Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I think there is a escalation of tension in the conflicts that we all suspected would occur due to the rush or desperation of the deep state regarding Russia's advancement in its geostrategy and the proximity of the elections in America. Certainly, they also do not know how to do anything more creatively than provoking Russia directly.
Like proviking N fold more in order to reach a very critical nuclear point a la Cold War because the next Scaredemic is not curdling sufficiently enough and less with an avian cold? And there is also the rumor that Biden might be replaced in August and Hillary is - out of the blue- being seen more often... Why would they want elections?
They answered pretty quickly, but it's still better to prevent it.
Russian troops covered the base of the American HIMARS, which struck Sevastopol yesterday
In response to the attack using ATACMS missiles on the territory of Crimea, the Russian military retaliated against the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) using multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) "Uragan". According to information received from various sources, the strike was carried out on positions from which missiles were allegedly launched yesterday.

It is reported that the 8th artillery regiment of the 18th combined Arms Army conducted a successful operation, covering the positions of the AFU. After the object was hit, secondary detonation of ammunition was observed, which indicates a significant amount of explosives at the impact site.

The secondary detonation of ammunition confirms the effectiveness of the strike and indicates the presence of a large arsenal in the affected position. According to military experts, this result testifies to the accuracy and power of the use of the Hurricane MLRS. These systems are capable of delivering massive strikes against enemy positions at long distances, which makes them indispensable in modern combat operations.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has not yet officially commented on the details of the operation, but military sources claim that the attack was carried out as part of retaliatory measures against the actions of the Ukrainian side.
Российские войска накрыли базу американских HIMARS, которые ударили вчера по Севастополю

We are taking out the sad, but fairly standard consequences of attacks with such ammunition.
By the way, I remember that the supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine at one time was one of the many red lines that subsequently turned pink and generally disappeared. Now the Americans, using American launchers, American reconnaissance drones and American missiles equipped with prohibited ammunition, are hitting people vacationing on the beach and at the same time they still "do not participate in the conflict." It seems that, as many people say, Americans will not understand anything until they really get hurt.
I'm not a bloodthirsty person and I don't want a third World war, but now I can't wait for the Houthis to have the right amount of Zircons out of nowhere to sink the American Carrier strike group led by an aircraft carrier. Perhaps this will wake up "sleepy Joe" and definitely help him retire.
Unexploded ordnance found on the beach in Sevastopol
After the recent attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on Sevastopol, unexploded submunitions were found on one of the city's beaches. The Anti-terrorist Commission of the city reported that explosives experts and investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are working at the scene.

The incident occurred as a result of a massive attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which use ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster munitions. According to experts, these missiles cause significant damage and pose a serious threat to civilians, since submunitions may not explode immediately, leaving dangerous fragments and mines over a large area.

According to the latest data, 155 people were injured as a result of the AFU attack.
На пляже в Севастополе обнаружены неразорвавшиеся боеприпасы

Russian Foreign Ministry: US Ambassador Tracy was made a demarche in connection with the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack on Sevastopol

U.S. Ambassador Lynn Tracy has been summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Sevastopol by American ATACMS missiles. This is reported by the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

It is noted that a demarche was made to the diplomat in connection with the "bloody crime of the Kiev regime, patronized and armed by Washington," which launched a missile attack on the civilian population of Sevastopol.

Tracy was told that such actions by the United States, aimed at encouraging the Ukrainian authorities to continue hostilities to the "last Ukrainian" by issuing permission for strikes deep into the territory of the Russian Federation, will not go unpunished.

"Retaliatory measures will definitely follow," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Last week, the US authorities allowed the use of American weapons supplied to Ukraine for strikes on Russian territory. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that the agreement with Kiev on the shelling of Russian territory with American weapons extends to "any point where Russian troops cross the border from the Russian side to the Ukrainian side, trying to seize additional Ukrainian territories."

