Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

That is a statement from well known western political expert. He wrote famous essay ‘End of history’ right after we (Russia) lost the cold war.
But it strangely coincides with last autumn’s insight, that Ukr ‘will be allowed’ to return Kherson and Zaporozhie and they will steadily let us get the rest of Donbass. After- another ‘temporary peace’ Minsk-like agreement (((

Ukraine will have a chance to join NATO if it captures the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions during the counteroffensive. This was stated at the Kiev Security Forum by Professor Francis Fukuyama of Stanford University.
"Today, only Ukraine's membership in NATO with Article 5 can restrain the resumption of Russia's war in the future. Membership in NATO will become real if, thanks to the counteroffensive, Ukraine returns the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. This region is critically important for Ukraine's negotiating positions. This will cut off Russia's supply opportunities to Crimea. Ukraine's return of these territories will block Russia's land corridor to Crimea and put the Kerch Bridge under serious threat. In addition, Ukrainians will be able to block the channel that supplies water to the peninsula again," he said.

Fukuyama — about the counteroffensive of Ukraine: perhaps the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be extremely successful, and Russian forces will fail on the entire front, but a more modest and more realistic scenario is the complete return of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to Ukraine by the end of summer.
Last edited:
Aleks from Black Mountain Analysis gives an interesting and in my opinion level-headed view of things. This is from the 25th of May and slightly long.

A few excerpts:

Wagner did not do it alone
Wagner and Prigozhin are a big fat sparkling carrot. There are writings on that carrot. On one side of the carrot, writings go like “We are so weak, we are so few, we have no ammunition or support”. Etc. etc. Sometimes the Russians turn the carrot around and on the other side are more writings: “Zelensky, you are so weak, send all your men, we kill them all. Are you a man or not? Send the kids home and bring the big boys in”. Etc. etc. Well, NATO/Ukraine are the donkey chasing this carrot.

Please keep in mind, Wagner did not destroy almost a hundred Ukrainians brigades on its own. That is utter bullshit. I will write later more about Wagner (GRU!) but for now it is important to understand that Wagner did three things:

  1. Wagner conducted reconnaissance-in-force within the town to identify enemy positions. They went in small groups to make the enemy identify itself.
  2. Wagner called in artillery and CAS (close air support), which essentially destroyed 80% of the enemy manpower and equipment. The majority of the artillery rounds were from the Russian army and not from Wagner. Wagner had other responsibilities.
  3. Wagner cleared the just-destroyed buildings while the enemy was still shell shocked.
Collapse has started
Well, I want to announce that with the fall of Artemovsk I can declare that, according to the Black Mountain Analysis definition, the collapse of Ukraine has begun.

What does that mean? The war is over? Unfortunately, far from it.

The collapse of the German Wehrmacht began 1943. Some would argue after the battle of Stalingrad and some would argue after the battle of Kursk. Both took place in 1943. Unfortunately, after these triggering events the fighting continued for two years and took several millions of further casualties on all sides.
About the injured Ukrainian generals:
There are rumors that high-ranking Ukrainian generals such as Syrskyi and Zaluzhny have been killed in a Russian strike. This is entirely possible and also very probable. But is it true? I don’t know and I have no way of knowing it.

But here are some more scenarios:

  • Dispersed command bunkers:
    Arguably the last organized and well-equipped large-scale offensive by Ukraine should have started two or three weeks ago. And Mike Mihajlovic and I think that it started about that time. I’ll come to that later.

    In such a situation it would be normal to disperse the top leadership in several remote command bunkers to avoid decapitation strikes.

    This is exactly what Russia did during the first several months of the SMO. Minister Shoigu and General Gerasimov went missing (allegedly both dead) for several months. No one saw them. I wrote back in the first half of 2022 an analysis for another outlet about that. It is clear that they went off the screen. It was not clear whether the West would intervene in any way, hence the military doctrine requires pre-assigned command bunkers for the top military leadership across Russia. All far away from each other. There have been flights recorded at the beginning which could have been tracked from Moscow to such destinations.

    It is common sense and I assume the Americans would do the same. See NORAD etc.

    It is possible that the Ukrainian generals are currently in such command bunkers, and you would hear nothing from them during the period of the offensive.

