Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Omg Readovka has finally stopped painting over in red the territories where the Russian troops were not even close. True, they still draw battles from the Transnistrian direction, which never happened... and there were no battles in the Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovograd regions either... In fact, this is one of the most unreliable maps, as if children were given paint and they mindlessly paint over entire regions1646946537071.png
I don't know if this is reliable, but if it is it's incredible. Nobody stopped it? And he was able to cross the border into Ukraine?

Mar. 10, 2022- Sputniknews

Report: Inspired by 'Call of Duty' & Liz Truss, UK Teen Heads to Fight in Ukraine

The UK Ministry of Defence has warned British service members against travelling to Ukraine, saying that those who ignore the ban will face disciplinary and administrative consequences.

A British teenager keen on videogames has left the country after signing up to fight for Ukraine, ITV News reported, citing the boy's concerned mother.

Jamie from Warrington is 19 years old. It only took him 36 hours to find himself in Poland as a volunteer to fight Russian troops in Ukraine, even though he has no military background and he cannot speak either Ukrainian or Polish. (Empasis Sputniknews)

According to his mother, who remained unnamed, her son simply emailed a site to volunteer before booking a one-way ticket, using a child's passport to travel. She also said that Jamie, who is obsessed with the videogame Call of Duty, allegedly signed a two-year contract with the Ukrainian military despite his lack of the necessary experience.

Jamie's family appears to have no idea where exactly the teenager is now. According to his parents, the boy done a lot of research: from reading news reports to watching YouTube videos - including addresses made by politicians.

"He's a typical lad, he goes into his room, he's been there watching all of these, then going to work, then coming home, watching them again, watching Zelenskyy when he's been on telly, watching the Prime Minister, watching Liz Truss when she's said she would back them going over there", Jamie's mother told ITV. "I think that has been one of the main reasons, the fact that it's been promoted, it's showing it's a good thing to go and help them, when it's not for a lad like him".

It appears that Jamie was able to leave for Poland without any vetting or health check-ups. According to the report, all it took for the teenager to get the ball rolling was a single e-mail that said: "Hello, I am here to sign up to help ukrain fight off Russia I was told to email you to get more information about it [sic]".

The geo-tracking that the family used to locate Jamie said he was last detected somewhere on the border with the western Ukrainian city of Lvov. Once he crossed into Ukraine, his location became unavailable.

Jamie showed up online 24 hours later, confirming to his family that he ha "signed the contract" and "received the gear". When asked how long he would stay in Ukraine, he responded "until marshal law is over [sic]".

"He thinks he is an adult but he's not, he definitely isn't an adult. The way he thinks is immature, it's immature thinking the way he thinks, he doesn't realise the severity of something like this"
, his uncle told ITV, taken aback by the fact that the volunteer organisation did not even pick up on the spelling mistakes Jamie made in his sign-up e-mail. "The fact that in 36 hours he was able to sign up is unbelievable".

The armed conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing since 24 February, when Russia launched a military operation there with the aim to "demilitarise and de-Nazify" the country and to protect the people of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics from the "genocide" that Kiev, according to the Kremlin, was waging against them. The military operation has been decried by Western countries, with the EU and the US, along with other nations, imposing harsh sanctions on Russia.

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that she would support anyone who wanted to fight in Ukraine, arguing that "the people of Ukraine are fighting for freedom and democracy, not just for Ukraine but for the whole of Europe". Her statement, however, is in stark contrast with the UK government position - something that Downing Street was quick to clarify, with Boris Johnson reiterating firm advice against travelling to Ukraine. A similar sentiment was voiced by Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, who urged UK citizens not to participate in the conflict as he did not “want to see British people killed any more than I want to see Ukrainians” dying.
Pepe Escobar has a new article and as usual brings some clarity in his usual light writing style.
Very interesting comment on MoonOfAlabama

Southfront.org is up again after 1 day, they were banned yesterday by their German dedicated server host, today they seem to have switched to a russian colocation provider.
However from behind a swiss VPN their site is visible, but their videos are not streaming, seems they don't have the bandwidth required in order to stream video and that is a big set back because their videos are their trademark.
Posted by: jimmy | Mar 10 2022 17:26 utc | 112
Bernard, I hope this isn't too long but I think it's important:
MoD Russia, [10/03/2022 13:43]
🇷🇺 🇺🇦 ☣️ Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents (doc-2022-03-10 to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine

The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.