On June 23, the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck Sevastopol with ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster warheads. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, air defense systems shot down four American missiles, one shell exploded in the air over the territory of the city. Currently, 79 people remain in the Sevastopol hospital, up to 20 of them can be transferred to Moscow for treatment.
ÐоÑла СШРвÑзвали в ÐÐРРФ в ÑвÑзи Ñ Ð°Ñакой ÐСУ по СеваÑÑÐ¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ñ - ÐазеÑа.Ru | ÐовоÑÑи

Довольно быстро ответили, но все же лучше предотвращать.
Разгребаем печальные, но довольно стандартные последствия атак подобными боеприпасами.
Кстати, мне помнится, что поставка на Украину кассетных боеприпасов в свое время была одной из многочисленных красных линий, которые впоследствии порозовели и вообще растворились. Теперь американцы, используя американские пусковые установки, американские разведывательные дроны и американские ракеты, оснащенные запрещенными боеприпасами, бьют по отдыхающим на пляже людям и при этом они по прежнему "не участвуют в конфликте". Похоже, что как говорят многие, американцы ничего не поймут пока им не станет по настоящему больно.
Я не кровожадный человек и не хочу третьей мировой войны, но теперь вот жду-не дождусь, когда же у хуситов откуда ни возьмись появятся "Цирконы" в нужном количестве, чтобы пустить на дно американскую АУГ во главе с авианосцем. Возможно это разбудит "сонного Джо" и точно поможет ему уйти на пенсию.
Could this be another terroristic attack, this time near Moscow? Or maybe it is just an accident

Nine people trapped in burning research institute in Moscow Region

A massive fire has erupted at a research facility outside Moscow, local emergency services have said, adding that a rescue operation is underway. It is unclear whether there are any casualties at this stage.

The local branch of the Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) said on Monday afternoon that a blaze had broken out in the ‘Platan’ scientific center in the town of Fryazino, some 50km northeast of the Russian capital. Footage circulating on social media shows an eight-story building engulfed in smoke, with a fire raging about mid-way up. Other clips show people inside smashing windows to breathe.

The Platan facility specializes in the production of lasers and LCD screens, as well as various kinds of lamps. However, a TASS source in law enforcement said that many premises in the center are rented, suggesting that the blaze could have started in one of those areas.
Look at what the Nazi brute has come up with. Such logic, in my opinion, is just right for those who say such things. The entire Nazi regime, led by the clown himself, should not exist in Ukraine now even formally (the deadline has ended), which means, following this logic, each of its representatives deserves some kind of ATACMS analogue. Do we have analogues for them?
Near Zelensky called the residents of Crimea "civilian occupiers"

The statement was made by Podolyak, an adviser to the head of Zelensky's Office, known for Nazi statements.

Podolyak wrote that in Crimea "there are and cannot be any "beaches", "tourist zone" and other fictitious signs of "peaceful life".

"It is also a large military camp and warehouse, with hundreds of direct military targets, which the Russians are cynically trying to mask and cover with their own civilians. Which, in turn, are... civilian occupiers," writes Podolyak.

According to the latest data, 155 people were injured, 27 of the children. Four people died, including two children.

The reason is the ATACMS rocket with a cluster warhead that crashed on Sevastopol beach.

Посмотрите до чего додумалась нацистская скотина. Такая логика, по моему мнению, как раз подходит для тех кто изрекает подобные вещи. Весь нацистский режим во главе с самим клоуном не должен существовать на Украине теперь даже формально (срок кончился), а значит, следуя этой логике, каждый его представитель достоин какого-нибудь аналога ATACMS. У нас же найдутся для них аналоги?
Alexander Mercouris from The Duran says that there are claims that the ATACMS on Sevastopol were aiming at the cathedral, actually. :shock:(Zajarova mentioned that they chose a religious holiday for the attack.) In any case, the Russians are totally taking it as an intended strike on civilian targets (i.e. terrorism by all sensible definitions) and are blaming Washington for it, since the missiles can't be fully operated by Ukranians (and some are saying they were directed by US drones). he thinks that Russia will likely retaliate against US bases via proxies, for example in the Middle East. And perhaps the trip to North Korea was related to this Russian move.

