Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Pat, I see it the same way, so far. Prigozhin, I don't see a selfish boor, I see a leader of men in the Wagner organization, and one dedicated to each and every one of them, if some of what I've seen is accurate over the last months. I am open to learning he is a self-seeking treasonous fellow, for sure. But I don't see it yet.

MY MISTAKE, Adminstrator help? I used the link to my Gmail for posting link to Simplicius the Thin, and direct everyone to this link instead!

Prigozhin's Siege Ends - Postmortem Analysis
Prigozhin is like Prigozhin, but SMO continues.
Russian troops successfully repelled the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who tried to take advantage of the situation in Russia
According to the latest reports of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian armed forces continue a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. As part of this operation, on the night of June 24, Russian aviation launched missile strikes on aircraft and radio intelligence centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine located at the Kanatovo airfields in the Kirovograd region and Dnipro in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

In its official statement, the Ministry of Defense noted that these missile strikes were carried out in response to a strike by the Ukrainian armed forces on a road bridge across the Chongar Strait on the night of June 22. In addition to this, a missile strike destroyed an ammunition depot near the town of Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnitsky region, which contained Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles recently delivered from the West.

The agency also reported that during the operation, two storage facilities of fuel and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) for the APU equipment were destroyed near the city of Dnipro.

During the special operation, during the last 24 hours, the AFU made several unsuccessful attempts to attack in the Zaporozhye, South Donetsk, Donetsk and Krasno-Limansk directions. The units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation successfully repelled these attacks, causing damage to the enemy. In particular, the aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit the concentration sites of enemy forces and equipment near the settlements of Preobrazhenka and Novodanilovka in the Zaporozhye direction.

According to the reports of the Ministry of Defense, the total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past day amounted to more than 500 killed and wounded, as well as a significant amount of destroyed equipment.
Российские войска успешно отразили атаки ВСУ, попытавшихся воспользоваться ситуацией в России

AFU published photos with German Leopard tanks shot down
As a result of the fighting on the Zaporozhye front, near Orekhov, a combat column of modern US and NATO military equipment, including German Leopard 2A6 tanks, American Bradley and YPR-765 infantry fighting vehicles, was defeated. This is evidenced by photographs of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), showing military vehicles burned at the beginning of the offensive.

At the moment of the outbreak of hostilities at Workino, this powerful enemy vanguard was met with resistance from the fighters of the 291st, 70th and 1430th regiments and the 417th reconnaissance battalion.

These photos became a graphic confirmation of the defeat of the enemy column, which included German Leopard tanks, American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and YPR-765. The defeat of enemy equipment was the result of the coordination of the actions of Russian military units.

At the same time, it is currently known that the damaged combat vehicles have disappeared – they were evacuated after the APU managed to get close to this area, however. There are still completely destroyed combat vehicles on the site.
ВСУ опубликовали фотографии с подбитыми немецкими танками Leopard

I usually do not publish such videos, but in this case, the non-trivial, but still sad fate of the Caesar ACS is interesting.
Driving at high speed, the French 155-mm wheeled self-propelled gun "Caesar" dodges the "Lancet", but falls into a ditch. Then the second Lancet finishes her there.
ланцет (online-video-cutter.com)

Well, where are we without our sworn "friends"? A long-known logic: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The United States tried to intervene in the situation in Russia by manipulating sanctions against the Wagner PMCs
. After a series of meetings of American intelligence agencies and negotiations between US President Joe Biden with the leaders of several European Union countries and the British Prime Minister on the situation in Russia, an unusual decision was made. As it became known, it was stated that "there is no need to impose additional sanctions against the private military company (PMCs) Wagner in connection with their actions." The corresponding draft resolution was sent to the US Congress.

In essence, this means that American intelligence has come to the conclusion that the interests of the head of the Wagner PMCs, Yevgeny Prigozhin, at this stage, when he announced the "Wagner campaign to Moscow," coincide with the interests of the United States. This provides further confirmation that American foreign policy is traditionally focused on destabilizing the situation in various countries, including Russia.