    Very probable.

  • Dead or wounded:
    There are also reports that they are dead or wounded. Struck by Russian missiles.

    Also probable. Especially if we take into consideration that all the Nazi formations (Aidar, Kraken, Azov etc.) started to pop up again in a large scale. If the top military leadership is dead then one would expect some kind of infighting for the top positions. Game of Kiev.
  • Fled:
    The generals could perhaps have seen the writing on the wall, and managed to flee abroad. To where? To Russia of course. I won’t go deeper into that now, even though there are many arguments for such an outcome.

    For now, unfortunately, I don’t think that this is very probable.

  • Taken prisoner:
    It would be wrong to argue that the Generals Zaluzhny and Syrskyi are bad generals. I think they are capable people. And that’s why they arguably often argued against President (???) Zelensky and the West against suicidal offensives. Probably, they were taken out/prisoner by the SBU/GUR or taken prisoner and replaced by someone more motivated to command 70-100,000 people into suicide?

    And President (???) Zelensky fled the country consequently to avoid retaliation by the military or by people loyal to these two generals?

    Game of Kiev, Baby.

    Probability? I would also say low, but who knows…
The Ukrainian offensive:

Hence, there is a real possibility that we will see no further big offensive moves by the Ukrainians at all, since the Russians are actively bombing Ukraine’s rear and staging areas.

And if we see an offensive, it is highly likely that it will be so weak that it is more a mass suicide due to lack of weapons, ammunition, equipment, people, etc. than a real offensive. This is the reason why the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK is whining on TV that we should expect nothing big from the offensive and that they are being forced/pressured into mass suicide.
On weapons supply from the West:
Essentially, the US is getting rid of old stuff within the USA and allied countries, only to start a further period of time where it can re-equip itself and its allies with very expensive new stuff. Destroyed F-16s are great. There are many F-16s around the world and all will need to be replaced by F-35s because the whole world can see downed F-16s in Ukraine. Fantastic. But more later about the F-16.

Since American weapons are, by many orders of magnitude, more expensive than they should be, this is nothing less than a huge corruption scheme. Everyone in the MIC chain earns something from the flowing money and the biggest part goes back as donations to the politicians. Whose money? Yes, you are right. Your money. Your tax money.
Regarding Wagner and the Prigozhin rants:
Wagner is a rather small unit with highly professional GRU Spetsnaz operators who are commanding a far bigger “Wagner expendables” volunteer unit which is conducting the penetration and dying. These guys are not GRU 😊

Prigozhin has the task to keep them motivated to form unity and brotherhood by constantly ranting against “Shoigu and Gerasimov”. Pro-hint: Shoigu and Gerasimov are his bosses. They are in charge of the GRU 😊

Well, the meatgrinder worked only by delaying the capture as long as possible by taking the city step by step in urban combat. I described it already above. This is connected with high losses. Hence, you need to motivate people to also run into this much smaller meatgrinder constantly for months even though they know that the Russian army is there and could blow the place up within days with no enemy having a chance of surviving.

I think, apart from the deception for the enemy, to suck him into Bakhmut, as described many times by myself, the task of Prigozhin’s rants has been to motivate the Wagner expendables to “follow him into death”.

The whole affair is deeply cynical; that’s why I didn’t write about it for months even though I had the whole analysis ready some time ago. It is cynical, but at the end it saved tens of thousands of Russian soldiers by sacrificing maybe 5-10,000 Wagner “expendables”. How? By sucking the enemy into Artemovsk and destroying them with artillery and tank fire. Otherwise ordinary Russian soldiers would need to take town by town with heavy losses throughout Ukraine.
Regarding Red lines and nuking:
Often there is talk about crossed Russian red lines. There are indeed red lines that were agreed or at least communicated between Sergey Naryshkin and William Burns in Ankara last year.

If these red lines, which NOT ONE of us knows about, are crossed then we are all fucked.
Simply and plainly said. I’m absolutely sure that these red lines won’t be crossed. I often stated that the owners of the USA don’t want to die and they will do nothing that could risk their extinction.

Which red lines then? Community red lines? Twitter red lines? Telegram red lines?

I don’t know.