The information received from various sources confirms the leading role of the US Defence Threat Reduction Agency in financing and conducting military biological research on the territory of Ukraine.

Details of the UP-4 project became known, which was implemented with the participation of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and was designed for the period up to 2020.

Its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza, the mortality rate of which reaches 50 percent for humans, as well as Newcastle disease.

Due to the fact that Ukraine has a unique geographical location where transcontinental migration routes intersect, 145 biological species were studied within the framework of this project. At the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were identified, whose routes pass mainly through the territory of Russia. At the same time, information about migration routes passing through the countries of Eastern Europe was summarized.

Of all the methods developed in the United States to destabilize the epidemiological situation, this is one of the most reckless and irresponsible, since it does not allow to control the further development of the situation. This is confirmed by the course of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, the occurrence and features of which raise many questions.

In addition, the R-781 project is interesting, where bats are considered as carriers of potential biological weapons agents.

Among the priorities identified are the study of bacterial and viral pathogens that can be transmitted from bats to humans: pathogens of plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as coronaviruses and filoviruses.
It is noteworthy that the research is carried out in close proximity to the borders of Russia – in the areas of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus.

The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey.

The analyzed materials on the UP-8 project, aimed at studying the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine, clearly refute the US public statement that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists. One of the documents confirms that all serious high-risk studies are conducted under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States.

The payroll of Ukrainian contractors clearly demonstrates how they are financed. It has been confirmed that the US Department of Defence paid the money for research participation directly, without the involvement of intermediaries. The extremely modest pay, by US standards, is noteworthy. This indicates a low estimation of the professionalism of Ukrainian specialists and the neglect of their American colleagues.

In addition, the studied materials contain proposals for the expansion of the US military-biological program in Ukraine. Thus, there was evidence of the continuation of completed biological projects UP-2, UP-9, UP-10, aimed at studying the pathogens of anthrax and African swine fever.

The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases. The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats - fleas and ticks from the biolab in Kharkov abroad.
MoD Russia, [10/03/2022 13:43]
Significantly, similar research was carried out in the 1940s on the development of biological weapons components by the Japanese unit 731, whose members later fled to the US to escape prosecution for war crimes.
I would like to remind you that representatives of Western countries are extremely cautious about handing over their biomaterials.

At the same time, available documents confirm numerous cases of transferring biological samples of Ukrainian citizens abroad. For example, 350 cryocontainers with blood serum samples were transferred from the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to the reference laboratory for infectious diseases of the Australian Doherty Institute under the pretext of determining antibody titers.

Another example is the German-funded project No. 68727 EN on the study of Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever pathogens and hantaviruses. As part of this project, one thousand blood serum samples of citizens from different regions of Ukraine belonging exclusively to the Slavic ethnic group were donated to the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg).

It is highly likely that one of the objectives of the US and its allies is to create bioagents capable of selectively targeting different ethnic populations.

During a hearing of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee on 8 March, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland reported on the presence of bioweapons in Ukraine where biosecurity research had been conducted. She expressed concern about the possibility of these bio-laboratories and the materials there being taken over by the Russian Armed Forces.

According to available information, the Americans have already managed to evacuate most of the documentation, including databases, biomaterials and equipment from laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa to the Lvov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene and the US Consulate in Lvov. The possibility of transferring part of the collection to Poland has not been excluded.

In fact, with her statement, Nuland indirectly confirmed the Pentagon's military-biological program in Ukraine in circumvention of existing international agreements.
➡️ Documents (doc-2022-03-10)
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Posted by: Barofsky | Mar 10 2022 17:29 utc | 113

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I did find this article searching through Duck Duck Go from November 2nd 2017 when USAF was seeking samples from Slavic/Russians

In my view, the likelihood that Putin and co. were not prepared for, or underestimated "the incredible power of the Western propaganda machine" is on the lower side
As Russia invaded, hackers broke into a Ukrainian internet provider. Then they did it again as bombs rained down @iblametom reports for @Forbes
Or people that spread items like the tweet below. With assumption's based on farcical evidence.