There are rumours that today Russian Mig31 shot down US high altitude reconnaissance drone Global Hawk over the Black Sea.
This would be a great joy, especially for the residents of Crimea and especially if it happened regularly. So far, I see that there is no question of any regularity and whether this event itself took place is rather doubtful.
Russians shot down a NATO drone over the Black Sea

This is reported by Ukrainian resources that have read a hint of an incident in the sky on Russian resources related to military aviation. Presumably, we are talking about the RQ-4 Global Hawk.

Under the post, Ukrainians harshly ridicule NATO for impotence and toothlessness:

"Meanwhile, NATO: no, we will not shoot down Russian missiles, drones and BALLOONS flying into our territory, because this is an escalation."

Note that in the original post there is no data on the downing, but rather on the impact on the drone by a fighter during approach.

What is beyond doubt is the regular destruction of ukrops air defense systems, and considering that ukrops air defense systems are all imported and expensive, this is doubly pleasant.
It should be noted that now, the further away-the more absolutely all ukrops weapons become imported. Judging by the repeated detections of Maxim machine guns (a German machine gun from the time of the First World War, which was massively used by the Red Army during World War II) and DP-27 (a Soviet machine gun from the time of World War II) on the positions recaptured from ukrops, a country that mass-produced space rockets, the largest aircraft in the world, tanks and much more However, now it is not able to reproduce ordinary AK-47 or RPK in any serious series and with acceptable quality. The obvious result of the Maidan aspirations for "lace panties and visa-free travel".
Mass destruction of enemy air defense systems: German IRIS-T, 2 radars and an unknown SAM were burned (VIDEO)

The video showed the destruction of the NATO IRIS-T air defense missile launcher in the area of the settlement of Novonikolaevka near Krivoy Rog. The Iskander missile defense system worked with a cluster warhead, and so effectively that, in addition to the launcher, transport in the neighboring forest belt was also destroyed.

In video No. 2: in the Red Army direction, the Russian Aerospace Forces sniped at as many as two P-18 AFU radars with X-35 missiles in the areas of Novolozovatka and Novomaryevka settlements.

In video No. 3, the APU air defense system in the Kupyansk direction was destroyed with an accurate blow, as evidenced by the clearly visible detonation of anti-aircraft missiles.

I couldn't ignore the news about my "beloved" Estonians. These poor devils will soon have to be listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.
The Russian army eliminated three Estonian soldiers — Delfil (PHOTO)

Estonian military Martin Jaeger, who previously served for 10 years in an elite unit of the Scout Battalion of the Estonian Defense Forces, was killed on the Kupyansk-Svatovo line, the media write.

Nearby, Estonian mercenary Taneel Krigul "Stinger", a member of the International Legion of Ukraine, was eliminated in the DPR. He was killed in a Russian drone attack near the city of Lima, several sources alsa involved in the fighting confirmed.

Taneel Kriggul became the third known Estonian mercenary killed in Ukraine. Earlier, in March, Ivo Jurak, an ex-officer of the Estonian Defence Forces, was eliminated by accurate Russian artillery fire near Bakhmut.

Это было бы большой радостью, особенно для жителей Крыма и особенно если бы это происходило регулярно. Пока я вижу, что ни о какой регулярности не идет речь и имело ли место само это событие довольно сомнительно.
Что не вызывает сомнений, так это регулярное уничтожение укропских средств ПВО, а учитывая, что средства ПВО у укропов все импортные и дорогостоящие, то это вдвойне приятно. Надо отметить, что теперь, чем дальше-тем больше абсолютно все вооружение у укропов становится импортным. Судя по уже неоднократным обнаружениям на отвоеванных у укропов позициях пулеметов Максим (немецкий пулемет времен первой мировой войны, который массово применяла РККА во время второй мировой войны) и ДП-27 (советский пулемет времен второй мировой войны) страна, которая серийно производила космические ракеты, самые большие самолеты в мире, танки и много чего другого, теперь не способна воспроизвести обыкновенные АК-47 или РПК сколько-нибудь серьезной серией и с приемлемым качеством. Очевидный результат майданных устремлений к "кружевным трусикам и безвизу".
Я не смог обойти вниманием новость о моих "любимых" эстонцах. Этих бедолаг скоро надо будет заносить в Красную Книгу, как исчезающий вид.
he thinks that Russia will likely retaliate against US bases via proxies, for example in the Middle East. And perhaps the trip to North Korea was related to this Russian move.
I think this is a bit overkill. To reach such agreements, Putin does not need to go anywhere. It is quite possible to call to yourself and some will run to the call, and if they have to go, then not Putin, but the current analogue of the deceased Prigozhin.