However, in response to the US decision not to impose additional sanctions against the Wagner PMCs, unexpected confusion arose. Almost immediately after that, Yevgeny Prigozhin announced the termination of the "march on Moscow" and the beginning of the withdrawal of the Wagnerians from Rostov-on-Don, which completely broke Washington's plans for external intervention.
США пытались оказать вмешательство в ситуацию в России, манипулируя санкциями в отношении ЧВК "Вагнер"

Пригожин как пригожин, но СВО продолжается.
Я обычно не публикую подобные видео, но в данном случае интересна нетривиальная, но всё равно печальная судьба САУ Цезарь.
Ну и куда же мы без наших заклятых "друзей"? Давно известная логика: враг моего врага-мой друг.
Another take on the the 'coup' - Cirque du Kramolav.

Meanwhile, under the full view of American satellites, X number of Wagner battalions have reployed in columns from DPR/LPR to somewhere in the Kharkov neighborhood. While Y number of Chechen battalions have deployed to the staging area of Rostov-on-Don, for further deployment to the Donbass. All of this, I repeat, under the full view of American satellites who thought that they were watching something else.
Last edited:
From Simplicius' latest article, a summary sort of, there's many details skipped but you get the idea...


Nuclear Falseflag on Zaporozhye NPP Heats Up + Major Wagner Updates and More​

Simplicius The Thinker
25 June 2023

The situation can only be considered urgent as Ukraine has now made their full intentions crystal clear. If before we suspected with high confidence, now it is plain fact. They intend to destroy the ZNPP plant as a last ditch attempt to ‘activate NATO’ by blaming Russia.

A completely coordinated campaign over the last few days has affirmed this. Not only was Budanov’s maiden speech after reappearing from his Kalibrated cranial trepanation centered on Russia’s alleged ‘mining of the ZNPP’ basement, but now several new instances of highly coordinated messaging have been released by Ukraine and its Western controllers.


What can one say, the West’s leaders are clearly psychopathic. They have already destroyed a major pipeline in the Nordstream in an obvious terrorist attack and now they are planning one on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant.

Ukrainian presidential advisor Podolyak added to the orchestrated release with his own statement, slowly conditioning the narrative that Russia is losing its grip on Energodar and will blow the plant to “stop the Ukrainian counter-offensive”.


By the way, it should be mentioned that the IAEA reportedly released a statement denying Budanov’s claims, so that will be interesting to watch. Despite the agency’s corruption perhaps they’re not entirely suicidal and psychopathic:



But as far as the ZNPP: The only question that remains is when would they do this? Are they desperate enough to already enact such a plan, or is this a warning, and they’re saving it for much later when things get really terminal for the AFU?

It can partly be interpreted as a threat against NATO/EU as well, because it’s Zelensky and the SBU’s way of basically using nuclear blackmail to beg for more assistance. In short, saying, “If you don’t help us win, we’ll have no choice but to blow the plant and force you into WW3 against Russia.”

It’s difficult to know the answer, but one thing that’s certain is that things are getting critical for the AFU in terms of overstretching fronts. They’ve suffered grave losses in the southern direction, and now they’re being unexpectedly stretched in the north Kharkov region, for which they’re reportedly sending large amounts of patchwork reinforcements.

To highlight this, news came a couple days ago that Ukraine is calling for a mass-scale mobilization throughout the entire country. Some have mistaken this for a mobilization only in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, as a document from that region was being circulated. But in fact, the link above confirms it’s for every region, they just each release their own separate documents. The new mobilization appears to give 10 days for all males over the age of 18 to report to their nearest recruitment office.