Like the Woke ideology is the new normal for a non-thinking population on everything.

Then there is still HOPE!

One of three map references of possible movement's by the advancing Russian Army.

Short new spotted on Telegram, dunno if important or relevant but it's a quick one / fact - title says almost all :
More desperation and want to create a climate of chaos disguised as courage.

Zelenskiy signed into law a law allowing civilians to use firearms in Ukraine and participate in the "containment" of Russian troops. Taking such measures, Kiev demonstrates colossal irresponsibility, experts say


Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law that allows civilians to use firearms. According to the document, citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreigners and stateless persons, can “participate in repelling and deterring” Russian troops, as well as receive firearms and ammunition for them, or use personal weapons. The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov reacted to the adoption of this law. According to him, those who, with weapons in their hands, will confront the Russian military, "will also become targets." According to experts, by taking such measures, the Kiev authorities not only pose a great danger to the civilian population of Ukraine, but also once again demonstrate their colossal irresponsibility.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law on ensuring the participation of civilians in the defense of Ukraine, which allows the local population to use firearms. The document was published by the adviser to the Ukrainian head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko in his Telegram channel.

“During wartime, citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreigners and stateless persons who are legally located on the territory of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as civilians), may take part in repelling and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and / or other states, in including receiving firearms and ammunition for them,” the law says.

“Armed aggression” Kiev calls the special military operation announced on February 24 by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify, which is designed to protect the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics from the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the same time, the new Ukrainian law provides for the waiver of the responsibility of the civilian population for the use of firearms "against persons who carry out armed aggression against Ukraine."

“The use by civilians of firearms obtained in accordance with this law is carried out similarly to the use of weapons by military personnel during their tasks to repel armed aggression against Ukraine,” the document says.

In addition, “during the period of martial law” Ukrainian citizens can take part “in repelling and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and / or other states”, using their own weapons, including pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns.


  • Law "On ensuring the participation of civilians in the defense of Ukraine"

According to Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the document signed by Zelensky now targets any Ukrainian citizen who takes up arms.

“If you remember, from the very beginning, President Putin called on everyone to lay down their arms, and this will precisely guarantee that no one will shoot at anyone, ” Peskov said .

According to him, it is the armed attacks of the nationalist battalions that force the Russian military to "respond fire."

“Therefore, of course, if someone attacks our military with weapons in their hands, then they will also become targets,” Peskov said.

“It will lead to extremely negative consequences”​

As military expert Alexei Leonkov noted in a conversation with RT, the new law that Zelensky signed creates a colossal danger for the civilian population of the country.

“Already legislated distribution of firearms and ammunition to civilians, as well as permission to use their own weapons, will lead to chaos in the situation in Ukraine, to an increase in the number of victims among the local population, including due to accidents,” the analyst said.

In turn, the leading expert of the RISS Research Coordination Center Sergey Yermakov believes that the law “On Ensuring the Participation of Civilians in the Defense of Ukraine” was signed by Zelensky out of desperation: since the Armed Forces of Ukraine are rapidly losing their positions, the Kiev authorities in this situation need to mobilize the civilian population as much as possible.

“In fact, all civilians are transferred to general mobilization, and absolutely uncontrolled. This will lead to extremely negative consequences, since most of the civilians do not have combat experience. Ukrainian criminals will actively take advantage of the situation and will use the weapons received from Kyiv for their own personal, criminal purposes, ”Ermakov said in an interview with RT.

The law “On Ensuring the Participation of Civilians in the Defense of Ukraine” is not the first measure taken by Kyiv to aggravate the situation in the country. Earlier, on February 26, the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov, told reporters about the uncontrolled distribution of small arms and ammunition by the Ukrainian authorities to the civilian population.

“The Kyiv nationalist regime massively and uncontrollably distributes automatic small arms, grenade launchers and ammunition to residents of Ukrainian settlements,” Konashenkov said.

According to him, the involvement of the Ukrainian civilian population in hostilities "will inevitably lead to accidents and casualties."

“We call on the people of Ukraine to be conscious, not to succumb to these provocations of the Kiev regime and not to expose themselves and their loved ones to unnecessary suffering,” Konashenkov stressed.