If Ukraine carries out some crazy “James Bond” attack within Russia with several dead Russians everyone calls for nuking Kiev and they talk about red lines. Which red lines? President Putin is the only one who can draw them or delegate the drawing to, for example Sergey Naryshkin, and I did not hear or read any statement of President Putin with such red lines.

The next time you call for nuking something (Kiev and Ukraine are Russia. Why should Russia nuke Russia?) consider this: Russia is killing daily between 300 and 1,000 Ukrainians on the battlefield. Since the Ukrainians have no other chance than conducting diversion, they manage to kill sometimes a few Russians within core Russia. Okay. That’s war. They are daily avenged by the Russian army, manifold. 10 dead Russians in a blown-up oil depot? Okay. The next day 1,000 Ukrainians die on the battlefield. What do you want more? 10,000? At the end, all who deserve to die will die.
The whole article is worth a read.
Today this was shared on Telegram. Supposedly it is from the head camera of a soldier that was killed in Bahmut. Supposedly we see organ extraction by some Western doctors.
And there is also this from Inessa S Telegram channel. Apparently the doctor that harvests the organs is Elizabeth Debru (not Debruke). And she is Dutch. And we can hear the the doctors in the first video talking in something that sounds like German or Dutch.
Thoughts on the videos with claims of organ harvesting in Ukraine
It is disturbing to consider the darkness. In another thread, Laura commented as a response to information about a French girl being lulled into prostitution and then apparently offered up for sale:
Yes, Perlou, I too have cried an ocean. Knowledge does hurt. But what is the alternative?
The headline was if translated:
Missing children: 'My daughter was to be sold for 7,000 euros'
On April 14, 2023, Léana, 15, voluntarily disappeared from her home in Draveil (Essonne). She was found two weeks later in an aparthotel in Bordeaux (Gironde) with her pimp. A captivating story.
Regarding whether they videos are authentic or not.

What we don't know is if the doctors caught "operating" in the GoPro video were hired to repair the soldiers, or if they were really harvesting. Because, just as we can imagine mercenaries being sent in from the west, so we can imagine doctors being hired to fix them up when they are wounded. In other words, all foreign doctors do not have to be in for organ harvesting. A possibility is that it would be a bit of both, some repairing, some harvesting. In a very intense war zone, a lot of people would be dying, but it would be difficult to get them out of the zone while they are still fresh. A container with goods would risk being shelled, as would the operating area of the doctors.

About the Dutch woman the anonymous video is talking about, I wonder if he is telling a story just like that, or if he is reading from a computer in front of him which could be his own story or a part of it.

Most curious was the Sarah he mentions whom he claims to have established as Sandra Roelofs the wife of Mikheil Saakashvili. Why should she speak English with a Dutch citizen, the alleged Elizabeth Debrux, since Sandra Roelofs is also Dutch? That, however, would be possible if there were handlers on one or both sides who had to get the communication too.

Sarah is of course of name with a history:
Sarah is a common feminine given name of Hebrew origin.[2] [3] [4] It derives its popularity from the biblical matriarch Sarah, the wife of Abraham and a major figure in the Abrahamic religions.
Imagine that the Russians had discovered a network of organ harvesting relating to Israel, or someone else they would hesitate to infuriate outright? We also know they might have an ax to grind with the Dutch over their MH 17 handling. Probably they would not mind shifting a story a bit in that direction.

I looked up Debru as a family name, apparently there is a noble family from Bretagne in France with that name. A possibility is that it is not spelled Debru but DeBroux. A retired footballer from Belgium has that surname.