Interestingly, Lithuanian president released these words:

"In the event that Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner PMC appear on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, they will have to strengthen the entire eastern flank of NATO - Lithuanian President Nausėda"

So it’s very possible that Wagner’s presence will in fact give them the false pretense to launch their expected coup attempts. This follows other reports on this tack:

"💥💥 Belarusian opposition Kalinouski Regiment announced it is preparing for active operations against Lukashenko against the backdrop of the rebellion in Russia, adding that their units are waiting for the green light. 💥💥
As well as:

❗️ The KGB of Belarus knows Western intelligence officers who are preparing militants to seize power.
Such activities are carried out in Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic countries, but the department has the ability "to eliminate this threat in a timely manner," said Konstantin Bychek, deputy head of the Investigation Department of the State Security Committee of Belarus."

By the way, speaking of Wagner, yesterday’s siege is now said to have utilized only 8,000 of Wagner’s 25k+ men. Here are a few other interesting new details:

Out of the 32,000 personnel of the PMC "Wagner", only 8,000 participated in the "rebellion." They were told that they are defending Belgorod under the backdrop of "protecting border areas", from there, Prigozhin and his uninformed men marched on Voronezh. The furthest the convoy reached was Tula Oblast. The men of the PMC "Wagner" were mislead.
Employees of the PMC "Wagner" have already begun signing contracts with the Ministry of Defense, under which, they will work similarly to how they previously did. The Commanders of PMC "Wagner" did not side with their financer, Prigozhin. In total, 33,000 personnel are expected to sign contracts with the MOD.
👉 Employees who I spoke to confirm this information

⚡️Mash claims that several dozen fighters of PMC "Wagner" troops surrendered to the police during the withdrawal from Rostov-on-Don and other regions. They reportedly “did not want to return to their own, and handed over their weapons.”


Which leads me to this next analyst’s take. It may be long but very powerful, so please read it. Pay particular attention to the very plausible theory that Prigozhin staged all the lies about ammo in order to secretly stockpile ammo for the very task of taking the Kremlin, not to mention the stunning angle that he specifically waited for this very moment to strike just when the Russian army would be at its most bogged down during the AFU’s offensive:

"Prigozin tried to size power. He prepared for this for months. He lied about the amount of ammo provided so he can stockpile for his coup. He waited for the offensive to start, so all the Russian army is concentrated on stopping the enemy. Then he struck.
He spread the news that the Russian army is collapsing - because that is what he wanted, a retreating Russian army and a nation looking for some one to blame. If the defensive lines were rolled up, we all would have been outraged here, and many people would be thinking whom is responsible. In this situation, Prigozin steps in and leads his Wagner heroes to stabilize the nation. A saviour. A man that rescues the day.
But the Russian army held. As the Ukrainian hordes struck, the Russians fought, dug in, and refused to retreat or break. The airforce worked around the clock. The intelligence was good and high ranking Russian generals were in the forward observation posts exactly where the Ukrainians attacked, commanding the battle and the defense. Russian reinforcements were ready, they countered where needed and the Ukrainains were smashed. Again and again.
So why start a coup?
Pregozin was already committed. He was afraid of leaks from his people, he was afraid the Russian FSB would smell him out. So he had to move. He had to start his grotesquerie. He struck at the precise moment when all the fatherland defenders were holding back the enemy. Behind their backs. He made that fake video. Some stupid trampled forest that was supposed to be a missile strike, but the forest was green and not scorched. Another missile strike was presented, but the crater was not round, but a square. With 2 fires lit up at the bottom of the square. It convinced almost no one.
But at this point there was no turning back for Prigozin.
He spread the information about a pogrom on the front lines. that the Russian army had lost enormous territory that the Ukrainians were advancing and winning. That the truth is being hidden from the Russian people - a disaster was happening!
We were confused, we could not understand why he would say things like this. Some believed he is just emotional, some that he has PTSD. but the viper was working according to his plan. He struck . His men were already in the back of the RUssian army, they moved to size the Russian command center in Rostov-on-Don and the airfields. Then they moved north to Moscow. Fast. Wagner had done this many times in Africa. Size power, move quickly, take key objectives under your control. overrun the capital. Have government people and institutions join your side.
But no one rallied to Pregozin cause. The millitary refused to side with him. Unit after unit repudiated what he was doing. The Police in Rostov refused to go on his side. The governors of the regions did not join his side. The intel services refused to participate in this. The politicians refused to side with the snake. Khadirov refused to support him and instead sent units to retake Rostov by force if need be. Not one opposition party joined the coup.
Without any support Prigozin played his last card. No more violence in exchange for the safety of his skin. He would call Wagner off if his hide is protected. That is whom Pregozin is. He was not emotional or with PTSD or because he had a beef with one or another Russian general.
He is just a villain."

