RAF chief's memoirs on a man from outer space

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This is a news report from 1997. Thought I'd share it and place it in the archive here.

RAF chief's memoirs on a man from outer space I don't care what people think - it happened '

Copyright 1997 Associated Newspapers Ltd.

August 10, 1997


LENGTH: 674 words

HEADLINE: RAF chief's memoirs on a man from outer space I don't care what people think - it happened '

BYLINE: Fiona Barton


MILITARY giants don't come much bigger than Air Marshal Sir Peter Horsley.

A war hero who flew Mosquitoes against the Germans, he has held one of the highest ranks in the RAF and has been an intimate adviser to the Queen and Prince Philip.

He has also, he claims, met a visitor from another galaxy.

Sir Peter has kept his close encounter with the mysterious man he calls Mr Janus in a London flat a secret for 43 years. But now, at the age of 76, he is ready to go public.

Fixing me with a steely gaze, he says: 'We talked for hours about travelling in space and time. I don't know what or who he was. He didn't say he was a visitor from another planet but I had that impression. I believe he was here to observe us.

'I never saw him again. I have no qualms about the reaction to my experience with Mr Janus. I don't care what people think - it was what happened.'

His extraordinary testimony - in his autobiography, Sounds From Another Room*, to be published in the autumn - and his uncompromising belief in Unidentified Flying Objects will no doubt ruffle the sangfroid of the men at the Ministry. For, incredible as it seems, it is the evidence of a man who once ran the country's front line defence at RAF Strike Command, and was a Buckingham Palace aide for six years.

At his riverside cottage in Hampshire, where Christmas cards from the Royal Family hang in the lavatory, he discusses the presence of alien spacecraft with unswerving nonchalance.

'I would say they come from another planet somewhere in the universe but not in our galaxy. They are benign, not aggressive and, like us, are explorers,' he says.

His interest in UFOs began, he says, in 1952 while he was an equerry to the Duke of Edinburgh and was sparked by newspaper reports at the time.

He joined the Royal Household in 1949 as a squadron leader who had been decorated for his work as personal pilot to Major General Sir Miles Graham during the Normandy Invasion.

Sir Peter says he talked to Prince Philip of his interest in UFOs. 'He was quite interested. As always his mind was open. He agreed I should do a study on the subject in my spare time as long as I kept it in perspective and didn't bring the Palace into disrepute. He didn't want to see headlines about him believing in little green men.'

Sir Peter started by interviewing people who claimed to have seen UFOs and invited a BOAC captain to visit him at Buckingham Palace. His own encounter came in 1954. 'At the end of my tour at the Palace, I had a very strange experience,' he recalls with charming understatement.

He says he was introduced to a General Martin who arranged for him to visit the Chelsea home of a Mrs Markham.

Sir Peter cannot remember the date or the number of the flat in Smith Street - nor can he describe the man he met there - but he is adamant the encounter took place.

'Janus was there, sitting by the fire in a deep chair. He asked, 'What is your interest in flying saucers?' '

And then he gave a Wellsian account of space travel at the speed of light with spare body parts in the luggage. When Sir Peter went back to the flat it was empty.

But his interest in the paranormal stayed with him during his rise through the ranks to the crucial post of Deputy Commander in Chief of RAF Strike Command in 1973.

Sir Peter insists: 'I don't think I am a crank about it at all.'

>w%95.5>But >down >at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall, jaws are already> dropping. As one former senior officer put it: 'Oh God. How unfortunate that the public will learn that the man who had his finger on the button at Strike Command was seeing little green men.'

*Sounds From Another Room is published by Leo Cooper in October.

WAR HERO: Horsley in 1940

TOP FLIGHT: Sir Peter Horsley's RAF duties brought him close to the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh

FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES: Sir Peter, above, and while an equerry to Prince Philip, says he told the Duke of his interest in UFOs Picture: DAVID O'NEILL

Wow this is fairly interesting... Travelling at the speed of light ... Obviously disinformation ... since travelling at the speed of light is no big deal really ... you sure as hell don't need spare body parts for luggage...
Especially if the speed of light were a constant only in the form that it occupies every possible numeric and non numeric value... not just one value... HAHA that is laughable.. But still it is only one value because it is all values.
As much as I figure for now the only thing that really determines the speed of light is it's proximity to a big bang... of course ... this is probably not really what determines the speed of light but for now it will suffice.

No big deal?

Actually ... if the sun where orbiting dark matter at the speed of light? You d be travelling faster than the local speed of light as you read this? So technically... It is really ... not a big deal... in fact OBJECTIVELY -- travelling beyond the speed of light has absolutely nothing to do with travelling throughout the universe.
Could you please provide data that backs up your statements? At this point, you seem to be creating noise and nothing more - data to back up what you are posting would fix that.
What people seem to miss out on with regards to the speed of light, which I think is important with regards to it, is our situation/status.

The speed of light could be variable, depending on how the universe is percieved. There may be some beings who are able to travel what we would consider vast distances with barely any effort at all, because they experience the universe "faster" than we do. It would mean that they would see our world like someone hit fast forward - in this way, light could also travel at a higher speed (or, the speed of it becomes irelevant, and the speed and status of perception becomes more relevant).

We may see them as extremely slow, and not understand how they can survive travelling such vast distances, but when their perception is speeded up so much, they don't care about what we would perceive as 100 years, to them it would be like a second.

How does it help us that other beings may see things faster than we do? Maybe if the universe operated that fast for us, then we would not be able to have time to see what is happening, or to think even. However, when you consider that thought could also be in sync with the speed of the universe, we would definately have time to think because we would be able to think faster too. There would be no difference really, it could be fast or slow and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference. What seems to make the difference is our situation. I mean, everything we do is because we need to do it, we need to have this perception of time in order to maintain our bodies. We can't sit in a seat for 100 years and see it as one second because it is our whole life, and we would be dead within a couple of days if we just sat there. We need to think when we walk along the street! Its not an automatic process for us, like many other things we do.

So this is how I see it... a very likely possibility imo which I think could quite easily happen. We will be merged with computers where we don't have to eat, we don't have to walk along the street. Efficiency will be increased to the point where thousands of things we do now will not be necessary, and our perception of time will change... a lot! The physical world will become the mainenance of an automated machine which serves as a network which can send data as lifeforms to distant planets, where machines are operated by this data. The perception of time will be variable depending on what body you occupy if any, and of course physicality of machines will be far different than what we have now, even our human bodies, and may even be able to change shape like transformers or something far more advanced.

I think that makes a lot of sense, and should be seriously considered. The funny thing is, it seems our world is going this way, but no one seems to *really* notice it. Its something that seems to be happening automatically, naturally, or by some kind of secret or exterior power. Its a time to be very careful about our privacy and our rights imo, otherwise we could be turned into slaves, I mean, like a literal Hell on earth (and the rest of the unvierse) scenario. I mean what people think of as Hell, is what it is, and theres a very high chance of it coming imo. We would be slaves to "economy" and computers. No one will like it except those that have freedom and access to all areas of the system, kind of similar to what is happening now, but a more "obvious" form, and more robust.

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