Overall, I have no reason to doubt that organ harvesting takes place in Ukraine and that Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are exposed to cruel treatments. The names and circumstances in the videos may not be exactly as portrayed, but they are not far from reality, judging from what else is known about the US/NATO/CIA directed Ukrainian government that has also cooperated with their handlers to investigate contagious diseases in dual-purpose research in which apparently some of the experiments have been carried out on Ukrainians whether intentionally or through unintentional leaks. One can point fingers at the Ukrainian leadership, however taking a step back, I then come to recall the widespread promotion of the COVID vaccines, pretty much imposed on a large majority of the population of the West? What is better, or worse? Or are we talking about two different topics completely? Perhaps, but people are being mistreated and are dying unnecessarily in both instances. Same with the war in Ukraine, a large % of the populations of the west are completely behind fuelling the war. From such perspectives, organ harvesting, bioweapon research, tales of torture and trafficking are like chapters of a long, sad and tragic story. Each revealed page of the unfolding chapters is an invitation for some people who did not know to react and come to an understanding of the world they are inhabiting. For now few people respond, but will the surprise in some at finding a lack of humanity eventually be replaced by a recognition that there is an element that is not really human and not really of this world in the sense usually thought.
An unlikely connection, but telling
I looked up Debru as a family name, apparently there is a noble family from Bretagne in France with that name. A possibility is that it is not spelled Debru but DeBroux. A retired footballer from Belgium has that surname.
And what about Debrue, like Elizabeth Debrue. Do such names exist in Belgium and why not a profile image from an album of Metallica, though without the title. No proof, but nevertheless instructive, as it turned out.

The origin of the image was found by looking up Metallica. Here it is: notice the helmet to the lower left.
2023-05-27 163854.png
Of course this is not Ukraine, but one can forgive for thinking so, if one did not know the story of the album and the song.

The Wiki says the theme of the song is cocaine addiction, so quite fitting for Zelensky, but that is just one interpretation, as the larger umbrella is some kind of unhealthy addictive relation, loss of self etc.

Here are some excerpts:
Master of Puppets is the third studio album by American heavy metal band Metallica, released on March 3, 1986, by Elektra Records.[1] [...] it was the band's last album to feature bassist Cliff Burton, who died in a bus accident in Sweden during the album's promotional tour.

The album's artwork, designed by Metallica and Peter Mensch and painted by Don Brautigam, depicts a cemetery field of white crosses tethered to strings, manipulated by a pair of hands in a clouded, blood-red sky, with a fiery orange glow on the horizon. [...]

Master of Puppets peaked at number 29 on the Billboard 200 and received widespread acclaim from critics, who praised its music and political lyrics. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential metal albums of all time, and is credited with consolidating the American thrash metal scene. It was certified six times platinum by the RIAA in 2003 for shipping six million copies in the United States, and was later certified six times platinum by Music Canada and platinum by the BPI. In 2015, Master of Puppets became the first metal recording to be selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the National Recording Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."[2]
The songs explore themes such as control and the abuse of power. The lyrics describe the consequences of alienation, oppression, and feelings of powerlessness. Author Ryan Moore thought the lyrics depicted "ominous yet unnamed forces of power wielding total control over helpless human subjects".[23] The lyrics were considered perceptive and harrowing, and were praised for being honest and socially conscious by writer Brock Helander.[24] Referring to the epic proportions of the songs, BBC Music's Eamonn Stack stated that "at this stage in their careers Metallica weren't even doing songs, they were telling stories".[25] The compositions and arrangements benefited from bassist Cliff Burton's classical training and understanding of harmony.[10]
"Master of Puppets" consists of several riffs with odd meters and a cleanly picked middle section with melodic solo. The song shares a similar structure with "The Four Horsemen" from the band's first album: two verse-chorus sets lead to a lengthy interlude to another verse-chorus set.[26][...]The song closes with a fade-out of sinister laughter. [...].[28]
The song lyrics from AZ lyrics if you dare:
"Master Of Puppets"

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your death's construction
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, master
Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, master
You promised only lies
Laughter, laughter
All I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter
Laughing at my cries

