Hi there! Ijust want to express myself because I felt so much sadness and anger, Ijust saw a documental from HBO...regarding what is been going on in The Country of The Congo in Africa! with the rapes, and sexual mutilation, of thousands of woman and little girls in that country..how can that still happen?....In that land other "players" FOREIGNERS are stilling some Mineral 'Coltan' is need it for buliding cel phones, and other type of tecnologies! and besides that theres Gold and diamonds...so they provoke this warfares "guerrilas" inside The Republic of Congo and in Ruanda ,Uganda etc..meanwhile this thiefs...millionaires)...sack and plunder all the resources...this is nothing new, I know, but they use woman as a weapon of war...this soldiers,(vandals) take the little girls woman and old..to rape, mutilate, they stick things in there sexual parts...they steal them all they have to live...and in additon to there suffer , this woman are not accepted by there husbands, or there familys any more because they think they are in disgrace??? ....and besides all that they get pregnant in the minor of the rapes, or in the worst..they don't recover for all the damages in there bodys...(incontinence,..lack of control of the bladder,...they need many surgerys to rebuild there vagina, rectum, and most of the cases the uterus is destroyed! these nasty man,of war, said that they do it because they spend so many days in the jungle...but is very clear that this is a method to destroy this Rich Country they are killing raping ,dishonour there woman to weaken there souls.......and I'm going to stop here......my reflection is that when? is going to END? ALL THIS HATE TO ALL FEMENIN MANIFESTATION?..because this is the point of everything is happening in this world ..the destruction of natural resources,the destruction of this planet "gaia" and SHE is a woman..after all.....and of course human woman....For me,doesn't FEEL right to believe that they suffer because of Karma..because in that case, all femenine manifestation is paying a super karma in one way or the other....and also the little 5 year old girls violate deserve it ? or maybe these beautiful souls are here to teach us something? they are voluntary beings..I'don't know, I'm a woman and I recognized all my life , the masculine energy as very very violent, and it comes in many disguises, and masks.....prostitution, in religion, inside marriages, with parents..boyfriends..woman are always in disgrace..with so little freedom...and you know what? I'm going to say it..., I detest these OBSESSION for Sex in a 90 % comes from the man...I wondered sometimes if Man really have an intelligence? because everything they do ..is thinking after all ..they are going to have SEX ...and they don't really care with who...this world is getting more dangerous everyday for people and much more for woman,and children...and so on...if theres ET's looking at us, all the time and I don't mean STS, the others STO...they will not intervene, because our free will......, is our will as femenin manifestation being mutilated, raped, used as a merchandise, as a second or maybe a third kind of human ? Most of the time woman are the ones who take care of the others.woman carry so many issues (children,social impositions ..a lot!!.....why is this happened to us? I understand that is because they don't want this energy to emerge, but everything is going to collapse, if this femenine is killed.(because that what I feel ) it will not be balance,everything is going to fall...in someway is what should happen! because this masculine energy is devastating, suppressive, it is asphixiating US...........and I don't want to believe anymore that this is our WILL to suffer under the horrible and idiotic masculine energy...is just unbearable....