Raw potato juice - its many unexpected benefits


Dagobah Resident
Therapeutic properties (french original below) - Source: https://micheldogna.fr/

(N.B.: We started growing our own potatoes this year, among many things, and as we researched we found this site, and this recipe which we are beginning to put to use this week. Very interesing website and doctor by the way!)

Raw potato juice - its many unexpected benefits

1. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory

It has an analgesic effect against muscle and joint pain, including arthritis and rheumatism.
2. It's a general detox

It stimulates the elimination of waste accumulated in the liver, colon and kidneys as well as toxins that travel in the blood.
3. It strengthens the immune system

The compounds of raw potato juice are alkalinizing; they reduce the possible acidity of the blood. This optimizes the natural pH of the whole body, reducing the acidosis that is so widespread today and its multiple corollary affections. Finally they even offer a vitamin C intake that strengthens the immune system.
4. He fights gout

Consuming two glasses of raw potato juice every day is a great remedy for people who have accumulated uric acid crystals in their joints. Moreover, those who are familiar with kidney stones are either protected or released.
5. It regulates indigestion and gastric reflux

Just drink a few tablespoons after each meal to release the feeling of heaviness and neutralize excessive acidity.
6. It is the remedy king of gastralgies

With 2 to 3 glasses a day, flatulence, gastritis and even stomach ulcers are solved virtually on the field.
7. It protects the heart's health

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory capacity, this juice protects against arteriosclerosis, facilitates the work of the heart and protects against essential hypertension thanks to its high potassium content.
8. it calms the colitis

Its anti-inflammatory and alkalizing properties quickly rebalance the intestinal micro-biota
9. He fights dandruff

The direct application of potato juice on the scalp is an effective solution against fungal infections that generate dandruff. In addition, the hair becomes more beautiful and shinier.
How to prepare raw potato juice

You will need three medium potatoes, without protuberances or blackheads that are possibly poisonous. If they are organic it's even better.
Preparation with a mixer

Peel the potatoes, cut them into pieces and put them in the blender.
Add a glass of water (200 ml).
After obtaining a homogeneous drink, divide it in two takes for the morning and the evening.
Preparation with a juice extractor

If you are lucky enough to have purchased this device, it's perfect, and you will not need to add water.

Note: This tasteless drink is not unpleasant, on the contrary, and it immediately relieves the stomach in case of pain.

Remarks for gastralgia

1 - Drop the Helicobacters whose medicine we rebath the ears. They are not the cause but the consequence of gastric pathologies.

2 - The stomach is in an ortho-sympathetic relationship with the vertebral disk D6 / D7, which stores and stores undigested stress. The stress dries the mucous membranes - Now, peculiarity of the stomach: it digests the meat, partly thanks to its hydrochloric acid without self-digesting while it is also made of meat ... The secret lies in its protective mucus that the Stress can dry up in part - I'll let you imagine the rest.

french -

Jus de pomme de terre crue - ses multiples bienfaits inattendus

Propriétés thérapeutiques
1. C’est un excellent anti-inflammatoire

Il a un effet analgésique contre les douleurs musculaires et articulaires , dont l’arthrite et les rhumatismes.
2. C’est un désintoxiquant général

Il stimule l’élimination des déchets accumulés dans le foie, le colon et les reins ainsi que les toxines qui voyagent dans le sang.
3. Il renforce le système immunitaire

Les composés du jus de pomme de terre crue sont alcalinisants ; ils réduisent l’acidité éventuelle du sang. Cela optimise le pH naturel de tout l’organisme diminuant du coup l’acidose tant répandue actuellement et ses multiples affections corollaires. Enfin ils offrent même un apport de vitamine C qui renforce les défenses immunitaires.
4. Il combat la goutte

Consommer deux verres de jus de pomme de terre crue tous les jours est un super remède pour les gens victimes d’une accumulation de cristaux d’acide urique dans leurs articulations. Par ailleurs, ceux qui sont coutumiers des calculs rénaux s’en trouvent prémunis ou libérés.
5. Il règle l’indigestion et les reflux gastriques

Il suffit d’en boire quelques cuillères à soupe après chaque repas pour libérer la sensation de lourdeur et de neutraliser l’acidité excessive.
6. C’est le remède roi des gastralgies

Avec 2 à 3 verres par jour, flatulences, gastrites et même les ulcères de l’estomac sont résolus pratiquement sur le champ.
7. Il protège la santé du coeur

Grâce à sa capacité anti inflammatoire, ce jus protège de l’artériosclérose, facilite le travail du cœur et prémunit de l’hypertension essentielle grâce à sa richesse en potassium.
8. il calme la colite

Ses propriétés anti inflammatoire et alcalinisante rééquilibrent rapidement le micro-biote intestinal
9. Il combat les pellicules

L’application directe de jus de pomme de terre sur le cuir chevelu est une solution efficace contre les mycoses qui génèrent les pellicules. De plus, les cheveux deviennent plus beaux et plus brillants.
Comment préparer du jus de pomme de terre crue

Vous aurez besoin de trois pommes de terre moyennes, sans protubérances ou points noirs qui sont possiblement toxiques. Si elles sont bio c’est encore mieux.
Préparation avec un mixeur

Pelez les pommes de terre, coupez-les en morceaux et mettez- les dans le mixeur.
Ajoutez-y un verre d’eau (200 ml).
Après avoir obtenu une boisson homogène, divisez-la en deux prises pour le matin et le soir.
Préparation avec un extracteur de jus

Si vous avez la chance d’avoir pu acquérir cet appareil, c’est parfait, et vous n’aurez pas besoin d’ajouter d’eau.

