imposed on us by the many forces acting in our environment, and we can then CHOOSE based on knowledge of those forces, irrespective of them.

If we do not engage in disciplined efforts to widen our perception, we appear to have little freedom within the field to behave other than we do.?"
As for macro-dosing...(oopsies, that's what I did!) MICRO-dosing... it's only a small amount of brain chemistry alteration. (?) What if, like homeopathy, a smaller dose is actually more disruptive than a bigger one? IDK, it's a possibility.
Interesting question. I might be wrong but I think microdosing in this context is still macro when comparing to homeopathic dilutions which basically only contain energetic imprint of the substance and virtually no actual substance. The principle of hormesis in homeopathy is based on these enormous dilutions so its not exactly the same thing.
Since the medical problem I had in the past I developed health anxiety and excessive focus on my body, this is something that I am working on and it has become much better but I was thinking this could provide extra push to get out of that loop.
On the website I linked they also claim:
  • Improved energy levels
  • Thinking more clearly
  • With improved problem-solving ability
  • Improved creativity
  • Better concentration
  • Less fear
  • All in a positive mood
So why not? :)

I think it might be most helpful if you answer this question for us. Why not, from your perspective?

Another question I have is what have you already done, or what are currently doing, to address the health anxiety and obsessive focus on your body?
I have no experience with microdosing, really have no idea about whether or not it's a good take this all with a teeny tiny dose of salt. But my questions are:

- The idea is to do it regularly, I think? Like, every day, or a couple times a week, on an ongoing basis, for as long as you want? Haven't looked into it but I seem to recall reading about a tennis player who was microdosing before every game he played.. If so, how does that compare to the research - and what the C's said - about benefits of taking (a higher dose of) psilocybin just ONCE?
Q: (L) So, obviously if the effects are lasting, one doesn't need to repeat it?

A: No. And in fact repetition can be damaging by altering brain structures via chemical pathways.

- The C's have said that melatonin is a very mild hallucinogen. I wonder how it compares to a microdose of psilocybin? (do you take melatonin?) They did say:
A: Several comments: First of all, "fan" is short for "fanatic." Secondly, melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemicals, as do mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject, thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of free will. Melatonin simply allows the system to clear obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote. But even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological being. And besides, we have already discussed the importance, or lack thereof, of those who pass judgment upon this exercise, or communication.

- No judgement.. I wouldn't be surprised if the reputed benefits are true.. but are those benefits comparable to the apparent lasting benefit (for some people) of a single normal dose? Or does microdosing just make you feel good while you're doing it, but with no lasting effects?

I don't know any of the answers....
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Hi all,
I don’t know what it is like to microdose. I’d say the Hamlet question is covered pretty well already. The only thing I haven’t seen addressed specifically is, if you often have health and body anxiety, it is important to have someone checking in on you if not there with you while ingesting psychedelics. The reason for this is twofold: one, unique reactions per person per time, often unpredictable or even opposing expectations. Second, when focusing on “how to make things better,” it is not unheard of for hallucinations to sniper-rifle the target of one’s own insecurities and magnify them for as long as the user can be entertained by it. Sometimes that is the lesson, and one can learn something. Sometimes it can set senseless impulses loose with fear.
My intent is not to fear monger- only to make sure it is known. Body hallucinations are common.
My cousin once thought her head was literally sitting crooked on her neck, which naturally lead her to believe one side of her face was swelling. So that was a lot to convince her otherwise. She could feel it and see it in the mirror.
Yes. If it’s a go, have support.
I wonder if micro-dosing of psilocybin is a way to go, this website keeps popping up in my feed and I am slightly tempted
I took another look at their website.
It seems that they promote a constant intake:
  • Receive fresh truffles every 3 months
  • After two months, take one month break
So where is the end of this kind of therapy?
Somehow that doesn't sound right. I would worry about balance of brain chemistry.
I took another look at their website.
It seems that they promote a constant intake:

So where is the end of this kind of therapy?
Somehow that doesn't sound right. I would worry about balance of brain chemistry.
I agree, better to have something like nicotine that perhaps gives you a little bump but doesn’t ultimately sort of make you it’s slave.

It’s the difference between that and people who smoke pot all the time, the people using nicotine are functional vs the pot smokers who end as burnouts.
Not sure where your feeling is coming from but I can only tell you that my main motive for posting in this public thread was to hear about experiences of people who have tried microdosing. Networking right?

Microdosing psilocybin and following the established protocols can be helpful, just as a single higher dose, although not enough to be 'trippy' (like about 1.5g) can also be helpful in specific cases. I say it can be helpful in the context of our discussion here, i.e. with the awareness that it's not a 'free lunch' or easy solution to any personal issues.

It can, instead, be an AID to the person who is actively using their knowledge and awareness in doing most of the Work themselves. That is in contrast to many people who might take it without that awareness and Work on themselves, and who see it as either an easy solution or an escape from their issues.