Fix me

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Never-ending maze, drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Perhaps the song can also be interpreted to describe how psychopath in power often act toward their citizens, of which many remain addicted to the seeming security of the narrative offered by their Governments, and to their own detriment.
And she is Dutch. And we can hear the the doctors in the first video talking in something that sounds like German or Dutch.
It sounds like German.
Imagine that the Russians had discovered a network of organ harvesting relating to Israel, or someone else they would hesitate to infuriate outright? We also know they might have an ax to grind with the Dutch over their MH 17 handling. Probably they would not mind shifting a story a bit in that direction.
Interestingly, Dutch newspapers were saying the same thing last year. Russian "propaganda factories" would have made up the claim in order to "besmirch the Western enemy" according to a Dutch "espionage expert".
Most curious was the Sarah he mentions whom he claims to have established as Sandra Roelofs the wife of Mikheil Saakashvili. Why should she speak English with a Dutch citizen, the alleged Elizabeth Debrux, since Sandra Roelofs is also Dutch? That, however, would be possible if there were handlers on one or both sides who had to get the communication too.
TBH, I trust Sandra Roelofs as far as I can throw her. I followed her for years, so I know a bit about her. She was also very chummy with the Dutch media even before Saakashvili became President of Georgia. Perhaps it is connected, perhaps it isn't, but there was an article on Sott years ago about the fate of Georgian prisoners who were experimented on if I remember it correctly. I think Saakashvili was still President. It doesn't mean she is involved, but I wouldn't be surprised that she knows what is going on, at the very least. She also has a Master's degree in Global Health Policy:
I did research on access to essential medicines in Georgia, i.e. opioid pain relief for palliative care patients.
Her skills and expertise include infectious diseases.
Summary report of PMC "Wagner" on the work at the front for the entire time of the SMO.

Destroyed manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 72,095
Captured - 509

Tanks destroyed - 309
Destroyed BMP - 566
Destroyed armored personnel carrier - 131
Destroyed br.cars - 1134
Cars destroyed - 2075
Mortars and cannons destroyed - 3155
ATGM/LNG destroyed - 300
Destroyed self-propelled guns - 124
MLRS destroyed - 83
Air defense systems destroyed - 45
UAVs destroyed - 282
Aircraft destroyed - 5
Helicopters destroyed - 4
Destroyed electronic warfare / radar systems - 149

Attached file in Russian


  • СВОДНАЯ_ТАБЛИЦА_потерь_противника_2022_2023г_.xlsx
    15.6 KB · Views: 0
Summary report of PMC "Wagner" on the work at the front for the entire time of the SMO.

Destroyed manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 72,095
Captured - 509

Tanks destroyed - 309
Destroyed BMP - 566
Destroyed armored personnel carrier - 131
Destroyed br.cars - 1134
Cars destroyed - 2075
Mortars and cannons destroyed - 3155
ATGM/LNG destroyed - 300
Destroyed self-propelled guns - 124
MLRS destroyed - 83
Air defense systems destroyed - 45
UAVs destroyed - 282
Aircraft destroyed - 5
Helicopters destroyed - 4
Destroyed electronic warfare / radar systems - 149

Attached file in Russian
More than the average european country army have. That could explains russian "stop" tactic in Artyomovsk.
which was filmed Hitting the Ship; according to Local Sources the Ship is currently Moored in the South Bay of Sevastopol with No Damage on either its Port or Starboard Side, so it’s likely that that the Drone may have either Malfunctioned or possibly been Damaged when it ran into the Ship causing the Explosives not to Detonate.
View attachment 75038

View attachment 75037

Couldnt help it but to laugh for "Spanish soldiers burst into tears". :lol::lol::lol:

It says that at 12:15 and 12:44 had been an intelligence interception of Russian forces.

The first massages are about that there may be a drop of chemicals from quadcopters in Energodar region.

The second one said that there were 2 drops of some stuff from quadcopters and it may be chemicals.

And in the end it writes that there may be provocations from Russians than Ukrainian using chemical weapon, and This thing that there may be a cases of injury of Russian forced by chemical weapon.
And that Ukraine is not using chemical weapon.
You understand what does that means.

"Spokeswoman of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, commented on the video with Lindsey Graham:"U.S. Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham said with a satisfied smirk at a meeting with Zelensky: “Russians are dying. We have never spent money so well.” During the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Minister of Economics of Nazi Germany, Hjalmar Schacht, stated that sponsorship of the Third Reich also came from abroad and named the two largest American corporations: Ford and General Motors. An unspoken deal was made with him - freedom in exchange for silence. Despite the protests of the Soviet representatives, he was released and lived to be 93 years old."

"Let me remind you that the embodiment of the American dream, the same legendary Henry Ford was a holder of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the German Eagle. His factories in Germany not only produced up to 70 thousand trucks a year for the needs of the Wehrmacht, but also used the labor of prisoners, including Auschwitz, for this .And the German icon of the automotive industry, Opel, belonged to ... General Motors . Researcher Bradford Snell describes the role of the corporation as follows: “General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than the Swiss banks. Switzerland was just a repository of stolen money. General Motors was an integral part of the German war effort. The Third Reich could have invaded Poland and Russia (USSR) without the help of Switzerland. But they couldn't have done it without the help of General Motors."

