Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine



Interesting development after one month, many people did not expect this, if Russians took the Kyiv immediately, we could maybe see the end of the war and Ukraine would not have other option (of course they would have other options but I think you can understand what I want to say ) except accepting the Russian terms, because what else they can do without their capital town and possibly much less people would die.

Of course, it is clear that it was stupid idea to support Russian forces in areas Russians occupied in north of Ukraine and later on left, because those people, if there were such, can expect repercussions and no good from Ukrainian forces now.
It could be said that Russian forces/Putin betrayed them in a way.
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Trying to look up the situation with Bucha I came across the flag of the Security Services of Ukraine,

Which reminded me of other flags:
Standard of the German Emperor, 1871-1918
And the German Reich war flags:

And the flag of the German ministry of defence 1933-1935
Is this more than a coincidence? I found in Ukrainian War of Independence - Wikipedia
Faced with imminent defeat, the Rada turned to its still hostile opponents – the Central Powers – for a truce and alliance, which was accepted by Germany in the first Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (signed on February 9, 1918) in return for desperately needed food supplies which the Ukrainian People's Republic would provide to the Germans. The Imperial German and Austro-Hungarian armies then drove the Bolsheviks out of Ukraine, taking Kiev on March 1. Two days later, the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which formally ended hostilities on the Eastern Front of World War I and left Ukraine in a German sphere of influence. The Ukrainian People's Army took control of the Donets Basin in April 1918.[4] Also in April 1918 Crimea was cleared of Bolshevik forces by Ukrainian troops and the Imperial German Army.[5][6] On March 13, 1918 Ukrainian troops and the Austro-Hungarian Army secured Odessa.[5] On April 5, 1918 the German army took control of Yekaterinoslav, and 3 days later Kharkov.[7] By April 1918 all Bolshevik gains in Ukraine were lost; this was due to the apathy of the locals and the then-inferior fighting skills of the Red Army compared to their Austro-Hungarian and German counterparts.[7]

Yet disturbances continued throughout Eastern Ukraine, where local Bolsheviks, peasant self-defense groups known as "green armies", and the anarchist Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine refused to subordinate to Germany. Former Imperial Russian Army General Pavlo Skoropadsky led a successful German-backed coup against the Rada on April 29.[2] Skoropadsky proclaimed the conservative Ukrainian State (also known as the "Hetmanate") with himself as monarch, and reversed many of the socialist policies of the former government. The new government had close ties to Berlin, but Skoropadsky never declared war on any of the Triple Entente powers; he also placed Ukraine in a position that made it a safe haven for many upper- and middle-class people fleeing Bolshevik Russia, and was keen on recruiting many former Russian Army soldiers and officers.

Despite sporadic harassment from Makhno, the territory of the Hetmanate enjoyed relative peace until November 1918; when the Central Powers were defeated on the Western Front, Germany completely withdrew from Ukraine. Skoropadsky left Kiev with the Germans, and the Hetmanate was in turn overthrown by the socialist Directorate.
Perhaps there is not only a symbolic connection, revealing a historical connection, there may in the history also be a message to the present.
Also while looking for Bucha information, there was:
Ukrainian war crimes and human rights violations 2017-2020, (400 page) by M.S. Grigoriev, Director of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy, member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and D.V. Sablin, First Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian organization “Brothers in Arms”
An earlier edition of the above is only in Russian. There is also one on Euromaidan, but only in Russian.
They have other publications, but most others are only in Russian, though one does find:
12.07.2019 The Report 'Undeniable Proof of Falsification of the Incident Involving toxic chemicals as a weapon in Douma on 7 april 2018' presented on the press-conference, Hague.
20.12.2018 The Report 'The White Helmets: Terrorist Accomplices and a Source of Disinformation' presented on the Roundtable in UN, New-York.

The report about the republics is shorter (13 pages) and published by The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Parts of Ukraine’s Donbas since 2014 — Halya Coynash
In UI Reports on Human Rights and Security in Eastern Europe, No. 1
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Interesting development after one month, many people did not expect this, if Russians took the Kyiv immediately, we could maybe see the end of the war and Ukraine would not have other option (of course they would have other options but I think you can understand what I want to say ) except accepting the Russian terms, because what else they can do without their capital town and possibly much less people would die.

