Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Investigative reporter Vanessa Beeley gives and in depth report into the deep, long term connections between Israel and the Ne-Nazi wing of the Zelenskyy regime, including a current speaking tour of Israel by members of the Azov Brigade. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Interview begins 15 mins into the link post reports on increased UK mortality and the grandson of de Gaulle speaking out against European betrayals by taking sides against the Russians.
This information about the salt mines around the Soledar/Bakhmut defence line is really interesting. For months it has been described as a transportation hub with extensive trenches, to explain the importance of the area to both sides. I saw very little about the underground facilities from either side until recently.

The defence of this area looks increasingly desperate from Ukraine, as they will find it difficult to establish such resistance in any of the areas they have to fall back to. There are already reports of fighting in the centre of Soledar and Bakhmut. Azovstal was also significant, but it now seems like Russia is about to strike at the Vipers' nest.
There is no end in sight to this infernal villainy. Do I need to write why it may seem that I am kind of "focused" on such nastiness. I've already written about it once, but just in case, I repeat that I don't enjoy it at all. On the contrary, I myself am tired of reading and writing about such things, but it happens every day and many of those present here may not know about it at all because of the special design of the media space. And to know, in my opinion, it is necessary.
The Kiev regime plans to repeat the Bucha in the Kharkiv region

On Christmas Eve, the staff of the GBR and the SBU opened the graves in the cemeteries of Cossack Lopan, Great Burluk, Thorny and Hatny. Of these, the bodies of the victims in the period from February 24 to September 6, 2022 were exhumed. The bodies were mutilated and dumped in pre-prepared places on the outskirts of these settlements.

This was reported in the Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine.

At the moment, Ukrainian so-called law enforcement officers are photographing and fixing the bodies of Ukrainians who died of natural death, as well as imitating the work of "forensic experts" and performing other "procedural actions" in the presence of fake "witnesses".

"With these anti-human methods, the Kiev regime, against the background of the absence of any successes on the battlefield, seeks to keep the attention of the Western audience and convince the foreign partners of the Kiev regime of the need to continue its further support," the message says.

The Defense Ministry stressed that a large-scale anti-Russian provocation aimed at discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and accusing Russian servicemen of allegedly committing war crimes.

Recall that Bucha-2 in the Izyum of the Kharkiv region, as before in the Bucha of the Kiev region itself, performed by directors with Bankova, failed, in fact, as did stories about "torture chambers" where Russians allegedly executed the peaceful population of the region.
Киевский режим планирует повторить Бучу в Харьковской области

Ни конца ни края не видно этому инфернальному злодейству. Надо ли писать почему может показаться, что я как бы "сосредоточен" на таких гадостях. Я уже когда то об этом писал, но на всякий случай повторю, что я вовсе не наслаждаюсь этим. Наоборот, я сам устал и читать и писать о таких вещах, но это происходит каждый день и многие из здесь присутствующих могут вовсе не узнать об этом из за специальной конструкции медиапространства. А знать, по моему, необходимо.
They haven't arrived yet, but they are already being eagerly awaited. On both sides.
A reward has been announced in Russia for the first destroyed M2 Bradley and Leopard 2 tank

Against the background of information that American M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles may arrive in Ukraine in the coming weeks, and Leopard tanks in the coming months, it became known that a reward was announced for the first damaged vehicles of this type – 1 million rubles for the destruction of M2 Bradley and 2 million rubles for destruction of the Leopard 2 tank.

The information in this regard was announced by the Telegram channel "Reverse Side Of The Medal". According to the administrators of the Telegram channel, a reward of one million rubles will be given for the damaged M2 Bradley combat vehicle, if evidence is provided, while the reward will be doubled for the defeat of the Leopard 2 tank. "Telegram" channel "Reverse Side Of The Medal" is closely connected with PMCs and mercenaries.