"The Kodak company at its plant in Germany manufactured fuses for aerial bombs, not disdaining to use even the labor of prisoners of war.The Coca-Cola plant in Cologne, even before its nationalization by the German government, regularly supplied soda to German soldiers. And the famous "Fanta" was actually invented by the Nazis.The oil giant Standard Oil, through its subsidiary campaigns, helped Hitler with the shortage of petroleum products, participated in synthetic rubber and synthetic fuels. And IBM, beloved by IT people all over the world, produced accounting and control devices for the Nazis, including for oil production. Among other things, the equipment of this company helped to keep track of train schedules to death camps..."

"And we have to mention banks: JPMorgan Chase & Co also had a hand, and then Chase National Bank, through which multibillion-dollar transactions were carried out, and Berlin had the opportunity to buy dollars and carry out financial transactions overseas. "Chase" cooperated with the German bank "Alliance" even in such a matter as ... insurance of property and life of the guards of the concentration camps of the Third Reich.Senator Graham definitely has some material to draw comparisons. One of their investments led to World War II and the Holocaust. Now, billions of US dollars are pouring into the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the senators and all American beneficiaries how the previous adventure ended"."

Russia claims US investments in Nazi Germany led to World War II, Holocaust​

06:46 . 28/05/2023 Sunday

"Reacting to a US senator’s comments during a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday, Russia on Sunday claimed that US investments in Nazi Germany led to World War II and the Holocaust."

"During a meeting with Zelenskyy in the capital Kyiv on Friday, US Senator Lindsey Graham was recorded as saying in a video shared by the Ukrainian president’s Telegram account: “The Russians are dying … Best money we’ve ever spent.”"

"In a separate statement on Telegram, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also commented on the video,"....

An unlikely connection, but telling

And what about Debrue, like Elizabeth Debrue. Do such names exist in Belgium and why not a profile image from an album of Metallica, though without the title. No proof, but nevertheless instructive, as it turned out.

The origin of the image was found by looking up Metallica. Here it is: notice the helmet to the lower left.
View attachment 75067
Of course this is not Ukraine, but one can forgive for thinking so, if one did not know the story of the album and the song.

The Wiki says the theme of the song is cocaine addiction, so quite fitting for Zelensky, but that is just one interpretation, as the larger umbrella is some kind of unhealthy addictive relation, loss of self etc.

Here are some excerpts:

The song lyrics from AZ lyrics if you dare:

Perhaps the song can also be interpreted to describe how psychopath in power often act toward their citizens, of which many remain addicted to the seeming security of the narrative offered by their Governments, and to their own detriment.

Also on the Master of Puppets album is the song Disposable Heroes, which would explain the helmet on the cross on the cover.


Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should be, a servant 'til I fall
Soldier boy, made of clay, now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son, but he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care, do just as we say
Finished here, greeting death, he's yours to take away
Back to the front
You will do what I say when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say you must die
Back to the front
You coward, you servant, you blind man
Barking of machine-gun fire does nothing to me now
Sounding of the clock that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you wear, glory seeker trends
Bodies fill the fields I see, the slaughter never ends
Soldier boy, made of clay, now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son, but he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care, do just as we say
Finished here, greeting death, he's yours to take away
Back to the front
You will do what I say when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say you must die
Back to the front
You coward, you servant, you blind man
Why am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, hell is here
Why am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, hell is here
I was born for dying
Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, molded day by day
Looking back I realize, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend, alone, I clench my gun
Soldier boy, made of clay, now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son, but he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care, do just as we say
Finished here, greeting death, he's yours to take away
Back to the front
You will do what I say when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say you must die
Back to the front
You coward, you servant, you blind man
Back to the front
Back to the front
Back to the front
Back to the front
Back to the front
Another 'Putin Did it' article for a chuckle
Following a closed-door meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Lukashenko was swiftly transported to a Moscow hospital in critical condition.