Of course, it is clear that it was stupid idea to support Russian forces in areas Russians occupied in north of Ukraine and later on left, because those people, if there were such, can expect repercussions and no good from Ukrainian forces now.
It could be said that Russian forces/Putin betrayed them in a way.

I‘m pretty certain what Putin and co. say - namely that the operation is working according to the plans - is true. I think there is a good likelihood that it was planned to take at least till next year, from the get-go, as Joe and Niall suggested in one of the last shows.

Further, I think the russians have planned quite a number of different ways to achieve their goals, which can switch dynamically and constantly according to the reality on the ground. Multiple ways to achieve the goals. I’m also fairly certain that their plans for different szenarios
are very sophisticated and smart and invole a lot of unexpected maneuvers in order to confuse the enemy. What we see above, might be something like that.

I‘m also fairly certain that nobody (except Putin and co) really knows (or can predict), what the exact strategies are and what exact moves come next. Therefore I think we will find ourselves surprised and „confused“ over and over again in the coming months on what they are doing, until the job is finished.

At this point, my wild guess is that the russians might not have planned to „get“ Kiev and other major cities at all from the get-go and that they might consider to just completely „denazify“ and „control“ the eastern part of the country, while the nazi and western infested western part will be left for the europeans to deal with.

Therefore, I think there is a good likelihood that they won’t touch Kiev and other major cities at all. We also have to keep in mind the clear principles Putin emphasized again and again over the years (international law/ un charta etc.) such as the fact that regime change is against those laws. I think Putin might show us by example here that the russians won’t do something like that and act strictly according to international law.

I think we also have to keep in mind that Putin and co. approach this very rationally, with two primary concerns in mind. First: as little damage to civilians and infrastructure as possible, and second: not wasting the lifes of those brave soldiers unnecessarily, by stupid and/or unnecessary actions.

It could also be that part of the plan involves that reality should show/educate the propaganda filled Ukraine population who is really evil here and who tries to help them. Learning things the hard way, sort of, by seeing closely what type of monsters they are supporting and what they do to them. And how the russians act humanely and decently on the other side as contrast. Could result in a much more russian friendly and cohesive population at the end.
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I‘m pretty certain what Putin and co. say - namely that the operation is working according to the plans - is true. I think there is a good likelihood that it was planned to take at least till next year, from the get-go, as Joe and Niall suggested in one of the last shows.

Further, I think the russians have planned quite a number of different ways to achieve their goals, which can switch dynamically and constantly according to the reality on the ground. Multiple ways to achieve the goals. I’m also fairly certain that their plans for different szenarios
are very sophisticated and smart and invole a lot of unexpected maneuvers in order to confuse the enemy. What we see above, might be something like that.

I‘m also fairly certain that nobody (except Putin and co) really knows (or can predict), what the exact strategies are and what exact moves come next. Therefore I think we will find ourselves surprised and „confused“ over and over again in the coming months on what they are doing, until the job is finished.

At this point, my wild guess is that the russians might not have planned to „get“ Kiev and other major cities at all from the get-go and that they might consider to just completely „denazify“ and „control“ the eastern part of the country, while the nazi and western infested western part will be left for the europeans to deal with.

Therefore, I think there is a good likelihood that they won’t touch Kiev and other major cities at all. We also have to keep in mind the clear principles Putin emphasized again and again over the years (international law/ un charta etc.) such as the fact that regime change is against those laws. I think Putin might show us by example here that the russians won’t do something like that and act strictly according to international law.

I think we also have to keep in mind that Putin and co. approach this very rationally, with two primary concerns in mind. First: as little damage to civilians and infrastructure as possible, and second: not wasting the lifes of those brave soldiers unnecessarily, by stupid and/or unnecessary actions.