In addition, in order to fight the Russian army, the Ukrainian authorities began to release former servicemen from places of deprivation of liberty and pre-trial detention centers. This was announced by the prosecutor of the office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Sinyuk in a commentary to Hromadske.

“We are talking about a large number of people who are in custody and are already serving sentences throughout the country,” Sinyuk said, noting that release issues are being resolved “at the highest level.”

"On the verge of absurdity"​

According to Sergey Yermakov, taking all these measures, including the release of prisoners with a military background, as well as the distribution of weapons to the civilian population and permission to use their weapons, "the Kiev authorities are showing irresponsibility in the highest degree."

“But the most dangerous thing in this situation is that the weapons will go to criminal groups. And this is a catastrophe for the civilian population, since it is against them that criminals with weapons will act, who will simply dissolve in the mass of local residents. These will be armed gangs that will start fighting, as they say, against everyone, ”the expert emphasized.

At the same time, Yermakov is sure that such innovations by the Kiev authorities will in no way strengthen the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“On the Russian side, highly professional, trained military personnel are taking part in the special operation. And in the conditions when the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including those formed from nationalists, are losing their positions and are forced to retreat, Zelensky, with his new law, actually sends civilians to the forefront, who for the most part have no combat experience. From a military point of view, this is meaningless and on the verge of absurdity. Such a measure will bring more harm to Ukraine itself,” the analyst said.

A similar opinion is shared by Alexei Leonkov. According to him, the chaos that arose after the mass and uncontrolled distribution of weapons to the Ukrainian population in February, with the adoption of a new law on the legalization of the use of firearms by civilians, will only increase.

“As soon as the first batch of machine guns was distributed to local residents in Ukraine, lawlessness reigned on the streets. Many do with these weapons what they please, and often against their own compatriots - no one has canceled looting. Now Zelensky is trying to legitimize this lawlessness due to innovations. In fact, the Ukrainian president is a criminal who pushes civilians to senseless sacrifices, ”the expert said.

Leonkov explained that in the context of the frenzied propaganda of the Kiev authorities and the law legalizing the use of weapons by the civilian population, the radicals in Ukraine will be able to form entire detachments and surreptitiously act against the Russian troops, who will have to react to this.

“There is a special military operation going on. As soon as someone picks up a weapon and starts shooting at the Russian military, he immediately receives a mirror response. It is already clear that Zelensky's actions make no sense. The confrontation between civilians, albeit radical ones, and professional military men most often ends in favor of the latter, ”the analyst emphasized.

According to Leonkov, the actions of the Kiev authorities, which first uncontrollably distributed weapons to the Ukrainian population, then released prisoners with a military background from prisons, and now allowed the civilian population to use their own weapons, once again confirm that “Kyiv seeks not to protect its citizens, but throw them into the embrasure."

“The Ukrainian authorities do not think about saving the lives of the citizens of their country. One gets the impression that they are doing everything to ensure that there are as many victims as possible among the population, so that later they can blame Russia for what happened, ”the expert concluded.

Украинский лидер Владимир Зеленский подписал закон, который позволяет гражданским лицам применять огнестрельное оружие. Согласно документу граждане Украины, а также иностранцы и лица без гражданства могут «участвовать в отпоре и сдерживании» войск России, а также получать огнестрельное оружие и боеприпасы к нему или применять личное оружие. На принятие этого закона отреагировал пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков. По его словам, лица, которые с оружием в руках будут противостоять российским военным, «тоже станут целями». По мнению экспертов, принимая подобные меры, киевские власти не только создают большую опасность для гражданского населения Украины, но и в очередной раз демонстрируют свою колоссальную безответственность.
Украинский президент Владимир Зеленский подписал закон «Об обеспечении участия гражданских лиц в защите Украины», который разрешает местному населению применять огнестрельное оружие. Документ был опубликован советником украинского главы МВД Антоном Геращенко в его Telegram-канале.

«В период действия военного времени граждане Украины, а также иностранцы и лица без гражданства, которые на законных основаниях находятся на территории Украины (далее — гражданские лица), могут принимать участие в отпоре и сдерживании вооружённой агрессии Российской Федерации и/или других государств, в том числе получить огнестрельное оружие и боеприпасы к нему», — говорится в законе.
«Вооружённой агрессией» Киев называет объявленную 24 февраля президентом России Владимиром Путиным специальную военную операцию на Украине по демилитаризации и денацификации, которая призвана защитить Луганскую и Донецкую народные республики от действий ВСУ.