Quite an interesting take, no?

I do sympathize with the idea that in many ways this debacle proved the strength of the Russian state, simply because it showed unity like never before.

In fact, something very interesting is happening inside Russia. There is an energy, a vitality and solidarity that’s rising like never before. People are animated with a renewed sense of purpose, patriotism, and love for their country."
SMO continues.

While the AFU was advancing for three weeks, Russia liberated almost twice as many territories in a week
In a week in the Zaporozhye direction, the Russian army liberated twice as many territories as the APU captured.

Foreign analysts are forced to state that the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army in the Zaporozhye direction, which is key for Kiev, is completely doomed to failure. Over the past week, the Ukrainian military tried to seize an area of about 39 square kilometers, while the Russian army was able to liberate the territory, including the previously occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with an area of about 61 square kilometers. A similar situation is observed on other front lines, which indicates that the Ukrainian counteroffensive has not only failed, but also allows the Russian army to go on its own offensive, squeezing out the enemy, including from previously controlled territories.

To date, in just three weeks since the start of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already lost over 1,000 units of various armored vehicles, of which about a third are tanks. This indicates that further advance of the AFU is impossible, at least on this front line.

Nevertheless, some concerns are caused by the high activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region, however, large-scale counterattacks are unlikely to be possible in this direction.
Пока ВСУ наступали три недели, Россия освободила за неделю почти вдвое больше территорий

Look how upset the guys are
"The US expected "much more bloodshed in Russia" — CNN

The story says that the White House was expecting a lot of blood and was very surprised that the Russians eventually dispensed with an open armed confrontation and did not shoot at each other.

As the picture became increasingly clear to US intelligence analysts that Prigozhin was going to use Wagner's forces inside Russia, it was expected that his campaign against Moscow would meet much greater resistance and be "much bloodier" than it was.

According to the American official, this surprise was compounded by the speed of the deal on Saturday, which was brokered by Belarus.

What was Prigozhin's ultimate goal in his short-lived campaign remains unclear. In the days leading up to Wagner's march, American intelligence estimated that he was going to challenge the Russian leadership, several sources said, but whether this was addressed to Putin himself or to the military leadership, which he had long opposed, is unclear.
I am surprised @ how much information differentiate for each one of us. Not going very deeply into all the information, I heard that Putin liked Prigohzin... I also remarked that both time when he made remarks, the reason was about his team being endangered first by the lack of ammunition and then helicopter firing at his team. His rant was about getting rid of two persons who seem to have resign after the "coup".
He is a successful business man but he is also with his men on the field. He has done excellent work that nobody else could have done IMO. And finally we are not in the know about what's happening. I am not going to speculate... I will just wait and see.
It is indeed a very complicated situation which could have taken everyone (including Putin) by surprise?. There are many perceivable as well as multiple levels to this, which is what is probably holding everyone's attention.
From the Financial Times
Russian warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin is still facing charges for his armed insurrection despite the Kremlin promising the charges would be dropped, according to state media.

Ria Novosti, Russia’s main state news service, cited a source in the prosecutor-general’s office as saying the charges had not been dropped. Kommersant, a Russian business newspaper, also reported that the FSB, Russia’s main security service, was still investigating Prigozhin and said “not enough time has passed to take another decision.”