It could also be that part of the plan involves that reality should show/educate the propaganda filled Ukraine population who is really evil here and who tries to help them. Learning things the hard way, sort of, by seeing closely what type of monsters they are supporting and what they do to them. And how the russians act humanely and decently on the other side as contrast. Could result in a much more russian friendly and cohesive population at the end.

I think it is very mature and wise what you write, because no one knows so exactly what is in Vladimir Putin's head, and his decisions can change depending on the current circumstances and situation.

He is an outstanding strategist in our current times and he is damn effective as a leader of his own country and not only because he also thinks about other people on the planet, e.g. the citizens of the USA, or Europe and Asia and Oceania whether they understand his moves or decisions properly and at all or they don't understand them at all.

I have the impression that he (Vladimir) needs support in the form of letters, petitions, thanks for what he is doing for ordinary people, and just these words from people around the world give him strength and encouragement for his masterful game against the West and its psychopathic, corrupt elites.

I personally think that he will do great against the creators of "empty money" which is the dollar, but not by killing the people who issue it and use their military and economic power against all the nations on Earth, but by weakening and eliminating the dollar, the green paper which is their supposed power, in which almost all the people on Earth now believe.

My question is where is Ihor Kolomoisky now? Maybe the Russians should take an interest in supposedly neutral countries and some of their residents and citizens?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Would Pierre's post be one example of what Zelensky's Ukraine would look like?

Ukraine will be a 'big Israel' – Zelensky

President predicts that soldiers will police public spaces in Ukraine after conflict with Russia ends

6 Apr, 2022 06:35

President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that Ukraine will look to Israel for inspiration concerning its future security arrangements, arguing that an “absolutely liberal” Kiev is now “impossible” after Moscow’s attack in late February.

Speaking to journalists on Tuesday, the president said security would be the “number one” issue for Ukrainians for the next decade, even going so far as to forecast a lasting armed military presence in the streets.

“Ukraine will definitely not be what we wanted it to be from the beginning. It is impossible. Absolutely liberal, European – it will not be like that,” he said. “We will become a ‘big Israel’ with its own face. We will not be surprised if we have representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in cinemas, supermarkets, and people with weapons.”

Reached by Haaretz following Zelensky’s comments, Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk said that “no matter what happens next, [things] in Ukraine will be similar to the security situation in Israel,” also adding that “you will see more armed people in the streets, even when things become more peaceful than they are now.”

“Israelis have lived surrounded by enemies for all of their history and Ukraine will be doing the same,”
he continued.

Despite a brief spat between Zelensky and Israeli lawmakers last month after the president compared Ukraine’s situation to the Holocaust, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has made several offers to mediate negotiations between Kiev and Moscow, saying he feels obligated to help bring an end to the fighting. Turkey has played a similar role, holding multiple high-level talks on its soil in recent weeks.

Zelensky was openly critical of Tel Aviv in comments to the Knesset in March, accusing the government of “apathy” and “mediation without taking a side” while demanding military support for Ukraine. He later scaled back those comments, however, acknowledging that “Israel has its interests” and a “strategy to protect its citizens.”

“The prime minister of Israel, Mr. Bennett, is trying to find a way of holding talks, and we are grateful for this,”
he said. “We are grateful for his efforts so that sooner or later we will begin to have talks with Russia, possibly in Jerusalem.”

Russia reacts to Zelensky assassination claims

Moscow rejects allegations it has plans to kill the Ukrainian leader

6 Apr, 2022 12:24

Russia has no plans to kill Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky or to remove him from power, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has stated.

“No, this is not true,” Peskov replied, when asked on Wednesday to comment on speculations that Moscow wanted Zelensky dead, during an interview French broadcaster LCI.

He also insisted that regime change in the neighboring country wasn’t among the goals of Russia’s ongoing military operation.

Zelensky “is the President of Ukraine,” Peskov noted, and what Moscow wants from him is to agree to the demands that the Russian delegation has put forward during peace negotiations.

“Through those talks we want to put an end to the military operation,” Peskov said, adding that Moscow’s recent decision to withdraw its troops from areas near the Ukrainian capital Kiev was a gesture of good will aimed at facilitating their positive outcome.