“Blood purification procedures have been conducted, and Lukashenko’s condition has been deemed non-transportable. The orchestrated efforts to save the Belarusian dictator aimed to dispel speculations regarding Kremlin’s alleged involvement in his poisoning,” Tsepkalo wrote on Twitter.

Lukashenko himself addressed his absence from public life on May 23, attributing it to an illness.

“Adenovirus or whatever it was? Adenovirus. It’s nothing... But since I didn’t have the opportunity to receive treatment... all of it accumulated.”

“So I’m not planning to die, guys. You’ll be tormenting yourselves with me for a very long time,” added the dictator.

While the exact nature of Lukashenko’s illness remains undisclosed, adenoviruses can elicit a broad spectrum of ailments in humans, ranging from acute respiratory infections to severe conditions in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Lukashenko was present at the parade in Moscow on May 9 but was unable to walk several hundred meters to the flower-laying ceremony alongside Russian dictator Putin and the presidents of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, as well as the Prime Minister of Armenia.

A bandage on his hand was also noticed, and upon his return from Moscow, he unexpectedly abstained from delivering his customary speech at Victory Square in Minsk.

Konstantin Zatulin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, later stated that Lukashenko “simply fell ill.”

Previously, Pavel Latyshko claimed that the dictator might have infectious-allergic myocarditis.
There is a Russian singer, Varvara, who sings a song about Russia, about sharing destiny with Russia and praying for those that died for Russia, those we know and those we don't. Let the cannons fire, our Russia, they don't kill. May God be with you, me, the country. I can't get all the words, but it is something like that, even if you don't understand Russian, don't be afraid to give a listen.
https://dzen.ru/video/watch/6465577c91a5e403c8c94f55?f=d2d live with few added images that give an idea of what this about, uploaded yesterday. Below the video, there is:
Yesterday, the premiere of the song “Prayer” took place on the air of the Popular Front stream. Many thanks to Tatyana Rogozina for this amazing text and Rafael Gurtsiev for the soulful music.
The official version was uploaded two weeks ago.

Recently, I revisited an older article by Laura found on Cassiopaea.org, which has points also relevant for this conflict.

Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?

Lest anyone doubt that current day practitioners of so-called “Enochian Magick” or OTO rituals are Fascist Synarchists, these Excerpts from: The Dawn of Magic by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier, 1st published in France under the title “Le Matin des Magiciens” 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris, translated from the French by Rollo Myers, Anthony Gibbs & Phillips. Ltd compared to the experiences of a modern day “Enochian Magicians” should prove the case. The same forces that were behind Adolf Hitler, are behind George Bush and the Neocons. Dubya claims that God speaks to him. Hitler made the same claim. Here we get a glimpse of exactly what that means.

Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, who is the son of doom… For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work in the world, restrained only until he who restrains is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and bring him to an end by His appearing at his coming.

The coming is through the activity and working of Satan, and will be attended by great power and with all sorts of miracles and signs and delusive marvels – lying wonders – and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved.

Therefore, God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false, in order that all may be judged and condemend who did not believe the Truth, but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness. [II Thessalonians, 3 – 12, excerpts, Amplified, Zondervan]

Adolf und die Ubermen von der Golden Dawn

In the history of Hitlerism, or rather in certain aspects of this history, everything happens as if the whole conception on which it was based has baffled the ordinary historian so that, if we want to understand, we shall have to abandon our positive way of looking at things and try to enter a Universe where Cartesian reason and reality are no longer valid.

We have been concerned to describe these aspects of Hitlerism because, as M. Marcel Ray pointed out in I939, the war that Hitler imposed on the world was a “Manichaean war,” or as the Bible says, “a struggle between gods.” It is not, of course, a question of a struggle between Fascism and Democracy, or between a liberal and an authoritarian conception of society. That is the exoteric side of the conflict; but there is an esoteric side as well. This struggle between gods, which has been going on behind visible events, is not yet over on this planet, but the formidable progress in human knowledge made in the last few years is about to give it another form. Now that the gates of knowledge are beginning to open on to the infinite, it is important to understand what this struggle is about. If we consciously want to be men of today, that is to say, the contemporaries of tomorrow, we must have an exact and clear picture of the moment when the fantastic first invaded the realm of reality. This is what we are now going to examine.
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