Я думаю, что это некоторый перебор. Для достижения таких договоренностей Путину не надо никуда ехать. Вполне можно позвать к себе и некоторые побегут на зов бегом, а если и надо ехать, то не Путину, а нынешнему аналогу погибшего Пригожина.
Moscow and Washington private negotiations to resolve the Ukrainian conflict

Completely untrue, said Lavrov on Monday:
The Russian side is not conducting any “underground negotiations” with anyone on the topic of the conflict in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference following a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Sergei Aleynik. Lavrov stressed that the West refuses to organize negotiations on a fair basis, TASS reports. Negotiations are also impossible, since Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has forbidden the country’s leadership to conduct a dialogue with Moscow, the minister added.
Rumor source:
Earlier, American journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh said that Moscow and Washington allegedly held private negotiations to resolve the Ukrainian conflict.
I'm not a bloodthirsty person and I don't want a third World war, but now I can't wait for the Houthis to have the right amount of Zircons out of nowhere to sink the American Carrier strike group led by an aircraft carrier. Perhaps this will wake up "sleepy Joe" and definitely help him retire.
Personally, as an American living on the west coast, I’d prefer not to be on the receiving end of a Zircon headed for Los Angeles (it would however make for a quick exit from this life; I live literally less than a thousand yards from Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach), I would like nothing more than to see one of those carriers that sit offshore from my house sitting like an empty bathtub at the bottom of the Mediterranean. At least I’ll die smiling.
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Earlier, American journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh said that Moscow and Washington allegedly held private negotiations to resolve the Ukrainian conflict.
Wonder if Hersh is referencing to the Generals suggestion to Trump.
I am wondering why Trump and his advisers do not have a peace plan for Gaza?
The generals should say that to their other colegues, not to Zelensky, though. The US had been giving Ukrainians too much, I'm not that sure that proposal-threat will do. US had gave Ukraine "everything they need to kill you (you as Putin, as Russia Country as Russian/Ukrainian people, inocent Russian kids in the field (beach) at Sevastopol.

From link posted by sToRmR1dR:
According to Kellogg, “We tell the Ukrainians: ‘You’ve got to come to the [negotiating] table, and if you don’t come to the table, support from the United States will dry up.” The US would also tell Russian President Vladimir Putin that “He’s got to come to the table and if you don’t come to the table, then we’ll give Ukrainians everything they need to kill you in the field.”
The general's Trump proposal comes days before or after sanctions? Should be more on that proposal that is not being said and should include the dumbhead eurodummies, I would say.

From Telegram Channel of Dmitri Medvedev
Yet another package of anti-Russian sanctions has been adopted. This already is the fourteenth one, and the total number of sanctions is nearing 20.000. There is nothing new, or scary in it, but each time it’s getting more and more delirious.

So, for example, the EU Council has stated that Europe will go on buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia but will ban re-exporting it. Moreover, it will limit transshipment of our LNG through the terminals of European ports. The aim is “to reduce Russia's revenues from liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports”, that’s what it says.

The dumbhead eurodummies are keen on foiling any Russian commercial activity without losing anything themselves.
The European Commission has also prohibited investments, provision of services and technologies to such projects as Arctic LNG-2 and Murmansk LNG, so as to hinder exporting Russian gas from the Arctic on icebreaker tankers.