The latest face-to-face round of negotiations between delegations from Moscow and Kiev took place in Istanbul, Turkey, a week ago.

Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the 2014 Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia is now demanding that Ukraine officially adopt neutrality and that it will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists Russia’s offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it had been planning to retake the secessionist regions by force.

Late ultra-nationalist firebrand politician Zhirinovsky on democracy, Jewishness, sex, and more

The veteran MP was famous for his often controversial and headline-grabbing public remarks

6 Apr, 2022 13:35

Late ultra-nationalist firebrand politician Zhirinovsky on democracy, Jewishness, sex, and more

Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Alexander NEMENOV / AFP

On Wednesday, one of the most colourful politicians of modern Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, passed away. He had a unique personal style that left few people indifferent.

Zhirinovsky’s incendiary rhetoric and crude humor garnered him as many critics as fans. Both traits are evident in his arguably most famous quote: “I dream that Russian soldiers washed their boots in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and switched to summer uniforms for good."

RT has compiled some of his other memorable public remarks about various issues, from politics to lifestyle.

On presidential ambition
"My hands are clean, but if I ever become president, they'll be covered in blood."

On Russian language
"Don't make kids learn English. Let them study the Kalashnikov rifle instead. Then, the entire world will speak Russian soon.

On democracy in Russia
"Where did the mad cow disease come from? British democracy. What kind of democracy are you even talking about if 65% of Russia is permafrost?"

On his partial Jewish background
"Why would I ever renounce Russian blood, Russian culture, Russian land and love the entire Jewish people just because my father left a drop of Jewish blood in my mother's body?"

On smoking
"Let our people smoke. Smoking and drinking every day is the only salvation from suicide. If they stop smoking, they'll be hanging themselves."

On sex
"We'll introduce a new standard for sex lives: one time in three months. The young generation has a new standard thanks to porn and frivolous movies: the more the better. The less the better!"

More on sex
"Sex is a large part of my life, unfortunately."

On stress
"How do I deal with stress? I ordered cheap plates in every office. Won't regret smashing them if it comes to that."

On holidays
"On Friday, Muslims don't work, on Saturdays Jews don't work, on Sundays Orthodox Christians don't work. On Monday comes the revolution."

On women in politics
“Politics should be about sober calculations, there is no place for lyrics here… [Ukraine, Ex-Prime Minister Yulia] Tymoshenko is a woman, I’m sorry to say. I don’t like them, because it’s easier to make a woman change her mind.”

On the British government
“Not a single embassy in Moscow has diplomats as insolent as Britain’s. The most odious intelligence in the world is Britain’s MI-6. And the biggest spies are the British journalists. They get their paycheck from two places.”
There are rumors that the Russian army captured U.S. Major General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. in the besieged Ukrainian Azov camp in Mariupol as reported by Hal Turner's show.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry (via TASS) two Mi-8's had been sent to evacuate Azov leaders and were shot down near Mariupol.

If these reports are correct would that make the U.S. officer a combatant since he would have been acting among Ukrainian and Nazi fighters at the frontline?

He would not have been found in civilian clothes as tourist, would he?

Could he be considered as a mercenary or as a U.S. officer on duty?

Would an event like this put Russia and the U.S. technically in a state of war?
The article does not say, but the statements were made by Igor Konashénkov... we will have to see what happens in the next few days.

Russia Accuses Ukraine Of "Staging" New Footage Of Dead Civilians​

Russia-Ukraine War: The Russian defence ministry said on Tuesday that the Ukrainian military recorded a fake video that purported to show "peaceful civilians allegedly killed by the Russian armed forces."​

Russia on Tuesday accused Ukraine of staging new civilian deaths in a number of locations in an effort to pin the blame on Moscow.

The Russian defence ministry made the assertion after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demanded tough new sanctions on Moscow over killings in the town of Bucha that have prompted international condemnation.

The Russian defence ministry said on Tuesday that the Ukrainian military recorded a fake video that purported to show "peaceful civilians allegedly killed by the Russian armed forces."