Prigozhin has not been seen or heard from since he drove away from the southern army headquarters his Wagner militia briefly took over on Saturday.
The question of payment of the Russian soldiers and volunteers
There are some bumps in the road, as there often are, when big enterprises are undertaken, if not acknowledged they become bigger problems later.

Checking the input on TG from Igor Strelkov, led to a repost, and finding the source, Vladislav Shurygin (Ramzai), a military journalist, led much later to a response from a State Duma deputy of United Russia. Elena Panina, Doctor of Science in economics who is or was a Director of the Institute of International Political and Economic Strategies - RUSSTRAT

Vladislav Shurygin received a letter from his friend saying that there are issues of payment of the volunteers.
Here is a letter I received from my old comrade, who volunteered for the front in early spring. I publish the whole letter as it is. Uncut. Because the topic of payments and endless deception of soldiers has, frankly, got me!
"Vladislav, hello!

Now we, the volunteer fighters of the 31st airborne assault brigade, are being retrained in Omsk. The soldier's need forced me to write. Despite all the assurances of the high command and the orders of the president, we are still stupidly not paid money! Many have received nothing at all in the last two months! Others, including me, received only the required salary (in my case, 36500+), and the fighting has not been paid to anyone at all, although they officially guaranteed at least 204 thousand to an ordinary soldier, and this despite the fact that we have already fought on the front line, and now we are regularly listed on our own as part of all that the same 31 DSHB. They promised to transfer payments first on June 6th, then they said they would close everything by June 20th, but they didn't get a damn thing! The information has passed that now, perhaps, the money will be transferred before July 10. But by this time we will all be on the front line again and who the hell will know if the money has fallen or not, because there is no connection there and there are no ATMs there either. In short, they fool everyone's heads. The guys are angry. Many, I repeat, have not received anything at all in two months. Well, you can't do this to us!
In general, deception on the part of the Ministry of Defense is just in the order of things! I'm a volunteer. He came to the military enlistment office. They met me there, patted me on the shoulder, said: you will sign a contract and immediately receive 195 thousand rubles of one-time support from the Ministry of Defense. But, after signing, when I had already passed all the commissions, in the last office at the assembly point on Yablochkov in Moscow, I was informed with a smile that I would not receive this money, since I have a contract for 11 months, and in order to get them, I need a contract for more than a year. I was indignant – why didn't they tell me right away? I am ready to sign for two years! But they answered me, still with the same smile, that I was over 50 years old and according to the law, only a "short" contract is signed with such age volunteers - up to a year, so I'm free, soldier! Forget about the money! I asked why the military enlistment office does not talk about this? But they just shrugged their shoulders, saying that the military enlistment office has a recruitment plan. Why would they tell the truth? Just like in the movie "DMB": "Ciao, Pinocchio! My name is Sebastian Pereira, a merchant of ebony..."

Later, when I asked other Muscovites of my age, they also told me that they were lured by such a payment in military enlistment offices, and after signing the contract, they simply confronted Yablochkov with the fact. In short, from the very beginning people are fucked, sorry for my French...

but that's not all. Even those 80% of guys who have contracts for more than a year did not receive this payment. A concrete example is my partner - a contract for two years and has not yet learned this starting payment. Moreover, he did not receive a salary, and there are no fighting!

We communicate with guys from other parts as well. The same thing is happening there. The Ministry of Defense, in my opinion, has completely lost its nose, I am generally silent about conscience. Usually, this ends badly…

The guys, to put it mildly, are dissatisfied and many are ready to write reports. Everyone is worried about their families. A riot is brewing here. I'm watching everything and I really don't like it. In the meantime, after receiving the order to go back to the SVO zone, two fighters from our company just sent everyone to fuck and went home..."

After the Wagner military mutiny, is this the only thing we lack? And we are jumping! So far, our leaders have not realized all the consequences of what happened. (Рамзай) But the 'Wagnerian' march on Moscow, in fact, tabooed the topic of military riots. And it's extremely dangerous! It's time to restore order in the army, finally!

