Quake Rainbow seen over Los Angeles


Jedi Council Member
I get a lot of traffic like this. But I thought this was interesting:




San Diego residents are reporting shaking continuing in the area. The shaking, according to the USGS, is likely due to the Easter quake this year which rocked the region.

Twitter is rolling with reports of rainbow cloud over Los Angeles today. Reports are coming in that this looks similar to before both the China and Chile quakes where residents reported and took photos of such events in the sky.

While no one can be sure what it means, people should always be prepared for a major Earthquake in Southern California as it is seismically active.
Goethe wrote of something he observed prior to earthquakes in Italy, a luminosity in the sky. Your photo looks similar to his description.
I saw this earlier today and I'm curious about what time frame was involved in Chile and Chine between when people saw this effect and the earthquake struck. Does anyone have any data on that?
I did a search and a photographer in China had photos two days before. The more brilliant colored rainbow came 30 min. before the quake in China.

Looking at the USGS data on earthquakes, there seems to be a whole series of quakes in California in the past 7 days. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a big one (magnitude 6 or higher) in the next few days. Perhaps the rainbow cloud is kind of a natural early warning system. :)
Yesterday a similar rainbow type cloud was filmed not far from me in central southern England. The youtube poster says:

Not sure what this is. Just wondering if anyone else does?
It was a LOT more colourful before I started filming - kind-of like a wavey-lined, fluffy rainbow that sat there firstly in a fairly clear blue sky, but remained as the white clouds came in. It lasted for over 40 mins+ after I had spotted it. I don't know how long it could have been there before that time.
I should add that this was a scorching hot day with clear blue skies up until about half an hour before I noticed this. There has been zero rain fall for the past week and zero rain forecast.

Stuart said:
Yesterday a similar rainbow type cloud was filmed not far from me in central southern England. The youtube poster says:


I saw once this kind of rainbow at the end of a day last summer.
For me it's a kind of diffraction when the sun is at a certain high.
And when this has occurred, there was a second rainbow at the opposite of the sun. Maybe I was lucky that the clouds/humidity were in the good configuration.
This video is very close of what I saw.
I agree with you Heaalih, I've seen clouds like this where I live the last years, but there hasn't been any quakes

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