The video was made on Monday evening in the settlement of Moshchun some 20 kilometres (12 miles) northwest of Kyiv and was designed to be distributed through Western media, Moscow said.

"Similar events are now being organised by the Ukrainian special services in Sumy, Konotop and other cities," the Russian defence ministry said, referring to cities in northeastern Ukraine.

The ministry did not say how it obtained the information in its statement.

At the weekend, dozens of bodies, some with their hands bound behind them, were discovered in Bucha near Kyiv after the withdrawal of Russian troops.

Ukraine has blamed Russian forces, with Zelensky describing the killings as "war crimes" and "genocide".

Russia Accuses Ukraine Of "Staging" New Footage Of Dead Civilians

There have already been at least three attempts to rescue generals with helicopters in Mariúpol and all have failed.

The EU forgot that China exists. The factory of the world.

By the way, without falling into calls for war... if China invades Taiwan in the relatively near future, its chip industry would be further boosted and supplies to other countries could be jeopardized or even more difficult to obtain.

More casual days: ( very graphic and "heavy" images:

Joe Biden or Vladimir Putin?:

Former US President Barack Obama visited the White House to show his support for the country's current president, Joe Biden. When the politicians' meeting ended, those present in the room approached Obama, apparently ignoring the US president :


Khazarian Roots in Ukraine​

View attachment 57434

My name is Laura Sanger. I am a Clinical Psychologist, an author, and a small business owner. I am married to the love of my life. My husband is my best friend, my encourager, my strength, and our resident comedian. My husband and I met in California through InterVarsity Campus Ministry at U.C. San Diego. We married in 1992, moved to Utah in 1996, and never looked back. Our three children have been born and raised in the Salt Lake City area. We absolutely love the beautiful State of Utah.

Educational and Career Background

I earned a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego. I have worked at the Veterans Administration Hospital in La Jolla, Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City. I received a M.A. in Theology and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary. I have served as adjunct professor at Salt Lake Theological Seminary, teaching courses in adolescent development. I practiced as a Clinical Psychologist for 15 years, specializing in chronic mental illness, addictions, personality disorders, and adolescent treatment. Since 2009, I have been the managing partner of a real-estate investment business. I am an avid learner and believe an investment in knowledge is the best investment! I spent 4 years researching and writing about The Roots of the Federal Reserve available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Spiritual Background

I came to know the Lord Jesus at a young age while in vacation bible school. I am a 4th generation Christian. My grandmother was my spiritual mentor. As a child, I remember listening to her pray in tongues for hours each morning. She would intercede in her basement while I listened through the laundry chute. I experienced the miraculous hand of God in multiple ways, both as a child and as an adult. I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the full activation of the gifts of the Spirit. I have been in leadership at my church since 1998. I served as an ordained elder from 2001- 2018. I have been involved in city-wide and state-wide prayer initiatives for 20+ years. I am a prophetic intercessor and spiritual warrior. I am passionate about seeing people set free and reaching their full potential. I am eternally grateful that Jesus has set me free from the chains that bound me. With joy, I declare that I am No Longer Enslaved!

Talked about Khazars and the coat of arms of Ukraine (I'm going to get out of the central thread a bit)
There are several interpretations of the trident, since it is a falcon or that it would have arisen from an object used by the god Pluto, but the modern inspiration would come from coins and this would be the coat of arms-seal (tamga) of Vladimir The Great, although the symbol was also used before.

Vladimir coins with added seal:



Coats of arms of Riúrik (which is worth saying he lived before Vladimir)
They remind me a bit of the eagles and other double-headed birds (regarding the double, I'll explain it later) that are seen in various flags to which a Byzantine origin is attributed... which would not be wrong either if we have taking into account the various indo-european groups that came bringing their influences, as well as reminding me of the symbol of the holy spirit falling.