При этом новый украинский закон предусматривает отказ от ответственности гражданского населения за применение огнестрельного оружия «против лиц, которые осуществляют вооружённую агрессию против Украины».

«Применение гражданскими лицами огнестрельного оружия, полученного в соответствии с данным законом, осуществляется аналогично применению оружия военнослужащими во время выполнения ими заданий по отпору вооружённой агрессии против Украины», — говорится в документе.

Кроме того, «в период действия военного положения» украинские граждане могут принимать участие «в отпоре и сдерживании вооружённой агрессии Российской Федерации и/или других государств», применяя собственное оружие, включая пистолеты, револьверы, винтовки, гладкоствольные ружья.


  • Закон «Об обеспечении участия гражданских лиц в защите Украины»

По мнению пресс-секретаря президента России Дмитрия Пескова, подписанный Зеленским документ теперь делает мишенью любого гражданина Украины, взявшего в руки оружие.

«Если вы помните, с самого начала президент Путин призвал всех сложить оружие, и это как раз и станет гарантией того, что никто ни по кому не будет стрелять, — сказал Песков.

По его словам, именно вооружённые атаки батальонов националистов вынуждают российских военных «вести ответный огонь».

«Поэтому, конечно, если кто-то будет с оружием в руках атаковать наших военных, то они тоже станут целями», — заявил Песков.

«Приведёт к крайне негативным последствиям»​

Как отметил военный эксперт Алексей Леонков в разговоре с RT, новый закон, который подписал Зеленский, создаёт колоссальную опасность для мирного населения страны.

«Уже законодательно закреплённая раздача гражданским лицам огнестрельного оружия и боеприпасов, а также разрешение на использование собственных вооружений приведёт к хаотизации обстановки на Украине, к увеличению количества жертв среди местного населения, в том числе из-за несчастных случаев», — заявил аналитик.

В свою очередь, ведущий эксперт Центра координации исследований РИСИ Сергей Ермаков считает, что закон «Об обеспечении участия гражданских лиц в защите Украины» подписан Зеленским от безысходности: поскольку ВСУ стремительно теряют свои позиции, киевским властям в этой ситуации нужно максимально мобилизовать мирное население.

«Фактически всех мирных жителей переводят на всеобщую мобилизацию, причём абсолютно бесконтрольную. Это приведёт к крайне негативным последствиям, поскольку большая часть мирных жителей не имеет боевого опыта. Украинский же криминалитет активно воспользуется ситуацией и будет применять полученное от Киева оружие в своих личных, преступных целях», — отметил Ермаков в беседе с RT.

Закон «Об обеспечении участия гражданских лиц в защите Украины» — не первая мера Киева, направленная на обострение ситуации в стране. Ранее, 26 февраля, официальный представитель Минобороны РФ генерал-майор Игорь Конашенков сообщил журналистам о неконтролируемой раздаче украинскими властями стрелкового оружия и боеприпасов гражданскому населению.

«Киевский националистический режим массово и бесконтрольно раздаёт жителям украинских населённых пунктов автоматическое стрелковое оружие, гранатомёты и боеприпасы», — заявил Конашенков.

По его словам, втягивание украинского мирного населения в боевые действия «неминуемо приведёт к несчастным случаям и жертвам».

«Призываем жителей Украины проявить сознательность, не поддаваться на эти провокации киевского режима и не подвергать себя и своих близких никому не нужным страданиям», — подчеркнул Конашенков.
Кроме того, для борьбы с российской армией украинские власти начали выпускать из мест лишения свободы и СИЗО бывших военнослужащих. Об этом сообщил прокурор офиса генерального прокурора Украины Андрей Синюк в комментарии изданию Hromadske.

«Речь идёт о большом количестве лиц, которые находятся под стражей и уже отбывают наказание по всей стране», — заявил Синюк, отметив, что вопросы освобождения решаются «на самом высоком уровне».

