I have been experimenting with raw foods for about a year now. Off and on obviously. On when I have more money, off when I was broke.
There are basically two camps out there, the raw vegans, and the raw paleo types who eat raw meat.
One of the thing I noticed while studying anthropology was the absence of 'Western diseases' amongst primitive people. Essentially all the inflammatory condition are missing (i.e. cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc)
I read Dr Weston Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration back in college and it made since in terms of what I was seeing in physical anthropology, particularly the line in the sand between paleolithic and neolithic people. In some ways Price definitely succumbs to the 'noble savage' dichotomy of his time but his work and slides are hard to put down.
In a nutshell, he determined after studying groups all over the world on his own dime and doing fairly extensive dietaries was that those with the most robust health ate a large amount of animal fat and received sometimes as much as 200% more of the fat soluble vitamins than standard Western fare supplies. The fat soluble vitamins would be A,D,K specifically. He also named one vitamin Factor X which has later proved to be a factor in the K family. These vitamins appear to be critically important to human health and are only found in animal products.
There is a whole foundation built on his work now
They seem a bit militant to me but some of the research is very good and worth a look I think. Of course, it would make since that the prevailing medical opinion is that animal fats are evil and bad. That said, it is nigh impossible to find clean fat and meat.
The raw paleo crowd insist that said fat and meat must be eaten raw like a good caveman.
My thoughts are that humans have been cooking their food a long time(yet we are the only animal that does...makes you go hmmmm)and that we can probably tolerate some cooked food. Certainly the starches are rendered edible when cooked(again reason for pause ..should we even be eating those grains and tubers)
That said most hunter and gatherer folks did eat a majority of their food raw, both vegetable and animal. Widespread cooking did not come into existence until metalurgy and all the other neolithic 'advances'
Finally, there is this guy http://www.wewant2live.com/ He has an interesting story, not sure how much of it is true, but his work with cancer patients has been substantiated by an outside source so I dunno.
I got his book though and it's interesting if a bit unbelievable.
All that said, I am finding with my own stomach trouble that I can tolerate a lot of foods raw that I can't eat cooked.
Raw milk okay, cheese bad. Raw tomatoes fine, tomato sauce bad, Oranges raw good, juice in a carton very very bad. Even eggs...cooked terrible. Raw okay. Even meat, I can eat raw fish(had some lovely scallops yesterday) raw lamb, but not cooked meat.
Nuts ...I can tolerate but only if soaked first and in small quantities.
Today I am eating a slaw with cabbage, carrots, kale, chard, and lettuce. I had some raw goats milk yogurt. Some lacto fermented carrots and I'm going to have some raw lamb in a little while.
I also found this cereal made from soaked dehydrated buckwheat, it's pretty good. The kids don' t like it much.
And I am still cooking their food. But they do eat a lot of fruit and salads.
There are basically two camps out there, the raw vegans, and the raw paleo types who eat raw meat.
One of the thing I noticed while studying anthropology was the absence of 'Western diseases' amongst primitive people. Essentially all the inflammatory condition are missing (i.e. cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc)
I read Dr Weston Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration back in college and it made since in terms of what I was seeing in physical anthropology, particularly the line in the sand between paleolithic and neolithic people. In some ways Price definitely succumbs to the 'noble savage' dichotomy of his time but his work and slides are hard to put down.
In a nutshell, he determined after studying groups all over the world on his own dime and doing fairly extensive dietaries was that those with the most robust health ate a large amount of animal fat and received sometimes as much as 200% more of the fat soluble vitamins than standard Western fare supplies. The fat soluble vitamins would be A,D,K specifically. He also named one vitamin Factor X which has later proved to be a factor in the K family. These vitamins appear to be critically important to human health and are only found in animal products.
There is a whole foundation built on his work now
They seem a bit militant to me but some of the research is very good and worth a look I think. Of course, it would make since that the prevailing medical opinion is that animal fats are evil and bad. That said, it is nigh impossible to find clean fat and meat.
The raw paleo crowd insist that said fat and meat must be eaten raw like a good caveman.
My thoughts are that humans have been cooking their food a long time(yet we are the only animal that does...makes you go hmmmm)and that we can probably tolerate some cooked food. Certainly the starches are rendered edible when cooked(again reason for pause ..should we even be eating those grains and tubers)
That said most hunter and gatherer folks did eat a majority of their food raw, both vegetable and animal. Widespread cooking did not come into existence until metalurgy and all the other neolithic 'advances'
Finally, there is this guy http://www.wewant2live.com/ He has an interesting story, not sure how much of it is true, but his work with cancer patients has been substantiated by an outside source so I dunno.
I got his book though and it's interesting if a bit unbelievable.
All that said, I am finding with my own stomach trouble that I can tolerate a lot of foods raw that I can't eat cooked.
Raw milk okay, cheese bad. Raw tomatoes fine, tomato sauce bad, Oranges raw good, juice in a carton very very bad. Even eggs...cooked terrible. Raw okay. Even meat, I can eat raw fish(had some lovely scallops yesterday) raw lamb, but not cooked meat.
Nuts ...I can tolerate but only if soaked first and in small quantities.
Today I am eating a slaw with cabbage, carrots, kale, chard, and lettuce. I had some raw goats milk yogurt. Some lacto fermented carrots and I'm going to have some raw lamb in a little while.
I also found this cereal made from soaked dehydrated buckwheat, it's pretty good. The kids don' t like it much.
And I am still cooking their food. But they do eat a lot of fruit and salads.