Now regarding the double images, perhaps there is a connection with this that in turn could be related to the Ukrainian trident, in the Ukrainian-Russian goldsmith there are many jewels with images of birds, animals, humans and mythological monsters that are represented in a way double in many cases and united by their tails or other parts.

sirens- bird intertwined:

Tree of life with two birds on its sides on an acha, on the back is a snake pierced by a sword :

intertwined beasts, whose tails form a kind of palm tree:
Another pair of birds with a tree of life:


In this other case the duplicity is not fulfilled, but for example the humanoid figures are dancing and playing instruments around a central object:

Add that in these places there were also a lot of divination stories through the interpretation of the song of the birds in which, for example, in some cases it is indispensably two birds positioned to the left and right respectively and according to which one sings first or does a certain action is that the prophecy is interpreted, there are stories of birds that prophesy from oak trees and also stories of the origin of the world in which a couple of pigeons perched on a tree that was the only one to emerge from the world sea.

Also all these shapes reminded me of the fleur de lis or the shield of the Russian airborne forces, there are more things... but adding them would be making even more noise


The Revealing World of Medieval Kievan Rus' Applied Art | Ivan Rezansky's SCA Adventures

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I‘m pretty certain what Putin and co. say - namely that the operation is working according to the plans - is true. I think there is a good likelihood that it was planned to take at least till next year, from the get-go, as Joe and Niall suggested in one of the last shows.

Further, I think the russians have planned quite a number of different ways to achieve their goals, which can switch dynamically and constantly according to the reality on the ground. Multiple ways to achieve the goals. I’m also fairly certain that their plans for different szenarios
are very sophisticated and smart and invole a lot of unexpected maneuvers in order to confuse the enemy. What we see above, might be something like that.

Ru forces never wanted Kyiv (For now), they assembled troops to only accumulate Ukie forces in that area while the RU army focused on Mariupol, Donbas, and Lugansk. Remember the 85KM parked line of Russian military vehicles, that was probably just a show of force and meant as a diversion.

Also, only focusing on the map is useless. Focus on where the troops are stationed. When eliminated (demilitarized), the whole map is yours.


It could also be that part of the plan involves that reality should show/educate the propaganda filled Ukraine population who is really evil here and who tries to help them. Learning things the hard way, sort of, by seeing closely what type of monsters they are supporting and what they do to them. And how the russians act humanely and decently on the other side as contrast. Could result in a much more russian friendly and cohesive population at the end.

The longer this war takes. The more Ukie/AZOV forces will torment the population. Who really wins here. And with that I mean, the population will see the regime for what it is and who is trying to put a stop to it
Scott Ritter was suspended from Twitter today. So much for Elon Musk changing things over there.

Twitter's board of directors currently consists of 11 members and each of them has one vote. I don't know when the next upcoming meeting is. But if Musk really wants to change things, I think he should buy a 51% stake. Not just the 9% he has now.
Ru forces never wanted Kyiv (For now), they assembled troops to only accumulate Ukie forces in that area while the RU army focused on Mariupol, Donbas, and Lugansk. Remember the 85KM parked line of Russian military vehicles, that was probably just a show of force and meant as a diversion.

Also, only focusing on the map is useless. Focus on where the troops are stationed. When eliminated (demilitarized), the whole map is yours.


The longer this war takes. The more Ukie/AZOV forces will torment the population. Who really wins here. And with that I mean, the population will see the regime for what it is and who is trying to put a stop to it

The Russians used 40K troops in that offensive. Only to stop their offensive after 2 days when they were already near Kyiv.

First off, why take the risk of urban warfare when you can defeat the bulk of the Ukrainian army on more or less open terrein.

Secondly, if a group of only a few soldiers hides in a building. You tend to destroy the whole building. The Russians don't want Kyiv to end like Mariupol. Which would have happened if they had stormed the city.

Nah, as said. The Russians control the battlefield, if played smart, they decide where the battles will take place. Take out the Ukie forces at Donetsk and Lugansk where the bulk of the Ukie army is now stationed and it's basically over.

It seems the Russians are planning to do exactly that.

Although, they will do it with caution. Time is on their side so there is no need to hurry. At the end of the month, if not sooner Ukie forces will face a shortage of gasoline and ammunition.
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