«На грани абсурда»​

По мнению Сергея Ермакова, принимая все эти меры, включая освобождение заключённых с военным прошлым, а также раздачу гражданскому населению оружия и разрешение использовать свои вооружения, «киевские власти проявляют безответственность в высшей степени».

«Но опаснее всего в этой ситуации то, что оружие достанется криминальным группам. И это катастрофа для гражданского населения, поскольку именно против него будут действовать преступники с вооружениями, которые просто растворятся в массе местных жителей. Это будут вооружённые банды, которые начнут воевать, что называется, против всех», — подчеркнул эксперт.

При этом Ермаков уверен, что такого рода нововведения киевских властей никак не укрепят позиции ВСУ.

«С российской стороны в спецоперации принимают участие высокопрофессиональные, подготовленные военные кадры. И в условиях, когда ВСУ, сформированные в том числе из националистов, теряют свои позиции и вынуждены отступать, Зеленский своим новым законом фактически отправляет на передовую мирных людей, которые по большей части не имеют никакого боевого опыта. С военной точки зрения это бессмысленно и на грани абсурда. Такая мера принесёт больше вреда самой Украине», — сказал аналитик.

Схожего мнения придерживается и Алексей Леонков. По его словам, тот хаос, который возник после массовой и бесконтрольной раздачи оружия украинскому населению в феврале, с принятием нового закона о легализации использования огнестрельного оружия гражданскими лицами будет только нарастать.

«Как только на Украине местным жителям раздали первую партию автоматов, на улицах воцарился беспредел. Многие делают с этим оружием то, что им вздумается, причём часто против своих же соотечественников — мародёрство никто не отменял. Сейчас Зеленский за счёт нововведений пытается этот беспредел узаконить. По сути, украинский президент является преступником, который подталкивает мирных людей на бессмысленные жертвы», — заявил эксперт.

Леонков пояснил, что в условиях оголтелой пропаганды киевских властей и закона, легализующего использование гражданским населением оружия, радикалы на Украине смогут формировать целые отряды и выступать исподтишка против российских войск, которым придётся на это реагировать.

«Идёт специальная военная операция. Как только кто-то берёт в руки оружие и начинает стрелять в российских военных, он сразу получает зеркальный ответ. Уже сейчас понятно, что в действиях Зеленского нет смысла. Противостояние гражданских, пусть и радикально настроенных, и профессиональных военных чаще всего заканчивается в пользу последних», — подчеркнул аналитик.

Как заявил Леонков, действия киевских властей, которые сначала бесконтрольно раздали украинскому населению оружие, потом выпустили из тюрем заключённых с военным прошлым, а теперь разрешили гражданскому населению использовать и собственное оружие, в который раз подтверждают, что «Киев стремится не защитить своих граждан, а бросить их на амбразуру».

«Украинские власти не думают о сохранении жизней граждан своей страны. Складывается впечатление, что они делают всё для того, чтобы было как можно больше жертв среди населения, чтобы потом вину за случившееся возложить на Россию», — заключил эксперт.
I don't know if this is reliable, but if it is it's incredible. Nobody stopped it? And he was able to cross the border into Ukraine?

Mar. 10, 2022- Sputniknews

Maybe it is reliable, though I wonder if some of these people, perhaps, might not be joining the Ukrainian army and joining a neo-nazi group instead. This situation makes me think of a vacuum or magnet that's sucking or drawing a certain type of person to the area.

RT has this one from Mar. 10, 2022:

Around 100 Americans screened to join Ukrainian forces

Approximately 100 US citizens have passed the screening to join the Ukrainian armed forces fighting the Russian offensive, Kiev’s military attaché in Washington DC has revealed.

Since Moscow launched its invasion of its neighbor on February 24, some 6,000 people, mostly Americans, have reached out to the Ukrainian Embassy in the US to express their willingness to serve alongside Ukrainian forces, Major General Borys Kremenetskyi, has told the news agency AP.

Interviews with volunteers have been conducted
by Kremenetskyi and other diplomatic staff in the US capital via Zoom.

According to the official, half the applicants had to be rejected early in the vetting process as they did not have the required military experience, had a criminal background, or were either too young or too old. Others did not make the list because the embassy was not able to adequately check their background. To be granted official permission to fight for Ukraine, those candidates who make it through the initial stages have to undertake a final Zoom interview.