Nota : Cette boisson au peu de goût n’est pas désagréable, au contraire, et elle soulage immédiatement l’estomac en cas de douleur.

Remarques pour les gastralgies

1 - Laissez tomber les Hélicobacters dont la médecine nous rebat les oreilles. Ils ne sont pas la cause mais la conséquence des pathologies gastriques.

2 - L’estomac est en relation ortho-sympathique avec le disque vertébral D6 / D7, qui mémorise et stocke des stress non digérés. Le stress dessèche les muqueuses – Or, particularité de l’estomac : il digère la viande, en partie grâce à son acide chlorhydrique sans s’auto digérer alors qu’il est fait aussi de viande… Le secret réside dans son mucus protecteur que le stress peut assécher en partie – je vous laisse imaginer la suite.


Daniel (& Ann) - Québec, Canada
(N.B.: We started growing our own potatoes this year, among many things, and as we researched we found this site, and this recipe which we are beginning to put to use this week. Very interesing website and doctor by the way!)

I thought this raw potato juice business was bogus, potatoes being part of the night shade family and full of carbs. However, I have a patient who cured her digestive ailments by drinking raw potato juice. Her mother reminded her that it was what their town doctor used to recommend in their native homeland. The doc recommended taking a break on the 9th day. She did it and suddenly her gut inflammation symptoms went away. She's still scheduled for a gastroscopy, just in case, but at least her symptoms got relieved. She was negative for helicobacter pylori and positive for calprotectin - an inflammatory marker of the colon. The colonoscopy was negative though.
I thought this raw potato juice business was bogus, potatoes being part of the night shade family and full of carbs. However, I have a patient who cured her digestive ailments by drinking raw potato juice. Her mother reminded her that it was what their town doctor used to recommend in their native homeland. The doc recommended taking a break on the 9th day. She did it and suddenly her gut inflammation symptoms went away. She's still scheduled for a gastroscopy, just in case, but at least her symptoms got relieved. She was negative for helicobacter pylori and positive for calprotectin - an inflammatory marker of the colon. The colonoscopy was negative though.

Suprisingly a number of the ailments that the "raw" potato juice apparently helps to cure are also benefits from using Lugol's iodine (my partner and I have been doing that for over 2 years - more on and off lately) which really helped us. Neither one of us has ever had a cold or flu since.

Thank you Gaby for that life bite. The best cures it seems are mostly simple, cheap remedies readily available. That is why the programming is so intense to get people to believe in the medical practices of today. I would rather try many simple home made remedies, even if they are not a magic bullet, rather than ingest any of the prescription drugs that everyone around us swallows blindly. And the programming that comes with it. Try and explain to a doctor, that in 1972, the use of intraveinous vitamin C, cured up to 32 percent of cancers.
Very interesting, guimondaniel. As a topical remedy, this remembers me of my mother who had a rather severe allergy in one of her finger caused by a golden ring she had been wearing for years. Someone then told her to wrap the finger with raw potatoes for several days. The result was absolutely miraculous within days, and the best thing is the allergy never returned. None of the ointment her doctor would prescribe her gave her any form of relief.

I use it in case of burnings, just cut a slice of raw potatoe and rub it gently on the wound, repeat if needed. In my experience, the burning sensation remits almost instantaneously; wrap the wound in case of a more serious burn.
I found another recommendation of potato juice on this forum:

This is a very effective remedy to cure the gastritis and other erosive disorders of the stomach. I know many people who have been cured with it and that's the reason I recommend it

The remedy is prepared in this way: Take a small potato (or a half of a medium size potato) will be remove the peel and grate in a fine pore grater. Squeeze it with the hands and drink the juice obtained . Drink 15 to 30 minutes before breakfast and before bedtime in order to act while sleep. It is extraordinary, I was in treatment for 3 months by a stomach erosion associated with the helicobater pilori bacteria and I had cost me much to recover, but since I started this remedy has been remarkable improvement and only took about a week to see the difference. At the beginning of the treatment there could be something of heartburn. Of course you will need to continue an acid free diet.
The potatoes peel have been used to cure burns in the skin in India.

Currently I am drinking cabbage/carrot juice, but if that doesn't work I will try this for my gastritis.
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