Questions about the Cs from a newbie


A Disturbance in the Force
I know that in Ark’s introduction to the site there is some discussion on the meaning of ‘we are you in the future.’ I know also from reading some of the session transcripts with the Cs that a great many of them have made contact. Is there anything known about when in the future the Cs are transmitting from, and are all the Cs that have been in contact from the same period in the future? I know that this very much depends of definitions of and perception of time, but since the Cs themselves used the phrase ‘the future’ it suggests to me that such a timeline must have some meaning for them.

Also, is it known ‘why’ there are so many of them, if they’re all ‘just’ Laura in the future?

Apologies if these are not appropriate questions, I’m at the ‘kid in the candy store’ stage wanting everything all at once!


You'll find answers to all these questions by reading the Wave by Laura - online or in bookform! You can also search the forum from the upper right hand corner for relevant topics. Good luck! :)
Use the search function and/or read The Wave. Such questions have been asked million times here.

Also, is it known ‘why’ there are so many of them, if they’re all ‘just’ Laura in the future?
It is our limited understanding of such things, especially "many" in terms of countable entities which the Cs are not as stated by them. They call themselves Unified Thought Forms. There appear always different names in each session which has to do rather with energy and hyperdimenional stuff than with different, separated entities. And "they" are not "just" Laura. There could be so much more to this.
Hi Sirius,

To give you some help to get you on your way in this topic have a look at:

and the related thread:

All other suggestions stand to good measure as well.

**EDIT** changed 'underway' in 'on your way'.
Hi, and thanks for the information. I haven't read that article and thread yet, will catch up on reading though. :)
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