Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

In the above interview, Ritter makes quite a number of pretty interesting points about the situation that I have not heard anyone explaining and proposing in that way before. If I can, I‘ll try to summarize it in the coming days, for discussion. In the meantime, I would encourage everyone to listen to the above interview and I would love to hear what you think about it. On a number of points he could be right on the money, especially on how Putin might plan his next moves.
Just a little observation. Mr Kissinger advocates for peace with Russia where as Mr Soros call for the destruction of Russia. Are these two players on the world stage at odds or are they merely playing good cop-bad cop.?
Soros is being the same, the other will have his own agenda too... in any case, these guys despite being "high in the hierarchy", are not necessarily united with each other nor do they seem to be that high despite appearances.

Of course yes Mr. Gonzalo:
Just a little observation. Mr Kissinger advocates for peace with Russia where as Mr Soros call for the destruction of Russia. Are these two players on the world stage at odds or are they merely playing good cop-bad cop.?
A representative of the Conceptual Technology Foundation, one of the many sources of information that I have long been guided by, identifies Soros as a representative of the US country elite (psychopaths, as you call them), while Kissinger is a representative of the global elite (higher-level psychopaths).
The global elite now needs Russia to prevent the US countrymen from destroying our world (psychopaths lose control and will do anything to maintain their dominant positions in the world). But how bad things are for them (globalists), since they have to use a 100-year-old grandfather in negotiations.
That is why there is such a difference between the statements of Soros and Kissinger.
No surprises here. In case the Tweet gets deleted!


Holy shit! Is this true? Even more disturbing is Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather was a high ranking Nazi as well.

On the left you can see the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab. On the right, his father, intimate confidant of Hitler, the industrialist and fascist "Eugen Schwab" in uniform. Klaus was born in Hitler's Germany in 1938. At that time, his father was in charge.

Ukrainians supporting Russian special operation will be punished with confiscation of property.
Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law on the procedure for confiscation of assets from citizens, It will apply to those who support the special operation in Ukraine.

"The law establishes a new type of sanctions in the form of confiscation to the state of assets belonging to a natural or legal person, as well as assets that he can directly or indirectly dispose of," the message of the office of the President of Ukraine.

I'm thinking that Canada's 2nd in command, or is that 1st (hard to tell), might have provided Zelensky with some tested convoy illegal talking points on how to seize assets, as Ms. Frida was recently in the Kiev environs pulling strings, or possibly knitting a new black and red scarf.

P.s. "Frida" was the Russian intelligence codename for Ms. Freeland in the 1980's.

P.p.s Frida (25%) is ahead of Justin (18%) in the polls, and both are ahead of the ring master (12%). Only one has roots in Galician districts. Only one has pointed skeletons in the closet.
Hungary military emergency law effective as of May 25, 2022:

Big news in Hungarian media this week was our government gave itself emergency powers again. What will all be about, we can expect to be revealed in a Surprise Gift Box opening on Wednesday (today).
Even if their 'Plandemic Con-19 Special Powers Ponzi Scheme For Personal Enrichment' has ended, now they again have instant rule by decree emergency powers, because of the Ukraine war.

This means lots of peacetime-laws are about to change: Price regulation of fuel and food, military & law enforcement readiness (weapons storage laws), nuclear energy security, anti-terrorism, border security, food security, airspace use, restarting the economy.. on the pretext of keeping the economy and families safe.
Blood donations, medical research on people, Big Pharma products, guards in schools, getting various degrees in the medical profession. Several laws about historical monuments were updated.

Now they can decree another batch of extra advantages to their government-insider businesses, which adapt to profit-making from Plandemic to War with surprising finesse. Only for those in their special Club, of course.

Still our government is Russia-friendly. So we can't really complain.
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Hungary military emergency law effective as of May 25, 2022:

Big news in Hungarian media this week was our government gave itself emergency powers again. What will all be about, we can expect to be revealed in a Surprise Gift Box opening on Wednesday (today).
Even if their 'Plandemic Con-19 Special Powers Ponzi Scheme For Personal Enrichment' has ended, now they again have instant rule by decree emergency powers, because of the Ukraine war.