Especially in the case of microdosing, the other caveat is that it is tantamount to taking a vitamin supplement, so don't expect some 'miracle' cure, which is in keeping with what I said about the responsibility to do the Work.

In your case Z, I don't see a problem with giving it a go, although you would likely derive the most benefit from it in conjunction with making sincere and consistent personal efforts to overcome the health anxiety you mentioned. While that anxiety is understandable, it's obviously not serving you in any way. In fact, it's detrimental. Why would you hold on to something that is detrimental to you?

Well, the answer to that is obvious: you think that excessive worrying about your health will protect you. But this is a bit of short-circuit in thinking, or rather, the invasion of emotional thinking into an area where critical thinking is needed. In this case, excessive worrying about your health under the belief that it will protect your health stands a good chance of doing the opposite. Excessive worrying causes stress, and stress is well-known (even by mainstream medicine) to be a decidedly negative factor in health.

Awareness and attentiveness to your health is important for everyone, but OVER awareness and fixation on our health to the point of regularly imagining a 'parade of horribles' is just negative ideation that, as I said, is not helpful to anyone. Perhaps you should reflect on and contemplate this and where it's coming from, and really try to understand and consciously decide to let go of that excessive and needless worry about your health. Repeated 'catching' of this and affirmations to the contrary will, I think, provide the best results.

As I said though, microdosing can perhaps help you in that process. It's like trying to get over a 10ft wall that you can only reach 9 feet up. Microdosing can be akin to adding extra height to your shoes so you make it over. Note, in this metaphor, 90% of the work is still being done by your own innate resources. There's no free lunch.

So yeah, I say give it a go and see if it helps.
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Hi Z!

I am currently taking microdoses of fresh truffles and I see a slight positive effect on my mood, focus, and I feel much calmer.

Everyone is different, maybe you will feel something, maybe nothing, but 1g is a safe dose. There are no hallucinations or anything like that. You don't chew truffles (if you will take it in that form), just take them with some water, like you are drinking a pill.

I take 1g of fresh truffles once a week or every 5 days. That is my rhythm, you will have to experiment to find yours.

I'm attaching a document that I received when I made my last order, maybe it will help with some info.


Hi Z!

I am currently taking microdoses of fresh truffles and I see a slight positive effect on my mood, focus, and I feel much calmer.

Everyone is different, maybe you will feel something, maybe nothing, but 1g is a safe dose. There are no hallucinations or anything like that. You don't chew truffles (if you will take it in that form), just take them with some water, like you are drinking a pill.

I take 1g of fresh truffles once a week or every 5 days. That is my rhythm, you will have to experiment to find yours.

I'm attaching a document that I received when I made my last order, maybe it will help with some info.
Is it necessary to take the first dose on a day off or when you are not driving etc?
Perhaps it is a good precaution until you see how the first dose will affect you?
It can, instead, be an AID to the person who is actively using their knowledge and awareness in doing most of the Work themselves.
When I take creatine before hitting the gym I can push my body harder and longer than I can when I don't. Taking that supplement in and of itself does nothing useful. It doesn't replace the physical work, but it makes it easier to keep going beyond the point when I would otherwise be forced to stop by pain and exhaustion. I recover much faster afterwards as well.

My first impression of microdosing, after only 3 days, is that it acts as a performance enhancing supplement for my emotional center in very much the same way. External considering was impossible for me for a very long time, which made The Work impossible for me. My emotional center is very weak, and my default emotional state is always very morose and defensive, bordering on complete paranoia.

I made a lot of progress when I first gave up on the fourth way by turning more towards the way of the fakir. Torturing my body in the gym was the only useful thing I could do with myself for a long time, and eventually I began to notice that by strengthening my body, and exercising mental and emotional discipline over my body, I could at the very least get along better in daily life than I could before. And I could interact normally with others without using alcohol as a crutch to overcome my crippling fear of being emotionally open with others.

Still it is exhausting and terrifying and I always need long periods of recovery time after difficult interactions with others, and especially after larger social gatherings.

100mg of dried PC taken with my morning vitamins on the first day gave me a noticeable emotional boost. I noticed right away that I could stop worrying about myself long enough to really put myself into other people's shoes. I'm not sure how to describe it but in the past my attempts at external considering were more like a brute force attempt to intellectually understand where the other person was coming from, while emotionally I would remain very much focused on myself and protecting myself. The past few days my attempts feel very different, like I'm able to just let go and stop worrying about myself and just feel what the other person is feeling, instead of trying to think their feelings, if that makes sense.

So it's too soon to tell for sure if there is any real benefit here, or if it's just imagination on my part.

I just wanted to chime in with my experiences so far in case they are useful to anyone who is trying to decide whether or not to experiment in this direction, while emphasizing Joe's points that anyone doing this should temper their expectations. It can't be stressed enough: it is ONLY a supplement, not a magic solution to deeper problems in any way whatsoever.