🇷🇺😍☺️🙄❗ Вот такое письмо мне пришло от моего старого товарища, добровольцем ушедшего на фронт ранней весной. Публикую письмо целиком, как оно есть. Без купюр. Потому как тема выплат и бесконечного обмана солдат уже, честно говоря, достала!
"Владислав, привет!
Сейчас мы, бойцы добровольцы 31 десантно-штурмовой бригады находимся на переучивании в Омске. Написать заставила солдатская нужда. Не смотря на все заверения высшего командования и распоряжения президента нам по-прежнему тупо не платят деньги! Многие за последние два месяца не получили вообще ничего! Другие, в том числе и я, получили только положенный оклад (в моем случае 36500+), а боевые до сих пор вообще никому не выплатили, хотя официально гарантировали минимально 204 тысячи рядовому, и это при том, что мы уже провоевали на передовой, и сейчас штатно числимся на СВО в составе всё той же 31 ДШБ. Обещали перечислить выплаты сначала 6-го июня, потом сказали до 20-го июня всем все закроют, но ни хрена ничего не получили! Инфа прошла, что теперь, возможно, перечислят деньги до 10 июля. Но к этому времени мы все снова будем на передовой и хрен там кто узнает, упали деньги или нет, потому что связи там нет и банкоматов там тоже нет. Короче, морочат всем головы. Парни озлоблены. Многие, повторюсь, вообще ничего не получили за два месяца. Ну нельзя так с нами!
Вообще обман со стороны Минобороны это просто в порядке вещей! Я доброволец. Сам пришёл в военкомат. Меня там встретили, похлопали по плечу, сказали: подпишешь контракт и сразу получишь 195 тысяч рублей единовременной поддержки от Минобороны. Но, после подписания, когда я уже все комиссии прошёл, в последнем кабинете на сборном пункте на Яблочкова в Москве мне с улыбкой сообщили, что я эти деньги не получу, так как у меня контракт на 11 месяцев, а что бы их получить нужен контракт более чем на год. Я возмутился – почему сразу не сказали? Готов подписать и на два года! Но мне, всё с той же улыбкой, ответили, что мне за 50 лет и по закону с такими возрастными добровольцам контракт подписывается только «короткий» - до года, так что свободен, солдат! О деньгах забудь! Я спросил, почему в военкомате не говорят об этом? Но там только плечами пожали, мол, у военкомата план по набору. Зачем им правду говорить? Прямо как в фильме «ДМБ»: «Чао, Буратины! Меня зовут Себастьян Перейра торговец чёрным деревом…»
Позже, когда спрашивал других ребят москвичей моего возраста, они также рассказывали, что в военкоматах завлекали такой выплатой, а на Яблочкова, после подписания контракта, просто ставили перед фактом. Короче, с самого начала людей наебывают, пардон за мой французский...
Но и это ещё не все. Даже те 80% парней, у кого контракты на сроки более года, не получили этой выплаты. Конкретный пример мой напарник - контракт на два года и до сих пор не поучил этой стартовой выплаты. Мало того, и зарплату не получил, и боевых нет!
Мы общаемся и с парнями и из других частей. Там тоже самое творится. Минобороны, по-моему, совсем нюх потеряло, про совесть вообще молчу. Обычно, такое плохо заканчивается…
Парни, мягко говоря, недовольны и многие готовы писать рапорта. Все переживают за свои семьи. Здесь бунт назревает. Я наблюдаю за всем и мне это очень не нравится. А пока, после получения приказа снова убыть в зону СВО, два бойца из нашей роты просто послали всех на хер и уехали домой..."

☄️После военного мятежа «Вагнера» нам только этого не хватает? А ведь допрыгаемся! Пока ещё наши руководители не осознали всех последствий происшедшего. (https://t.me/ramzayiegokomanda/3091)Но «вагнеровский» марш на Москву, фактически, растабуировал тему военных бунтов. И это крайне опасно! Пора в армии наводить порядок, наконец!