This means lots of peacetime-laws are about to change: Price regulation of fuel and food, military & law enforcement readiness (weapons storage laws), nuclear energy security, anti-terrorism, border security, food security, airspace use, restarting the economy.. on the pretext of keeping the economy and families safe.
Blood donations, medical research on people, Big Pharma products, guards in schools, getting various degrees in the medical profession. Several laws about historical monuments were updated.

Now they can decree another batch of extra advantages to their government-insider businesses, which adapt to profit-making from Plandemic and War with surprising finesse. Only for those in their special Club, of course.

Still our government is Russia-friendly. So we can't really complain.
Maybe your services and government fear something about Hungary being friendly to Russia?
Maybe this move of declaring an emergency is to protect Hungarians from something?
I am just speculating.

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Is US Conspiring To Sink Russian Black Sea Fleet Ships?
Russian warships are seen during a rehearsal for the Navy Day parade in Sevastopol, Crimea, July 24, 2015.

“The US is preparing a plan to destroy the [Russian] Black Sea Fleet.”

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On 20 May, in an exclusive for Reuters, the US government announced it would be providing advanced anti-ship and land-attack missiles to the Kiev regime, in yet another major escalatory move aiming to prolong the conflict and make it as bloody as possible for both sides. While some might dismiss such statements as simply being a part of the information, or more precisely, disinformation war, they should be taken extremely seriously, as it certainly wouldn’t be the first time the political West, with the US at its helm, delivered advanced weapons to the Kiev regime. To make matters worse, an adviser employed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko, stated that the US will be “sinking Russian ships in the Black Sea.” His exact (now deleted) tweet stated:

“The US is preparing a plan to destroy the [Russian] Black Sea Fleet. The effective work of the Ukrainians on [Russian] warships convinced [the US] to prepare a plan to unblock the [Ukrainian] ports. Deliveries of powerful anti-ship weapons are being discussed.”

The Ukrainian official was referring to the aforementioned Reuters report on the US plan to provide the regime with the old “Harpoon” anti-ship missiles, as well as the newer and more advanced NSM (Naval Strike Missile), which can be used both as an anti-ship or land-attack weapon. The “Harpoon” is a subsonic, all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile developed and manufactured by Boeing Defense, Space & Security (historically McDonnell Douglas) with a range of up to 220-250 km (depending on the source), costing around $1.5 million apiece. The NSM, also a subsonic missile, has a dual, anti-ship and land-attack capability. The missile’s exact range is classified, but it can go as far as 200 km or more, depending on the flight profile. It costs up to $2.2 million per unit.

Three State Department officials and two Congressional sources told Reuters that the White House was still working on the details for providing the Kiev regime with these advanced weapons. According to the sources, logistical issues and “the possibility the US would have to remove a launcher from one of its ships to send to Ukraine are current obstacles to completing the transfer”. Rather disturbingly, when responding to a question from Newsweek, the State Department did not deny it was working on a plan to target the Russian Black Sea fleet. “As the conflict is changing, so too is our military assistance to deliver the critical capabilities Ukraine needs for today’s fight as Russia’s forces engage in a renewed offensive in eastern Ukraine,” a spokesperson said.

However, the US DoD (Department of Defense) did issue a denial of the controversial claims made by the Ukrainian Internal Ministry’s official. “I can tell you definitively that that’s not true,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters last Thursday. Still, the Pentagon’s denial refers only to the Ukrainian official’s claim the US was going to enable Ukraine to sink the Black Sea fleet and did not apply to the proposed anti-ship missiles transfer, which further adds to the confusion regarding this very serious issue.

It also remains unclear how Ukraine would be able to target Russian ships by itself. The US and NATO would either need to provide Ukraine with the necessary ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities or, worse yet, directly provide ISR information on the location and possible movement of Russian Black Sea fleet ships, which the Kremlin might see as an act of war. The US government, including US President Joe Biden, and the military continue to give controversial and ambiguous statements, oftentimes denying what was clearly stated by their colleagues, which greatly contributes to the atmosphere of distrust and exponentially increases the likelihood of an uncontrollable escalation.