Given the fact that the M2 Bradley ODS version will be delivered to Ukraine, it will be very problematic to hit such equipment using standard weapons, however, it is expected that the announced reward may affect interest in hunting for such equipment, which, if used by Ukrainian troops, can create a lot of problems.
В России объявлена награда за первый уничтоженный M2 Bradley и танк Leopard 2

Well, that's right. It's high time to liberate Avdiivka, so they help
Ukrainian helicopters mistakenly struck their positions near Avdiivka
On the eve of the day, a pair of Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters struck with unguided ammunition at their own positions near the locality of Avdiivka. The reason for the attack of friendly forces was the application of strikes from a previously unregulated point. This is allegedly caused by the fact that the Ukrainian military did not want to operate in the deployment zone of Russian air defense assets.

It is claimed that as a result of an unregulated strike, there are victims among the Ukrainian military, since unguided missiles struck just at the defensive area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Friendly fire is not recorded for the first time. In particular, a few days ago it became known that a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet was shot down near the locality of Kurakhovo, which was leaving for its home airfield on a non-standard route, probably deviating from Russian air defense systems. In this regard, it was perceived by the Ukrainian air defense systems as an enemy target and hit by the Osa anti-aircraft missile system.
Украинские вертолеты по ошибке нанесли удары по своим позициям в районе Авдеевки
From here :

10 predictions for 2023 from the Council on Foreign Relations (USA). Curious...

07:21 10.01.2023

10 predictions for 2023 from the Council on Foreign Relations (USA). An interesting forecast was noted in early January by the long-term president of this Rockefeller organization, Richard Haass:

1. In Ukraine ("dominant problem-2022"), neither military nor diplomatic confrontation will lead to the complete victory of one of the parties. You should not expect anyone's defeat, or even a peace agreement.

2. China will delay its "invasion" of Taiwan "for at least a few years" due to the resurgence of COVID-19 and the slowdown in the economy.

3. Japan, having become a major geopolitical player, will finally enter the "post-post-war era" - even more so than Germany.

4. North Korea will conduct the 7th nuclear test: neither the United States nor South Korea will be able to prevent it, and China will not want to.

5. US-Europe relations will deteriorate because of European dissatisfaction - not only with the costs of the war in Ukraine, but also with Washington's protectionism, and also because of their unwillingness to break with China.

6. The global economy will grow more slowly than expected. The main reasons: the recession in China and the high rate of the US Federal Reserve.

7. The UN climate conference COP-28 will be a failure: the world is not up to the fight against global warming.

8. Israeli-Palestinian relations will only get worse due to the expansion of Jewish settlements.

9. India will "disappoint those who promise her great things": she will continue to buy arms and oil from the Russians and will not join the West, becoming "more illiberal and less secular."

10. The dominant problem in 2023 is instead of Ukraine! - will be Iran. He, too, will not break with the Russian Federation and will not agree to a nuclear deal. Instead, he will focus on his nuclear program and tightening the screws - at the risk of civil war.

The original text
Ukraine asked Georgia to return the Buk anti-aircraft missile systems, which were transferred to Tbilisi during the hostilities in 2008. This is stated in the article by the Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in Georgia, Andrey Kasyanov, for European Pravda.

However, Georgia refuses to hand over these systems, saying that it did not receive them free of charge.

Georgia did not receive Buk anti-aircraft missile systems free of charge from Ukraine in 2008; they were bought under a secret agreement. This was reported by the Georgian Defense Ministry.

"The fact that Ukraine donated Buk air defense systems to Georgia is not true. The defense department received Buk systems in 2007 through a multi-million dollar purchase. This was carried out by a secret agreement, which is why we do not have more specific details," - the message of the Georgian defense department says.

The Yushchenko regime then removed the Buk air defense system from combat duty and sold them to the Saakashvili regime before the upcoming war in Ossetia by the Bush Jr. administration.

It turns out that someone in 2008 in Ukraine earned a lot of money, but presented it as a free transfer of systems? :lol: :lol: :lol:

In 2023, new military equipment will appear in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: 22 launchers with intercontinental ballistic missiles Yars, Avangard and Sarmat, 3 strategic missile carriers Tu-160, nuclear submarine of the Borey-A project Imperator Alexander III". The army will also receive 4 submarines and 12 surface ships.

It is planned to increase the supply of high-precision hypersonic missile systems "Dagger" and "Zirkon" and continue work on other promising models.

'The US is preparing another "proxy nation" for war with Russia.'