I know a lot of recreational "psychonaughts" who believe they're somehow "enlightening" themselves. They're delusional. They have no strong discipline in any area of their lives. I've even watched some of them lose what little discipline they had as they become "more spiritually aware". Their particular spiritual awareness precludes awareness of mundane things like eating healthy and sometimes even practicing basic hygiene.

Many of them remind me of this quote from The Fire From Within:

[Don Juan] said that whenever what is taken to be the unknown turns out to be the unknowable the results are disastrous. Seers feel drained, confused. A terrible oppression takes possession of them. Their bodies lose tone, their reasoning and sobriety wander away aimlessly, for the unknowable has no energizing effects whatsoever. It is not within human reach; therefore, it should not be intruded upon foolishly or even prudently. The new seers realized that they had to be prepared to pay exorbitant prices for the faintest contact with it.

Whenever anyone asks me about my opinion on psychedelics I tell them that I wouldn't touch them without having read that book, at the very least. In fact, when waiting to decide whether or not I would go through with experimenting myself, I gave myself 2 months to reread The Fire From Within, The Active Side of Infinity, and All And Everything while making sincere efforts to work on external considering and practicing the three-phase progression with the more difficult people in my life who I would normally just avoid out of fear.

"The average man's reaction is to think that the order of that statement should be reversed," he went on. "A seer who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can certainly face petty tyrants. But that's not so. What destroyed the superb seers of ancient times was that assumption. We know better now. We know that nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable.

He explained that one of the greatest accomplishments of the seers of the Conquest was a construct he called the three-phase progression. By understanding the nature of man, they were able to reach the incontestable conclusion that if seers can hold their own in facing petty tyrants, they can certainly face the unknown with impunity, and then they can even stand the presence of the unknowable.

And while that doesn't really apply to microdosing, it certainly applies to people who think that taking trip doses is some kind of useful shortcut.

What does apply to microdosing, and is something that gives me red flags about continuing my own experimenting, is something that I also learned from my physical work.

Without an honest baseline measure of what you can accomplish without a supplement, you won't be able to measure what, if any, objective improvements that supplement provides. The gym equivalent of seeking a "free lunch" is the guy who starts taking steroids the moment his progress slows down, instead of just working harder to push through to the next level naturally, with nutritional supplements that don't carry the risk of interfering with your body's natural hormone production. He destroys his endocrine system and becomes chemically dependent on external hormones because he thought that working out for 1 hour 3 times a week was a lot. It's not. If you're pushing yourself to your physical limits every single day for 10 years straight while staying on top of your nutrition and recovery, and THEN you start to notice a decline in performance, then maybe you might want to consider hormone supplementation in your 40s or 50s. Until then, you're just being lazy and you will pay the price for your laziness by permanently damaging your body.

Microdosing has given me a quick glimpse of what is possible with intense emotional work. That, taken with the C's warnings about altering neural pathways and creating chemical dependence makes me wonder if maybe the benefits stop there. Maybe just getting the glimpse of what is possible was enough and I should stop now before I become dependent. I don't know. I always make fun of the guys who turn too quickly to hormone supplementation in the gym, because I did the hard work of pushing through without it. But when it comes to emotional work and I'm presented with something that actually makes it easier, the temptation to convince myself that it's safe and beneficial to continue doing it is very strong.
I wonder if micro-dosing of psilocybin is a way to go, this website keeps popping up in my feed and I am slightly tempted

FWIW, I've tried microdosing and mini-dosing various types of psilocybin mushrooms or acid quite a few times, in different doses, for different periods of time. Inconsistent is the word I'd use to describe it. Sometimes it was pretty helpful and I had a calmer, more centred state, felt more connected to life and to the universe etc. Other times I would be more impulsive, overly-emotional, and it even helped open or trigger addictive cravings for alcohol, food, sex. The effects tapered over time.

Often the feeling was of being more open but more unstable. I would also say that - like most drugs strangely - they generally carry a "Yin" energy charge and tend to make you express more feminine traits. This can be good in certain situations but IMO this is not what the modern man needs more of in daily life.

This does make them suited for inner child or emotional release kind of work, but then how much are you relying on the drug to do it? It can be a crutch and possibly lead to a feeling of inauthenticity.

Over all I wasn't particularly impressed with the results. Having given it a shot, I also knew in my heart it was not the answer, and that it may even be causing harm.

Your mileage may vary. Personally for me, I have to just accept that substances aren't an answer, whether it's because of genetics or karma, or that I've simply used up my drug allowance for this life. Anything that gives easily on the front end, always seems to take something on the back end. No free lunch yano?
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Now when I hear these experiences with microdosing I am thinking i can accomplish the same results with breath work, at least thats my experience after doing it consistently along with regular HBOT..
So maybe I’ll just stick to it for a while, trust the process which seems to be unfolding nicely and see how it goes. I am certanly more open to this option now.
Thanks everyone for your valuable input.
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