Once again there are bans in the financial sphere, limits on exporting certain goods to Russia, individual sanctions… it is boring even to list them. They work in a dull and uncreative manner, once again repeating themselves.
There are, however, some novelties; they have remembered about Artek, the international children’s center. It appears our children are also enemies to them. No other word to call them except bastards.

All in all, the EU has once again demonstrated that it is ready to sacrifice the sovereign interests of both its member states and common Europeans. Our country is harmed far less than the EU citizens and companies.

According to the late 2023 calculations, the total Europe’s loss caused by the anti-Russian sanctions reached about $1.5 trillion. Just for natural gas the people of the Old World paid extra €185 billion: switching to alternative suppliers had not paid off, and, what’s more, LNG turned out to be an insufficient substitute for pipeline deliveries.

American exporting companies came out as the only winners. Europe was forced to reduce the output of energy-intensive production, such as steelworks, and to move the load of paying for domestic needs on to common citizens. The consequence of the crisis in the energy sector was inflation growth, increase of the EU member states’ external debt, ruin of many companies and impoverishment of citizens.

Russia has restored the revenues it failed to receive from exporting energy resources by actively establishing its presence on Asian markets. We do not miss the Western companies: substitutes do exist. Our economy grows steadily, the state fulfills its social obligations. By way of comparison: today, the growth rate of our economy is 3.6 percent, while in Europe it is about 0.1 percent.

This is why in Europe they have to approve packages of new sanctions with one hand and go on buying Russian gas with the other: that is their only lifeline. Whatever the hostilities may be, your own shirt is closer to the body. Yet, the shirt is wearing off. Life has proven time and again that the so-called “sanctions from hell” adopted by the EU on order from the US, pave the way to the Inferno solely for their own makers. So the 14th package of sanctions will not reach the goal, but will be yet another act of hostility.

We will survive this. But we won’t just forgive and forget, we’ve got a good memory. We won’t leave without response the intent to harm our people– and sanctions of any kind always hit people and businesses, but not authorities. We will thoroughly note down this very case of assault on our interests, and in a very short time will present our demands – and not only economic – to the hostile countries. There will be hell to pay.
Personally, as an American living on the west coast, I’d prefer not to be on the receiving end of a Zircon headed for Los Angeles (it would however make for a quick exit from this life; I live literally less than a thousand yards from Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach), I would like nothing more than to see one of those carriers that sit offshore from my house sitting like an empty bathtub at the bottom of the Mediterranean. At least I’ll die smiling.

We are both in the same conditions and I think that both of us personally should not worry yet. If there are aircraft carriers in your Seal Beach, then of course it will fly there, but what arrives there will not be a Zircon, but something more serious, for example, Topol or Sineva. Just like Moscow, where I live, will meet Minutemen or Tridents in this case, and then there will be time only to smile. However, it won't start with this in any case (that's why I wrote that we personally shouldn't worry yet), it can only end with this. However, the beginning of the path in this direction has already been laid, because, for example, those people who sunbathed on the beach in Sevastopol did not expect to receive a charge of a cluster munition of an American missile, which was guided by an American drone. Yes, everyone says that it was frostbitten ukrops that shot, but again, everyone understands everything, and Putin and the military leadership are under some pressure from society in the sense that this must stop. This "cessation" is the way which can end with mutual visits of strategic missiles.

Мы оба находимся в одинаковых условиях и я думаю, что нам обоим персонально не стоит пока переживать. Если в вашем Сил-Бич стоят авианосцы, то туда конечно же прилетит, но то, что туда прилетит не будет Цирконом, а будет чем то посерьезнее, например Тополь или Синева. Также как и Москва, где я живу будет в таком случае встречать Минитмены или Трайденты и вот тогда будет время только улыбнуться. Однако с этого в любом случае не начнётся (именно поэтому я написал, что персонально пока не стоит переживать), этим может только все закончиться. Однако начало пути в этом направлении уже положено, потому что, например, те люди, которые загорали на пляже в Севастополе никак не рассчитывали получить заряд кассетного боеприпаса американской ракеты, которую наводил американский дрон. Да, все говорят, что это стреляли отмороженные укропы, но опять же, все всё понимают и на того же Путина и на военное руководство оказывается определенное давление со стороны общества в том смысле, что это надо прекращать. Это "прекращение" и есть тот путь, который может закончится взаимными визитами стратегических ракет.
A short take on the latest developments on the situation in Ukraine from Southfront

