Raindrops keep fallin' on my head!

VB: Can you show Laura so she can describe to us, the catastrophic situation in our future, our near future?

Laura: It seems as though it will be a progression. Like the beginning of rain, when the first few big, cold drops fall; and then a pause followed by a few more drops; and then, a downpour.

VB: Describe what you are seeing?

Laura: I see rocks - but they aren't very large. They are like the size of your fist. Just a few. And they make something of a stir. An uproar. People will be excited... very upset. It looks like just two - two small rocks. And then nothing else happens for awhile, and then they forget about it. It all dies down. And then, a third, a fourth, a fifth and a sixth - and maybe even a seventh... isolated events, or so it seems. Still small. And then, a big one. All this will go on over a period of months.

What a coincidence - I'm slowly inching my way through the Wave books and am currently reading the end of Wave 6, Appendix B to be exact, and on page 293 approx mid page is this very quote from the mirror session with VB...... so interesting, still reading this session.

Sorry if this is noise.
Hmmmmmmmm, 2007 :huh:

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