10 Jan, 2023

9 Jan, 2023

Grandson of de Gaulle about Russia: "Except for Jews under Hitler, no one was robbed like that"​

"Agoravox: Grandson of President de Gaulle accuses the US and the EU of robbing Russia and FrancePierre de Gaulle, the grandson of the great general, has long gone against the mainstream press in France, but his interview in Agoravox is just a shock."

"He not only defended Russia and called for the trial of the executioners of Donbass. He also said something about the "freezing of assets" of Russia abroad, comparing it to the robbery of Jews."

"The Franco-Russian Dialogue Association offers an exclusive interview with Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of the great general-president, a financier by profession."

Irina Dubois's question:..

Full transcript in English below:

There are two points I find particularly horrendous in this conflict:

- I'm pretty sure on the Ukrainian side were/are probably a high number of people who at the very least didn't want to fight the Russians, or more serious, are pro Russia. So quite a lot of them have probably found themselves in a very difficult situation of being forced, against their will, and with a very real death/torture threat hanging over them and their families, if they wouldn't do it. And I'm pretty sure many of the Russian soldiers know of this difficult situation on the Ukrainian side, but they on their side have to shoot them nonetheless, often probably feeling/knowing that at least quite a number of the people they just shot are essentially good people who were left no other choice. Just imagine for a second what stuff like that can and will do to ordinary Russian soldiers... It is horrific and so tragic. Yet those Russian soldiers have to do it more often than not anyway, because not doing it would do far worst. It is one thing for a soldier to kill soldiers who are evil and/or fighting for evil, it is quite another thing though if you know that many of those you kill are probably not really fighting with/for evil in their hearts. It is just heartbreaking. Thanks very much to the US/WEST for bringing those people to that point. From that standpoint using bombs (like the russians are often using) to target soldiers, might also be more "humane" in regard to the Ukrainian soldiers hit (many who quickly die.

- Many of the Ukrainian soldiers probably knew/know what they are doing while being against it in their hearts and for russia/humanity (targeting civilians for example and doing all sorts of horrendous stuff). Yet, they find themselves in very difficult situations of being dragged into things that are so inhumane that it makes you shudder. I guess there are quite a number of Ukranaian man who did the only right thing they could do: either defect to the Russians or just kill themselves before the Ukies do it. The problem many of those Ukrainian man face though is that they don't want to endanger their families (if they have one), thus, they probably won't/can't do any of the two things (defecting or killing themselves). And so, they have to go along with the EVIL.

I'm pretty sure that the Russians are aware of that situation and that they are trying to open every opportunity/doors they can, so that Ukrainian soldiers of that kind can defect to them as safely as possible. On the other hand, as hard as it might sound, the Russians might also in big parts think like this: "If you live by the sword, you die by the sword". Once you are a soldier, no matter how you got there, you have to face the consequences.
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Ukrainians To Be Trained On Patriot Systems At Oklahoma Base

"Initially, a base in Germany was floated as the likely place, but also amid conjecture that training could actually happen in the United States, which would certainly provoke further condemnation out of Moscow. On Tuesday, two US officials told CNN for the first time that Ukrainian troops will be trained inside the Untied States, as part of a program which starts as soon as next week."

PTB vs Russia.png
Wagner units took control of the entire territory of Soledar, a cauldron was formed in the center of the city, in which urban battles are being waged, Prigozhin said.

The Wagner group liberated the dungeons of Soledar, photos from the liberated salt mines were at the disposal of RIA Novosti

Prigozhin in the mines of Soledar:


Soledar is reported to be completely surrounded.
The grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrounded in Soledar was given an ultimatum to surrender before 00.00 on 11.01.23, which they rejected.

We publish the statement of Evgeny Viktorovich:
“The divisions of PMC Wagner took control of the entire territory of Soledar. A cauldron has been formed in the center of the city, in which urban battles are being fought. The number of prisoners will be announced tomorrow.
Once again, I want to emphasize that no units except for the fighters of the Wagner PMC took part in the assault on Soledar.

The mine, and there is a tank in it! :lol:


These are messages for the night, perhaps soon it will become more clear what is happening there.
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