The Ukraine proxy conflict continues to feed the insatiable US cycle of arms spending and production, with yet another newly-unveiled manufacturing facility joining its ranks.

A Texas factory that reportedly cost US$500 million to build is geared towards boosting the gravy train of US warmongers.
NATO’s proxy conflict in Ukraine has an avid appetite for ammunition and has eaten its way into both US and EU stocks with lackluster results to show for it. The Pentagon is hoping the General Dynamics facility in Mesquite, Texas, will help satiate this ammo craving.

American factories in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, together produce about 36,000 155mm shells per month. Managed by General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD.N), the new Universal Artillery Projectile Lines facility jam-packed with cutting-edge machinery can churn out 30,000 units per month for the Kiev regime.

Screenshot of production line for making 155-millimeter shells at General Dynamics facility in Mesquite, Texas. - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.06.2024

The plant was bankrolled through supplemental spending bills from FY 2022 and 2023, and boasts three production lines. Its novel equipment enables the manufacture of various shells and mortars on the same line. Empty shells made in Mesquite will be sent to a plant in Burlington, Iowa, for filling. The target goal is to churn out a monthly amount of 100,000 by the end of 2025.

Ukraine will not launch its own production of 155 mm caliber shells until the second half of 2024, The Washington Post has quoted sources as saying.

According to a source, there is a catastrophic shortage of these shells on the front line, but production will not begin until "the… pic.twitter.com/sRJ8D9a8CL
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) March 20, 2024

The United States and European countries have shipped tens of billions-worth of sophisticated military hardware to Ukraine, emptying their own armories of critical arms and ammunition stocks. None of the pricey hardware that taxpayers were fleeced over has helped Kiev, as the Zelensky regime racks up huge manpower losses in the face of consistent gains by Russia’s military. In the meantime, American weapons makers have been enjoying a profit-making bonanza, fueled by the “well-greased” machine of lobbying in the US Congress.

Russian, US defense chiefs exchange views on situation around Ukraine in first phone call

Andrey Belousov highlighted the danger of further escalation due to continued US weapons supplies to the Ukrainian armed forces

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin discussed the situation around Ukraine in a phone call initiated by Washington, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

"A US-initiated phone call between Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin took place on June 25, 2024. The ministers exchanged views on the situation around Ukraine," the statement reads.

"Belousov highlighted the danger of further escalation due to continued US weapons supplies to the Ukrainian armed forces. The parties also discussed other issues," the ministry pointed out.

This was the first conversation between Belousov and Austin. The phone call took place after a Ukrainian attack on civilian infrastructure in the city of Sevastopol, which involved ATACMS missiles and killed four people, including two children, leaving over 150 injured.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that US and Ukrainian involvement in the terrorist attack on Sevastopol was beyond doubt.

On May 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out that "the final target selection, the flight task, can only be formulated by highly qualified specialists on the basis of such intelligence, technical intelligence." He stressed that this could be done without the participation of the Ukrainian military at all, entirely by NATO personnel. NATO countries, "should be aware of what they are playing with," he warned.

Russian troops wipe out two Ukrainian military equipment depots over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup West gained better ground and inflicted about 445 casualties on the Ukrainian army over the past day, the Defense Ministry reported

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. Russian troops destroyed two Ukrainian military hardware depots over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.

"Operational/tactical aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groups of forces destroyed two military equipment depots of the Ukrainian army and a P-18 aerial target detection and tracking radar station and struck massed enemy manpower and military hardware in 128 locations," the ministry said in a statement.