Gerashchenko’s claims that the attack would help to open up Ukraine’s ports are both false and misplaced, as the Kiev regime was the party which released hundreds of sea mines, many of which drifted apart as far as the Bosphorus, over 600 km to the south of Odessa. Russia currently controls the Black Sea and maintains a blockade. However, the blockade is not aimed against civilian shipping, but possible major NATO arms deliveries to the Kiev regime forces. The United Nations has called for an easing of restrictions in the Black Sea to allow food exports from Ukraine to help alleviate global food shortages.

Russia offered a diplomatic solution. Last Thursday, the Russian government proposed lifting the blockage in exchange for the removal of sanctions. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated the problem clearly goes beyond the military blockade and includes Western sanctions which are restricting fertilizer exports. “You have to not only appeal to the Russian Federation but also look deeply at the whole complex of reasons that caused the current food crisis. [Sanctions] interfere with normal free trade, encompassing food products including wheat, fertilizers and others,” Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko said.
In the above interview, Ritter makes quite a number of pretty interesting points about the situation that I have not heard anyone explaining and proposing in that way before. If I can, I‘ll try to summarize it in the coming days, for discussion. In the meantime, I would encourage everyone to listen to the above interview and I would love to hear what you think about it. On a number of points he could be right on the money, especially on how Putin might plan his next moves.
I watched this this morning and I think that Ritter's analysis makes for the most part a lot of sense. However, regarding the 40B$ he apparently isn't considering it meaningful that large chunks of that money is earmarked for various projects, not just cutting edge weaponry. This is all explained by Larry Johnson HERE. Quote:
I think Scott Ritter jumped the gun in calling the $40 billion dollar Ukrainian aid bill a “game changer.” Once you take time to parse the details you quickly realize the media is misleading the American public on the reality of the $40 billion dollars ostensibly designated to buy weapons and equip Ukraine with a cornucopia of lethality. Mark Cancian at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (aka CSIS) provides an excellent breakdown of what was actually appropriated. Here is a quick summary:

$19 billion for immediate military support to Ukraine
$3.9 billion to sustain U.S. forces deployed to Europe
$16 billion for economic support to Ukraine and global humanitarian relief
$2 billion for long-term support to NATO allies and DOD modernization programs

Right off the bat you can see that Ukraine is not getting $40 billion dollars worth of military goodies to whack Russians. They are not even getting $19 billion. The $19 billion is carved up into smaller packages:

$6 billion for training, equipment, weapons, logistic support, supplies and services, salaries and stipends and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine (and the specifics of the expenditures remain to be determined).
$9 billion to replenish U.S. weapons stocks already sent to Ukraine.
$4 billion for the Foreign Military Financing Program (this allows a foreign country like Ukraine to buy brand new weapon systems).
Still, $19B sounds like a lot to me! Maybe those will go to the oligarchs and the crazy Nazis, who knows. But at the very least this tells me that the Evil Empire is not quitting their pet project anytime soon. On the contrary, they are investing more, which means that they could be crazy enought to escalate until there's no going back anymore, i.e. WW3 (see below).

An important point Ritter brings up is that it makes, according to him, no sense that Putin/Russia would stop all military activities once they've secured the Donbass. If they stop, the Evil Empire will just keep adding more crazies with weapons, more big guns in western Ukraine, and thus the western part will become even more Nazified/NATOfied (and then NATO would still be at Russias border). Ritter suggests that Russia might either 1) slow things down and wait until the economic situation in the West will become so bad that they just can't go on 2) declare real war with Ukraine, Poland and even Finland and Sweden if necessary.

And now with a couple of Polish battalions having crossed over to Ukraine, Ritter says it maybe a 'gift' to allow Russia to take more serious action. I really hope it doesn't come to that, that would basically mean WW3.
More than a decade ago large number of poor Romanians traveled to England on buses to get employment and a better quality life.
First time at the Artesian well yesterday I heard an Englishman's voice talking to his woman as they were filling several 1,5 liter plastic bottles and took it all home on two cheap bicycles.
Germans are coming and talking as well. Increasingly frequent Western EU language speaking voices in grocery shops I can hear chatting away. Is it holiday season already? :)
Years ago it was rumored that German pensioners were living en-masse in Western Hungary buying cheap houses and renovating them to high standard as poor Hungarian labor force is available aplenty. These Western EU pensioners receive a nice sum in euros each month, which they could spend in cheap Hungary on quality food & services and live very well here like princes.
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