Before any foreigner can join up, they are required to sign a contract to serve without pay in the International Legion for the Territorial Defense of Ukraine. The combatants have first to get themselves to Poland, then cross the Polish-Ukrainian border at a specified point. They are given weapons on arrival in Ukraine, but are expected to provide their own protective gear.

Kiev estimates suggest that, since the start of the war, approximately 20,000 foreign fighters from dozens of countries across the world have joined the Ukrainian forces.

Kremenetskyi said that among those American volunteers deemed eligible were veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars with combat experience, including a number of helicopter pilots.

The US government has advised its citizens against heading to the war zone. In fact, last Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Americans who might be thinking of traveling there “not to go.” The State Department says that it is unclear how many have arrived in Ukraine since the start of the war, however.

According to an unnamed senior US federal law enforcement official cited by AP, Americans taking part in a military conflict abroad could face criminal charges at home or even lose their citizenship, under certain circumstances.

Several other experts the news outlet spoke with noted that such volunteers could potentially be recruited by foreign intelligence services while in the war zone and continue working for them on their return to the US. Others pointed to the risks to America’s national security posed by white supremacists, who are believed to be among the new recruits, and who could become even more radicalized in Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense, for its part, warned “foreign mercenaries” last week that they would not be considered prisoners of war should they be captured by Russian troops.

Ukraine’s military attaché in the US insists that the volunteers are “not mercenaries who are coming to earn money,” but rather “people of goodwill who are coming to assist Ukraine to fight for freedom.” Kremenetskyi told AP it was the “unfair” and “unprovoked” nature of Moscow’s attack that was compelling Americans to “go and help” Ukraine, asserting that “Russians can be stopped only with hard fists and weapons.

A series of physical reprisals against unwanted people continues in Kiev. During an attempt to detain Ukrainian security forces, the former deputy head of the Main Directorate of the SBU for Kiev and the Kiev region, Dmitry Demyanenko, was killed.

Outcome of 'difficult' Russia-Ukraine talks revealed The talks between the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers were hosted by Turkey
10 Mar, 2022 10:05 Home Russia & FSU
Russia and Ukraine have not yet reached a ceasefire agreement, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told journalists after meeting his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Turkey on Thursday. He described the talks as having been “difficult.”

Lavrov said Kiev had been invited to review a Russian proposal as to how the ongoing hostilities between the two countries might be resolved. Kuleba reiterated that his country did not intend to meet Russia’s demands.

The meeting in the Turkish city of Antalya was separate from the Belarus-hosted peace talks, three rounds of which have concluded without any significant progress having been made.

Lavrov stressed that the Thursday meeting was not a substitute for talks in Belarus. He suggested Kiev’s goal at the meeting was to create the impression that it was doing its best on the diplomatic front.

“They always want to substitute real work on implementing agreements by inventing new formats that are supposed to be covered prominently in the news,” the minister said. “I am not surprised that Mr. Kuleba made a statement that we didn’t agree to a ceasefire. Nobody was negotiating it here in the first place.”

Commenting on the possibility of holding negotiations at presidential level, Lavrov said Russian President Vladimir Putin would not meet with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky just for the sake of having a meeting.

Russia launched an attack on Ukraine in late February, having accused it of stonewalling attempts to peacefully resolve its conflict with the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and compromising Russian national security through allowing in NATO forces. Moscow says its goals are to demilitarize Ukraine and eradicate radical nationalist elements in its government and armed forces.

Kiev and its Western supporters called the attack an unprovoked act of aggression. The US and its allies have imposed harsh sanctions on Moscow, intended to cripple Russia’s economy, and also ramped up their supply of arms to Ukraine, but have refused to intervene in the conflict militarily.
I think this is part of Information Warfare of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. They are pushing these pictures of pretty women with clean gear to draw sympathy to Ukrainian's plight. My guess these photos were made before the fighting began. I strongly doubt they are anywhere close to front lines where fighting is happening.
True, but if so, then it makes the black sun symbol even more egregious, as it wasn't that a woman soldier was accidentally carrying it and nobody noticed. Rather, they thought it would make for better 'eye candy'! But then neonazis in Ukraine have never really been shy about it.
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