Russian troops strike three Ukrainian brigades in Kharkov area over past day

Russian troops inflicted casualties on three Ukrainian army brigades in the Kharkov area over the past day, the ministry reported.
"Battlegroup North units conducted active combat operations and inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 36th marine infantry, 57th motorized infantry and 71st jaeger brigades in areas near the settlements of Volchansk, Ternovaya and Tikhoye in the Kharkov Region. The enemy’s losses totaled as many as 235 personnel, two motor vehicles, a US-made 155mm M777 howitzer, two 152mm D-20 howitzers and a 122mm D-30 howitzer, it specified.

Russia’s Battlegroup West inflicts 445 casualties on Ukrainian army over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup West gained better ground and inflicted about 445 casualties on the Ukrainian army over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup West units gained more advantageous positions and inflicted casualties on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 14th, 54th and 66th mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements of Petropavlovka and Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region, Platonovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Makeyevka in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

"The Ukrainian army lost as many as 445 personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five motor vehicles, a US-made 155mm M198 howitzer, a 152mm D-20 howitzer, a 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika motorized artillery system and a US-manufactured 105mm M119 artillery gun. Also, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army was destroyed," the ministry specified.

Russian troops improve frontline positions in Donetsk area over past day

Russian troops improved their frontline positions and inflicted more than 830 casualties on the Ukrainian army in the Donetsk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Southern Battlegroup units improved their forward edge positions and inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 72nd mechanized, 46th and 81st airmobile brigades in areas near the settlements of Konstantinovka and Kurakhovo in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours amounted to "more than 830 personnel, two armored personnel carriers, seven motor vehicles, two US-made 155mm M777 howitzers, a US-manufactured 155mm M198 howitzer, a 152mm Msta-B howitzer, a US-made 105mm M119 artillery gun and an electronic warfare station, it specified.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center inflicts 560 casualties on Ukrainian army over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup Center inflicted roughly 560 casualties on the Ukrainian army over the past day, the ministry reported.
"Battlegroup Center units gained more advantageous positions and inflicted casualties on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 24th mechanized and 2nd territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Toretsk and Mikhailovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They repelled three counterattacks by Ukrainian army units," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 560 personnel, a tank, eight motor vehicles, three US-made 155mm M777 howitzers, three 152mm Msta-B howitzers, a 152mm D-20 howitzer and three 122mm D-30 howitzers, it specified.

Russia’s Battlegroup East improves tactical position over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup East improved its tactical position and inflicted more than 150 casualties on the Ukrainian army over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup East units improved their tactical position and inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 128th territorial defense brigade near the settlement of Velikaya Novosyolka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area amounted to more than 150 personnel, two armored combat vehicles, four motor vehicles, a US-made 155mm M777 howitzer, a UK-made 155mm FH70 howitzer, a 152mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer and a 122mm D-30 howitzer, it specified.

Russian troops inflict 125 casualties on Ukrainian army in Kherson area over past day

Russian troops inflicted roughly 125 casualties on the Ukrainian army in the Kherson area over the past day, the ministry reported.
"During the last 24-hour period, Battlegroup Dnepr units inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of formations from the Ukrainian 35th marine infantry brigade near the settlement of Ivanovka in the Kherson Region," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Kherson direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 125 personnel, five motor vehicles, a US-made 155mm M777 howitzer, a 152mm D-20 howitzer, a 122mm D-30 howitzer and a US-manufactured 155mm M109 artillery gun, it specified.

Russian air defenses destroy 79 Ukrainian UAVs, 4 HIMARS rockets over past day

Russian air defense forces shot down 79 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and four US-made HIMARS rockets over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Air defense capabilities shot down 79 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and four rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system," the ministry said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 613 Ukrainian warplanes, 276 helicopters, 26,566 unmanned aerial vehicles, 533 surface-to-air missile systems, 16,423 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,348 multiple rocket launchers, 10,856 field artillery guns and mortars and 22,924 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation, the ministry reported.

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