The post was read by Elena Panina (TG), (her Russian Wiki) who commented:
A man with a gun is a dangerous force

Vladislav Shurygin (Ramzai) correctly noted (Рамзай ): after the "Wagnerian" march on Moscow, the topic of reasons for military riots ceased to be taboo.
It has been discussed before, but sporadically, occasionally, which allowed Defense Ministry officials to ignore them. Time passed, and the abscess matured to such an extent that further silence could lead to a new military revolt. And its scale will be much larger than the Wagner conflict with the General Staff.

We are talking about two screaming outrages: deception by military enlistment offices of contract employees when concluding contracts and evasion of the required payments to military personnel, such as salary, one-time support and various kinds of compensation for injuries. That is, if the front-line soldiers criticize the Ministry of Defense for shell starvation and lack of ammunition, then here we are talking about army financiers. And about the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, unable to restore order in their department.

I receive a lot of messages from various cities of Russia: from the Urals, Siberia, even from the small resort Anapa. And everywhere it's about the same thing. More and more often you can meet young men, some without an arm, some without a leg. These are disabled veterans of the SVO. All of them say: they have never seen any payments for injuries or compensations imposed by presidential decrees and decisions of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. All rehabilitation of such disabled people is at their own expense.

What does it turn out to be? Volunteers provide assistance in supplying the Army with the necessary types of ammunition, families themselves buy uniforms and bulletproof vests for those going to the front, and then disabled people are treated at their own expense and are looking for money for prostheses.

Discontent is accumulating, because more and more such soldiers appear in the rear. Plus their families, relatives and friends. Moreover, they blame not the Ministry of Defense, but the President. This is how our consciousness works: we blame the "tsar" for everything, not the "boyars". Although it is the "boyars" who are to blame here, they are manipulating people.

A man with a gun is a dangerous force. So it was in 1917, so it almost happened with the Wagner riot. It is significant that in Rostov-on-Don, the people supported the soldiers, not the officials of the Ministry of Defense. According to unconfirmed reports, 60-70 soldiers of the Rosgvardiya and 180 soldiers of the Ministry of Defense, who were standing at checkpoints, joined Wagner on the way to Moscow. And people believe that there are reasons for this.

During the entire period of ITS, there are facts of military personnel breaking contracts precisely for financial reasons — due to non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract by the military department. The front is demotivated by financiers, logistics workers and those who are obliged to lead them. This is turning into a political problem before our eyes.

Discontent among the soldiers and officers with the actions of the Ministry of Defense is gradually growing. And if supply problems can still be explained by the difficulties of the defense industry and sanctions, then how to explain the boorish attitude towards the military from the military enlistment offices and financial departments of military units?

Is it really necessary to wait for the Russian revolt, senseless and merciless? Only this time — the revolt of a man with a gun?

At the meeting of the President with military officers, this issue was raised separately. Maybe one day we should form an exemplary company of stormtroopers from the financiers of the Ministry of Defense? Let them fight in these conditions.

How else to get to this military estate, which is listed with regiments and divisions in minor positions, but, unlike combatant officers, who at the same time drive expensive foreign cars and have several houses and apartments? Or is the military prosecutor's office no longer a decree for them?
Let's hope some of the issue find a resolution.
When I was at school in the 80's, there was an incident close to where I lived. A certain general started to gather forces to march on the capital for a coup. The capital knew about it and they let him gather his forces (including tanks and aviation) to know who's who. It is only at the last minute that they crushed his "insurrection" and arrested all prominent supporters, military and civilian. All we heared was explosions and nothing in the press. Circumstances in Russia are different of course. Whether planned or resulting from an unexpected opportunity, maybe it's a good thing to let your internal enemies reveal themselves at some point, because traitors are more dangerous than foreign enemies, and often the paranoia of not knowing whom to trust within your group can be very destructive. It's all a matter of timing.
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